HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-09-08 MinutesMUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CLARINGTON FIREARMS SAFETY COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Clarington Firearms Safety Committee held on September 8, 2003 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 11C. Present Were: Craig Greentree Greg Farant John McKelvey John Almond Ron Alldred Tom Vendrasco Tracy Adams John Payne Regrets From: Gord Robinson Eric Atkins Richard Stephenson MINUTES 1. Tom called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 2. Motion to appoint Tom Vendrasco as Co -Chair. Moved by John Payne seconded by Craig Greentree 3. Tom Vendrasco Co -Chaired the meeting of the Committee. 4. Presentation from John Almond: Issues before the Clarington Firearms Safety Committee appointed by Municipal Council relate to both hunting in the municipality as well as public safety associated with the discharge of firearms. It is important to distinguish between the two issues especially when it comes to which agencies have jurisdiction. Hunting in the province of Ontario is under the mandate of the Ministry of Natural Resources. Hunting regulations take into considerations both the safety of hunters and the general public by prescribing such things as permitted types of firearms and ammunition that can be used to hunt various species of wildlife. Clarington Firearms - 2 - September 8, 2003 Committee Subsection 210(36) of the Ontario Municipal Act empowers municipalities to enact by-laws that prohibit or regulate the discharge of firearms for the purpose of public safety. These by-laws are for public safety only and should not be used to inhibit or restrict legal activities such as hunting where there is no public safety concern. Many wildlife populations have increased dramatically in recent years. MNR is fielding more and more complaints of significant crop damage and is being pressured by agricultural organizations to reduce populations of some wildlife. Hunting is a very important tool in the effective control of wildlife populations. The province of Ontario is divided into wildlife management units (WMU's). The Municipality of Clarington falls within the two WMU's. WMU 72B includes that part of the municipality south of Taunton Road and west of highway 35/115. The remainder of the municipality falls within the WMU 73. Most species that are hunted within Clarington are hunted with shotguns and archery equipment which has a limited range. The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act provides provisions for landowners to kill, capture or harass certain species of wildlife to protect their property from damage. When exercising these provisions a landowner or their authorized agent may discharge a firearm to kill wildlife. Ontario hunting incident statistics from 1960-2001, these stats are reported incidents in which a person has been injured by the discharge of a firearm or bow outside of home and arising from the activity of hunting. In 1960 there were 36 hunter deaths and 118 non-fatal incidents reported. In 2001 there were no hunter fatalities and 7 non-fatal injuries reported. The tremendous improvement in hunting safety can be attributed in most part to the fact that all new hunters are required to take Ontario's Hunter Education Course and pass a written and practical exam. MNR is not aware of any public safety related issues to discharging of firearms for hunting within the Municipality of Clarington. No injuries have been reported in the municipality in recent years. Durham Region Police has also advised us that there are no present safety issues in the municipality with respect to the discharging of firearms. Clarington Firearms - 3 - September 8, 2003 Committee Landowners who encounter problems with trespassing are encouraged to report such incidences to local police authorities or MNR who will respond and lay charges where warranted. MNR recommend to Committee to make no changes to its existing firearms discharge by-law. 5. General Discussion It was suggested that Eric Atkins and Richard Stephenson be made aware of the Ontario hunting incident statistics. Also the committee would like to know the reason for Eric Atkins and Richard Stephenson's non- attendance. 6. Next Meeting Monday November 17, 2003 7. Adjournment Moved by Greg Farrant, second by Ron Aldread CHAIRMAN SECRETARY