HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLD-018-08 CfiJ!ilJgron REPORT CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE June2,2008 kA~ ~?A-350-0~ Date: Report #: CLD-018-08 File#: By-law #: Subject: ANIMAL SERVICES QUARTERLY REPORT - JANUARY TO MARCH, 2008 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CLD-018-08 be received; and 2. THAT a copy of Report CLD-018-08 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee. Submitted by: "\ /-r--. o ^Q~~jL.~ CA.J fA... Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer PLS'cag CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 CfNil!gton REPORT CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: June 2, 2008 Report #: CLD-018-08 File#: By-law #: Subject: ANIMAL SERVICES QUARTERLY REPORT - JANUARY TO MARCH, 2008 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CLD-018-08 be received; and 2. THAT a copy of Report CLD-018-08 be forwarded to the Animal Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee. Submitted by: "\ /r--. 0~~ (A.J 4- Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer PLB*cag CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 REPORT NO.: CLD-018-08 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Animal Services activities will be reported to Council on a quarterly basis. The attachments to this report summarize the activities and revenues pertaining to Animal Services for the months January to March 2008. Please be reminded that in 2007 the Animal Services Division deployed a new database system, Shelterbuddy, which is relied on by our Animal Services staff to mange the following: licensing data, call dispatch tracking, impounds, adoptions, redemptions, dispositions, in-shelter care, and trap rentals. As a result of improved record management our reporting capabilities are also improved. Attached to this report are several summary reports generated through Shelterbuddy which staff believe best reflect the Animal Services activities during this reporting period. Attachments 1. Shelter Statistics - Incoming (Including Transfers) 2. Shelter Statistics - Outgoing By Animal Type 3. Dispatch Summary 4. Total Revenues by G/L Code 5. Total Length of Stay 6. Shelter Statistics - Identification Caparison 7. Quarterly Statistics for the same period in 2007 Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Ms. Liz White, Animal Alliance of Canada Animal Advisory Committee Shelter Statistics - Incoming (Including Transfers) Report Generated: Thursday, May 22, 2008 10:16:36 AM Search Criteria Region: Animal Type: Jurisdiction: All All Date Range: Clarington 1-Jan-2008 To 31-Mar-2008 )> -i3:' n m w ~Ul )> 0 :>:1: Sio :>: ~tl> tl>~ tl> iil':r '" 0 ll>iil -i ::I 3" 12::1" (l :;; ~ ~ ~ ::I- e 3 c:: In I: "O!'!. ~ ::I" ., "0 '" ::I ::I ::I ~ ~ ~ In '" ;;;OW ~ :\C e fJ> ill 0.'" " _0'" '" ~ ~:r c:: '" ~ III .g~ '" ~ _0 5';:; " III ~ '" 0. ~ Dog 15 1 1 0 0 15 0 0 32 Puppy 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Cat 4 0 1 3 2 61 0 0 71 Kitten 3 0 1 0 13 6 0 0 23 Rabbit 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Total 22 1 4 3 15 83 0 0 128 Shelter Statistics - Outgoing By Animal Type For Date: 1/1/2008 To 3/31/2008 Status Dog Puppy Cat Kitten Totai Adopted 8 2 21 1 32 Ado pted Altered 1 0 10 0 11 Adopted Offsite 0 0 1 0 1 Adopted Offsite(Altered) 0 0 15 0 15 Adopted Unaltered 1 0 0 1 2 DOA 1 0 4 0 5 Euthanized 2 0 3 0 5 Euthanized By Offsite Vet 0 0 9 0 9 Reclaimed 22 0 2 0 24 Released 1 0 0 0 1 Stolen 1 0 0 0 1 Unassisted Death 0 0 0 1 1 Other 0 0 0 0 0 Total 37 2 65 3 107 Report Generated: Thursday, May 22,200810:15:14 AM Dispatch Summary Report Generated: Date Range: Region: Humane Officer Region: Agency: Jurisdiction: May 22,2008 Jan 1, 2008 - Mar 31, 2008 All All All All Issue I ype Total For Reporting period Animal Control 90 Cruelty Complaint 2 General Dispatch 18 Routine Inspection 8 Total 118 Animal control Issues - outcome Summary outCqmeT'lpe TdtalForReportil19 period warning Issued 17 Animal Picked Up 26 Finalized 12 Finalized, Warning Issued 9 Animal Not Found 11 Animal Returned to Owner 7 Animal Returned to Owner, 1 warning Issued Animal Picked Up, Animal 1 Returned to Owner, warning Issued Animal Picked Up, warning 1 Issued Charges Laid 2 Other 3 Total 90 Total By G/L Code Date Range: 1/1/2008 To 3/31/2008 Report generated Wednesday, May 21, 2008 Region: ALL Income Cate90ry Description Number Amount o $0.00 100-19-190-30705-6400 - Animal Service Impound/Surrender Fee 100-19-190-35525-6500 - Dog/Cat Licences 100-00-000-02033-2003 - GST 100-00-000-02034-2003 - PST 100-19-190-30710-6400 - Sale of Animals 31 $1,608.89 203 34 34 $4,975.50 $141.13 $225.94 $5,557.93 59 Total Number Of Receipts: Total Value Of Receipts: 361 $12,509.39 Total Length of Stay Date From: 1-Jan-2008 Date To: 31-Mar-200823:59:59.998 Region: Clarington Age (Years): to Included Statuses: All Animal Number of Animals Number of Days Average Cat 66 2821 42 Dog 31 383 12 Kitten 2 11 5 Total 99 3215 Page 1 of 1 Animal Type Cat Dog Kitten Rabbit Shelter Statistics - Identification Comparison Date Generated: Date Range: region: Stray (With 10) Stray (No 10) 2 13 o o May 21 2008 Jan 1 2008 To Mar 31 2008 Total 75 23 19 1 77 36 19 1 2007 Statistics for the Period January - March 2007 Provided for comparison purposes CLERK'S DEPARTMENT ANIMAL SERVICES DIVISION A.ACTIVITES This Quarter PICKED UP - WILDLIFE 9 DOGS CATS PICKED UP 18 37 BROUGHT IN 23 47 RETRIEVED BY OWNERS 24 5 SOLD TO RESIDENTS 15 61 SOLD TO RESEARCH 0 0 EUTHANISED 0 5 DEAD ON ARRIVAL 2 13 QUARANTINE 0 6 WRITTEN WARNINGS 40 OTR, POA, SUMMONS 7 CONVICTIONS 3 CALL-OUTS AFTER 7 HOURS OVER-TIME HOURS 21 DOGS & CATS RELEASED LICENSES SOLD TO RESEARCH SOLD TO RESIDENTS DOGS & CATS REDEEMED SUB-TOTAL $145 $8,214 o $1,020 $590 $9,969 $60 $1,246 o $3,105 $50 $4,461 TRAP RENTAL TOTAL REVENUE $180 $14,610 Euthanized 2007 Dogs - 0 Cats - 5, 3 sick 2 feral