HomeMy WebLinkAboutOPD-006-08 CJaIj- REPORT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: June 2nd, 2008 ~~k~+C'f\~~PA-'3 Sl-O~ Report #: OPD-006-08 File#: By-Law #: Subject: CLARINGTON PITCH-IN CANADA CLARINGTON CLEAN AND GREEN Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report OPD-006-08 be received for information. Submitted by: " C"' \. -'... . ..' } Dv-f! ...::. .~~ Reviewed by: ~ - Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Fr 0 th BA\ . .M.R., R.R.FA Direc or of Operations 'sa REPORT NO. OPD-006-08 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND: The 42nd Annual Pitch-In Canada Week across Canada took place April 21st to 26th. Their campaign theme was Operation Clean Sweep. Clarington's campaign theme was "Clarington Clean and Green". The objectives of the campaign include: . Cleanup, restore and beautify the environment by cleaning up litter and other garbage from urban, rural and wilderness areas and by initiating local products such as habitat preservation and restoration and urban renewal activities. . Encourage voluntary action as a means of resolving environmental problems. . Encourage civic pride and develop long term working relationships for the future. The Clarington Pitch-In Canada Events were a big success with 73 locations (compared to 49 in 2007 and 34 in 2006). There was 13.83 metric tonnes of garbage collected compared to 5.2 metric tonnes in 2007 and 4.5 in 2006. The garbage was collected from our boulevards, parks, trails and open space areas. This is the first year we have asked residents to separate recycling. Not all residents complied but we did manage to collect .0001 metric tonnes of bottles and cans and 1.134 metric tonnes of tires. Our dry cell batteries drop off area collected .363 metric tonnes of batteries. The Municipality of Clarington was challenged by the Town of Whitby to see who could collect the most metric tonnes of garbage. The Mayor's office will co-ordinate an announcement during the next televised Council meeting. Also, a challenge was issued to the schools across Clarington to strive for 150,000 minutes of participation. The challenge was almost met with 145,500 minutes. The schools did meet their challenge in 2007. The total community participation was approximately 268,020 minutes (2007-263,340 minutes) of volunteer time that registered through our office. REPORT NO. OPD-006-08 PAGE 3 The Municipality of Clarington participants and locations in the 2008 campaign are listed below: 2008 Clarington Clean and Green Events Wednesda A ril 9 Location 1 - 3' Concession ramp and King St. East Newcastle Wednesda A rill6 Location 2,3 - Orono Park and Orono Arena 4 - Trulls Rd. & Daiseyfie1d area Courtice Thursda A ril17 Location 5 - East of 114 Concession St. E on north side by bridge Saturda A rill9 Location 6 - Bethesda Rd. from Taunton Rd north Sunda A ril 20 Location 7 - Hayden Community 8 - Enniskillen and Holt Rd. to Conservation area Monda A ril21 Location 9 - Concession Rd. 3 between Liberty St. N and Mearns Ave. 10, 11 - H Dr East & West and Contact Gord Robinson Contact Liz Robinson, Orono Brownies Gloria Courtice Contact Brenda Peltier, Participation House of Durham Region Activities Daily Living Program Contact Sheldon Harrington & family Contact Andrea Anfossi and neighbours Susan Dermarkar Contact Stephen Janssen Knox Christian School, Grade 8 Class Kim Robinson REPORT NO. OPD-006-0B PAGE 4 Location Contact surrounding area Newcastle Girl Guides 12 - Bragg Rd. Gail Rickard 13 - Saunders To Burk Court Walkway Doug Hartford 14 - Bloor St. to Trulls Rd. Hope Fellowship Church Alice Brink Tuesdav AprIl Location Contact 15,16 - Courtice Millennium Trail & Courtice Susan Bragg - Ontario Power Complex Generation - 12 staff 15,16 - Courtice Millennium Trail & Courtice John Howden, Courtice Secondary Comolex School 17, 18 - Harold Longworth Public School and Nancy Pitt, Principal Longworth Park Harold Longworth Public School 19,20 - Waverley Public School and Optimist Cheryl Brown, Principal Park Waverley Public School 21 - Green Road St. John's Anglican Church Susan Sheen 22, 23 - George Reynolds Parkette and stream Joan Johnson, Day Care beside old Fire Hall and Debra Lyzun 24 - Vincent Massey Public School Lanoa Gahagan Vincent Massey Public School 25 - Lions Parkette, Rotary Park Amy Burke Green Community Advisory Committee 26 - Bowmanville High School Holly Chamberland and Bowmanville High School Students 27 - Open space area on Richfield Square Tim French, Beavers of Courtice 28, 29 - Clarington Central Secondary School and Clarington Central Secondary School area 30,31 - Dr. Ross Tilley School & West Side Park Dr. Ross Tilley Public School Environmental Club 32 - Tyrone Libertv St. south of Mill St. and Ellsie F erllUSon . 22 REPORT NO. OPO-006-08 PAGE 5 Location Contact Clemens Rd. 33 -Concession Rd. 4 between Hwy 57 & Middle Lisa Craig Rd. 34 - Pebblestone Rd. John Schoonderbeek and Family 35 - Nash & George Reynolds between Nash & Penny McFarlane, 2"" Courtice Sparks Devondale 36 - Peachtree pathway Person visiting resident decided to Ditch in on his own - no name given Wednesdav mrl Location Contact 37 - Barlow Parkette Steve Kay and Family A '123 Th d A 'I 24 urs av I.nrl Location Contact 38, 39 - Dr. Emily Stowe Public School and Leslie Skelding Stuart Park Dr. Emily Stowe Public School 40 - Orono Town Hall Connie Puk, Orono Hall Board F 'd A '125 rl av I.Drl Location Contact 41 - Concession Rd. 4, 42 to Pollard Rd. north on Karen Murphy and Quincey Clarke Pollard S d A 'I 26 atur av mrl Location Contact Drop Off Area at Animal Services 9-l2noon 1 BIN for garbage donated by Waste Staff: Kaye Rand, Larry Postill and Management Susan Arends HABITAT CANADA Volunteer - Natalie Anderson and CELLULAR PHONE & DRY CELL Matthew Genosko BATTERY drop off area Durham Region - Animal Services Blue Box, Green Bins and Compost FREE COMPOST, Donated by Durham Event 9 - 12 noon Region Staff: Ken Mercer & Kevin Dillon FREE MULCH, Donated by Operations Dept, 42 - Bowmanville Valley Tim Horton's sponsored location Staff - Pat Churchill REPORT NO. OPO-006-0S PAGE 6 Location Contact Staff: Murray Devitt Volunteers - Debbie Devitt and Laura Bowie with 7 Meridian Credit Union Staff 43 - Firwood Park Erin Hooper 44 - Soper Creek Trail east of Shoppers Drug Station I Firemen Mart entrance Staff: Phil Broome Volunteers - Cory and Broome, Rosalie Brent and Alison Brent 45 - Mill Street South at Hwy 40 I Interchange Fred Horvath, family and Neighbours 46 - Samuel Wilmot Nature Trail Staff - Bob Genosko Volunteer - Vicky Genosko 47,48 - Hampton Area & creek Grace Morris, Hampton Citizens Assoc. 49 - Rutherford Trail Charlie Trim and Orono Masonic Lodl!e Masons 50 - Newcastle Trail Charlie Trim and Leos 51,52 - Trulls Rd. from Hwy 2 to Courtice Fire Courtice Fire Station Staff Station AND Sandringham between Y orkville Steve Grigg, Kathy Grigg, Nicole and Gienabbey open space Grigg and Jordan Heckbert 53 - Courtice Rd. north ofHwy 2 to Nash Rd. Maureen Dingman and Family 54 - Kendal Community Centre Joan Paul and Hall Board 55 - Clarington Older Adults Centre Angie Darlison and Staff 56,57 - Walbridge Park & Brookhouse Parkette Lee, Jennifer, Ethan, Ben Stycuk and Jason, Natalie, Emma & Carter Ingram 58 - Concession Rd. 8 dead end in Kendal Bill Stapleton 59 - From 5124 Solina Rd. to Taunton Rd.-I Adale Simons 60 - King St. from Green Rd. to Roenigk -1 Liberty Dental Group 61 - Liberty St. N.just south of Concession Rd. 3 Willie Woo 62 - Hwy 2 at Hwy II 5/Wilmot Creek Newcastle Fire Fighters REPORT NO. OPD-006-08 PAGE 7 Location Contact 63 - Longworth between Scugog and Hwy 57 Ron Hooper 64 - Hancock Rd. Libby Racansky, Friends of Farewell Creek 65 - Trull's Rd. Arian Foster, Brad Tyson, Grace Tvson and Clair Tvson 66 - Open space on Squire Fletcher between Danielle Daize Mearns and Dadson 67 - Long Sault Conservation Area Jim Slyfield M d A '129 on av ~pn Location Contact 68,69,70 - Prestonvale, Townline Rd. & Bloor Nancy Claycorn, Kingsway College Courtice students F'd M 2 n av av Location Contact 71 - Tim Hortons area and Wall bridge House Gord Robinson Mondav Mav 5 Location Contact 72 - Bowmanville Creek at Hwy 57 bridge behind Durham Christian High School school Marsha Vandergaast Saturday Mav 10 Location Contact 73 - East & West Beach Bowmanville 2 PDCA, Glenda Gies 73 locations 2008 49 locations 2007 34 locations 2006 ,*j~, f'\'-';' , ,. ')~ '.. .t~r' ''',- .:,. "1~"" [,':::..... 13.83 metric tonnes collected in 2008 5.2 metric tonnes collected in 2007 4.5 metric tonnes collected in 2006 '---~'. .0', -. "l ~"""" ~.'::"-.-..,,\ '~r-;~ 1 -.... ;C', .' ,;j "', ': .. ~~-'I":t', '...,i~' .1 '--,.., ;'". "'";,:.'.<c:,~ ('. . ',,,,,. 4 '\ 'J .t;-~f; ~, -"~"Y .>!!t1,'i 'i:'..",'i-? : '~"15>';7' .'(' t"'6t"r ,c! i~'<'''' :'.J ; ~:.~;P'iZ ::" ~;,C'~ ~'f#!'Jf:?i '-',.. ~_" ,^", 2118 ." "-;'!;--? \, .'". ";",,,,,':'1'!'~' REPORT NO. OPD-006-08 PAGE 8 RECYCLING DROP OFF AREA: This year Habitat Canada was located at the Animal Services Yard on Saturday April 26th. Residents dropped off items to assist habitat Canada to build homes or sell items to raise money to buy what they need to construct homes. The Region of Durham was selling their blue boxes, green bins and com posters at the free compost give away on Saturday April 26th also held at the Animal Services Yard. The Region of Durham had 3 tandem loads of compost dropped off for residents to use in their gardens and the remainder to be used in Clarington's gardens in the parks. The response was overwhelming. We had less than 1 tandem load left by closing at 12 noon and the Region of Durham ran out of blue boxes . ,;1;. and green bins by 11 am. Many residents took advantage of bringing in their broken blue boxes and green bins and replacing them for free. . . , ...,. Jf'~" ::p.: .y.;r "II,' 0,;' . ~ )'~ - ~~ ~ ,. ~, ':"" ... . ,j Y '~- '.~'l . l)' j~008 , It should be noted that without the help of our sponsors, Ontario Power Generation, Tim Horton's of Bowmanville, Waste Management, Baywood Homes Development and Prestonvale Heights Development, our campaign would not have been as successful. WASTE SPECIAL EVENTS The Region of Durham will be offering two more special events for Clarington residents this fall. A Household Hazardous Waste and e-Waste Collections Drop Off has been tentatively scheduled for Saturday, October 25th which will highlight "a call for all batteries" and used electronic equipment. Both events will be held at the Clarington Fields parking lot beside Bowmanville Indoor Soccer on Baseline Rd. in Bowmanville from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Further details will be available on the Region of Durham and Municipality of Clarington websites in October. REPORT NO. OPO-006-08 PAGE 9 CONCLUSION "Pitch-In Week" is an excellent Community based program that encourages Community involvement and promotes volunteerism and instills Clarington pride. Individuals, groups, organizations will be encourage to participate in programs that will keep Clarington Clean and Green. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905) 263-2291 F (905) 263-4433