HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-04-16 1 | P a g e CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting April 16, 2019 Members Present: David Reesor, Katharine Warren, Marina Ross (Museum), Noel Gamble, Jason Moore (ACO), Victor Suppan (7:45pm), Robert Malone (7:45pm) (NVDHS), Steve Conway (8:00pm), Ron Sproule (8:00pm), Councillor Hooper (8:05pm) Regrets: Peter Vogel Staff: Faye Langmaid (7:40pm), Sarah Allin, Planning Services Welcome: All present were welcomed by K. Warren, meeting Chair. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest: None declared. Adoption of Agenda 19.11 Moved by N. Gamble, seconded by M. Ross That the agenda for April 16, 2019 be adopted. “CARRIED” Adoption of Minutes 19.12 Moved by N. Gamble, seconded by J. Moore That the minutes of the Meeting of March 19, 2019 be accepted. “CARRIED” Delegation and Presentations: None. Business Arising Designating Heritage Trees:  S. Allin provided an overview of the Municipality of Clarington’s Tree Cutting By-law (97-35). The Tree Cutting By-law applies to woodlots with a minimum area of 0.2 hectares, and lands designated Environmental Protection by the Clarington Official Plan that are south of Taunton Road. The Region of Durham’s Tree Cutting By-law applies to woodlands that measure 1.0 hectare or greater. The Clarington Official Plan includes policies that protect natural heritage features. Clarington does not have a by-law that regulates single trees on private property.  Committee members discussed the “Fletcher tree” located on lands north of 222 King Street E., and the cultural significance of the tree. 2 | P a g e  K. Warren identified a large magnolia tree on Bowmanville Museum property, and the on Beech Avenue and inquired as to whether the existing designating by-laws for the Museum property, and the Beech Avenue Heritage Conservation District may include the trees as a heritage attribute. For the HCD the trees are listed, for the museum magnolia Staff will review the by-law.  K. Warren inquired if the Committee’s existing building evaluation system could be modified, insofar as it relates to historical context and local development, to apply to the evaluation of the cultural significance of trees. V. Suppan is formulating evaluation guidelines. The background work will first be provided to the sub- committee.  F. Langmaid noted the trees must have both cultural heritage and the tree itself must be significant. The Committee would assess the cultural heritage significance of the tree. The Planning Services Department now has an arborist on staff that could assess the significance of the tree (for type and condition). Sub-Committees  Municipal Inventory and Register Committee: o V. Suppan, K. Warren, R. Sproule, J. Moore are interested in joining the sub-committee; o Sub-committee meets monthly to discuss individual building evaluations, and form consensus evaluation.  Public Education and Outreach: o K. Warren, P. Vogel, S. Conway, and N. Gamble are interested in joining the subcommittee; o Sub-committee meets less regularly, generally when planning/organizing events and outreach materials/activities. Ontario Heritage Conference:  This year’s Conference is in Goderich, ON from May 30 through June 1. The Committee will try to send a member to the Conference. The early bird deadline is April 30, after which the registration fee increases.  K. Warren and M. Ross are interested in attending. Committee members noted P. Vogel previously expressed interest.  K. Warren provided an overview of potential accommodations in the area for three nights. Accommodations are relatively limited.  The Committee passed a motion to reserve funding to enable a Committee member to attend the conference. 19.13 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by M. Ross That the Clarington Heritage Committee reserves $1,000.00 to cover the cost of the Ontario Heritage Conference from May 29 through June 1 in Bluewater and Goderich, Ontario. “CARRIED” Correspondence and Council Referrals: None. 3 | P a g e Reports from Other Committees Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch:  ACO is preparing for Doors Open, scheduled for Saturday, June 8th. The focus at this time is the sorting out of the logistics. This year’s theme is Agriculture.  Additional volunteers are needed and appreciated. Email K. Warren regarding volunteering at the event on June 8th, and she will connect with Scott Storey. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society:  Someone has been retained for the Digitization project expected to commence this summer.  Currently organizing the upcoming event for corporate members of the NVDHS and their families as a thank you. The room will be open all day; refreshments will be served. The event will take place on October 29; the Director of Planning Services will be providing a presentation.  Staff requested confirmation that the Committee had paid its NVDHS member fee is up-to-date. 19.14 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by S. Conway That the Clarington Heritage Committee renew its memberships to the NVDHS and Museum. “CARRIED” Museum:  Waverly Place, the name for the Bowmanville Museum, is taking hold. There has been a lot of interest in the facility for weddings, showers, and teas.  Wild Ontario exhibit continues at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre until mid- May, after which the Jobs and Industry in Clarington exhibit will begin.  Clarington Building staff met with Museum staff to discuss upcoming repair works. Wilmot Heritage Park  On April 2nd, a meeting was held with David Mowat, the community Liaison for the Mississauga First Nations of Scugog. The concept of a heritage park at Wilmot Creek was discussed with Mr. Mowat, with the hope of the First Nations participating in the design and development of the park.  A follow-up meeting with the First Nations communities of the Williams Treaty will be scheduled towards the end of May.  The developer is on board to assist with development of the Park, and has been briefed on the outcome of the April 2nd meeting. Efforts will continue to effectively involve all stakeholders. Project Reports Municipal Inventory and Register Committee:  Committee members evaluated two properties for potential inclusion on the Municipal Register, and recommend as follows: 4 | P a g e o 98 Church Street (Cherry Cottage): Group 1 Evaluation; qualifies for inclusion on the Municipal Register with the intent to Designate; the prettiest double dwelling in Bowmanville; and o 816 Regional Road 17 (Rosedell Cottage at DocVille): Group 1 Evaluation; significant to the community, and site for commercials, and movie sets; qualifies for inclusion on the Municipal Register. 19.15 Moved by J. Moore, seconded by N. Gamble That the Clarington Heritage Committee recommends to Council that the properties at 98 Church Street, and 816 Regional Road 17 be added to the Municipal Register. “CARRIED” Outreach Committee: No items New Business Works Commencing:  14 Concession Street W : the shingles on the coach house are being replaced with cedar shingles, to match the new cedar shingles on the main dwelling. The coach house shingles are not identified in the designating by-law, therefore a Heritage Permit is not required.  5161 Main Street, Orono: owners are commencing works to replace soffits and fascia that have deteriorated, causing water to foundation issue. A Heritage Permit and Heritage Incentive Grant for the works was approved last year. Addition to Orono Town Hall:  Grant funding has been received to undertake accessibility retrofits to the Orono Town Hall, specifically to install an accessible elevator at the rear of building. Clarington Operations staff will be attending CHC meeting to outline the proposed works (most likely May) Bowmanville Museum:  Funding was received to undertake structural repair and restoration work at the Bowmanville Museum (37 Silver Street). Clarington Operations staff attended the recent Museum meeting to advise staff of the project, and will attend the CHC meeting with concept drawings (most likely May). Planning Services Report PSD-025-19 to Add Properties to Municipal Register:  Planning Services Report PSD-025-19 is on the April 23rd Planning & Development Committee agenda. The Report recommends eight (8) properties evaluated by the Heritage Committee be added to the Municipal Register. Planning Services staff will be providing a presentation to the Planning & Development Committee. 5 | P a g e 26 Concession Street West (Dundurn):  The property has been the subject of a Land Division to create two (2) new lots. Holland Homes has provided preliminary designs for the new homes on the proposed lots. Planning Services staff has requested that scale/dimensions be added to the concept drawings to confirm the proposed designs comply with the conditions of approval. Old Hayden School (2503 Concession Rd 8):  Planning Services staff is suggesting that designation be pursued for this building. Operations staff has indicated no objections to the designation of the property, but noted there is an addition to the back of the building that is currently being considered. Staff requested Committee members review the evaluation of the building to determine whether the proposed addition will have any im pact. Central Public School (120 Wellington Street)  The property is identified on the Municipal inventory as a Primary resource. Sta ff would like the Committee to undertake an evaluation of this property, which would be used to support designation under Part IV.  The Central Public School building has been relatively unaltered. The property was included in the background study for the Heritage Conservation District.  Staff would suggest moving forward with the designation process for the Central Public School site and the old Hayden school site at the same time. Bowmanville Post Office (41 Temperance Street)  The Bowmanville Post Office building is no longer operating as a post office. The Municipal Inventory and Register Sub-Committee discussed the possibility of evaluating this building to determine if it should be added to the Municipal Register.  F. Langmaid suggested the Committee consider buildings from various eras. The post office building, and the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre are the best examples of the 1950/1960s era. Urban design experts have cited the post office building as an iconic example of the modernist style of architecture.  The Committee will undertake an evaluation of the post office building. Letter of Waiver from the Ministry  Renewal Letter from the Ministry waiving of normal tariff fees at Land Registry Offices for Municipal Heritage Committee members. Staff will send the letter to members of the Municipal Inventory and Register Sub -Committee. K. Warren moved adjournment. Seconded by N. Gamble. Next meeting: May 21, 2019, 7:00 p.m., Clarington Municipal Offices, Room 1C