HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-04-23 PD MinutesClarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 23, 2019 If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Jones, Councillor J. Neal, and Councillor M. Zwart Regrets: Councillor G. Anderson and Councillor C. Traill Staff Present: A. Allison, M. Seaman, A. Greentree, F. Langmaid, K. Richardson, C. Pellarin, S. Gray 1 Call to Order Councillor Neal called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Suspend the Rules Resolution #PD -058-19 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Rules of Procedure be suspended; and That Dr. Paul Hoy be added as a delegation regarding Report PSD -025-19, Recommendation to Add Eight (8) Properties to the Municipal Heritage Register. Carried 2 New Business — Introduction Mayor Foster added a new business item, regarding a Verbal Update from the CAO regarding the GO Transit Expansion to the New Business — Consideration section of the agenda. Councillor Neal added a new business item, regarding Townhouse/Condominium Air Conditioning and Condensing Units to the New Business — Consideration section of the agenda. - 1 - Clarftwn 3 Adopt the Agenda Resolution #PD -059-19 Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 23, 2019 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Jones That the Agenda for the Planning and Development Committee meeting of April 23, 2018 be adopted as presented, with the addition of the new business item regarding: x A Verbal Update from the CAO regarding the GO Transit Expansion x Townhouse/Condominium Air Conditioning and Condensing Units. Carried 4 Declarations of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 5 Announcements Members of Committee announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. The Director of Planning Services introduced Greg Bunker, Planner II. 6 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution #PD -060-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Zwart That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Planning and Development Committee, held on April 1, 2019, be amended by adding the following after Top of Bank in paragraph 3 of resolution #PD -045-19, (red line) not the buffer area; and That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Planning and Development Committee, held on April 1, 2019, be approved. Carried 7 Public Meetings There were no Public Meetings. -2- Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 23, 2019 8 Delegations 8.1 Dr. Paul Hoy, Regarding Report PSD -025-19, Recommendation to Add Eight (8) Properties to the Municipal Heritage Register Dr. Paul Hoy was present regarding Report PSD -025-19, Recommendation to Add Eight (8) Properties to the Municipal Heritage Register. Mr. Hoy explained that he is in support of his home being added to the Municipal Heritage Register. He noted that he was concerned that in the future, if he sold his house, a developer would demolish it. Mr. Hoy would like the history of his home to be preserved. He advised the Committee that he would like the ability to sever his lot in the future and asked if that might be possible if his home is designated heritage. Mr. Hoy explained that the Report only addressed demolishing a building. He concluded by stating that he is in favour of the recommendations contained within the Report. Mr. Hoy answered questions from the Committee. 9 Communications - Receive for Information There were no Communications to be received for information. 10 Communications— Direction 10.1 Ralph Walton, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, The Regional Municipality of Durham, Regarding Envision Durham — Agriculture and Rural System Discussion Paper (2019-P-12) Resolution #PD -061-19 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Jones That Communication Item 10.1 from Ralph Walton, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, The Regional Municipality of Durham, Regarding Envision Durham — Agriculture and Rural System Discussion Paper (2019-P-12), be referred to staff. Carried 11 Presentation(s) 11.1 Sarah Allin, Planner II, Heritage, Regarding Report PSD -025-19, Recommendation to Add Eight (8) Properties to the Municipal Heritage Register Sarah Allin, Planner II, Heritage, was present regarding Report PSD -025-19, Recommendation to Add Eight (8) Properties to the Municipal Heritage Register. Ms. Allin explained that under the Ontario Heritage Act, 2005, the Municipality of Clarington is required to maintain a formal Municipal Heritage Register of properties that have cultural heritage value or interest. She advised the Committee that Clarington's -3- Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 23, 2019 Official Plan includes objectives and policies that encourage the conservation, protection, enhancement, and adaptive reuse of cultural heritage resources. Ms. Allin noted that when a property is added to the register as a non -designated property, it represents a formal acknowledgement that the property has cultural heritage value, thereby promoting Clarington's local heritage. She explained that there are currently 87 properties on Clarington's Municipal Heritage Register, comprised of 74 designated properties, and 13 non -designated properties. Ms. Allin provided an overview of how a property is added to the Register. She explained that Report PSD -025-19 focuses on eight properties, identified as primary heritage resources on the cultural heritage list and includes a recommendation that they be added to the Municipal Register. Ms. Allin provided an overview of the 8 properties and their evaluation of cultural heritage value by the Heritage Committee. 12 Planning Services Department Reports 12.1 PSD -024-19 An Application by Brookfield Residential (Ontario) Limited for Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning to permit the development of 25 single detached homes in Newcastle Village Resolution #PD -062-19 Moved by Mayor Foster, seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report PSD -024-19 be received; That the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision submitted by Brookfield Residential (Ontario) Limited for 25 single detached residential units be supported subject to conditions as contained in Attachment 2 of Report PSD -024-19; That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Brookfield Residential (Ontario) Limited be approved as contained in Attachment 3 of Report PSD -024-19; That once all conditions contained in Zoning By-law with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol are satisfied, the By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol be approved; That the Durham Regional Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD -024-19 and Council's decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -024-19 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 23, 2019 12.2 PSD -025-19 Recommendation to Add Eight (8) Properties to the Municipal Heritage Register Resolution #PD -063-19 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Jones That Report PSD -025-19 be received; That 61 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register; That 62 Concession Street West, Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register; That 1440 Gord Vinson Avenue, Courtice be added to the Municipal Register; That 175 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register; That 3438 Green Road, Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register; That 10 Argyle Street, Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register; That 11 Argyle Street, Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register; That 4 Duke Street, Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -025-19 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 13 New Business — Consideration Andy Allison, CAO provided a verbal update on the GO Train Extension. He reported that there is a scheduled Town Hall meeting to be hosted by Metrolinx on May 2, 2019 7:00 PM — 8:30 PM at the Abilities Centre in Whitby. Mr. Allison confirmed that it is open to the public, and staff will be present at the meeting. He stated that there is a very strong economic benefit for the GO Train Extension to come to Clarington. Mayor Foster chaired this portion of the Agenda. Recess Resolution #PD -064-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Committee recess for 5 minutes. Carried -5- Clarftwn Planning and Development Committee Minutes April 23, 2019 The meeting reconvened at 7:57 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 13.1 Townhouse/Condominium Air Conditioning Units and other Condensing Units Resolution #PD -065-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Zwart That staff be directed to make it a condition of site plan approval that air condition units and other condensing units not be place in the street facing side of townhouses/ condominiums. Carried 14 Unfinished Business 15 Confidential Reports There were no Confidential Reports scheduled under this Section of the Agenda. 16 Adjournment Resolution #PD -066-19 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Jones That the meeting adjourn at 8:02 PM. Carried Chair • �eputy Clerk