HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-03-19CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting March 19, 2019 Members Present: David Reesor, Noel Gamble, Marina Ross (Clarington Museum), Jason Moore (ACO), Katharine Warren, Heather Ridge (Clarington Museum), Peter Vogel, Victor Suppan, Ron Sproule, Steven Conway, Robert Malone (8:30pm) (NVDHS) Regrets: Councillor Hooper Staff: Faye Langmaid, Sarah Allin, Planning Services Guests: Michael Seaman, Director of Planning Services Introduction and Welcome All present introduced themselves. All members have now been appointed. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest None declared. Adoption of Agenda 19.05 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by S. Conway That the agenda for March 19, 2019 be adopted. "CARRIED" Adoption of Minutes 19.06 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by P. Vogel That the minutes of the Meeting of February 19, 2019 be accepted. "CARRIED" Delegation and Presentations Michael Seaman, Director of Planning Services introduced himself, and provided an overview of his extensive Heritage Planning experience. Mr. Seaman recognized the wealth of local heritage in Clarington, commended the Committee on the heritage conservation work undertaken to date, and expressed enthusiasm for the continued evolution of heritage planning and conservation in the Municipality. 1 1 P a g e M. Seaman also encouraged Committee members to consider joining the National Trust, as membership enables access to numerous significant heritage sites in Canada and abroad. V. Suppan thanked M. Seaman for his presentation and expressed excitement for the upcoming term. Business Arising Committee Orientation: x F. Langmaid provided an overview of Municipal Heritage Committees' roles and responsibilities based upon a presentation deck compiled by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Sport. Bert Duclos from the Ministry would like the opportunity to address all Heritage Committees in Durham Region collectively, on a future date. x The CHC Terms of Reference are adopted by Council. The Terms of Reference document is available on Clarington's website, and was sent directly to Committee members. x Clarington's powers under the Ontario Heritage Act are in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001. The Ontario Heritage Act was updated in 2005, and associated Regulations (the teeth) were passed in 2006. x Part of the role of the Committee is to advise and assist Council. x Clarington has not used easements as a heritage conservation tool. As a result of updates to the Ontario Heritage Act in 2005 which gave municipalities the power to add properties to the Municipal Register, this is considered a more effective tool. x M. Seaman provided a summary of the differences between a municipality's heritage inventory, register, and designations, emphasizing that (i) designation is applicable law, and Council's decision is appealable (ii) the register is applicable law, is not appealable, and affords the municipality time to assess a potential heritage resource upon receiving a demolition permit application, and (iii) the inventory is simply a list that is not recognized as applicable law. The Committee is consulted on matters relating to the municipal register, and designation processes. x The minutes of Heritage Committee meetings are presented to Council in draft form prior to being approved by the Committee. x There are updated policies in the Clarington Official Plan, November 2016; Section 8 Celebrating our Cultural Heritage which are now in effect. x Clarington has a Heritage Incentive Grant Program in place to assist owners of Designated properties with the maintenance and restoration of elements listed in their designation by-law. x Other examples of heritage projects/initiatives were identified, including walking tours, previous school programs, Heritage week events and partnerships with other groups such as Clarington Museum, NVDHS, Doors Open, ACO Clarington Branch. Ontario Heritage Conference: xThis year's Conference is in Goderich, ON from May 30 through June 1. The Committee tries to send 1 member to the Conference each year. xP. Vogel expressed interest in attending. W. Seaman advised that accommodations in Goderich are limited. 21 Page xCommittee deferred any resolution to secure funds to attend the conference to the April meeting. Correspondence and Council Referrals None. Reports from Other Committees Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Clarington Branch: xACO is preparing for Doors Open, scheduled for Saturday, June 8th. This year's theme is Agriculture. Stops will include Links Greenhouses, Providence Cemetery, Algoma orchards, among others. Additional volunteers are needed and appreciated. This year represents the 10th Anniversary of Doors Open Clarington. xCamp 30 tours have been confirmed. Additional volunteers and guides would be appreciated. This year voluntary donations will be collected, as they have received donation interest from attendees in previous years. xAnyone wishing to volunteer should contact Jason Moore, Bernice Norton, or Ron Alldread. Newcastle Village & District Historical Society: xDigitization project is underway, including fundraising efforts. Businesses have donated approximately $14,000 to date; the target is $16,000. Museum; xThe Museum Board held its elections. Katharine Warren was elected Chair, Suzanne Reiner elected Vice -Chair, and Marina Ross will be the representative for the Heritage Committee. xClaringTown is now open at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre. xThe Soper Creek Program will continue running until mid-May. xThe Museum is seeking garden volunteers to help maintain gardens and greenhouses on museum sites. Committee members were asked to reach out if they know of anyone who may wish to volunteer. Wilmot Heritage Park x Input is being sought from First Nations, and particularly the Mississauga. A meeting has been scheduled on April 2nd with David Mowat, the community Liaison for the Mississauga First Nations community. The presentation prepared by Myno Van Dyke has been sent to First Nations. x The developer is on board to assist with develop of the Park, efforts will continue to effectively involve all stakeholders. x There was discussion regarding the winter maintenance of road access to the Wilmot House at 302 Given Road. Staff advised notwithstanding the snow on the road, the developer is ensuring the dwelling is properly maintained. 31 Page Jury Lands Foundation (Camp 30) x Meetings were held recently with MP Erin O'Toole, and MPPs Lindsey Park and David Piccini. x Efforts are ongoing to move this initiative along, this item could be removed from the Committee's standing reports, K. Warren will advise when new developments occur. Project Reports Municipal Inventory and Register Committee: xT. Taylor a former Committee member helped to create the Heritage Building Evaluation System, which is how properties are assessed by the Committee xCommittee's objective is generally to evaluate three (3) properties per month xCommittee members evaluated two properties for potential inclusion on the Municipal Register, and recommend as follows: o 280 King Street East: Group 2 evaluation; not recommended for inclusion on Registry, but worthy of documentation because of its score on the evaluation; photograph the dwelling for historical records. 19.07 Moved by S. Conway, seconded by P. Vogel That the recommendations of the sub -committee members' evaluation of 280 King Street East be accepted. "CARRIED" o 255 Osborne Road (Fairfield): Group 1 evaluation; qualifies for inclusion on Municipal Registry; all built structures (house, three barns, outbuilding on Crago Rd.) along with the cultural heritage landscape (cultivated fields, fencing, driveways); conduct additional research to support a Part IV designation on the entire farm as a significant cultural heritage landscape. 19.08 Moved by K. Warren, seconded by R. Sproule That the recommendations of the sub -committee members' evaluation of 255 Osborne Road be accepted. "CARRIED" Outreach Committee: )No items Election of the Chair and Vice -Chair x V. Suppan thanked the Committee for the opportunity to serve as Chair for the previous term. x Staff held elections, and accepted nominations for Chair and Vice -Chair, as follows: 41 Page 19.09 Moved by S. Conway, seconded by R. Malone That V. Suppan serve as Chair of the Clarington Heritage Committee for a one yearterm. "CARRIED" 19.10 Moved by R. Malone, seconded by K. Warren That P. Vogel serve as Vice -Chair of the Clarington Heritage Committee for a one year term. "CARRIED" x V. Suppan thanked the Committee for electing him as Chair, and thanked P. Vogel for agreeing to be Vice -Chair. New Business Allin House (879 North Street): xStaff asked the Committee to undertake an evaluation of this property, which is currently identified on the Inventory as having merit. The property is within the North Newcastle secondary plan area. The Committee's evaluation would be considered as part of the upcoming secondary plan area study. DocVille (816 North Street): xThe property is not on the Municipal Inventory at this time, but is within the North Newcastle secondary plan area. Staff would like the Committee to undertake an evaluation of this property, which would be provided to the consultants for the upcoming secondary plan area study. Recent article by Myno VanDyke for NVDHS highlighted the social and cultural history of this property. 582 North Street: x The Committee is going to look into this property as well. 98 Church Street (Cherry Cottage): x K. Warren reported that the property is for sale, and is identified as a Primary property on the Municipal Heritage Inventory, for the Committee's information. Water Towers in Bowmanville and Orono x F. Langmaid advised the Committee that Durham Region notified Clarington that the municipal water tower in Bowmanville is to be decommissioned in the future and will likely be taken down. Staff raised water towers as a matter that the Committee may wish to consider. The water tower in Orono was also mentioned, as it is no longer operational but also iconic. 51 Page 110 Wellington Street x Staff advised the Committee of repair work that is about to commence on this property. A Heritage Incentive Grant was approved in 2018 as was the heritage permit. The contractor is now about to commence the work, which will address water damage compressing the roof of the veranda and restoration of the pillars. The extent of the veranda roof removal and reconstruction will not be known until the work commences. Designating Heritage Trees x V. Suppan provided background information to the Committee prior to the meeting relating to designating heritage trees. The Committee would like to be able to properly evaluate cultural landscape, and has been in contact with the ACO regarding the possibility of designating a tree in Clarington known as the Fletcher Tree. x Discussion for next meeting agenda will be (i) review the Municipality's current by-law concerning trees, and modify as necessary to protect designated cultural heritage landscape, including trees, and (ii) develop an evaluation system to score cultural heritage landscapes. Sub -Committees x V. Suppan encouraged Committee members to volunteer their time to one of the Sub -Committees, being the Municipal Inventory and Register Sub -Committee and the Public Outreach/Education Sub -Committee. Contact V. Suppan or K. Warren. This matter will be discussed at the next meeting. Next Meeting: x The date and time of the CHC meeting on April 16 conflicts with the Volunteer Recognition Night; several Committee members are attending. K. Warren will chair the meeting until the members attending Volunteer Recognition arrive. K. Warren moved adjournment. Next meeting: April 16, 2019, 7:00 p.m., Clarington Municipal Offices, Room 1C 61 Page