HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/12/2008 Special Special Council Meeting Minutes MAY 12, 2008 Minutes of a special meeting of Council held on May 12, 2008, at 2:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL Present Were: Councillor A. Foster, attended at 7:00 p.m. Councillor R. Hooper Councillor M. Novak Councillor G. Robinson Councillor Trim, attended until 2:15 p.m. and returned at 7:00 p.m. Councillor W. Woo, attended until 2:50 p.m. Absent: Mayor J. Abernethy Also Present: Acting Chief Administrative Officer/Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources, M. Marano Facilities Manager, G. Acorn, attended until 2:50 p.m. Planner, Community Planning, L. Backus Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Deputy Treasurer, L. Gordon, attended until 2:50 p.m. Director of Operations, F. Horvath Planner, Community Planning, D. Jacobs Recreation Services Manager, S. Meredith, attended at 7:00 p.m. Planner, Development Review, B. Russell, attended until 2:50 p.m. Manager of Community Planning and Design, C. Salazar Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor Director of Emergency Services, G. Weir Tax Collector, M. Wiles-Frost, attended at 7:00 p.m. Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Fleming Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie Councillor Novak chaired the meeting. Councillor Trim led the meeting in prayer. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no pecuniary interests stated for this meeting. The Deputy Mayor outlined the purpose and format of the public meeting. Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - MAY 12, 2008 PUBLIC MEETING (a) Subject : Clarington Official Plan Report PSD-049-08 : Carlos Salazar, Manager of Community Planning and Design, provided a verbal report supported by a PowerPoint presentation pertaining to Report PSD-049-08. Mr. Salazar reviewed the components of an official plan, what the current plan has accomplished, why a review is needed, the approach and timeframe associated with the review and public participation in the process. Mr. Salazar outlined reasons supporting an official plan review from global issues to local issues noting the review will provide an opportunity to reaffirm the vision for the quality of life in the community and to guide future decision-making. Peter Campbell, Vice President, Delta Urban Inc. addressed Council on behalf of Intracorp Development Limited and Preston Group, with respect to their combined ownership of approximately 130 acres on the north side of Bloor Street between Prestonvale Road and Courtice Road in the Courtice Urban Area. Mr. Campbell stated the lands are located within a Future Urban Residential designation in the Clarington Official Plan adopted in 1996. He stated the designation for these lands was based upon two primary factors when the current Clarington Official Plan was adopted - the residential land supply horizon was 2016 and the proposed Courtice Sewage Treatment Plan was some time away from construction. He noted the new Clarington Official Plan will have a concurrent time horizon with the new Durham Region Official Plan, being the year 2031 and that the Courtice Sewage Treatment Plant is now built and operational. Mr. Campbell feels it is timely to replace the Future Urban Residential designation on the subject lands with Urban Residential and the other specific designations for neighbourhood facilities, densities and roads that apply to designated lands that are ripe for development and formally requested the Municipality to complete the re-designation of the Future Urban Designation for the entire area north of Bloor Street from Prestonvale Road to Courtice Road as part of the Official Plan review. Mr. Campbell stated correspondence dated May 1, 2008, addressed to David Crome, Director of Planning Services provides written comments on behalf of his clients. John Stephenson addressed Council stating he feels the 25 year time frame for the Official Plan development is far too long and suggests that the Plan focus on the first two years with increasingly reduced emphasis on the five and ten year futures. Mr. Stephenson suggested the plan be subject to annual revisions based on the economic, energy and global warming scenarios at the end of each year so as to produce an updated plan incorporating the most recent and complete information available at the time. Mr. Stephenson outlined factors to be considered including the state of the economy, the availability and impact of energy shortages, and the impact of global warming and stated that the effects of these factors on the lifestyles of the people of Clarington must be considered in terms of home design, travel within the community and Region, and other infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, industrial Council Meeting Minutes - 3 - MAY 12, 2008 areas, recreational areas and facilities, open spaces and growing food, etc. Mr. Stephenson stated the Municipality should resist the expansion of communities into areas that are not now under construction; however, if population growth is not avoidable then it should be accommodated by redeveloping areas in the central core by constructing compact apartment blocks. He also feels the Municipality should not borrow money to accommodate population growth. Mr. Stephenson submitted his comments in writing. Keith Worden, addressed Council on behalf of his family to advise of the issues that they have with property in the employment area around Trulls Road, and Courtice Road to Prestonvale Road. He stated he has anguished over the designation of Dom’s Auto Parts and expressed concern with what is viewed as the entry from Highway 401 to Clarington and feels that the current industrial/commercial designation is not the most gratifying for that particular area and that there are better usages for the land. Mr. Worden acknowledged the need for the industrial base but questioned that particular location. Mr. Worden also feels if the designation in that area remains, then it will attract other neighbours that are not complimentary as to how Clarington wants to be perceived. He suggested that as part of the process staff review the designation to motivate Dom’s to move on and to consider development in the area that would enhance the vision such as a residential opportunity. Peter Evans, President, Clarington Older Adults Association addressed Council stating he is encouraged by the plan as it gives the community a degree of control over the future by setting goals, targets and milestones to achieve and address quality of life issues. Mr. Evans stated the Association has already addressed Council with concerns that affect their operation and have presented their goals and challenges respecting management of growth and parking issues. Mr. Evans expressed the Association’s willingness to work along with staff on this positive venture. Doug Rombough, addressed Council advising he and his wife own a heritage property built in 1877 on Arthur Street in Newcastle and are concerned with the degree of intensification of housing developments surrounding their one-acre property. He stated the proposed developer plans to build many townhouses and small property developments. Mr. Rombough urged staff to consider the historical importance of not only their land but Newcastle Village proper. Mr. Rombough acknowledged that he is not opposed to development and hopes that all residents will continue to have input into what gets developed where and when. Mr. Rombough requested a clear definition of “intensification”, especially provincial initiatives in that regard. In response to a question, Mr. Rombough clarified he does not feel that putting mega- houses on 40 foot lots or townhouses surrounding his property is appropriate planning. Council Meeting Minutes - 4 - MAY 12, 2008 Bill Cawker, Baywood Homes, addressed Council as the owner of 250 acres at the northeast corner of Concession Road 3 and Liberty Street which are currently designated Future Urban Residential, Environmental Protection and Community Park. Mr. Cawker stated through this review there may be opportunity to work with staff to convert this designation to urban residential. Mr. Cawker stated Baywood Homes welcomes the study, and will work closely with staff and will become involved in the process. Mr. Cawker submitted correspondence prepared by Sernas and Associates outlining his position. Resolution #C-278-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Council recess until 7:00 p.m. “CARRIED” The meeting reconvened at 7:00 p.m. Carlos Salazar, Manager of Community Planning and Design, repeated his verbal report and PowerPoint presentation pertaining to Report PSD-049-08. Sheila Hall, Executive Director, Clarington Board of Trade, addressed Council stating the Board of Trade encourages this review to foster their goals and to ensure that the Municipality’s direction is in line with Regional and Provincial goals. She indicated the Board of Trade’s focus would be on the development and servicing of employment lands and expansion of the existing job base to create a healthy social fabric, including the recruitment of physicians. The Board of Trade would also like to ensure that the residential ratio to people working in the community is healthier than it is today. Ms. Hall noted there is great value in the community taking a pro-active approach rather than waiting for the growth that is coming to arrive. Donald Kirkup, Kirkup Realty Corporation Brokerage, addressed Council stating his client owns 8 ½ acres at the northeast corner of Prestonvale Road and Bloor Street and suggested that the corner be redesignated to allow for convenience shopping to be located within walking distance of large concentrations of residential development. Mike Ricciuto addressed Council stating he owns property in Courtice, Hampton and Mitchell’s Corners and has questions related to hamlets. He feels it is important that hamlets are not ignored as part of the review as they provide diversity in housing, and attract professionals and that growth supports infrastructure in hamlets. Mr. Ricciuto stated the Greenbelt Protection Act requires municipalities to define the boundaries of hamlets and questioned how Clarington will define hamlet boundaries when reviewing the Official Plan. Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - MAY 12, 2008 Libby Racansky addressed Council stating if the Official Plan is the Municipality’s compass for the future it would have to consider climate change as the most important issue. Through use of a PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Racansky highlighted slides of the City of Ottawa’s Official Plan Review which considered climate change as the most significant environmental challenge. Ms. Racansky stated the newspaper advertisement indicated that residents will be able to make a difference but expressed concern that comments made during the last review were not considered in the new Plan. Ms. Racansky stated the importance of the natural environment must be understood and its policies must be more enforceable, especially with respect to the Lake Iroquois shoreline. She cautioned if land continues to be developed with a “business as usual” approach, our health and economy will be threatened noting there is an intrinsic relationship between what is done on the land with woodlots, wetlands and farmland, and the weather. Ms. Racansky feels that future development applications, including the aggregate should not be allowed to impact the limited natural environment or farmlands. She also feels that concentration on downtown Courtice and other communities deserve the same attention as Bowmanville. Ms. Racansky feels that the preliminary worklplan is not ready for approval by Council as she feels more staff education is needed. Jordan Clement addressed Council extending congratulations to the Planning Services Department for putting forth an integrated plan and covering all aspects. He stated however, that he was a little distressed at the last slide of Mr. Salazar’s presentation when he saw the sky slowly being blocked out by buildings. He stated growth and environmental destruction is important and is not being adequately addressed. Mr. Clement stated he looks forward to seeing the continuation of the high quality of life and community experienced in Clarington. STAFF REPORT Resolution #C-0279-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report PSD-049-08 be received; THAT the preliminary workplan for the Official Plan review be approved in principle and that staff consider the comments made at the public meeting in finalizing the workplan; THAT Staff report back on a Public Engagement Strategy; THAT a copy of Report PSD-049-08 and Council’s decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and Council Meeting Minutes - 6 - MAY 12, 2008 THAT all interested parties on the list, as filed in the Planning Services and Clerk's Departments, and any other delegations be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" CONFIRMING BY-LAW Resolution #C-280-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2008-088 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at this special meeting held on the 1ih day of May, 2008, and that the said by-law be now read a first, second time and third time and finally passed. "CARRIED" ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-281-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the meeting adjourn at 7:47 p.m. "CARRIED" " ',,-- M