HomeMy WebLinkAboutFD-09-98 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ~~~ REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Fife # Res. # C~p ,::) - 30:; C/ - 9 V By-Law # Date: Report #: June 8, 1998 File#: Subject: FD-9-98 10.12.6 PUBLIC ALERTING SYSTEMS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend 1.) THAT Fire Department Report FD-9-98 be received for information; 2.) THAT Dr.Young be thanked for convening the meeting to address the concerns of the Region and it's Municipalities; 3.) THAT Dr. Young be advised of the Municipality of Clarington's position that an alerting system be established immediately for the 3km contiguous zones with further action to address the need for alerting the entire primary zones with no financial impact to the Municipalities, and 4.) THAT the Municipality of Clarington will continue to be an active participant in future meetings to insure the concerns of Council and residents are addressed for an adequate public alerting system. 1. BACKGROUND 1 .1 At the Council meeting of May 11, 1998 resolution #C-439-98 was brought forward by Councillor Mutton regarding the standards for public alerting. The resolution was tabled and referred to the Chief Administrative Officer and appropriate staff for a report to address concerns related to the resolution. A[CYClED~PAPIER PAPER '<:!::1 RECYCLE THIS IS PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 905 1.2 On May 19,1998 Mr.Stockwell received a memo from Mr.Cubitt's office at the Region advising of a meeting that had been arranged with Dr.James Young, the Assistant Deputy Minister, Public Safety Division of the Ministry of the Solicitor General. The meeting had been arranged in response to the Council motions and media coverage regarding the public alerting concerns. 1 .3 One of the key issues that was raised was the misconception regarding a reduction in the alerting process between the old Provincial Plan and the new. According to Emergency Measures Ontario staff the old plan addressed a notification plan based on no immediate release and controlled evacuation in the area. There was no plan for an "immediate" alerting for residents in the primary zone, although some alerting was required to inform the public of an emergency at one of the Nuclear Facilities if necessary. 1 .4 The new plan addresses the need for an "immediate" notification in the "contiguous zone". This is seen, by Emergency Measures Ontario staff as well as Ontario Hydro, as an improvement over the old plan. This, according to Emergency Measures Ontario staff is where the confusion regarding the comparison of the plans occurred. 2. COMMENTS 2.1 On May 26,1998 the writer attended the above noted meeting on behalf of Mr. Stockwell in order to represent the Municipality of Clarington and put forward our position in this matter. 2.2 Dr.Young chaired the meeting which included representatives of Emergency Measures Ontario, Ontario Hydro, Metro Toronto Police Services, Durham Region as well as the Municipalities of Ajax, Pickering and the City of Oshawa. 2.3 Dr.Young addressed the group and advised the reason for the meeting was to address the concerns raised by the various Councils within Durham Region and try to find a solution to the alerting problem. y 906 2.4 The meeting started with Mr.Cubitt putting forward the Region's position on the need for the expansion of the alerting area followed by Mr.Quinn from Pickering and I was given to opportunity to put forward the Municipality of Clarington's position. As discussed with Mr.Stockwell I advised Dr.Young that the Municipality of Clarington supported the Region's position regarding the need for the 10km alerting zone as being ideal. It was also conveyed that we requested the 3km zone be implemented immediately, as it addressed a need for alerting that did not presently exist, followed by the implementation of an alerting system for the remainder of the primary zone. It was also conveyed by all parties that the costs should not be born by the Region of local Municipalities. 2.5 Ontario Hydro advised of the siren system installed a siren system for notification at Chalk River after it had been researched and determined to be the as the best system available. It has since been removed because of false alarms and other concerns. Hydro is researching the best way for the notification of the contiguous zone to address the need for immediate notification. This left us with the impression that the sirens mayor may not be the best idea, however there was a commitment to put a system in place as soon as was possible. 2.6 Dr.Young's staff discussed the improvements in the new plan and that the 3km zone needed to be addressed immediately with further study on the remainder of the primary zone regarding need for additional alerting and the best method of accomplishing it. 2.7 After some very constructive discussion Dr.Young put forward the following position. . Action would be taken immediately to address the need for an alerting system to notify the 3km contiguous zones around all installations. . Studies and research would take place to determine the need for alerting the entire primary zone and the best method of doing so; and . To reconvene the group within 60 days to advise of their findings and determine what further actions were needed. 907 3. RECOMMENDATIONS It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend 1.) THAT Fire Department Report FD-9-98 be received for information; 2.) THAT Dr.Young be thanked for convening the meeting to address the concerns of the Region and it's Municipalities; 3.) THAT Dr. Young be advised of the Municipality of Clarington's position that an alerting system be established immediately for the 3km contiguous zones with further action to address the need for alerting the entire primary zones with no financial impact to the Municipalities, and 4.) THAT the Municipality of Clarington will continue to be an active participant in future meetings to insure the concerns of Council and residents are addressed for an adequate public alerting system. Respectfully submitted Reviewed by W.H.~ Chief Administrative Officer MC/sr 908