HomeMy WebLinkAboutFD-01-98 .' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ~~~~~ix REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE JANUARY 19, 1998 File#: File# _~D5.\3 ~ Res. # G PA - S~,'1? By-Law # Date: Report #: Subject: FD-1 -98 10.12.6 PRE-BUDGET APPROVAL Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1.) THAT approval be given to purchase one (1) Dictaphone Recorder and two (2) sets of Hurst Rescue Tools, forthwith, prior to budget approval; 2.) THAT the cost for the Dictaphone Recorder be drawn from the Fire Department Lot Levy Account No. 5001-00038-0855; and 3.) THAT the cost for the Hurst Rescue Tools be drawn from the Fire Department Equipment Reserve Account No. 2900-00014-0000. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 During the annual servicing of the existing Dictaphone Recorder, which is used for recording all telephone and radio messages in the Fire Department Dispatch Centre, it was noted that the equipment was in need of some major repairs. 1 .2 The repairs include the replacement of the recording heads at a cost of approximately $16,000.00 as well as continued replacement of the recording tapes. 1.3 We were advised, at that time, that the recorder could be replaced with a more compact and up-graded system for roughly $18,000.00. It should be noted that a new system is being purchased for the Municipal Operations Centre. ",O:,O,'~' @ :,,~~'~~, () u 1 THIS IS PRINTED ON AECYCLED PAPER FD-1 -98 - 2 - 1 .4 Approving the purchase of the new system for the Dispatch Centre at the same time as purchasing one for the Municipal Operations Centre may result in a cost savings for both units. 1.5 The need for a Hurst Rescue Tool to be placed on the pumper at Station 3 & 5 has been the subject of ongoing discussions. Given the size of the area, it is felt that all stations should have this rescue tool on the pumper. This would eliminate waiting for them to arrive from either Station 1 , 2 or 4, where they presently exist. 1.6 The department originally had one set out of Headquarters, Station #1, Bowmanville, which pumper responded to all stations for backup. We later purchased a set for Station #4, Courtice and when the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station eliminated their fire crew, a set was given to the Municipality and placed in Station #2, Newcastle Village. These stations were, at the time, the stations that required the use of these tools the most. 1.7 With the increase in population and subsequent traffic volumes, the need has increased. We are also not able to ensure immediate assistance to those stations that do not presently have the Hurst Rescue Tools. This became more apparent on Christmas Eve when weather conditions slowed the assistance to Station #5. 1.8 The purchase of two Hurst Rescue Tools will allow us to ensure immediate response of these heavy rescue tools to an accident where they may be required. 1.9 The reason for requesting pre-budget approval is two fold. It is becoming more evident that this equipment is required, as soon as possible, at Station 3, Orono and Station 5, Enniskillen. Also, we have been advised by a supplier that two sets, similar to those already in service, are available at a 1997 sale price. The units will cost $9,500 each, compared to a regular price of $13,500.00, which will result in a saving of approximately $8,000.00. This sale price is only available to us until January 21, 1998. The Purchasing Agent will still be investigating to ensure that this is, in fact, the best price available for these units. 1 .10 These items would have been included in the 1998 Fire Department Capital Budget,but staff recommends that pre-approval be given to take advantage of the substantial savings. It should be noted that the funds for the purchase of this equipment will be drawn from Reserve Accounts. It will not impact on the tax levy. (12 lU FD-1 -98 - 3 - 2. RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 It is recommended that pre-budget approval be given to purchase one Dictaphone Recorder and two Hurst Rescue Tools, forthwith. 2.2 It is recommended that the funds for the recorder be drawn from the Fire Department Lot Levy Account No. 5001-00038-0855; and 2.3 It is recommended that the funds for the two Hurst Rescue Tools be drawn from the Fire Department Equipment Reserve Account No. 2900-00014-0000. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by 1U- ~ Michael G. Crei 'on, AMCT(A);CMM2 W. H. Stockwell, Fire Chief. Chief Administrative Officer Me/sr January 8, 1998. '} u 3