HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-39-98 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Date: August 31, 1998 Report #: CD-39-98 File #'"?ocr - GE- Res. #G P A---q?D-- 9 ~ Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE By-law # Subject: ADVANCE FUNDING PROGRAM - ONTARIO LOTTERY CORPORATION It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council: 1. THAT Report CD-39-98 be received; 2. THAT the Municipality of Clarington participate in the Advance Funding Program and that funds be distributed to eligible charities by the Ontario Lottery Corporation; 3. THAT a processing fee of $25.00 be charged by the Municipality to the applicant organizations which are eligible for funding; 4. THAT a deadline of November 27,1998, be established for receipt of applications; and 5. THAT the roster of the applications be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee for approval on January 18, 1999. BACKGROUND The following resolution was passed by Council on July 13, 1998: " THAT the correspondence dated June 24, 1998, from Garth Manness, President, Ontario Lottery Corporation advising of the details of the Advance Funding Program, be received; and THAT the correspondence be referred to the Clerk's Department for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee." This correspondence is attached hereto as Schedule" A" and is summarized below. · An Advance Funding Program has been set up to advance funds to help charities during the transition time until charity casinos are set up. These funds will be recovered from the charities' share of table game proceeds from the charity casinos once they are set up and collecting money. The Municipality of Clarington has been allocated $223,883 and this has been confirmed with the Province. 701 Report CD-39-98 - 2 - August 31, 1998 · Clarington Charities which have held Monte Carlo events between January 1, 1996 and March 31, 1998, will be given first priority to access these funds. · Funding should be allocated based on the budgetary needs of the organization, i.e. groups which justify a definite need for advance funding should take precedence over those with operating surpluses. · All applicants must complete the subscribed application form and provide the following documentation: Governing documents Revenue Canada Registration Number (if applicable) Detailed outline of Programs/Services Operating Budgets for current and last fiscal year List of Board of Directors · Municipalities may set an administrative fee for processing applications on a cost recoverable basis. · Each municipality is responsible for submitting a roster of eligible local charities along with the appropriate documentation to the Ontario Lottery Corporation. The completed roster and documentation must be accompanied by a Council resolution which approves the recommended funding. · The advance funding program will cease on March 31,1999. To allow the organizations as much time as possible to compile and co-ordinate the documentation required by the Province, Staff suggests a deadline of Friday, November 27, 1998 for submission of the applications to the Municipality. The date of January 18, 1999, is being recommended for the consideration of the roster of applications by the General Purpose and Administration Committee to allow Staff enough time to receive, verify and process the applications and prepare the material for submission to the General Purpose and Administration Committee subsequently to the Ontario Lottery Corporation. RECOMMENDATIONS It is therefore recommended: 1 . THAT Report CD-39-98 be received; 2. THAT the Municipality of Clarington participate in the Advance Funding Program and that funds be distributed to eligible charities by the Ontario Lottery Corporation; 3. THAT a processing fee of $25.00 be charged by the Municipality to the applicant organizations which are eligible for funding; 702 Report CD-39-98 - 3 - August 31, 1998 4. THAT a deadline of November 27,1998, be established for receipt of applications; and 5. THAT the roster of the applications be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee for approval on January 18, 1999. Respectfully submitted Reviewed by ~~ W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer MPK/PLB/hj 703 Ontario Lottery Corporation Societe des toteries de rOntario COUNCIL DIRECTION Schedule "A" 70 Foster Drive Suite 800 Sault Ste. Marie. Ontario P6A 6V2 0-1 ~llBccrnIIWll!J]) JUl - 3 1998 ~ 70. promenade Foster Bureau 800 Sautt Ste. Marie IOntario] P6A 6V2 Tei 705 946-6464 Fax. 705 946-6600 ...... r. .. "'"", r:. '""; (>~" ~~ I " t'. '1 }~ ,i_:r'& t.,., -: --~ "". ~ ':. {.~' ~ra &.-\. ~:::.::~ l.- :" ~'. .. :'JuNU~IPAlfTY Of ClARINGTON MAYOR'S OFFICf June 24, 1998 Dear Head of Municipal Council: As indicated in the letter to Heads of Municipal Council from Chris Hodgson, Chair of Management Board of Cabinet, dated April 9, 1998, this letter is to advise you of the details of the Advance Funding Program. The Province of Ontario is making up to $40 million in interim financing available in fiscal 1998/1999 for distribution to charities. The funds will be distributed to charities by the Ontario Lottery Corporation (OLC). Each municipality has been allocated a per capita share of the advance funds to allocate to local charities based on local priorities. Your municipality's share is indicated on the attached roster. Each municipality is responsible for completing a roster of local charities to share in the advance funding. Charities must apply to their municipality for inclusion on the roster. Application and roster forms from which additional copies can be made are attached. For charities to participate in the Advance Funding Program, they must meet the same requirements for eligibility as set out in the Lottery Licensing Policy Manual provided by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario to your local licensing or clerk's office. Applying charities that have held Monte Carlo events in your municipality from January 1, 1996 to March 31, 1998 are to receive priority placement on the roster. OLC will verify this placement upon receipt of all documentation, as indicated below. In developing the roster, municipalities will also recommend the share of the advance funding allocation each charity is to receive. If a local charity casino/casinos becomes operational prior to March 31, 1999, the advance funding will be discontinued as local charities begin to access charity casino proceeds directly. The advance funding program will cease on March 31, 1999. /2 ?L4 . . - 2 - If a charity casino becomes operational, advance funds would be recouped from the recipient charities' share of table proceeds. The OLC will work with the Provincial Gaming Secretariat and the charities on a repayment fonnula that considers the cash flow requirements of charities. In order to participate in the Advance Funding Program, the completed roster, applications of each charity on the roster, and a council resolution or appropriate municipal authority indicating approval of the completed roster, must be returned to the address appearing below. Ontario Lottery Corporation Advance Funding Program Suite 800, 70 Foster Drive Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 6V2 The earlier the required documentation is returned to the OLC, the sooner charities in your municipality will be able to access advance funds. Over the next few days, application forms and letters advising on the process for accessing the Advance Program will be sent to all charities. Should you have any questions concerning this process, please contact Jim Cronin at the Ontario Lottery Corporation, at 1-800-387-0098. Yours truly //' . /~~ /_~f'--- ,,;/' Garth Manness, President Ontario Lottery Corporation - -_. --~-- - - ;'''''i!1)"T'"t:'I'-'' '---"0'--;;-- -- - l '........... t! i.... l'LER'\ : i1!;K. SY attach. 4 ; ORIG!N:;L ,-------- ! CUPiLS )-J: ; ;.;mij:;Z~k -: '-----.1 ; . ~ -----. ------4 , l' ;-. ._....._.._._~.-: ".--...------f--------1 r ---- .-.--".--.-..........: I I _.-..-~ '. .~.: ,-~ !...~_ _ , l I ... '--fo ---.~ , .. ,__........i-__.____ t I I '., --f--o"-----; .-.....-...... .---....---.__-._....._._L_ .~~ r Ii : .' ~~~:::: ~"": --.._=-:::....-:: ~.:;::::;---......~ 7L5 ~ c:: .E ~ CI) Q,) o c:: ~ .ct -0 Q,) E E ~ tJ) oE ',=: Cl S. C::CI) 0'(1) . 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'- q;- t::: o ..c: ~Q. QJ ~ - ~ ;:) OJ t::: cW ...... E o ~ ...... '- q;- E ~ -;- OJ ~ !of' - ~' ,..:. " ~~' ..:.-'~~~ .. .... : ~ ... :&~~ ...,. 0",,,/0 Lo"~rr C""",,"o, $ocl!ti d~llo',rl., ;,/'0.'1"0 JUi"~T:~f,:r~~~..;~t::;~."; : :.;.;~):....~:'::: '" ",: ..:,. .. G ,...oIl.,~.="".{.,;~,,,;,, '''/J'.,~';:' ",' .;. UIDELINES ..t>>..,."'~;;,..r'~';:f~';.'.' ". ".'. ....,. GUIDELINES FOR MUNICIPALITIES (Including First Nation Reserves) TO DETERMINE CHARITY ACCESS TO ADVANCE FUNDING I. Eligible charitable organizations wanting to access advance funding may do so by applying to their local municipality. 2. Organizations that were previously licensed to conduct Monte Carlo events must provide their Group Identification Number (GIN#) assigned by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) and printed on all gaming event licences, and evidence of conducting a Monte Carlo event during the period from January I, 1996 to March 31, 1998 (e.g. a copy of the lottery licence). All other appLicants must include with their application for advance fimding the foLLowing: I. ~. j. 1-. 5: G. Governing Documents: Articles of incorporation, lellers patent, by-laws, constitution, charter, trust deed, memorandum/articles of association, signed as required. Revenuc Canada Notification of Registration Letter: If the organization is registered. Detailed outline of programs/services: What they are, how ddivered to clients, specific costs, supporting materials, benefits to the municipality, etc. (i.e. any information that will assist in determining charitable nature of the objects and purposes). Organization's operating budgets for current and last fiscal 'ycar: Detailing other sources of funds and how any funds advanced will be used. Organization's financial statements for last fiscal year. List of Board of Directors. 3. l\'lunicipalities will receive and review the applications for eligibility and will ensure that only fully completed applications are sent to the Ontario Lottery Corporation (OLC). Charitable organizations must meet the eligibility requirements set out in the AGCO Lottery Licensing Policy Manual. Each municipality may set an administrative fee for this service on a cost recoverable basis. 4. For charity access to the Advance funding, each municipality is responsible for submitting a roster of eligible local charities to the OLe. This roster should b~ developed based on local needs and priorities. Ivlunicipalities will recommend the share of their per capita allocation of the advance funding each charity is to receive. 5. A council resolution or appropriate municipal authority appro~al of the completed roster is to accompany the roster and charity applications submitted to the OLe. Ole CAP 001 (93.'05) Continued on bOck . .....,@" .-.'."'V.' ,!:;:~~ . :\..~.....:~.^,~ . '. .,\. ~4 ~i"~~1 ;~::, . ~ ~ :-~~~' ;.'(.... .... "~ ',,,'" . k ~ ~ :1.:"{.~~.~S~':'",,,;' ,.,..?!?(')~.,':"' '..<~.<,;:: . . ~UIDELlNES - cont'd . ... t;tr ....... ,,";'";;o,:,,/:,>.'.~'J,....AA.-~ ..::::..:. .v", ,,"'" \6 '-1 '~"'t' .~M.}\;..~~ 6. The following guidelines have been set for the municipalities to follow when determining whether to recommend advance funding of organizations. I. Organizations that conducted Monte Carlo events during the period from January 1, 1996 to March 31,1998 In order to minimize the impact on charities who have made financial. commitments based on the funds they raised through roving Monte Carlo events, municipalities should ensure that these organizations are given priority for advance funding. To facilitate the priority requirement, the applicant organization must provide its GIK# and evidence of conducting a Monte Carlo event during the period from January 1, 1996 [0 March 31, 1998 (e.g. a copy of the lottery licence). II. Size and budgetary needs of the organization Access to the advance funding should be allocated based on the budgetary needs of the organization. Municipalities should review the budgets of each applicant organization to evaluate the funds required by the organization to provide ch:!ritable service~g'<1Tffst funds from other sources. Groups which justify a definite need for advance funding should take precedence over those with operating surpluses. Copieso'of the current financial statements and current and previous years' budgets must be supplied with the first application for advance funding to assist in making this determination. III. Services provided to the community Municipalities may base decisions on the benefit the services of the organization provide to the community when deciding whether to grant access to ad\'mce funding. Ce document est oussi disponible en fron<;ois ~::\1I(~t~~:~ . ... . ...."I:JII,..~:,t~~' ''': f'i...... ......_.~l_.....""'"'~. O.'~rlo LoNery CorpOl,lIolf SocJlII de./o'~.' d,I'O""rio 10 Fosler Drive. Suire BOO 5.!ult Sle. Marie. OnrJrio P6A 6V2 ~W}~l~~ii~%::: . ;:';:~',:{CHARITV. ROSTER ApPLICATION · ADVANCE FUNDING Please see attached page of instructions. - Please print or type - 1. Previous charitable gaming licence Has your organization ever applied lor a charitable gaming event licence? o No 0 Yes (/I yes) What is the most recent licence number issued by: AGeD: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: p Municipality: M Have you had gaming event licences cancelled or licensing D No privileges suspended in any juridication in the last two (2) years? DYes 2. Information on organization a) Incorporated or I~gal name GIN I I I I I I Province Postal Code II Telephone No. ( I I ) i City I I ( FaX:JU i I I DYes (II yes) ) 1- I Postai Code Slreetaddress of organization Ma:ling address (if dilferer.1) b) Is your organization incorporated as a non-profit organization? 0 No Jurisdiction of Incorporation r.umb~r lliccrporation Is yot;r organi:alion registered as a Charitable Organization with Revenue Canada? c) DNo DYes (II yes) Revenue Canada Reg. number d) How long has your organization existed? What is the financial y=..;r end of your organizalion Month Day Years 3. Affiliates Is your org2nization affiliated with any corporation or organization? o No 0 Yes If yes: List the legal Names (A!i2~~ separate s:~eet if necessary) 2) b) 4. Use of net proceeds What will the advance lunds be used lor? (A/tach separate sheel if necessary) a) b) c) d) Questions? CGlIl-BOO-387-0098 Continuec' on boc}. Ole CAP 001 ('3~5) t..". . ... . .~ ~ 5. Lottery trust account .... . . Name of financlallnstitutlon ~here lotte~'lu'~d~ are beld Account number Address City 6. Unorganized Areas Is your Charitable organization located in an unorganized area? o No 0 Yes (/I yes, please indica/e) 0 ALGOMA UNORGANIZED 0 COCHRANE UNORGANIZED 0 KENORA UNORGANIZED 0 MANITOULIN UNORGANIZED 0 NIPISSING UNORGANIZED 7. Declaration We, the undersigned. declare that: o PARRY SOUND UNORGANIZED o RAINY RIVER UNORGANIZED o SUDBURY UNORGANIZED o THUNDER BAY UNORGANIZED o TIMISKAMING UNORGANIZED I/we are a Principal Officer of this organizatioC]. I/we are NOT receiving remuneration directly or indirectly from the advance funding. I/we have been authorized to make this application on behalf of the organization. I/we agree to deposit all advance funding into tM designated lottery trust account. I/we agree to use the advance funding for approved charitable purposes on:y. I/we will sponsor table game events at the local charity casino. All answers provided in this Application. as well as all the information contained in the documents and materials submitted with it are true and complete. We have read and understand the entire Declaration abov~. Principal Officer ( I - I Principal Officer . - -......._.i.- -.....~_~ .. ,. ~ . . .': . _ . Signatu~e'~~~:';-,:,;;~ '~)'.': ~',' ,.~~~~.~:.~:.. ~ ~~-ir~~f~.:~:~ . .,. Print name in ful!,:';:H . .' .... , ,-...... "'.' :~..:"~~.._~.:>)~~:~L~~.. ~ .:::':~~: ,~,~?-~ ......... -."";. ' ~,', '-::~Title -'.'~ . ;~ .',.'u._ . ~'.~::.--.- ....,:' . BUSine~s t~lephone n~mbe~~ ( ) , ;-, '. .'"'-~ O~t.~.Signing :~(~-":':~ Providing inaccurate inlormation may render your organization ineligible for advan{:e funding Questions? Call 1-800-387-0098 Ce formu!oire 25: Cuss, disponible en fronc;ois. " ~..; ..:.:C~j.l~. '. ~~~;~'!I~ f. ~ Or-ll'la Lontry ,~UO. SDcI~lj dtS IDterieJ.' "O"lltlo APPLICATION CHECKLIST Organizations that were previously licensed to conduct Monte Carlo events must provide their Group Identification Number (GIN#) assigned by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission 'of Ontario (AGCO) and evidence of conducting a Monte Carlo event during the period from January I, 1996 to March 31, 1998 (e.g. a copy of the lottery licence). All other applicants must include with their application for advance funding the following: o Governing Documents: Articles of incorporation, letters patent, by-laws, constitution, charter, trust deed, memorandum/articles of association, signed as required. o Revenue Canada Notification of Registration Letter: If the organization is registered. o Detailed outline of programs/services: What they are, how delivered to clients, specific costs, supporting materials, benefits to the municipality, etc. (i.e. any information that will assist in determining charitable nature of the objects and purposes). o Organization 's operating budgets for current and last fiscal year: Detailing other sources of funds and how any funds advanced will be used. o Organization's financial statements for last fiscal year. o List of Board of Directors. The above items must be enclosed with your application and returned: (a) to your municipal office - if your charitable organization is 10cGled in a city, town, township, or village; (b) to your local band office - if your charitable organization is los::::;d on a First Nation reserve; or, (c) to the Ontario Lottery Corporation - if your charitable organization is located in an unorganized area. Onlv those charitable organizations located in an unorganized area are to send their applications directly to the-Ontario Lottery Corporation, Advance Funding Program. Continued on beck OlC C.I? 003(98105) 4. l,. '" "-~ .., ..... \ ~ y~ . '.'..; ..;:.1@ ,:1'.....~~. . . ::~~:~.t~ ..... ~~~?:;;[ft:j~~~:)::.: ','Cfi'ARi:TY'ROSTER ApPLICATION · ADVANCE FUNDING- cont'd i \ .0.;,....;. _ '" TO COMPLETE THE APPLICATION FORM Explanations are given below to assist in completing certain questions on the attached form. 2. Information on organization: a) GIN The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) assigns one Group Identification Number (GIN #) per independent organization and prints it on all AGCO gaming event licenses. It is a file number for tracking purposes only. Your eligibility may be reviewed at any time. b) Jurisdiction of incorporation This is the province or country whose government issued your incorporation papers e.g. Ontario, Canada, etc. d) How long has your organization existed? If requested, you must be able to show that you have delivered your charitable services for at least one year. 3. Affiliates Y ollr organization may be affiliated with other organizations that have similar interests, objects or clients. These may include, but are NOT limited to, membership in a league or umbrella organization, a chapter or branch of a larger organization, an associate charity under the Income Tax Act or an organization to which you report. ..L Use of net proceeds List specific projects or items for which funds will be used. Only items listed in this section wi II be considered for approval and they must fall within your objects and purposes outlined in your governing documents. We are NOT asking for your mission statement or charitable purpose. Once your advance funding is approved, if your organization intends to spend money on other items, a written request must be sent to the OLe. Written approval must be issued and recei ved by your organization before proceeds can be spent on new items. ). Lottery trust account Advance funds must be deposited into a lottery trust account and proceeds must be used for approved charitable purposes. 6. Unorganized Areas Please indicate if your charitable organization is located in an unorganized area. 7. Declaration A Principal Officer has authority to sign on behalf of your organization, e.g. the President. The signing Principal Officer must be available and knowledgeable to provide additional information or answer questions as required. Ques/ions? C211 1-800-387-0098 Ce formuloire est oussi disponib:e en fron<;ois,