HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-81-98 DN: TR-81-98 . , THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeti ng: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# Date: November 2, 1998 Res # 6 py:::)- 5(7/- C;zr. Report #: TR-81 -98 By-law # Subject: Year 2000 Status Report Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-81-98 be received, 2. THAT the Year 2000 Committee report back to Council once an action plan has been developed, and 3. THAT Council authorize the Treasurer to contract services on a one year basis, in the systems division to assist in Year 2000 installations/conversions including the geographic information systems implementation (G.I.S.), and 4. THAT the funds required for year 2000 compliance, approximately $50,000 to $65,000 be approved from the Working Funds Reserve #2900-1-X. Background: 1.0 As Council is aware, both through Treasury Report TR-50-98 (Attachment A) and the 1997 Audit Report and Management Letter TR-78-98, Municipal Staff are in the process of addressing the year 2000 compliance issue. The Region of Durham has recently approved a budget of $2 million towards year 2000 compliance. 1.1 A cross departmental committee has been established including representation from the Library and Museums. An impact awareness session has been scheduled for the \ 8ul REPORT NO.: TR- 81-98 PAGE 2 committee on November 5, 1998 and the committee will develop an action plan at that time. Consultants have been retained to review with the committee areas of , concern. At this point the review is for the purpose of developing the action plan and critical path. 1.2 The year 2000 issue affects all areas and systems, not just computer systems and the intent of the committee is to do a comprehensive review and identification process to identify year 2000 problems and address those problems. Attached is correspondence from the Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correction Services (Attachment B) emphasising the importance of year 2000 compliance in the Municipality's public safety and emergency preparedness responsibilities. Comments: 2.0 As many of the year 2000 problems are centred around information technology, there is a substantial investment of manpower required to review all systems, correct deficiencies, and if necessary, replace software. 3.0 A Major initiative undertaken by the Municipality, approved by Council, is the implementation of a Geographic Information System. The GIS system will replace many "legacy" database systems corporation wide thereby contributing in a major fashion to our year 2000 compliance efforts. The G.I.S. will integrate existing programs from all departments including development charge levy analysis, tax, letters of credit, roads infrastructure and development tracking. Other software requiring replacement due to year 2000 Compliance includes Fire Department dispatch software and Community Services facility scheduling software. Both of these systems are crucial to the operations of the departments and are major installations. Although the capital cost of the software has been approved in the 1998 budget, due to the increasing demands in the systems area (ie. Vailtech tax software, internet, etc), there is not sufficient human resources available to ensure implementation of all the applications on top of G.I.S. It is therefore critical to devote sufficient resources to the establishment of this system over the next 12 to 14 months. 3.1 G.I.S. software employs an Oracle database. Both of these components are very complex and new to the Municipality. The Municipality currently lacks hands-on expertise in these areas. The GIS Committee is supportive of the necessity for additional staff in the systems division. BLJ2 REPORT NO.: TR- 81-98 PAGE 3 Conclusion: 4.0 The Committee will update Council before year end to provide information on the Municipality's action plan and any anticipated costs associated with the year 2000 review. 4.1 Due to both the complexity of the Geographic Information Systems implementation and the additional requirements for year 2000 it is recommended that a one year contract position to be authorized to assist the corporation to effectively ensure the Municipality is in a position to meet compliance. It is recommended that the funds required be approved from the Working Funds Reserve. It is anticipated that approximately $50,000 to $65,000 will be required for year 2000 issues including the consultant, some software, and the contract position. Although not anticipated at this point, any specific software requirements that have not yet been factored into the three year budget plan, identified by the consultants, will be reported back to Counci I and identified in the 1999 budget. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~a~ arano, H.BSs., A.M.C.T., Treasurer ~ W.H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer. NT /MAMlpp Attach. 8G3 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: ( 1. THAT Report TR-50-98 be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1.0 The Municipaiity of Clarington is in the process of addressing the year 2000 compliance issue. The Treasury department is coordinating the effort to ensure that the date sensitive systems are year 2000 compliant. To date the focus has primarily been on the technology and the financial systems. 2.0 3C Complete Computer Consulting Inc. is currently working to ensure our computerized accounting systems are year 2000 compliant. As outlined in the correspondence in Attachment A, the expected completion date of the modifications to the accounting applications is October 1998. 3.0 The new system installations in 1998 that are the tax collection system and the G.I.S. system are both year 2000 compliant. As indicated in the Vail tech news release, Attachment S, Vailtech's new software release accomodates a 4 digit entry for the year. This is the release the municipality is currently using. 4.0 I ~ .. T;he municipality currently uses ScotiaPay Plus for the payroll services. Per report TR-17-98, approval was given to staff to commit to ADP Canada's AutoPay system which is fully year: 2000compliant.~ ~-- - - - --- ~~----- { bu4 REPORT NO.: TR-50-98 PAGE 2 5.0 Over the summer months the Treasury department will co-ordinate with the other departments to identify all other 'date sensitive' systems and review them ~to ensure they are year 2000 compliant. This will allow the municipality to provide uninterrupted service into the new millennium. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, '" ~ >(t(./[Pt2r- fie Marano, H.BSs., A.M.C.T., Treasurer ~ W.H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer. MM*KS*km Attach. aUJ ';1\' ... ..... ~''iq:;,,< ! {';!.i't_".;: ..A "~;\,'fi:-~,~ 't [ (: ., r I', r [ .1 [ [ I [ l I 1 l [ l ')G ~ Complete Computer Consulting Inc. m~~~~~9~~ ATTACHMENT "A" ... . MlJj~:CIPii!.lT'o' or CLARi.uTON FlrJANCF DISTRIBUTION 1 ORIGINAL: file Wednesday, June 03, 1998 or. . . , ~~~~~~~~~~TJ I :1) Pur Mor ' 1.1) Payrr.1I elk I I ~\ Tax Coli. 6) 7) ...! Marie Marano Treasurer Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 Marie, as per our conversation regarding your Accounting Application Software for the year 2000. This letter is to serve as notification that 3C Complete Computer Consulting Inc. has started the modifications to the following Accounting Applications, General Ledger Accounts Receivable Acr--Ounts Payable Purchase Order The modifications and testing are expected to be completed by the end of October with implementation in November of 1998. Marie, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 1-905-882-2111. Sincerely, /r~~~ '-....- Tony Pereira 11 Sims Crescent Uml Richnond Hill, Ontario Canada L481C9 Tel. (W5) 882-2111 Fox. (905) 882-2116 / bUO ATTACHMENT "B"...... · ... ~ I I I I !\\ VAIL TECH NEWS Year 2000 Compliance The municipality's Vailtech accounting applications run on an Unix operating system an<! an lnformix database. The Informix database sotlware acts as the repository of all data generated by Yailtech applications Within the applications. wIlere it liscs a two (2) digit data entry field for the year, the application scnds the two (2) digits to Infomlix for storage. When encountering a h....o (2) digit year. Informix will prefix the digits with "19"'. When a user enters the digits <<98" within a Vaiilech application, the Infonnix database will store the digits as !<1998", ^ problem will occur if a llser enters a two (2) digit year as "00". InCormix v,ill store "00" as "1900". Graphical SoftwarE I I -,,' (' I [' [ To alkviate the situation described above. Vailtcch will release new versions of its softwar~ to maintenance cllstomers, modifying any two (2) digit entries for year to four (4) digits. In the new releases users will be required to enter "1998-- instead of<<98", or "2000" instead of"OO". This change has already been made in some applications such as the tnfonnix~ba.<;cd Tax system. Plca~c remcmber that Vailtech applications arc only one component of your computer environment, and that your maintenance support agreement only covers new release~ for Vailtech applications. Vailtcch cannot comment on the year 2000 compliance of the system's <.lperating system, or database. The municipality mw;t ensure that their version of infonnh will interpret a four digit year correctly. Vailtech continues to develop its new graphical, client servcr applications which run in stnndard networked environments, mosl particularly Microsoft NT server, Microsoft NT client. Windows '95, and Oracle. Vailtech's graphical Tax system is now operational in sixteen (16) large Ontario municipaliiies ranging in population between 50.000 to over 300,000 people. Vailtech's clienl;server, graphical applications tire supplied as a no~chargc upgrade for l11ainlenancc custol11ers, plea5/~ nOle that as~ociatcd costs such as c<.tnversi<.lIlS services. installation services, training ~cr\"ic.c~, etc.. will be billed. I t Challges fo Tax Systef1l/or LegMat;l'c C1taltges ^ two (2) day "Tax Legislation Work:'ihop" was held in Ottawa on March 26 and 27, 1998. The workshop wa..o; hosted by Vailtech and was attended by a cro~s section of Tax system U$ef$. Both the Infonnix-based ta:o< system and the client/server version are being modified in order to comply \vith the legislative changes. Vaille<.:h will delivcr new versions of the Tax system to mainlen,lnce I:ustomcrs by the end ofMuy. 1998. At lhe same lime as the version re1eas~, Yailtech \\'i11 oITer it's customers a standard tax bill print Should the municipality not \\ish 1<.' use the s:andard tux hill print and wishcs to llse it's own design, please contact Vailtcch so \yc may program a custOI11 bill print. Programming for custom hill print~ is a chargeable selyice l. 1 For more information, please contact Vailtcch 31 (613) 224-5 Ill. I 04123/98 L [ QU! ATTACHMENT B Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional Services Emergency Measures Ontario 19th Floor 25 Grosvenor Street Toronto, ON M7A 1Y6 Mlnlstere du Solllclteur general et des Services correctlonnels Mesures d'urgence Ontario 1ge etage 25, rue Grosvenor Toronto, ON M7A 1Y6 LV) Vllldr IU ~, Telephonefr elephone: Facsimilefr elecopieur: (416) 314-3723 (416) 314-3758 September 25, 1998 ~~~~~~9~ ~ (l'~ 0 ~~c!r/ DISTRIBUTION ORIGINAL: tile or' ' CC 1! Deputy i--- ---- 2} Acco';",l3nt --f-- 3) Pur '.~Qr 4) Payroll CI~ I 5) Tax Call. 6) 7) File reference !Reference: W H Stockwell CAO The Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 MUNICIPAlITY OF CLAkl.':ciTON FINANCE Dear Sir, Madam: As you know, the Government of Ontario has designated Year 2000 (Y2K) compliance as a top priority. Of particular concern to the Government is the possible impact of the Y2K challenge on community public safety. This includes any possible disruption to essential community services and any impact on a community's ability to respond to a major emergency or to implement their community emergency plan. I am writing, therefore, to underline the importance of dealing with Y2K issues in a timely manner and to stress that Y2K compliance and emergency preparedness and response is the responsibility of each community. One of our key goals is to raise Y2K awareness among all communities as we continue our own Y2K preparedness activities. The Year 2000 issue arises from the fact that many computers, computer software and microprocessors found in information technology and technologically dependent equipment use only the last two digits of a year to store dates and may therefore not be able to interpret dates after 1999. This could result in these systems failing to operate properly or, possibly, ceasing to function at all prior to or after December 31, 1999. Local systems which may be vulnerable to the Y2K challenge and which may affect public safety include but are not necessarily limited to: community utilities, telephone systems, transportation systems, medical facilities, emergency dispatch systems, community emergency operations ceptres, etc. The Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional Services, which is responsible for overseeing public safety across the province through its operating branch, Emergency Measures Ontario, is undertaking a number of projects to have its own mission and business critical systems Y2K compliant at the earliest possible date. We will be working to ensure that systems critical to public safety, such as the Provincial Operations Centre, are functioning on January 1,2000. 71-9206069-053 (10/97) , d' 0" : ; , ,) -2- In fact, the Provincial Operations Centre will be staffed before, after, and on the eve of the new millenium. We will also be working to ensure that Ministry telecommunications, computers, buildings, service providers, and supplier chains are able to function following the commencement of the year 2000. In addition to the analysis, conversion and testing of all systems, the Ontario public safety system will be developing comprehensive contingency plans so that all of its divisions and business units will have appropriate arrangements in place in the unlikely event that system failures do occur in spite of all best preventative efforts. I would encourage your community to investigate and assess the hazards to public safety posed by the Year 2000 challenge. Further, I would encourage your community to prepare contingency plans and arrangements where it seems that there may be a disruption to essential community services or to your ability to respond to a major emergency. The Year 2000 challenge should be viewed as more than an "information systems" issue and I invite you to share this letter with senior management and your emergency measures coordinator. Emergency Measures Ontario will be contacting all communities shortly to determine their state of emergency preparedness for the potential hazards posed by the Year 2000. To assist us in this task, we ask you to identify a Y2K emergency preparedness contact and notify us by Friday. October 23. 1998. Please fax or phone @ Tel: 416-314-8614 or Fax: 416-314-8656 with the following information: · name and title of contact responsible for Y2K emergency preparedness · telephone number . fax number . contact's mailing address . e-mail address [if applicable] Please note that you may have received information through other Provincial contacts as part of a coordinated and comprehensive effort to raise awareness of the Y2K challenge with all communities. This letter is intended to supplement the information you have already received and focuses on the issue of public safety. In the meantime, if you would like further information on Y2K and emergency preparedness, contact any of the following: Derek Lancaster Year 2000 Contingency Planning Officer Emergency Measures Ontario Tel: 416-314-8604 David Fowler Year 2000 Technical Advisor Emergency Measures Ont2.rio Tel:416-314-8624 duf - -3- Further information: The following Internet sites may be of interest to you in order to gather general Year 2000 information: http://www.year2000.com Peter de Jager's site. htto://www.vear2000.com/v2kgame.html Calm down article by Peter de Jager http://ow2.netcom.com/-helliott/OOfnns.htm "Mother of All Year 2000" Link http://www.cba.orgfGate.asp - Canadian Bar Association http://www.http://strategisjc.gc.ca/year2000 (Industry Canada) htto://www.cfib.ca (Canadian Federation of Independent Business) http://www.itac.caloolicy (Information Technology Association of Canada) http://www.canjbm.com/year2000 (IBM Canada) htto://www.cinderella.co.za (Cinderella Project web site) Thank you for your attention to this important matter. Yours sincerely, W.D. (Doug) Ha.rrison Deputy Director and Year 2000 Project Manager attach. cc: A.D.M. Public Safety Division Superintendent Chris Lewis, Commander Emergency Management Bureau, OPP ,", oiU