HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-57-98 DN: TR- 57-98 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON REPORT Date: July 13, 1998 File # -r~7.-r-A Res. #60.?l -4 S5' ,0;2 Meeting: Special General Purpose and Administration Report #: TR-57-98 FILE #: DEV By-law # Subject: STREET LIGHT BY-LAW Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-57-98 be received for information; 2. THAT Council approve the new method of charging for street light costs as follows: through the General Mill Rate; and 3. THAT By-Laws 84-20, 92-116 and 95-124 be rescinded. 1. BACKGROUND & COMMENTS The current street light By-Law permits all properties located within 30 metres of a streetlight to be charged a special area rate. The amount charged varies per property as it is calculated by applying a special area mill rate to a property's assessment. There are two street light rates: one for the urban areas of the municipality serviced by Clarington Hydro, namely Bowmanville, Orono, Newcastle Village and one for the rural areas serviced by Ontario Hydro. This method of charging for street lights has proven to be difficult to administer. The Public Works Department notifies the Tax Department when subdivisions have been assumed by the Municipality, thus eligible to be charged for street lights. The Tax Department then must code the affected accounts with the appropriate urban or rural street light code from maps attained from the Planning Department. This manual process results in some properties being missed. The street light inventory must continually be kept up to date, due to the Municipality's 805 REPORT NO.: TR-57-98 PAGE 2 rate of growth. Since Local Improvement and Special area rates are charged only on the final tax bill, any subdivisions that are assumed during the year are not charged until the following year, resulting in lost revenue. It is also felt the method of charging is not a fair system. All residents, regardless of being within 30 metres of a light, benefit from the street lights in any part of the Municipality. Therefore, everyone should pay through the overall tax rate. The Municipality currently has warrants and criteria for the installation of street lighting through By-Law 84-21. Although all residents within the municipality will now be contributing towards street light energy charges, it is not the intention of this By-Law to expand upon the present criteria for street light installation. The Public Works Department will continue to review all requests using the existing warrants and criteria. A survey of the area municipalities was conducted to examine the methods of charging for street lights. The following are the results: MUNICIPALITY STREET LIGHT COSTS METHOD OF CHARGING IF OVERALL GENERAL Mill RATE APPLICABLE INCLUDED NOT IN INCLUDED .t AJAX .t -Special area rate for Urban Areas BROCK -Local Improvement charge / user fee for areas along beach .t OSHAWA .t PICKERING .t SCUGOG .t Special area rate on in Town UXBRIDGE Commercial and Residential properties .t WH ITBY It should be noted that the taxpayers who benefit from street lights under the current system support the approximately $300,000 in capital and operating street light costs per annum. The Development Charge Reserve fund contributes to a portion of the annual capital cost as provided in the Development Charge Policy Report. Should 806 REPORT NO.: TR-57-98 PAGE 3 Council agree to include this cost in the municipal mill rate, the mill rate will automatically reflect an increase this year due to its inclusion. RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended to Council that street light charges be collected through the general mill rate in place of the current special area rate method. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ./-'") ~~'M'CT.' Treasurer ~ W.H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer. ~k~~., Director of Public Works. MM*RS*hjl 07 July 1998 807 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 98- Being a By-Law to repeal By-Law 84-20, 92-116 and 95-124 for the levying of taxes for street lighting services within the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the' Municipality of Clarington considers it to be expedient to repeal By-Laws 84-20, 92-116 and 95-124. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts the following: 1 (a) That all properties shown on the last revised assessment roll of the Municipality of Clarington shall be taxed for 100% for the capital and annual operating costs of the Municipal of the street lighting services provided within a street lighting area. 1 (b) repealing the foresaid By-Laws 84-20, 92-116 and 95-124. By-Law read a first and second time this 13th day of July 1998. By-Law read a third and finally passed this 13th day of July 1998. Mayor