HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-36-98 ON: TR;.36 -98 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose & Administration Committee Fi Ie # -r;: ~-G::>e:; . Res. #6P fC) - ~f.o - c! ~ Date: June 8, 1998 Report #: TR-36 -98 FILE #: DEV By-law # Subject: AMO Waiver of Notice Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Resolution # C-337-98 passed by Council on April 14, 1998 be rescinded; 2. THAT the Regional Assessment Commissioner, Mr. Merv Bowen be notified that the Municipality of Clarington does not elect to waive rights under Section 39.1, 33, 34, 40, 40.1 under the Assessment Act. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 The Council agenda of April 27, 1998 contained a waiver request by the Regional Assessment Office. The waiver (attachment #1) was approved based on the past practice for this type of activity. 1.2 Subsequent to the approval by Council, there was a notice received from AMO/LAS which recommends that this waiver not be signed or endorsed (see attachment #2). 1.3 Staff have checked with some of the area municipalities and have found that they also are withholding signing the waiver. The results of the survey are as follows: MUNICIPALITY SIGN WAIVER YES NO TOWN OF AJAX ./ TOWNSHIP OF BROCK ./ CITY OF OSHAWA Still considering TOWN OF PI CKERING ./ TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG ./ TOWNSHIP OF UXBRIDGE ./ TOWN OF WHITBY ./ 8D1 REPORT NO.: TR- 36-98 PAGE 2 2.0 The Clerk has withheld mailing the resolution of April 14, 1998 at the request of Treasury until this matter has been fully dealt with by Council. 3.0 It is recommended that Council rescind its previous position and NOT waive its rights to participate in the settlement process. Although staff feel that the Assessment Office has acted in the best interests of the municipality in the past, because of the magnitude of recent change in the assessment system and the potential for an increase in the number and the complexity of appeals, it may be more effective to have the municipality more actively involved. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ane Marano, H.BSs., A.M.C.T., Treasurer ~ W.H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer. MM *km 04 May 1998 802 Council Minutes COMMUNICA TraNS 0-3 Clarington Public Library Current Budget F05.BU / 0-4 0-5 Proposed Rezoning/Parks 014.0EV.98-010 Attachment fI1 - 8 - r I ( r l [ ( f I April 14, 1998 Resolution #C-336-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the correspondence received from Rick Morrison, Library Board Chairman, forwarding the 1998 current budget to the municipality, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Treasurer for inclusion in the prepmationoftheI998currembudg~;and THAT Rick Morrison be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-337-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Novak I W THAT the correspondence dated March 31, 1998 from Merv Bowen, Regional Assessment Commissioner regarding a waiver of notice and minutes of settlement, be received; THAT the Clerk be authorized to execute, on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington, the Waiver of Notice and Authorization to the Regional Assessment Commissioner to enter into settlements of complaints against assessments or palpable errors on the assessment roll of the municipality fur the 1998 taxation year; and THAT Merv Bowen be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-338-98 Moved by Councillor Schell, seconded by Councillor Novak I r I I THAT the correspondence dated MClTch 24, 1998 from Jean Paul and Kma Ann Nadeau regarding the rezoning application submitted by Glen and Barbma Parks, Sunny Ridge Trail, Enniskillen, be received; 803 Assessment Region No. 13 Regional Municipality of Durham Office Galleria Suite 170 419 King Street West Oshawa ON L 1 J 2K5 Tel (905) 432-8444 Fax (905) 432-1071 March 31, 1998 Ms. Marie Marano Treasurer The Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3A6 Dear Ms. Marano: COUNOIl DIRECTION Region d'evaluatlon N" 131~~RTlOO~ Municipalite R6glonale de Du ~ ~l.S U 'a OffICe Galleria Bureau 170 419 rue King ouest APR 0 1 19 I_Qsh3'f8 Of'!. L1J 2K5 98. 'U1f(e1 (g05) 'W-l,4AN '99 HIe<: (905) 432-1ffl MUNICIPALITY OF CLARl..uTON FINANCE Re: Waiver of Notice Minutes of Settlement 0-4 Ontario DISTRIBUTION ORIGINAL: tile or - - \ \ ~~~~~~~~;~;t B \ 3) Pur ::'C' : . "Po,_,._~,;r", : ,/ G:'. _0. ,~I __ _I ! 5i Tax C2' 16) -'- t 7) L_- Please find enclosed a copy of correspondense to myself from the Assessment Review Board requesting municipalities to consider the enclosed Waiver of Notice and Authorization to the Regional Assessment Commissioner. I would appreciate your response prior to May 15, 1998. Yours truly, Merv K. Bowen Regional Assessment Commissioner Enclosures 804 1- Assessment Review Board 121 Bloor Street East 3rdfloor Toronto ON M4W 3M5 Tel (416)314-6900 Fax (416) 314.6906 Toll Free 1-800-263.3237 Commission de revision de I"valuatlon fonciere 121 rue Bloor est Trolsieme etage Toronto ON M4W 3M5 TeL (416) 314-6900 Tele<: (416)314-6906 Sans Frals 1-800-263.3237 ~ ~_fI1=I OntarIO March 25, 1998 'iECE/VED MAR 2 , 1998 AAo .. 1 .J - OU~ Mr. Merv Bowen Regional Assessment Commissioner, Region #13 419 King Street West Office Galleria, Suite 170 Oshawa Centre Oshawa ON LlJ 2K5 Dear Mr. Bowen: Re: Municipal Waiver of Notice authorizing the Commi<<ioner to enter into Settlements on their behalf under See. 39.1 and Minutes of Settlements under See. 33, ~, 40, 40.1 To assist in the timely processing of Notice of Settlements under Sec. 39.1, and Minutes of Settlement under Sec. 33, 34, 40 and 40.1 of the Assessment Act, the Board is again compiling a list of the municipalities which have signed Authorizations to the Regional Assessment Commissioner to enter into settlements of complaints on their behalf. 1. Municipalities will have the choice of waiving their right to notice under the new See. 39.1 of the Act, allowing the RAC and the assessed person to reach a settlement prior to a complaint and fee being filed with the Board, and the Board will issue a Notice of Decision to change the roll in accordance with the settlement; or 2. If Municipalities do not waive their right to notice under the new See. 39.1, the RAC will provide a copy of the negotiated Notice of Settlement to the Board and to the Municipality (on behalf of the Board) which will include a 21-day appeal period m which the Municipality may file an appeal and fee to the Board if they object to the settlement. If no appeal is filed, the Board will issue a Notice of Decision. 3. Municipalities will also have the choice of waiving their right to notice under Sec. 33, 34, 40, allowing the RAC and the assessed person to sign Minutes of Settlement for an appeal. and the Board will issue a Notice of Decision. Where there are two or more complaints filed against a single property, all complainants must sign Minutes of Settlement for the property to allow the Board to dispose of all complaints at the same time. 4. Municipalities will also have the choice of waiving their right to notice under Sec. 40.1 allowing the RAe and the assessed person to sign Palpable Error Minutes of Settlement providing no appeal has been med with the Board. The Board will issue a Notice of Decision without a hearing. 5. If the Municipalities do not sign the authorizations, they must sign the Minutes of Settlement, or the Board will schedule the property in a hearing. 805 - 2 - please forward the enclosed authorization form to all municipalities within your assessment region for signature. The Board would request all authorizations be returned by May 15. 1998. Yours truly. ~ ;:;,~ Annette Robinson, Manager. Complaints & Appeals Ene!. Copy: R. Owen D. Guild M. Gamble T. Camacho D. Kydd ~'. -.-:",~,,~...:.:. ' . lRB207b l03/98) 806 Assessment Re'liew Board Commission de revision de I'evaluatlon fonciere ~~i [Z!la. ~ .. m::n ~ On~"' : ':" 3._~)r Street [-~.~~ 121 rue Bloor est Trolslt?me etage Toronto ON M4W 3/.15 Tel (416) 314-6900 Tclce (416) 314-6906 Sans FralS 1-8002633237 j;..: :.._-~::" Tcr,Y" ON M~", 3/.',5 ~", (41613146900 '," (416, 3'~ 6906 :' r 18002633237 WAIVER OF NOTICE and AUTHORIZATION TO THE REGIONAL ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONER R~prding Settlements Under Sections 39,1. 33. 34,40 and 40,1 of the Assessment Ac':, R.S,Q, 1990, Chapter :\ 31, as amended Th~ .\1unicip2lity of hereby authorizes the Re gional Assessment Commissioner for Region No. 13 to enter into settlements of complaints 2.gainst JSscssments or palpable errors on the assessment roll of tbis municipality for the 1998 taxation year. on beh3lf of the municipality, without a bearing, pursuant to subsection 4,1 of tbe Statutory Pm.. as Procc-dure Act. under the sections specifically identified below: /,";::,;,-.,-:r:.._:.J. Section 39.1 ,reconsideration Notice of Settlements) Yes_ No__ Section 33, :3-"-, 40 (Minutes of Settlements) Yes No_ Sections 40,1 ,palpable errors affecting value) Yes No_ s~ autboriz2tioIlS already in effect for prior ta.xation years \\ill continue to be in effect lL'1CU aU related complaints are resolyed, unless revoked in writing. -- \\Ufl!:::'.ll Ck:. ,.[ Othn Authorizcd Officcr Date ARLL'()7 A (03\)S) 807 ~Wai\'er of Notice. http://members.municom .com municom ~ alert/waiver. htn! Attachgtent 112 , V', ~ \i,J ~}. ( II. ..J I.... [.."'~':'. '.' r.... . , .' t:1 "'" . Association of Municipalities of 0 ntario A"A.l!'~I;ji!iilliilllll' ~..an!! LOCAL AUTHORITY SERvrcES LTD. Municipalities will be receiving from their Regional Assessment Commissioners a form entitled "WAIVER OF NOTICE and AUTHORIZATION TO THE REGIONAL ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONER" if they have not already done so. What you are being asked to do Municipalities are being asked if they wish to sign a .._fQD!w~J1"aulhori;1;~ the."~~.: Assessment Commissioner ..et2~t~.,,~~I~1P.en_~,~.i1i!~~ ~~~ts,lU,ldp@Jp~le :Cf!rOts on the assessment roll for the 19~9 taxatlon year on behalf of the mUnicIpahty ,,-'ttI"'f1Ilring. Specifically the form enables municipalities to waive their rights under Section 39.1 (Recorlslderation Notice of Settlements), Sections 33, 34,40 (Minutes of Settlement) and Section 40.1 (Palpable Errors Affecting Value) of the Assessment Act. While this form is optional, AMO and LAS do not believe that signing the form is in the best interest of your municipality. What happens if you sign the waiver form. Under the new Ontario Fair Assessment System, the assessor has been given the power to reach an agreement to amend an assessment prior to the deadline to appeal. Municipalities have the right to review these negotiated settlements to ensure that any changes to be made are fair and equitable and in the best interest of other ratepayers within the same jurisdiction. By waiving your right to receive these Ji Notices of Settlements, you automatically forfeit your ability to object to unfair assessment changes. As a result, your municipality would have no ability to prevent the erosion of its assessment base or the resulting tax revenues lost. The same holds true for Minutes of Settlement. If you waive your right to be a party to these agreements, the assessor is empowered to dispose of an assessment complaint without your knowledge or input. Since the Ministry of Finance's goals are not necessarily consistent with municipal interests, the settlement put into place may not be fair or equitable from the municipality's interest. Getting HELP Municipalities, when their receive the waiver form, may be tempted to sign and return it in order to reduce the paperwork they will receive and because they do not have the time or resources to review each and every reconsideration agreement. While this is a consideration, municipal councils must think of the potential negative impact this may have on the municipality's primary revenue source simply as a result of not knowing what settlements are being put into place. If your municipality needs assistance to have someone review reconsideration agreements or needs representation at the appeals level to ensure that your municipality's interests are preserved, contact LAS at 416-971-9856 Ext. 327 to learn about the services in these and other areas available to municipalities. Michael Power President, AMO Sharad Kerur President & CEO, LAS 808 16-Apr-98 9:57 AM I of:2