HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-23-98 \ . THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT TR-23-98 Meeting: Date: SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE 12 File # \--CY5. 04, April 6, 1998 () \' B - Q \() CJ ~ - Res. #G P I:=) - ,;)~/- 9 ~ Report #: Subject: TR-23-98 File #: By-law # 1998 CAPITAL BUDGET & FOUR YEAR FORECAST Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-23 -98 be received, 2. THAT the 1998 Capital Budget be approved, 3. THAT the roads pavement program (surface treatment pulverizing granular A & B) be approved FORTHWITH, and 4. THAT the 1998 Capital requests from the Museums and Library be considered, and 5. THAT the Four Year Forecast be approved in principle. Background and Comments: 1.0 1998 BUDGET PROCESS 1.1 The 1998 tax impact, given all the unknowns that are explained below, total approximately 20 % . This impact includes the following : Provincial- downloaded 'Who Does What" Provincial - Grant in Lieu elimination Municipal - Uncontrollable (Net) Current - Capital Proposed TOTAL POTENTIAL IMPACT 5% 10% 2% 3% I~~I 1.2 The Provincial assessment data for the new Actual Value Assessment numbers will not be available to municipalities until May 30, 1998. This will require sufficient time to assess due to the significant changes that will have been applied to the tax base and this in itself will cause many shifts in the average tax bill because of the change in the method of valuing homes to be more reflective of current value. The Province still has not confirmed the final impact from TR-23-98 PAGE 2 downloading either to the upper tier or local level. At this point the 'revenue neutral' analysis shows a required targeted savings of $475,000 which translates to a tax impact of approximately 5%. In addition to the 'Who Does What' downloaded impact, the potential sharing of the Payment-in- lieu of tax for the Ontario Hydro Darlington Plant has not been confIrmed. The impact of this alone could be a loss of revenue of up to $1 million out of the current $2 million received, depending on the Provincial direction. This would translate to a tax increase of 10 % to total a potential 15% on the tax base from the Province alone. 1.3 The fourth element affecting the tax rate calculation is the municipal budget. It is impossible to prepare an operating budget without the fInal numbers from the three signifIcant issues identifIed above. Staff has been preparing operating budgets with an attempt to maintain minimal or no impact over the prior year. However, even with this approach, there are known uncontrollable impacts to the operating budget, and recommended capital programs which will impact the base unless service levels are negatively adjusted or removed. The major issues affecting the 1998 Municipal Budget include the following: -Provision for Provincial Actual Value Assessment A eals 130,000 Ih in 1997.) 100,000 Fire De artment - Prima Grid. 85,000 -Insurance remiums/Bell char es, inflation im act, etc. 160,000 -Com letion of Dufferin A re ate Gravel A reement in 1997 150,000 775,000 (585,000) SUB TOTAL Revenue - Growth/Pro rams, Reduced Ex enses, etc. Note: CIS preliminary operating budget is prepared @ < -1.7> net including CCC - revenue included in overall anal sis TR-23-98 PAGE 3 1.3 As a result of the delay in the Provincial numbers, the Regional budget is tentatively scheduled for June 3, 1998. (This date has been delayed, as of the writing of this report, to an unknown date). It is anticipated that the local budget will be presented on or about the same time frame. The fInal complete tax bill can not be issued until the Regional and Educational tax rates are included. Consequently the tax bills will likely be mailed by late June with an instalment date legally, at least twenty-one days thereafter. This would delay the instalment, which is normally late June, until possibly late July, or mid August. Staff will keep Council informed of any fInal numbers as they are announced. 2.0 The 1998 CAPITAL BUDGET 2.1 The Capital budget has been prepared and is presented to Council in order to ensure the construction timing and associated tendering process is not compromised. The comparative 1997 Capital supported through the tax base and proposed 1998 tax base support is as follows: 8,000 1,000 176,250 o 1,558,649 o 3,000 155,455 12,000 327,895 o 1,860,011 3,400 2,500 147,455 11 ,000 * 151,645 o * 301 ,362 3,400 (500 Libra Museums - Bowmanville CAPITAL TAX IMPACT Less Reallocation of Current Budget Funds o o 1,746,899 5937 3,000 2,364,261 5937 3,000 617,362 (300,000) *Note: Difference is proposed tax supported capital detailed below. 2.2 There are three major areas of impact and consideration in the proposed 1998 capital budget: A. Roads Maintenance Program B. Building Services Prof11e C. Financial System Computer Upgrade re: Year 2000 TR-23-98 PAGE 4 2.3 Five years of zero percent tax increase has taken its toll on the reserve funds and service levels in such areas as roads maintenance and building repairs and renovations. The Reserve Funds can not continue to support these types of programs that are of an ongoing and regular nature, which would normally be funded from the tax base. A copy of the anticipated reserve and reserve funds balances is Attachment #1 and #2. Once put into the base, even if in a gradual manner, the municipality will be able to sustain better, the impact of growth. The impact on the tax base for these three areas alone, in order to accommodate a reasonable program of maintenance, repair and replacement ideally would be at least $900,000. 2.4 The uncertainty of the overall impact for 1998 makes it difficult to consider capital in isolation from the current budget, however with the combination of Actual Value Assessment, education tax room and Who Does What downloading, the municipal tax rate will be impossible to separate and compare on like terms. It is recommended that the 1998 capital supported through the tax base be increased by approximately $300,000 in order to responsibly provide for future capital programs to continue. This would translate to approximately $14.00 (average) per year on each household tax bill or less than $1.25 per month. 2.5 The following implementation of capital programs is recommended for 1998 in each of the areas identified above: 2.5 A) Roads Maintenance Program The major impact proposed for the 1998 Capital Budget is for the roads maintenance program to ensure that the roads do not deteriorate to a point where the cost to maintain the same roads escalates beyond control because they can not be repaired but must be replaced. The Public Works Department will provide a detailed explanation during their presentation to Council. The increased expenditure, at this point, is proposed to be accommodated by reducing the transfer of tax dollars into the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund. The Development charges Act required a contribution from the tax base to support development, which benefits the existing tax base. Over the past several years the transfer has been maintained at approximately $400,000. In order to accommodate the roads program, consideration may be given to temporarily reassigning approximately $300,000 of these funds from the transfer and increased back to the 1997 level as future budgets permit. The net impact of this program is therefore 0% on the tax base. The spring roads repair program requires an immediate tender, and therefore a 'forwith' request for gravel is recommended. 2.5B) Building Services Repair/Rehabilitation The Municipality currently has approximately 40 buildings that it is responsible for. The composition, age and operational impacts of a building dictates the frequency and type of maintenance required and more importantly the cost. Repair and restoration are preventative actions which extends predicted life expectancy. Retrofit and replacement are corrective as they are reactive measures to damage and deterioration resulting from the ageing process. Many of the buildings are over 20 years of age and therefore replacement and retrofit must be considered in the building profile review. TR-23-98 PAGE 5 In 1998 the initial draft of the building rehabilitation program including the community services buiding requirements, was $700,000 which only covered normal replacement capital (roofs, floors, windows, furnaces etc.). This would see the Parkland Cash-in-lieu Reserve Fund essentially eliminated and so the ideal program has been somewhat scaled down. It is recommended in the capital budget that $150,000 of this program be funded from the tax base in the capital budget. 2.5 C. Financial System Replacement The replacement of the [mancial system will be required in order to accommodate the Year 2000. It is anticipated that the cost to replace the system will be in the neighbourhood of $800,000 and therefore, in order to stretch the budget over a three year period, the capital budget provides that a transition program be developed which will temporarily provide a link to ensure year 2000 compliance. The cost of this program development is approximately $40,000 but it will delay the required implementation for at least one year and allow the budget to accommodate the cost on a more conservative basis. The Region of Durham replaced their financial system in 1997 at a cost of approximately $3 million and they have left a window of opportunity for the area municipalities to purchase the same type of system. This will be investigated over time and the Municipality will have the advantage of seeing the implementation success at the Region of Durham before finalizing any recommendations to Council. It is recommended that $150,000 be included incrementally in each of three years to accommodate this program. 2.6 The Public Works equipment replacement is also in a critical funding situation. This fund has been essentially depleted because of the elimination of Provincial Roads Grants over the past three years. The 1998 capital budget will be the final year of purchases from the Reserve, therefore this issue will have to be addressed in the 1999 tax base. It is therefore not possible to defer any longer, a reasonable impact on the tax base in order to carry on municipal business. 3.0 Museums & Library The Library and Museum have requested a modest tax impact for 1998. They will be given the opportunity to be present to review the details of their request with Council. Respectfully Submitted Reviewed by ~ W.R. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer rie A. Marano, R.BSc., AMCT Treasurer. MAM/pp Attachment . ...... 'II: i:J o ] () cO ~ 00 o ~ ~ ...... 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