HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-10-98 "i " .1 , I , THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON T REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Res. # l':)f> C) - t:J tp \ - 9 sr' By-Law # Date: JULY 13, 1998 Report #: CS 10 98 File#: Subject: 1998-99 SCHEDULE OF RATES AND FEES Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administrative Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. CS-10-98 be received; and 2. THAT Council approve the attached proposed schedule of Rates and Fees, effective September 1, 1998. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Each year staff of the Community Service Department initiate the process of reviewing the established rates and fees for the various services and leisure opportunities provided by the Department. This process recognizes many factors that influence the public's participation as well as the associated operational costs that are incurred in providing them. The last increase in rates and fees was approved in 1996 as a result of Provincial downloading. 1.2 The mandate of the Community Services Department is to provide quality servIces and leisure programs at reasonable rates. To this end, the Department has taken initiatives (eg. Discount coupons) to promote and encourage our residents to participate in specific programs and/or memberships. Further, to assist families, the Department continues to promote a Family Discount whereby the first two (2) children in a family register at the established fee and all subsequent children are registered at a 50% discount of the fee. Both of these initiatives have enabled the Department to achieve, and in many cases, surpass expectations and previous participation levels. 1.3 The body of this report, and its attachments, will outline current rates and fees as administered by the Community Services Department, recommending adjustments as required. ./2 AECYCl.fD~PAPIER PAPER '<:!::1 RECYCl.E THIS IS PRIN1EDON RECYCLED PAPER 1 001 .f CS-I0-98 - 2- JULY 13, 1998 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 PROGRAM RATES & FEES 2.1 Attachment #1 outlines the fees applied to the vanous programs administered and implemented by the Community Services Department. This category includes instructional /structured programs, such as swim lessons and day camps, aerobics, as well as unstructured programs and activities such as recreational public swims and skating. 2.2 There is a new category being introduced for the 1998-99 operational year identified as "senior" public skate and swim. Over the past several years seniors have been admitted free to these activities, however, with the growing number of seniors utilizing our facilities at various times throughout the day and evening, it is appropriate to consider a fee category for senior admission to be the same as that for youths. 2.3 Programs such as Aqua Quest Level 1 to 1 V show an increase in fees due to increased Red Cross material and affiliation fees. Aqua Quest levels five to twelve show an increase as these levels provide an increased time frame of fifteen minutes (i.e. Level 1-4 = 30 minutesILevel 5- 12 = 45 minutes). 2.4 Similarly the leadership program category such as Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross, Instructions and National Lifeguard Service have increased due to continued higher costs of Instructors/Trainers, administration and exam fees associated with the Canadian Red Cross and Life Saving Society. 2.5 Adult programs such as Aqua Fitness and Aerobics show a slight increase in fees, as additional cost of program equipment is required to expand for more registrants in all classes. 3.0 MEMBERSIDPS 3.1 Attachment #2 identifies the various membership rates for our facilities, no increases to these categories have been recommended. As members of Council are aware, the Courtice Community Complex has been in operation less than a year and membership sales continue to grow. Most popular memberships are annuals, with renewal in September 1998, therefore, maintaining membership rates will promote renewals within our first year of operation. 3.2 The Community Services Department encourages family participation with a new Family Facility Membership proposed for the 1998/99 season. Several inquiries have prompted staff to recommend this new category entitling two adults and their children access to both the Courtice Community Complex and the Clarington Fitness Centre. This membership is also available in 6 month; 1 month and 10 ticket categories providing families the flexibility of shorter duration memberships at an affordable rate. ../3 1002 CS-10-98 -3- JULY 13, 1998 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0 FACILITY RENTALS 4.1 The Community Services Department is committed to keeping Facility Rental fees (Attachment #3) as reasonable as possible, however, staff has reviewed fees from neighbouring Municipalities in considering adjusting current rates. For the most part, rates for ice/pool rentals are generally low in Clarington compared to other municipalities and as such , staff is recommending increases to ice rentals and some pool rentals to offset that discrepancy. 5.0 MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM RENTALS 5.1 All rates and fees for Multi Purpose Rentals (attachment #4) are recommended to stay at current levels, however, the current rates will no longer include a certified bartender. Wherever licensed events require a certified bartender, an hourly fee of $ 14.00/per bartender will be charged. 5.2 Again, inquiries have prompted staff to propose a new category for hourly rentals of our kitchen facilities. Local catering firms have enquired as to the possibility of renting our kitchen facilities during daytime hours, and staff is recommending this fee anticipating increased revenue generation in our Multi-Purpose Facilities. 6.0 SUMMARY 6.1 The Community Services Department has focused efforts on maintaining the high quality of programs and services, at reasonable rates and fees which the public has come to accept. In preparing this report and the schedule of rates and fees, staff have reflected the costs of providing these opportunities in comparison to similar rates and fees charged in neighbouring municipalities. Overall, rates and fees charged in Clarington are competitive with similar programs and facilities throughout the Durham Region. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Office ana, Director unity Services Department JPC:CG:SR:pg Attachments 1003 COMMUNITY SERVICES - RATES & FEES ATTACHMENT I-PROGRAMS ADULTS-DAILY 3.00 2.75 3.00 2.75 ADULTS-1 0 TICKET 23.70 18.70 23.70 18.70 YOUTH/SENIOR-DAILY 2.00 1.75 2.00 1.75 YOUTH/SENIOR-10 TICKET 17.00 12.00 17.00 12.00 FAMILY-DAILY 6.00 5.50 6.00 5.50 FAMILY-lO TICKET 38.00 33.00 38.00 33.00 YOUTH TRIATHLON TRAINING (PER MONTH) ADULT FITNESS AEROBICS Junior 50.00 Senior 75.00 (24) 68.00 (36) 92.00 (48) 115.00 Junior 50.00 Senior 75.00 (24) 68.00 (36) 92.00 (48) 115.00 (16) 150.00 month (24) 64.00 (36) 88.00 (48) 110.00 N/A (24) 64.00 (36) 88.00 (48) 110.00 AQUA QUEST-AQUA TOTS 45.00 45.00 43.00 43.00 AQUA QUEST LEVEL 1 - 4 45.00 45.00 AQUA QUEST LEVEL 5 - 12 50.00 50.00 43.00 43.00 BRONZE MEDALLION 100.00 100.00 79.00 79.00 BRONZE CROSS 105.00 105.00 81.50 81.50 AQUA-LEADERS 105.00 105.00 66.00 66.00 INSTRUCTORIN.L.S. 150.00 150.00 137.50 137.50 SEMI-PRlV ATE (10) 93.00 93.00 88.00 88.00 PRIVATE(lO) 160.00 154.00 154.00 154.00 AQUA-ADULT INSTRUCTION 55.00 55.00 50.00 50.00 AQUA-FIT 69.00 69.00 (12) 66.00 (12) 66.00 92.00 92.00 (24) 88.00 (24) 88.00 135.00 135.00 (36) 132.00 (36) 132.00 BRONZE STAR 58.00 58.00 JUNIOR LIFEGUARD 60.00 60.00 53.50 53.50 SYNCHRONIZED 50.00 50.00 45.00 45.00 ALL FEES QUOATED INCLUDE FEDERAL G.S.T. SENIOR POOL/SKATING NEW NOTE: Number in ( ) indicates the number of classes included in the program. 1004 .. ' COMMUNITY SERVICES - RATES & FEES ATTACHMENT 2 - MEMBERSHIPS ADULT 12 MONTHS .mfMO'NfHmm YOUTHISENIOR ........i.2...J.,itd'NfHsmm 1 MONTH FAMILY 12 MONTHS 1 MONTH 12 MONTHS ................3.MO'NfHsm 10 TICKETS CORPORATE 25% DISCOUNT ON ADULT MEMBERSHIPS $150.001 BUSINESS 150.001 BUSINESS 150.001 BUSINESS 150.001 BUSINESS 12 MONTHS 575.00 NEW 575.00 NEW NIA NIA 6 MONTHS 325.00 NEW 325.00 NEW 1 MONTH 70.00 NEW 70.00 NEW 10 TICKET 125.00 NEW 125.00 NEW ADULT 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 YOUTH 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 SENIOR 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 ALL FEES QUOATED INCLUDE FEDERAL G.S.T. 1005 COMMUNITY SRVICES - RATES & FEES ATTACHMENT #3 - FACILITY RENTALS PRIVATE (2 GUARDS) 88.00 88.00 88.00 88.00 (4 GUARDS) PER HOUR 101.00 10 1. 00 (SLIDE) (SLIDE) CLUB/SCHOOL BD.(GUARDS EXTRA) 42.00 42.00 38.50 38.50 SPECIAL EVENTS (GUARDS EXTRA) 60.00 60.00 53.00 53.00 LIFEGUARDS (HOUR) 14.00 14.00 13.00 13.00 COMMUNITY GROUPSIHOUR 18.00 18.00 16.50 16.50 PRIVATEIHOUR 30.00 30.00 27.50 27.50 NON-RESIDENTIHOUR 46.00 46.00 44.00 44.00 SCHOOL BOARDIHOUR (8 A.M.-4 P.M.) 15.00 15.00 N/A N/A ALL FEES QUOTED INCLUDE FEDERAL G.S.T. ADUL TSIHOUR NON RESIDENT (ANY FIELD) ADULT TOURNAMENTS NON RESIDENT/HOUR YOUTH (ANY FIELD)/HOUR TOURNAMENTS 9.00 15.00 9.00 + 6O.00IDA Y 15.00 + 90.00/DA Y 4.00 4.00 + 60.00IDA Y 7.70 11.00 8.50 + 55IDA Y 12.50 + 82.50IDA Y 4.00 4.00 + 55.00IDA Y CARS MOTORCYCLES BUSES 5.50 4.50 33.00 5.50 4.50 33.00 1006 r ' COMMUNITY SRVICES - RATES & FEES ATTACHMENT #3 - FACILITY RENTALS PRIME TIMEIHOUR ADULTS YOUTH NON-PRIMEIHOUR ADULTS YOUTH NON-RESIDENT (/HOUR; ALL HOURS) STATUTORY HOLIDAY SURCHARGEIHOUR FEE + 55.00 ADULT YOUTH NON-RESIDENT 48.00 48.00 60.00 ADULTS - DAILY .................ADU[fs.::::10.fICKEf. .........--XDULf.SEASoRI1ASS.. ............YOUfH!SENfOir.=DAILY- --YOUfH/SENI6R:..=..i.o...fICKEfS--..-- .YOUfH!SENIoR:SEAS.ONPASS- .. . .................................................................................................................... FAMILY - DAILY .FAMI[Y=T6fICKEfS- FAMI[Y..SEASON.PASS--.. 2.75 .-T8..76 . .-66:00 .................................... r~.1.5..' ---............ELOo........... .3"3jm-- -- .. ........................................ 5.50 ..__...........3~f-06......._.. ....................................................... 110.00 FEE + 50.00 44.00 44.00 55.00 2.75 ..18:76-- ....... .....6K60-- . ......................~............... 1.75 12:66- --33:06- ..... -5:56- .... --_......3.8:06- ............................................................. 110.00 1007 ,-. ~ - (Fl . ....:l~ ~~ Z~ ~$ ::EO o~ ~~ 1..I:l..... (FlU o~ ~6 ~u ~~ ....:l ~ I l E-< ffi ::E ::r:: U ~ E-< ~0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '-' (Fl I..I:l I..I:l ~ cld (Fl I..I:l E-< ~ I (Fl I..I:l U .....1..I:l ~S:l 1..I:l> (Flp:: ;><1..I:l E-<~ .....::E ~~ ::EO O~ U~ I ZO'Ioooo 00'l~~~~ ::E~g~~~ NMNM 0' I..I:l (Fl ffio S:l~ >7ffi 5S:l e,8 o E-<E-< I..I:l zffi (Fl l..I:lo z""'o..... E3tij(ij~ ~~~I Z ul..I:l Z Z o 00 z~zz ~ o ~ I..I:l ~ U I..I:l ~1..I:le, OU(Fl ~zp:: 5~~ 0~1..I:l ~~~ ~~~ ~ u:i c.:i ....:l ~ o I..I:l ~ I..I:l g U ~ o I..I:l E-< o ::J CI (Fl I..I:l I..I:l ~ ....:l ....:l ~ 1008