HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-08-98 . . THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON T REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File#~Co . (~.c Res. #GPP - ~q~- %" By-Law# 99- tJ33 . Date: MAY 25,1998 Report #: CS 08 98 File #: Subject: ONTARIO 2000 SUMMER GAMES Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report No. CS-08-98 be received; and 2. THAT Council endorse a joint Regional bid to host the Ontario 2000 Summer Games; and 3. THAT staff be authorized to continue to participate as a member of the Ontario Games Committee on Behalf of the Municipality of Clarington; 4. THAT Council authorize an upset limited expenditure of $22,000.00 as Clarington's share of the Games budget. 5. THAT $11,000.00 be provided in 1998 and 1999 from the contingency account #7007-X-298 and be deposited into an Ontario 2000 Summer Games reserve for disbursement as required for implementation of the games; and 6. THAT the appropriate by-law to establish the Ontario 2000 Summer Games Reserve be forwarded to Council for approval. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 In January of 1998 staff Report CS-01-98 was approved, authorizing staff to participate with the Region and our neighbouring municipalities in researching the feasibility of making a formal bid to host the Ontario 2000 Summer Games and to report back to Council. ..../2 RECYClf(J!;t\ PAPIER PAPER '<:!:;1 RECYCLE THIS IS PAINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 1 0 1 0 " ~PORT CS-08~98 -2- MAY 25, 1998 1.2 Subsequently an Ad Hoc Committee was formed, made up of representation from the following: . Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation . Town of Whitby . Town of Ajax . Township of Brock . Municipality of Clarington . City of Oshawa . Township of Scugog . Township of Uxbridge . Region of Durham 1.3 The Committee has reviewed the 1997 bid guidelines; the availability of suitable facilities within Durham Region; established the host municipalities for the respective venues, prepared a preliminary budget for the games and prepared a Games Committee structure required to organize and administer the games should our bid be successful. 2.0 BID GillDELINES 2.1 Although the 1998 bid guidelines have not been released by the Province, the Ad Hoc Committee with assistance from our Ministry representative reviewed the previous year's bid guidelines anticipating minor changes if any to the new bid package. 2.2 The Bid Guidelines, will form the basis for our ultimate submission and identifies important components that will ensure a successful event such as the following; . Bid Committee Structure . Demonstrated Community Support . Previous Achievements . Organizational Structure . Sport Leadership . Finance . Accommodations . Transportation etc. .. . ./3 1 0 1 1 " RI;:PORT CS-08~98 - 3 - MAY 25, 1998 3.0 FACILITIES 3.1 The Committee has reviewed each Municipality's facilities as they relate to the standard requirements of the bid guidelines and has determined that collectively, the Municipalities can provide venues for all sporting events with the exception of 3 metre diving facilities. 3.2 On April 9, 1998, the Committee toured the various facilities within the Region and concluded that all Municipalities have the facilities required to host at least two major events each, thus sharing the exposure, tourism and economic benefit of the games to all Communities within the Region of Durham, 4.0 SPORT VENUE - HOST MUNICIPALITIES In determining which Municipality would host an event, the Committee established criteria for site selection of the various venues: . The Municipality has adequate facilities meeting the minimum standards to support the bid to host a particular venue. . Previous experience in hosting a major event in the past. . Most importantly - that the host Municipality has a well developed volunteer organization with the desire and ability to host an event of this magnitude. 4.2 Attachment #1 provides an overview of the various sport venues and the host Municipality. It is noteworthy to recognize that Clarington has secured the men's baseball and men's soccer venues and the respective local organizations are eager and willing to participate. 4.3 These venues will also provide Clarington with the opportunity to provide preliminary and championship games at various facilities throughout our Municipality providing an opportunity for all residents to take part in the games. 5.0 BUDGET 5.1 With the financial commitment of the various Municipalities and the Region, the Games are operated essentially on a break-even basis, In view of the nine participating Municipalities, the financial obligations to anyone of the Municipalities are greatly reduced. A preliminary budget forecast (Attachment #2) is provided for the information of Council. ... ./4 1 0 1 2 " REPORT CS-08-98 - 4- MAY 25,1998 5.2 Provincial Grant - the province has traditionally funded the games based on 50 % of the operating costs up to a maximum of $400,000., and has indicated they will not exceed this maximum. Once approved, 50% ($200,000.) of the grant will be forwarded to the successful applicant to cover start up and operating costs prior to the games. 5.3 Participant Fees - the guildelines allow for a $60.00 maximum registration fee per participant per event. The maximum number of 3,000 participants is expected to participate in the games. 5.4 Municipal Contributions - A combined Municipal contribution amount of $100,000 has been identified as a requirement from the various Municipalities. Each community is required to contribute a cash contribution towards the games based on the following formula: . Uxbridge 5% - $5,000. . Scugog 5% - $5,000. . Brock 5% - $5,000. . Ajax 11 % - $11,000. . Clarington 11 % - $11,000. . Pickering 11 % - $11,000. . Whitby 11 % - $11,000. . Oshawa 15% - $15,000. . Region of Durham 26% - $26,000. 5.5 Corporate Fundraising and Sponsorship - this category is critical to the revenue funding for the games, however, it is expected to be attainable because of the nine participating municipalities. As this component will be the responsibility of the Organizing Committee, it has not yet been determined if each municipality would be responsible for a portion of the fundraising or if a regional approach will be recommended. Notwithstanding, it should be recognized that this is a cash contribution and any shortfall must be addressed. In accordance with Recommendation #4, Clarington is responsible for an actual commitment of $11,000. plus an additional $11,000. to cover any potential shortfall, in fundraising or sponsorship, representing an upset limit for financial contribution of $22,000. from Clarington. .. ../5 1 0 1 3 REPORT CS-08-98 - 5 - MAY 25, 1998 5.6 Gift and Services in Kind - the Committee has recommended that except where hard costs are incurred or other revenues would be lost by hosting the games, facility rental fees will be waived for this event. These amounts will be monitored for reporting purposes; however, each municipality is expected to share the "in kind" services as no municipality would be expected to shoulder an excessive burden to facilitate the games. In addition, it is recognized that certain corporations, sponsors or school boards may be willing to provide services and products at reduced costs or at no charge to the Committee. These items would be gratefully received and acknowledged as "Gifts or Services in Kind. " 5.7 The expenditures are for the most part self-explanatory and represent the Committee's best estimates at this time. Of particular note is the administration category which identifies $109,300. This expenditure is primarily established, anticipating that a Games Manager, support staff, and office space will be established should our bid be accepted. 6.0 COMMITTEE STRUCTURE 6.1 Once approved, a formal Games Organizing Committee (Attachment #3) will be established. The existing Municipal Ad Hoc Committee will serve as an advisory committee and a number of volunteers from the regional committees will chair nine sub- committees within the structure of the Organizing Committee. 6.2 Further, the Committee Chair is appointed to Head the Games Organizing Committee, and will be assisted by a contracted Games Manager who's responsibility will be to oversee the day-to-day and routine requirements of the games. 7.0 GAMES LOGO 7.1 The Ad Hoc Committee has developed an official Logo for the games and is provided as Attachment #4. Essentially, the Logo is in the form of a shield, depicting the year 2000 as the bid year, the sun identifying The Summer Games, Ontario's trillium, surrounded by all of the Municipalities of Durham Region. 8.0 COMMENT 8.1 Although there is not a defined formula available that would identify specific economic benefits to the Region/Municipalities, each Community that has hosted previous games has used their own formula when making this determination. ... ./6 101 4 REPORT CS-08-98 - 6- MAY 25, 1998 8.2 The Ministry has stated that the economic impact of the Games on a Community has ranged from $500,000. for the Seniors Games (1996 Richmond Hill) to over $3 million for The Winter Games (1995 Niagara Falls). 8.3 The Region's Economic Development Department has indicated a formula of 3 to 1 ($3.00 received for every $1.00 spent) as a basis for determining economic impact. Based on the proposed operating budget of $903,800. and using the 3 to 1 formula, we can estimate an economic impact of approximately $2.7 million dollars to The Region and participating Municipalities. 8.4 Financing of Clarington's portion of the Games budget has been discussed and reviewed with the Treasurer. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~ W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer unity Services Department JPC:pg 1 0 1 5 ATTACHENT #1 CS-08-98 Ontario Games - 2000 Municipality Venues (proposal) Bl'ock () Water Skiing o Rugby (1-1 o Softball (M) a.haWI SeDllOR: o Opening Ceremonies o Track & Field () Archery (Camp Samac) o Basketball (M) o Shooting o Final. Beach Volleyball o Rowing o Lawn Bowling o Canoeing o Beach Volleyball Whitln o Tennis o Lacrosse (indoor) o Field Hockey Pending: 1. Sailing -Clarington ..Whitby .Pickering 2. Closing Ceremonies 3. Athletic Dinner/Volunteer Appreciation 1 0 1 6 . " Municipalities of Durham Region Ontario Provincial Summer Games 2000 Budget ATTACHMENT #2 CS-08-98 ITEMS REVENUES I A) Ministry Grant $400 000 $400,000 B) Participation Fees 180 000 180,000 C) Corporate Fund Raising Ai ax 11,000 Brock 5,000 Clarington 11 000 Durham 26 000 Oshawa 15,000 Pickering 11,000 Scugog 5,000 Uxbridge 5,000 Whitby 11,000 100,000 D) Gifts-in-Kind Service 103,800 103,800 E) Bank Interest 10,000 10,000 F) City Funding Ai ax 11,000 Brock 5,000 Clarington 11,000 Durham 26,000 Oshawa 15,000 Pickering 11,000 Scugog 5,000 Uxbridge 5,000 Whitby 11,000 100,000 G) Souvenir Sales 10,000 10,000 TOT. REV. 903,800 II EXPENDITURES A) Administration 109,300 B) Ceremonies 18,000 C) Awards 10,000 D) Promotions 25,000 E) Special Events 17,500 F) Protocol 11,500 G) Accommodation 300,000 H) Transportation 145,000 I) Food Services 225,000 J) Security and Parkin,g 5,000 K) Sport Medical 7,500 L) Sport Facilities 25,000 M) Communications 5,000 TOT. 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