HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-50-98 Addendum """ - . . THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON :;r~~~~~X~~x REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File #-rO<?'-GC Res. # (j ~ A - {rr;S - Cj'i5 By-Law # Report #: NOVEMBER 16, 1998 ADDENDUMi'fl~:REPORT VID-50-98 Date: Subject: STATUS OF "THE MAST ROAD" Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Addendum to Report WD-50-98 be received for information; and 2. THAT Mrs. Joan Anderson and Mr. Stapleton be provided with a copy of Addendum to Report WD-50-98. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: Report WD-50-98 2.0 BACKGROUND Report WD-50-98 was submitted to Council for consideration at its meeting of October 5, 1998. Mrs. Joan Anderson made a delegation to Council regarding Report WD-50-98 wherein she requested answers to certain questions regarding information presented in the report. Council passed Resolution C-756-98 as follows: "THAT Joan Anderson be acknowledged; '~~','i," @ ::;,'~~, 1 j U 1 THIS IS PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER REPORT NO.: ADDENDUM TO REPORT WD-50-98 PAGE 2 THAT her comments be referred to staff for the preparation of a report addressing her specific questions, to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT Joan Anderson be advised of Council's decision." 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 Further to Council's direction, staff reviewed the written submission of Mrs. Anderson's delegation and identified the various questions relative to Report WD-50-98. 3.1.1 In this report, only the September 4th 1998 Stapleton letter was mentioned. In Resolution C-677-98 our delegation was not even recognized. Our fact-filled presentation was well worthy of your scrutiny and yet omitted. There was also no recognition of the petition brought to Council. In a democracy, which Canada is, it is essential to look at both sides before coming to a conclusion. This very basic step has been omitted. Why? Council, at its meeting of September 14, 1998, passed Resolution C-677 -98, as follows: 'THAT the correspondence dated September 4, 1998 from Mr. And Mrs. Stapleton regarding the travelled road between Lots 11 and 12, Concession 8, former Township of Clarke known as the "Mast Road", be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for preparation of a report, including the legal opinion previously received on this matter, to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and, THAT Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton and Joan Anderson be advised of Council's decision" 1 OJ u 2 REPORT NO.: ADDENDUM TO REPORT WD-50-98 PAGE 3 Report WD-50-98, Section 2.0 Background, refers to both the correspondence from Mr. Stapleton and the delegation of Joan Anderson to Council as the background information for this report. The Public Works Department prepared Report WD-50-98, based on the legal opinion of the Municipality's Solicitor, Mr. Hefferon, that the "Mast Road" is private property. In Mr. Hefferon's letter of opinion on file in the Public Works Department, the facts supporting his opinion are detailed and the applicable case law is stated. The file and presentation including the petition submitted were thoroughly reviewed during preparation of the report. 3.1.2 This item has been summarized from Mrs. Anderson's presentation to Council: Mrs. Anderson stated in her delegation that Bill Stapleton claimed he had performed maintenance on the road at considerable expense when, in fact, Harland Elliott had maintained the road up until his heart attack in February, 1997. At that time, Mr. Stapleton began to maintain the road with equipment given to him by Mr. Elliott and now he plans to charge an hourly rate for use of the equipment. Mrs. Anderson further detailed the ongoing maintenance performed by the Municipality including by-law enforcement issues and owner status of the road based on previous reports and GP A minutes where this road was considered a municipal road, and therefore public. The question is, "On what basis does Mr. Hefferon consider this to be a private road when the Municipality clearly has demonstrated ownership"? History of the Maintenance of Mast Road: Until the early 1970's the Municipality ofClarington provided no maintenance to the Mast Road. Mr. Elliott built a house approximately 400 feet north of Concession Road 7 in 1971. Unauthorized maintenance was performed on the 400 feet of Mast Road to Mr. Elliott's entrance from approximately 1973 to 1985. Based on the information available at that time, the Public Works Department considered the Mast Road to be an unimproved road similar to a forced road. Recommendations to Council in reports prior u3 REPORT NO.: ADDENDUM TO REPORT WD-50-98 PAGE 4 to 1985, regarding issues raised by residents on Mast Road, were based on the assumption that Mast Road was an "unimproved" municipal road. There were two documented by-law issues which residents requested By-law enforcement to resolve. Again, based on the assumption that this was an unimproved road, the Municipality addressed the by-law issues. In 1985 Mr. Elliott applied for an entrance permit and a building permit to construct a house north of the house built in the early 1970's. Since approvals for entrance and a building permit were subject to the applicable zoning and entrance policies and by-laws, ownership of the Mast Road was crucial to determine if approvals would be granted. Mr. David Sims, Solicitor, was requested, on behalf of the Municipality, to provide a legal opinion as to whether Mr. Elliott was entitled to a building permit based on compliance with the zoning and entrance policies and by-laws. Mr. Sim's opinion, in summary, states: "Your former Deputy Director of Public Works for a short period of time treated the land as a public road and public funds were expended upon it. However, it appears abundantly clear that from the correspondence and the acknowledgement from the abutting owners that there was never any intention by the property owners to dedicate the property to the Municipality as a public road. Accordingly, it is my opinion that the 33 foot strip ofland in question, never became a municipal road and the Municipality has no further obligations with respect to its maintenance or upkeep". The Municipality ceased all maintenance operations based on this opinion. Mr. Elliott was granted an entrance permit and a building permit based on registration of a perpetual right-of-way. From 1985, private property owners have performed maintenance. u4 REPORT NO.: ADDENDUM TO REPORT WD-50-98 PAGE 5 Once again, in 1995, the issue of whether Mast Road was a Public Highway and whether the Municipality had jurisdiction over it was raised by Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton. The Municipality's solicitor, Mr. Hefferon, was retained to determine if, in fact, the Mast Road was a public highway. Mr. Hefferon's opinion is stated in Report WD-50-98, Section 3.0 - Status ofthe Mast Road. Both solicitors, Mr. Hefferon and Mr. Sims, concluded that the property known as the Mast Road is privately owned. Staff, based on the professional opinions of Mr. Hefferon and Mr. Sims, that Mast Road is private property, prepared Report WD-50-98, and respectfully submitted that information to Council. 3.1.3 Why does Common Law not prevail in this case over only one lawyer's opinion? According to both English and Canadian Law, if a road has been used on a consistent basis by the public over a period of seven years or more, then the public has the right to use this road whomever owns it - public or private. This road has been used many more years than seven, by the public consistently. We feel very strongly that the Municipal government should act in favour of the Common Good for the Public. Making this road "Public Access" would fulfill that. Your report was erroneous in stating that we were concerned with the road ownership, we stated clearly the issue was public access to the Ganaraska not ownership of the Mast Road. Firstly, based on the opinions of both Solicitors, this is private property over which the Municipality has no jurisdiction. Secondly, it is recognized that the "Public" has used this road to access the Ganaraska. However, as stated in Mr. Hefferon's letter of opinion, "whether the public through long use have obtained an easement to make use of portions of the travelled road is a legal issue which should be left to the private property owners concerned, to resolve, if necessary, by litigation". 3.1.4 Items # 2-1 and #3 states thatthis road is in Lots 11 and 12. It is apparent from this, that the Municipality of CIa ring ton does not accept the most recent surveys Plan 10R-3368 in 1989 and Plan 10R-3923 in 1991. Why? 11 uS REPORT NO.: ADDENDUM TO REPORT WD-50-98 PAGE 6 The Municipality does accept the most recent surveys. The Mast Road is in Lot 12, Concession 8, former Township of Clarke. 3.1.5 This road has been recognized by the public as a public road as long as it has existed. When Mr. Hefferon was compiling his opinion what other landowners on this road were consulted besides Bill Stapleton, as he was the newest resident on this road having been there only four years ? Harland built there in 1971 before being employed by the Municipality. Jim and Laura Savage bought from Jack Stapleton in 1985, and Nellie Martin purchased her home in 1989. Were these people consulted? Why not? Mr. Stapleton raised the issue of the status of Mast Road in 1995. No other property owners were consulted because no other property owner questioned the status of the Mast Road. There was no legal obligation to contact abutting property owners in order to address this single resident's inquiry. Mrs. Joan Anderson is not an abutting property owner. 3.1.6 When the road in question was in existence and used by the public for 15 years before the Crown even granted the adjoining lots, how can it not be a public road? Mr. Hefferon's opinion that Mast Road is not a public highway and that it is privately owned is supported by facts in his letter of opinion dated March 8, 1995. 4.0 CONCLUSION The Mast Road is located on private property and the Municipality has no jurisdiction or responsibility for its maintenance or upkeep. If, through continued use, the public feel they have a prescriptive right to use Mast Road to access the Ganaraska Forest, this is a matter to be settled between the property owners and the users, possibly by litigation. u6 R:EPORT NO.: ADDENDUM TO REPORT WD-50-98 PAGE 7 Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~V~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works /A me Marano, H.B.Sc., A.M.C.T., Acting Chief Administrative Officer JCOISA Vice 26/10/98 Pc: Mr. & Mrs. Bill Stapleton 4352 Concession Road 8 Kendal, ON LOB lED Joan Anderson 4398 Concession Road 8 R.R. # I Kendal, ON LOA I EO 1 j u 7 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON . X~~'X'Jt!f:~~x ,REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL File # Res. # By-Law # Date: OCTOBER 5,1998 Report #: \VTI-50-98 File #: C.08.12.01 Subject: STATUS OF THE "MAST ROAD" Recommendations: . '. It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-50-98 be received for information; and 2. THAT Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton and Joan Anderson be provided with a copy of Report WD-50-98. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: Correspondence from Bill and Shirley Stapleton 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 The matter of ownership of the property known as "Mast Road" in Lots 11 and 12, Concession 7, former Clarke Township has been an issue due to the fact that the lands arc shown on maps and legal documents as a ''travelled road" and there is a history of public use. Correspondence dated September 4, 1998 from Bill and Shirley Stapleton (Attachment No.1) was considered by Coul}cil at its meeting of September 14, 1998. In summary, Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton claim the property known as Mast Road is privately owned by them. At the same meeting on September 14, 1998, a delegation by Joan Anderson was heard by Council expressing concern regarding ownership of the subie~t lands and that the owners 1. ) ., I l 0 ....'LlD!:\ ...... .' ATTACHMENT NO.: 1 ~"II'I" '<II_.eye". _.........000..........'.... AI1DENDUM TO REPORT NO.: WD-50-98 REPORT NO.: WD-50-98 PAGE 2 . had recently restricted access and use of the road. She requested that the issue be settled and that Mast Road be declared a public access road so that all residents may again enjoy the beauty of nature and freedom to explore the Ganaraska Forest. Council, at its meeting of September 14, 1998, passed Resolution C-677-98, as follows: "THAT the correspondence dated September 4, 1998 from Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stapleton regarding the travelled road between Lots 11 and 12, Concession 8, former Township of Clarke known as the "Mast Road", be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for preparation of a report, including the legal opinion previously received on this matter, to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton and Joan Anderson be advised of Council's decision." 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT Status of the "Mast Road" In 1995, Dennis Hefferon, Solicitor, was requested to provide a legal opinion regarding the status of the lands knows as "Mast Road". Mr. Hefferon was specifically requested to examine the question whether the travelled road described as the "Mast Road" in Lots 11 and 12, Concession 8, fonner Township of Clarke is a public highway, title to which is vested in the Municipality by reason of it having been dedicated as such by the owner of it at some time in the past and accepted as such by members of the public or by the Municipality on their behalf. Mr. Hefferon's opinion, as stated in his response dated March 8, 1995, is as follows: "In my opinion, for the reasons expressed in detail below, no portion of the travelled road in 1 (\ I ' "-.! I U / , ; , ~ REPORT NO.: WD-SO-98 PAGE 3 . question, whether it is located within Lot 11 or Lot 12, Concession 8, as a matter of law has been dedicated to the public as a public highway and accepted as such~ either by members of the public or by the Municipality acting on their behalf. No portion of it is an original road allowance or is it shown on a registered plan of subdivision. Therefore, in my opinion all portions of the travelled road in question are located on private property. Portions of the southerly section appear to be subject to prescriptive easements in favour of certain of the abutting owners who have constructed houses." Request for Signs The subject "Mast Road" is private property, thereforl;! placement of signs would be at the discretion of the owner. 4.0 CONCLUSION The Solicitors' opinion clearly states that the subject travelled road known as "Mast Road" is private property. Therefore, the Municipality has no jurisdiction over the lands. If the owners in the area still wish to pursue the matter of access over these lands to and from the Ganaraska Forest, it is suggested that this is a civil matter which should be left to the private property owners concerned to resolve. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by ~~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works . . H. Stockwell, ~ Chier Admiirislrative Officer JCO*SA V*ce 30/09/98 1 I 0 REPORT NO.: WD-SO-98 PAGE 4 Pc: Mr. & Mrs. Bill Stapleton 4352 Concession Road 8 Kendal, ON LOB lEO Joan Anderson 4398 Concession Road 8 R.R. #1 Kendal, ON LOA lEO , l .:- . COUNC 1 L 01 RECTI ON '~"-"'__"''''.___~_..._.,. ._...P.::-J..Q.. Mr. & Mrs. Bill iS~~~. .' . 'nON' 4352 Concession '~~~{8 Kendal, Ontario !L'tff.: 1 . .... --....-.._-~.. ; 'ACKi"lY ~: ( 9 0 5) 9 8 3 - 8 2 2 1 i, . I) "ft- .:. ~ .. _ ... ; Sept 4, 1998 l&:~ '__ .~: I . f........-.or-lIOt'.... '.. f ~................ .,. --............-.-: j ;~....._... .. . t-~........._...~ }--.....--. '.. - .~.. ...--.--......; t-.. ._~..-..' ....... .... j.--......--..-, Attenti on: Mayor Hamre and Members of Council tt.:2~,~:':'::'" R~: Joan Anderson and others and Mr. and Mrs. Willi~~it~.. Stapleton . and the Travell ed Road between Lots 11 and 12 ;-ctmc:e~r'oif~:~~-:-!;l:-~'~' Clarke, in Clarington 'known as ~he "Mast Road" and also the forced fire road branching therefrom to the GanaraSka Clerks Office Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 . . In response to a letter we received on Aug 30, 1998 from Joan Anderson, James and Laura Savage', Marion Hamilton, Nellie Martin, Joyce Boudreau, Ray and Karen Christopher and a sec6nd letter with affidavits dated Sept. 1, 1998 from W. Kay Lycett, LLB.,Q.c. we would like to submit the following: ,-Ie have consul ted the town representatives on numerous occassions with regard to ownershio and controlled. access to the above mentioned lands. You will- find documentation in the municipality's Public Works' Dept. files that, in the opinion of not one but two of the town solicitors over the years, the property in question is private and therefore is not a matter for the municipality. Zxam;lles or letters in reference: 1) 'dated Jul 25, 1988 from David J.D. Sims to W.A. Evans, Esq. with copies to D. Hamre, D. Patterson, and H. Elliott 2) dated Mar 14, 1995 to William Stapleton from Walte~ A. Evans, P. Eng. with copies t6 Mayor D. Hamre and w. H. stockwell, C.A.O. With regard to the historic Mast Road. It has over the YE:ars evolved into a year round creek which Mr. Dennis Hefferon observed when he did his examination of the above mentioned properties in 1995. With this natural ecological development it has made the old Mast Road and surrounding area environmentally sensitive which subsequently has resulted in the Ganaraska Conservation Authority closing this portion of land. .There are already two designated accesses to the Gana~aska Forest approximately 1/4 mile from our property and tbe Ganaraska Conservation Authority has strongly indicated to us that they are not interested in another. The two existing designated entrance~ provide. ~mple access for anyone in this area to enter the Ganaraska Forest without having tb cross our private p~operty. 12 A'ITACHMENT NO.: 1 REPORT NO.: WD-50-98 . '. " . In con'nection to the affidavits submitted stating there has been no incumbrance on the above stated lands; we have on file a letter from Barry A. Walters,LLB representing Mr. & Mrs. Harland Elliott t.o Mr. & Mrs. Gary Martin dated Oct 6, 1992 stating and I quot.e "It is NOT a public road and my clients have every right t.o stop it up by means of a gate or such other method as they may choose". This is a total contradiction 'to the affidavi ts signed by Mr. & Mrs. Elliott on Aug 26, 1998. There was some confusion as to the ownership of Part 1 Plan 10R- 3368, however Mr. G. Doug Coggan, Ontario Land Surveyor was able to clarify the issue in discussions with Merrill Brown and Charles Riley. " Every effort has been made over the years by both the former owners Mr. & Mrs. Jack stapleton and ourselves to restrict/control who crossed our property. Very visibl e NO TRESPASSING signs have always and continue to be posted on the property as well as gates at bot.h ends of what is referred to as the travel I ed road. We have, over the years, given permission to select individuals to crass our property to access the Ganaraska Forest; but .-these sam'2 indi vidual s now seem to think. it's their RIGHT instead of a privilege to use our property. We currently have a land use agreement with the Ganaraska Snowmobile Cl ub, on a year by year basis, for approxima t el y 4 months of the year to use the easterly fork of Part 4 plan lOR-3923 and Part 1 Plan lOR-3368 as part of the groomed snowmobile tra:l system. This portion of the trail system connects snowmobi:~~s from Kendal and the surrounding area to the rest of the groomed trai:s which the other two Ganaraska Conservation Authority des~_g;-lated accesses are Jl.ot meant for. During t:-,e .snol.]!";'":o}li 1 ~ season we remove our gates for snowmobilers, howeve!." a:-ter tb~ snowmobile season the gates are reinstalled. It should be noted that the Ganaraska Snowmobile Club assumes all liability for snowmobilers crossing our property. In closing we believe, as we've been advised so many times by the representatives of the Municipality of Clarington, that this is our pl'ivate pl'operty and the control of who does and does not ha.\l'~ access to it is totally our choice. ~C~l1Y , ~hirley Stapleton 1 I I 3 L