HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-37-98 - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON X~~!5t~~~~~X REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: JUNE 22, 1998 Report #: vv'D-3'Y-98 File #: Subject: File #---rO 7. G c:: Res. # 6P A-40.::2-98 By-Law # 9Y-/o9 . / OLD SCUGOG ROAD REALIGNMENT AND SCUGOG STREET REALIGNMENT TRAFFIC AMENDMENTS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-37-98 be received; 2. THAT Traffic By-law 91-58 be amended to provide a stop condition on Old Scugog Road (Court section) at Old Scugog Road as the result ofthe approved road realignment; 3 THAT Traffic By-law 91-58 be amended to provide a 60 km/hr speed zone on Old Scugog Road from Taunton Road to 600 metres southerly; 4 THAT Traffic By-law 91-58 be amended to provide a stop condition on Scugog Street at the Middle Road Intersection; and 5 THAT the by-law attached to Report WD-37-98 be passed by Council. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: Key Map alignment of Old Scugog Road and Regional Road 57 No.2: Key Map alignment of Scugog Street at Middle Road No.3: Key Map for speed reduction on Old Scugog Road from Taunton to 600 metres southerly No.4: Proposed By-law to amend Traffic By-law 91-58 RfCYCLEO!':t\. PAPIER PAPER '<I:1 RECYCLE THIS IS PRINTED ON RECYCLfDPAPER 1 1 57 REPORT NO.: WD-37-98 PAGE 2 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a public meeting held on January 29, 1998 to discuss the road realignment of Old Scugog Road at Regional Road 57, residents requested that traffic and the posted speed limit be reviewed along Old Scugog Road between Regional Road 4 (Taunton Road) and Regional Road 57. 2.2 The road realignment proposed for Old Scugog Road, Regional Road 57 and the proposed new court requires a stop sign for right-of-way control. 2.3 The road realignment at Scugog Street and Middle Road presently under construction also requires a right-of-way change. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 Intersection of Old Scugog Road and Regional Road 57 This intersection will be reconstructed to accommodate the creation of a residential court south of the existing intersection. The approved approach involves the closing of Gaud Gate at Regional Road 57 and realignment of the southern intersection. The stop sign will be placed on the court to allow traffic exiting Regional Road 57 direct access northbound to Old Scugog Road. This right-of-way control is the best method to prevent traffic from becoming congested in the traffic storage area and overflowing onto Regional Road 57. 3.2 Traffic on Old Scugog Road and Regional Road 57 During the public meeting on January 29, 1998, the main area of concern for the residents was Section "A" from Regional Road 57 northerly to Buttery Court. This is a residential area posted as 50 kmIhr with large lots fronting primarily onto six courts. This semi-rural area has a 6.7m wide smooth asphalt road with shoulders approximately 1m wide with street lights. The roadway is built to rural standards with open ditch and no curb or 1 1 58 REPORT NO.: WD-37-98 PAGE 3 sidewalk. The following requests were made: I) Installation of all-way stops at the intersections of Andelwood Court/Old Scugog Road ("T" intersection), Maryleah Court/Taunus Court and Old Scugog Road. Staff follow Provincial guidelines based on traffic volumes and can not recommend these unwarranted stop signs as proposed speed deterrents. 2) Traffic signals at the intersection of Regional Road 57 and Old Scugog Road. This is a Regional intersection which does not presently meet the warrants for traffic signals. The Region may consider a northbound turning lane for this location. 3) Review sight distance from Maryleah Court. A southbound motorist can see a motorist at the intersection for a distance of 151m and should be able to avoid a collision at speeds up to 85km/hr. 4) The residents also wanted consideration for lowering the speed limit southerly from Regional Road 4 in Sections marked as "B" and "C". Staff are reluctant to change the middle Section "B" due to the openness and lack of residential frontages. Area "C", staff feel, could be posted at 60 km/hr to provide a lower speed approach to the traffic signals and a transition zone as motorists enter and leave Hampton. Traffic studies done in the residential area indicated daily volumes of 1,200 vehicles per day. Average vehicle speeds are 56.5 km/hr with an 85th percentile speed of 76.07 km/hr. To combat speeding concerns, the residents may contact Durham 1 1 59 REPORT NO.: WD-37-98 PAGE 4 Regional Police for radar enforcement or contact the Public Works Department to borrow the Radar Message Board as part of a neighbourhood speed watch effort. 3.3 Intersection ofScugog Street and Middle Road This intersection is being reconstructed during 1998 to eliminate the "Y" alignment of the roadway. After the construction, Scugog Street will curve to a proper 90 degree alignment to a stop condition at Middle Road. Middle Road will align with the lower portion of Scugog Street and become the through road. Attachment No. 2 shows the existing and future roadway alignments. 4.0 CONCLUSION 4.1 From the above, it is concluded that Traffic By-law 91-58 should be amended to permit the right-of-way changes required to improve traffic flow at the two intersections reviewed. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by ~1/~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works ~ W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer RDB*SA V*ce 16/06/98 Attachments (4) 1 1 60 / \ ... \.. ......./ 'I , \ , 1//- \ , , \ , I _______ 1/.. , \ \ ~-- - \ ------ \ \- --- \- \ \ \ (") - :a CD (Q o :::::l l>> :a Q. 01 -....J Old Scugog Road/ Regional Road 57 Intersection Proposed Stop Sign Proposed Old Scugog Court Concession Rd 3 I C:\ATTACHS\DARL \ TRANSFER.DWG I [DRAWN BY: JMIIDATE: JUNE 19981 REPORT WD-37-98 1 1 6 1 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 "I'=- ---- -- II II . II II II I II II II II II Mill Lane 11----- . ----~-- 11-------------------- - --/l~--. / II II //~--~~ II ////\ · 1 RE-ALlGNMENf I I I OF SCUGOG II STREET I I \ I I /"'111 / 'I I ///// 1\ 1\ I I I I PORTION I I I I OF SCUGOG STREET I I I TO BE CLOSED I \~ I ~ \ \ -----~~---- \ \ I -~-~-/- EXISTING t~ \i SUt~CT ?[('1[ ~~~ s I I=-~Ii?? 'ff4~!<;t 1_ ~ \ I D~Y: J.R.M __1~N~ 1998 L~ _ _~~}8'TJ1~~:-~~~~~I:~::::~~:::~:8 \-~ --- -~--~--------- .r~Is:~e-::a~:s-------- ---~~ ~\-I \,.~ "0 i -- ----- ~ II ~~ a:: -- ~~ Ii ~ ~ Dr ~I ~ II ~ II II II If II II \11 //// II ~~e //~ ~/ll Q\f'JO~~//// ~~~ II, \.,O~~ //~I I~/~/ ~/~/// II /~ II ///~ I' / II Ii 11 I I I ,I ______J, I PROPOSED STOP SIGN I I I I I I I I I I II Ii II II II Ii 'I J I J C:\MAPINFO\CLAR\A TTACHS\BOWMAN\SCUQALlG.WOR 1 1 62 --- ---.--------------- --- -- - -- -------- --- : I PROPO~! 60km SPEE ONE SEC N C I I I I I I ' II II i I II \ I II I ' II I I I I I ! I \ \ I ! \ i ----------- ---- - -T- l) Regional Road( - - -- --- - -- - - - - - - - ---i- G) ..... CD CD :::J I :::0 o OJ c. ,S )-- \ ) \ ! ) :::0 CD co o. :::J ~ :::0 o OJ c. I I I /~ con~ssion Road ( . CJ1 ......, (j I \ \ I, I I \ \ ~-- \ J I \\J EXISTIN ISOkm (\. Buuel SPEED 2,ONE __ ~ ~ ~ /---~ SECTI >If A\,_ ~\ ~ \~ourt _ __ __~__.~_ T- T- - --r- ----- - __ I - II II Jti II ~~" II s II~RAWN'-Y J~R~M][DA~EJ~~E 199B.~ I REPO-~T WD-37-9S- -- _ _ I ~"- ~AP"C j ATTACHMENT NO.3 1 1 63 su I I J;fT T "'11\ ,I THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 98- Being a By-law to amend By-law 91-58 being a By-law to Regulate Traffic on Highways, Municipal and Private Property in the Municipality of Clarington WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of CIa ring ton deems it desirable to amend By-law 91-58; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipality ofClarington enacts as follows: I) Schedule XV "Through Highways" of By-law 91-58 is amended by; A) deleting the following reference: Column 1 Highway Column 2 From Column 3 To Scugog Street (Bowmanville) North limit of King's Highway No.2 East limit of Durham Regional Road 57 Middle Road (Darlington) North limit of Scugog Street (Bowmanville) South limit of Durham Regional Road 4 And B) adding the following reference: Column 1 Highway Column 2 From Column 3 To Scugog Street (Bowmanville) Wcst limit of Middle Road East limit of Durham Regional Road 57 Scugog Street and Middle Road in combination (Bowmanville) North limit of King Street West South limit of Durham Regional Road 4 2) Schedule XVI "Stop Signs" of By-law 91-58 is amended by; A) deleting the following reference: Column I Intersections Column 2 Facing Traffic Middle Road and Scugog Street (Bowmanville) Southbound on Middle Road , 1 I: 1 ATTACHMENT NO.: 4 REPORT NO.: WD-37-98 .,. And B) adding the following reference: Column I Intersections Column 2 Facing Traffic Scugog Street and Middle Road (Bowmanville) Eastbound on Scugog Street Old Scugog Road (court section) and Old Scugog Road Northbound on Old Scugog Road 3) Schedule XX "Maximum Rate of Speed 60 kilometres Per Hour" of By-law 91-58 is amended by; A) adding the following reference: Column 1 Highway Column 2 From Column 3 To Old Scugog Road (Darlington) Durham Regional Road 4 600 m southerly 4) This By-law shall come into Force on the date that it is approved by the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham and when signs to the effect are erected. BY-LA W read a first and second time this 29th day of June 1998 BY -LA W read a third time and finally passed this 29th day of June 1998 MAYOR CLERK 11 6'5