HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-34-98 Addendum THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ~~~~X~~x REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 19, 1998 ADDENDUM TO REPORT WD-34--98 File#: WATER SPRING, CONCESSION 8 - LOT 5, DARLINGTON File # Res. # (--;()fl - 57/-- 0; ~ By-Law # Report #: Subject: Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Addendum to Report WD-34-98 be received for information; 2. THAT the Public Works Department erect a standard metal sign on a 4x4 post, similar in quality to a normal roadside sign, to recognize the spring location; and 3. THAT Mr. Cameron be provided with a copy of this report and advised of Council's decision REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: Report WD-34-98 No.2: Correspondence dated September 16, 1998 from the Ontario Heritage Foundation 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a meeting held on June 22, 1998, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington passed the following resolution: Rr.CVCLED t:t'\ PAPIER PAPER '<:!::1 'HCVCLE THIS IS PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 11 L 3 REPORT NO.: ADDENDUM TO REPORT WD-34-'98 PAGE 2 "THAT Report WD-34-98, be received; THAT the Municipality apply to the Province of Ontario, Ontario Heritage Foundation, under the "Local Marking Program" to assist in the wording and funding of a proper historical plaque for the site of the previous water spring and report back; THAT the Municipality's portion of the funding be obtained from Account #7211- 0411-0169; and THAT Mr. Cameron be provided with a copy of Report WD-34-98 and advised of Council's decision." 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 Name of the Spring As part of the preparation of the original report, discussions took place with the Bowmanville Museum and senior members of the local community. Although "Watering- Trough Hill" appeared to be the most historically accurate name for the location, recent inquiries by members of Council and staff have determined that "Tyrone Spring" is the most widely used name in the community. 3.2 Spring History and Classification No written documentation of the spnng was discovered by staff or provided by any interested parties. Our best information tell us that "Tyrone Spring" is the site of a natural spring which dates back to the 1800's when clear spring water fed a wooden trough to accommodate those travelling with horse drawn vehicles. The original trough was reportedly hollowed out of a tree trunk, but a later replacement consisted of cut lumber. The adjacent landowners, while the spring fed watering-trough was in use, were Mr. John 1 Ii. 4 REPORT NO.: ADDENDUM TO REPORT WD-34-98 PAGE 3 Staples (1878), and the estate of the late George Griffen (1861). The private sign placed by the adjacent neighbour, Mr. Cameron, states that: 1. the spring is fed by an artesian well; and 2. water originates in the surrounding hills. 1. Spring is fed by an artesian well - A true artesian spring percolates through the aquifer for long periods of time between two layers of non-permeable materials which makes it pure. A true artesian well covers a large landmass, not just a small parcel of land. The spring's artesian qualities cannot be confirmed unless a study is conducted by a hydrogeologist. Although the spring does overflow, a member of the Durham Region Health Department, who is familiar with the site, felt it was simply a water table spring. 2. Water originates in the surrounding hills - The private sign stated that the spring originates in the hills on the Cameron property. Recognizing that people familiar with the site feel that it is simply a water table spring, this seems to support the fact that water is originating from the surrounding hills. 3.3 Response from Ontario Heritage Board The letter received back from Mr Paul Litt of the Ontario Heritage Foundation, Attachment No.2, advises that this project does not meet the Foundation's criteria and would not significantly contribute to the public's knowledge of Ontario's heritage. Funding, official recognition or wording suggestions could not be provided by the Ontario Heritage Foundation for this project. 4.0 CONCLUSION 4.1 From the above, it is concluded that the Municipality would not be able to erect a proper historical plaque under the Ontario Heritage Foundation, "Local Marking Program". At this point, Public Works Department could erect a metal sign on a 4' x 4' post, similar in quality r LJ " ' REPORT NO.: ADDENDUM TO REPORT WD-34-98 PAGE 4 to a normal roadside sign, Staff recommend that the Municipality erect a standard quality sign to read as follows: TYRONE SPRING Site of a natural spring which dates back to the 1800's when clear spring water fed a wooden trough to accommodate those travelling with horse drawn vehicles. Erected by Municipality of Clarington Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by ~1/~ ~ RDB*SA V*wc 14/10/98 1~' H. Stockwell, "'t) Chief Administrative Officer Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works Pc: Robert Cameron 2946 Concession Road 8 R.R. #5 Bowmanville, ON LIC 3K6 liO Meeting: Date: Report #: Subject: THE CORPORAJ.fON OF THE MUNlCIPALIlY OF CLARINGTON ~ REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Res. # By-Law # JUNE 22, 1998 WD-34-98 File #: WATER SPRING, CONCESSION 8, LOT 5, DARLINGTON Recommendations: 3 ,f" , " L 4 ~ 5 ~ 6. -- It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration - Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-34-98 be received; 2 THAT the Municipality apply to the Province of Ontario, Ontario Heritage Foundation, under, the "Local Marking Program" to assist in the wording and funding of a proper historical plaque for the site of the previous water spring; THAT Mr. Cameron be requested to contribute equally towards the purchase cost of the historical plaque with the Municipality; THAT the Municipality's portion of the funding be obtained from Account #7211-0411- 0169. THAT conditional upon receipt of funding, the Municipality provide secure installation and future maintenance of the plaque; and THAT Mr. Cameron be provided with a copy of this report and advised of Council's decision. 'lj. REPORT t ~~:_- ~ G ..,., 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No 1: Key Map No 2: Correspondence dated May 25, 1998 from Robert Cameron A 1T ACrMENT NO.: 1 REPORT NO.: ADDENDLM TO REPORT w)-34-98 iltECYCl(D ~ ~A"lfl'l ~ ~""flll ~"'r:C"Clt .., iLl -""':." -<J" , . .,,, REPORT NO.: WD-34-98 PAGE 2 2.0 2.1 BACKGROUND 'j I At a meeting held on May 25, 1998, ~e Council of the Municipality of Clarington passed Resolution #GP A-300-98: -' "THAT the delegation of Robert Cameron pertaining to the water spring on the 8th Concession be received; and 'I11at the Director of Public Works be requested to prepare a report for submission to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on June 8, 1998." 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT ~ 3.1 The water spring has a long history, with its existence known since 1890. It 'was reported that some people drove great distances to obtain this pure spring water. At one time the spring was piped into a watering trough for passing travellers with horse drawn vehicles. 3.2 Spring Upgrading Repairs During late 1992, the Municipality spent approximately $5,000.00 to have the existing well removed and replaced with new tile and a pipe outlet. The intent was to improve the quality of the water and make it useable to the general public. At that time, Mr. Cameron agreed that he would provide the plaque. 3.3 Closure of Spring The flow of water from the spring was made inaccessible to the public during 1993. This closure was undertaken as a result of bacteriological- tests by the Region of Durham Chief Public Health Inspector, which confirmed the water was unsafe for human consumption. 3.4 Name of Spring There has been controversy over the name of the spring, with many people referring to the spring as "Tyrone Spring", "Longsault Spring" or "Watering-Trough Hill" as alternatives to "Cameron Spring". A member of the Bowmanville Museum and long time resident of 1 I L 8 -~'-'j~:>~.' . . . r";~ ~~ 1 REPORT NO.: WD-34-98 PAGE 3 Tyrone felt "Watering-Trough Hill" was the most, appropriate name. Mr. Cameron's I previous sign also stated it was once lq10wn as the Watering-Trough Hill. 3.5 Proper Plaque The plaque posted by Mr. Cameron was a sign with letters applied to a flat metal blank. The cost to replace the sign is approximately $60.00. To replace the sign with a proper bronze historical plaque (18" x 24"), the estimated cost is approximately $850.00; to install the plaque on a vandal resistant base, the tot.!ti estimated cost is $1,050.00. 3.6 Ontario Heritage Foundation Mr. Paul Litt was contacted with regards to the placement of a provincially funded historical plaque at this site. The Province will assist in research of the site under the "Local Marking Program" and contribute 50% financially, up to $400, towards the purchase of the plaque. They will also assist in the proper wording of the plaque. The proposed wording suggested by staff to the Province could be as follows: :;. Watering-Trough Hill Site of an artesian well which dates back to the 1800's when clear spring water fed a wooden trough to accommodate those travelling with horse drawn vehicles. i~ ~ This plaque is provided by R. W. Cameron, the Municipality of ~l~gton and the Ontario Heritage Foundation. 'Il L1 ~ /,,-00_" . .' REPORT NO.: WD-34-98 PAGE 4 3.7 The contents of this report were discussed with Mr. Cameron on June 1, 1998 and he d?es I not feel that Watering-Trough Hill is the appropriate name. Mr. Cameron has resided near the spring since 1955. Although Mr. Cameron prefers to see the spring carry the name "Cameron Spring", Mr. Cameron has been instrumental in having the spring recognized, improved and maintained over recent years. For this reason, and regardless of the fact that research by the Ontario Heritage Foundation may determine "Watering-Trough Hill" to be the appropriate name, staff feel that Mr. Cameron may still wish to contribute to the cost of th~ permanent historical plaque. In this manner, Mr. Cameron, the Municipality and the Ontario"Heritage Foundation are all recognized on the plaque. 4.0 CONCLUSION 4.1 From the above, it is concluded that, after additional historical research, a properly worded and designed plaque should be provided at the site. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by ~~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works ~ W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer RDB*SA V*ce 17/06/1998 Attachments (2) Pc: Robert Cameron 2946 Concession Road 8 R.R. #5 Bowmanville, ON Ll C 3K6 I)U -.. ,..-0-' LOT 5 CON 8 PROPERTY / FENCE CONCESSION PROPERTY / FENCE f- r" LOT 5 CON 7 t '" r .." ...... ~( C-:-:':7 f~:~ iIii;iI ~ 'I SPRING WELL PROPOSED LoeA TION OF HISTORICAL PLAQUE ; 'SUBJECT SITE, KEY MAP LINE ROAD 8 LINE I DRAWN: J .1.1. I DATE: JUNE 1998 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 REPORT NO.: WD-34-98 'f'. " I) ,",--" ~///l-72;j7$ n n 5, COl~ . R OJj /9J:;;- ~7/'Ql << ' - BOW~..1ANVILLE Ot.JT. I . YOUfI ~iORSHIP :"1ii.YOR H.,1!1Rii COUNCILLORS & STr.FF. wIP 'l'HIS HAS TO DO WITH ~\ PLAQUE WHICH~POST.cD _';T A WATER SPRING ON THE 8TH. CON. & JUST EAST OF BIt'llHESDA RD. l'lli\l COUNCILLORS i.1AY NOT BE FAMILIAR tilTH THIS PROJECT 'rYh~CH WAS COMPLETED ~N 1992,' MADE POSSIBLE WITH THE CO- OPERATION OF LOCAL COUNCIL & THE DEPT. OF WORKS. SHORTLY .-iFTER THE POSTING OF THE WATER SPRING PLAQUE IT BECAI.lli A TARGET FOR VANDALISM, TWO DIFFERENT TIMES THE . PLAQUE WAS DAMAG1!.l) BEYOND REI' .AIR. BECAUSE THE WATli~ SPRING IS LOCATED ON THE ROAD .ALLOWANCE, I WOULD SUGGlillT THAT THE W..iTER RESOURCES DIVISION OF THE HISTORIC SOCI~TY BE ASK TO ASSU!~ THE COST OF M:AI~"'TAIl'\J:NG THL PLAQUE. - -~ ANOTHER SUGGESTION IS, WOULD COUNCIL LHRECT THE \ ! . \ ~~EP_:_:-O~ W~RK~__~~.:'~~,lE _~ _ COST_OF MAII\~AINING THE PLAQUE. ] ---~--~._---_._.. - I .AM WILLING TO PAY FOR REPLACING THIS PLAQ,lffi --.---.----- 0l'-i""E MORE TIME. I TRUST THAT THIS PROPOSAL WILL RECEIVE YOUR KIl>.ID CO NSIDER.'\ TI 0 N. ;?~J'- 6 ~/)/)'\i!/\'(ili/ ROB~RT CAMERON 2946 CON. 8 R. R. if 5 BOW~!ANVILLE LIC 3K6 ONT. 1 I) 2 ,..,. 1~r./ " '.' :.:....:.:::.......~.>... ~".; I .', .,... '. "j",c:: '. I..'. ..... "'~." .\.. ':'.. . Se:.:-plem.Ix:T 16, 1998 R'1l1 Rnh:r T'-Jtfic C.l--urdin;ltnr l'uhlic \'(..'clrh 40 It'1llI'C!,;11H'\: Strl:~( 13\)wmanvil1c, Ontario LlC 3A6 Dt'Hr M1'. Bakl'r: lhullk ynu for yuur application 1.0 Llw h'JlJl)lbtion's local markiug program fur c.\ plm]lll CIl\11I1ll:nlof3ting tht' '(W<ltt~r Trough." We hilVt' SOllle COnc.cnlS ahout Ihe prnj(:cr as propt)sed in your <lpplicmi'll1, We are unc,'lnvir1t:\:d ~.h;'ll [his site:.:- hJ.s sufficiellt hi~lOricfll signiflcflncc I'n lY\I:rit our support in t:reering:1 plnqllC. In lnrgt: part Ollr rdllCU'1'\CC: 1:0 help with this projec.t st~ms from th~ fact thut tht~rt.~ see.ms to tx.. wrv lilllc rcli3hk historical iIlformation aboullhc waler trough or the; spring thai fcd it. We regrt't that Wt' cmmot hdp YO\Jr 1\1lJ1'1icipality with Lhis P!'l)jCCI. Hnwcvl:r, WI.: hOpl: dwt yuu will feel free tll apply to our local mnrking progrnm ror any other historicul pb.ll(Ll.e pn)jt'cts Lmdc( cL'lnsidcrJtitH\ in the future. ~~ ~~ '''j :;Ji! P~lll1 Li tt Hi.,;t.)riall, Plaqll.t~ Pn)grmns , . ~. ~; ; ATIACrMENT NO.: 2 ; 'I "".(,,,,!.. >1,.,-1 j';;',I,I"r,,"i1I, (\l\l.lli" ,\1.-,(: 11\ Tck'l,hull": 141()) -,2~' ~o&fPP~111~gt:lllm~D~}O REPORT w)-34-98 11I.""'- .\d,'I.,:,Ic' C~il,I;\'\IIlI" ,1"III:I.-inl \1.;1.: II.; 'kkph'_1I1C' (,11(,).;:-'.',-."11011 T,:k:,,,!,ii:Ul - (41<1} _':::; :"'.'.i:.: - 1 I ) 3