HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-25-98 Meeting: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ~~~li.].QWt<<X~()1JGXOEX REPORT SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION BUDGET Date: APRIL 6, 1998 COMMITTEE - CAPITAL File #'12-u(1. ;\ '\ (PI=) - . '/.-/ Res. #j - , ~;:)\c - 2:. By-Law # Report #: WD-25-98 File #: Subject: TYRONE PARK Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-25-98 be received; 2. THAT the relocation of the senior soccer pitch and replacement of bleachers in the Tyrone Park be scheduled in 1998 of the Municipality's 1998 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast, and that $40,000 for the costs of these works be funded from the Public Works Parks Maintenance Reserve Fund Account No. 7603-00100-0516; and 3. THAT Frank Simpson be provided with a copy of Report WD-25-98 and be advised of Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No 1: Key Map No 2: Tyrone Park Site Plan No 3: Copy of Report WD-18-97 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a meeting held on March 6, 1997, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington passed Resolution #GPA-163-97: "THAT Report WD-18-97 be tabled to allow for a further report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee following discussions with the Tyrone Athletic Association." RECVCLED~PAPIER PAPEA '<:!::1 RECYCLE TH~ ~ PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER REPORT NO.: WD-25-98 PAGE 2 2.2 At a meeting held on June 9, 1997, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington passed the following resolution: "THAT the correspondence dated May 23, 1997 from Frank Simpson, Tyrone Community Centre and Neal Smith, Tyrone Athletic Association regarding a meeting which took place on April 30, 1997 to discuss the redevelopment of Tyrone Park, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for review in conjunction with the report which is being prepared in regard to this matter; and THAT Frank Simpson and Neal Smith be advised of Council's decision." 2.3 Further to Report WD-18-97, dated March 6, 1997, and Mr. Simpson's correspondence dated May 23, 1997, staff met with Mr. Simpson to further discuss possible scenarios to address the Municipality's involvement in the redevelopment plans for the Tyrone Park. 2.4 Meeting with Mr. Simpson The redevelopment works, as proposed by the Tyrone Athletic Association, would be implemented in three phases and are estimated at a total cost of approximately $120,000. Staff advised Mr. Simpson that Public Works Department could not support funding the proposed redevelopment plans or enhancements of the existing park facilities, as proposed, since the existing level of service provided is consistent with that of other similar hamlet parks. In addition, and as pointed out in Report WD-18-97, this type of project would not normally be included as a project in the Development Charge Policy Report. The prime objective of the meeting was to maximize the usability of the existing park facilities. In order to deal with this matter, the utilization of the undeveloped 1.5 hectare park block at the north end of the park needed to be addressed. 2.5 Relocation of the Senior Soccer Pitch In the early 1990's, the Municipality secured approximately 1.5 hectares of land for future park development purposes, which to date, remains in an undeveloped state. Although the Municipality cannot support the full redevelopment plans ($120,000) for the Tyrone Park, as proposed, it would REPORT NO.: WD-25-98 PAGE 3 seem feasible that the Municipality would support maximizing the use of its existing facilities. The use of the senior soccer pitch, in its current location, creates a conflict when the senior ball diamond is being used, resulting in limited usage of these facilities. The use of these facilities could be optimized if the Municipality would relocate the existing soccer pitch to the 1.5 hectare park block. This work would maintain the same number of facilities within the park but would maximize the use of the Municipality's park facilities and parkland holdings in Tyrone. It should be pointed out that the Tyrone community is actively raIsmg funds for the full redevelopment project. Although the Tyrone Athletic Association originally requested a higher level of funding from the Municipality, staff envision that relocation of the existing soccer pitch represents the Municipality's total involvement in the Tyrone Athletic Association's redevelopment plan for Tyrone Park. 2.6 Proposed Works and Estimate of Costs The proposed Works , relocating the existing soccer pitch, consist of installing dJainage, grading, topsoiling and seeding the 1.5 hectare park block. In addition, the replacement of bleachers that do not meet CSA standards would be considered part of this project. The estimated cost to relocate the existing soccer pitch is $30,000, replacement of the bleachers is $10,000, representing a total project cost of $40,000. The total cost of this project is based on the use of seeding rather than sodding, and it is imperative that this project commence early in the 1998 construction season to ensure the success of the seeding application. 3.0 CONCLUSIONS 3.1 It is recommended that $40,000 be allocated for this project in 1998 of the Municipality's 1998 Capital Budget and Four Year Forecast and that this project be funded from the Public Works Parks Maintenance Reserve Fund Account No. 7603-00100-0516. REPORT NO.: WD-25-98 PAGE 4 The contents of this report were discussed with Mr. Simpson and he concurs with the recommendations. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~~ Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng. Director of Public Works ~ W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer ASC*SA V*ce April 1, 1998 Attachments (3) Mr. Frank Simpson Supervisor Computer Operations City of Scarborough Scarborough, ON M4P IN? r--~ II [ I I - -.,.------- ~- --- ---~- TYRONE PARK CONCESSION ROAD 7 L.. .__..~_._--.-.,--- '---I ( \ I I I I I \! II I I i I \ ILl I . . -- - I ------,-U-o][~ II ~ Cene. Rd. 6~L.-J _~ \-= 0 ~=J~=-lconc~_ . lHAYD~N-~r - 1 _ ' 11 II il [I \1 ~ I ~ ~ I ~ '.'.~~[ i-' "' 1\ ~ ~ I ~-I II I, 1"," 1..11" ,-TV. RDNE j .' LJ'oc "'-. ,~II~II. Ir=-I]~ ~; - -I( I 'I li I I 'I~:' j' 11,\1, I!, II ;[ ___ y_ _ . '~~ '" SU. !3JEQ.-. il.l. I !; " IIDRAWN BY: J.R.M II DATE:MA~H 199~, ~ ~ S/~E II -Ii . \ ~~D-25-98 ~ L ~ ~ IL J Ii ~ o[ -=-__ _ ~II If-Tc-~ ~~~y ~~~ ATT~CHMENT ~_o. .',=_ ",~____,_____~___,____,_____'___'_____'_'___'l ~. '___ ------- LIBERTY STREET I I I I I I I I I . 'L_l_~.c==_.====c.== Cl <( o ~ C/) z w ~ W .....J () I ! JI{ ~~~ s " PARKINe' ARFA PARKLAND BLOCK PART 1 10R-3323 SFNlOR IOCCFR PITCH !IASFBAII DIAMOND " \ I I ) ///N/OR : / - -- - - II Y BASTBAII II OIAl/ONO ~ I" " '" ~ ,"" ~--J t3 ~S: ~iS " " 8 SOCCER p/Tm PARKINO ARFA ~"'~ ,l~(j ~ I I I I I [I.. ___._'___ .__._________ II I LIBERTY STREET [__ __u --..---1 DRAWN BY: J.R.M Ii DATE:MARCH 1998 i ;_ __ iL__=_ --J WD-25-98 I tTTACHMENT ~O.2 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON xxxlfilXSf~f~f.xm2ijfkli:l~X'f~~1HPAxx REPORT Meeting: SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMfME Date: Res. # MARCH 6, 1997 By-Law # Report #: HD 18 97 File#: Subject: REDEVELOPMENT OF THE TYRONE PARK Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-18~97 be received; 2. THAT Frank Simpson's request. on behalf of the Tyrone Athletic. Association for financial assistance of $42,000 for Phase 1 of the redevelopment plans for Tyrone Park NOT be supported; and 3. THAT Frank Simpson.be provided with a copy of Report WD-18-97 and be advised of Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: Key Map 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a regular meeting held on November 25, 1996, Council passed the following Resolution #C-866-96: "THAT the delegation of Frank Simpson and Neil Smith be referre~ to the Chief Administrative Officer, the Director of Public Works and the Treasurer in order to meet with the Tyrone Athletic Association and report back to ATTACHMENT NO. 3 REPORT NO. WD-25-98 _C'f~f:~~. ....,..1:11 = ..PEa ~ NCYCI..( REPORT NO.: WD-18-97 PAGE 2 Committee during deliberations; the budget 1997 3.0 3.1 REVIEW AND COMMENT At a meeting of Council of November 25, 1996, Mr. Frank Simpson, on behalf of the Tyrone Athletic Association, made a presentation of the proposed redevelopment works for the Tyrone Park. Mr. Simpson's presentation identified a number of deficiencies.. within the existing park and outlined the proposed redevelopment works to rectify those deficiencies and to provide additional facilities. Park Deficiencies . Playground adjacent to the parking lot. . No area for socializing near the playground. . Growing population with increasing demands on the facilities. . Soccer pitch conflicts with senior ball diamond during ball games. . Insufficient parking. . No area for sports such as in-line skating and basketball. Redevelopment Works . Relocation of the playground. . New soccer pitch. . New senior ball diamond. . Hard surface area for basketball and in-line skating. . Pathways and gardens around the common area. . Patio area. . Improved parking. J I I I I I I , I - - - J - I - , I ~ 1 I I. I I . . I REPORT NO.: ~ WD-18-97 PAGE 3 3.2 The redevelopment works, as proposed by the Tyrone Athletic Association, would be implemented in three phases and are estimated at a total cost of $115,400. Mr. Simpson's request to Council is for Phase 1 only, which consists of grading, preparation of the- soccer pitch, a new baseball infield, and a basketball court. Phase 1 is estimated at $42,400. I I I I I I I I t I I I I r 3.3 Presently, TYrone Park consists of a 4.8 hectare parcel of land that is designated in the Municipality's Official Plan as a llHamlet Park". . The park currently includes a playground, two (2) soccer fields, two (2) ball diamonds, a community hall and a parking lot. 3.4 The Municipality's main source of funding for the development of parkland is through either the tax levy or the Development Charge By-law (funds dependent on the growth related portion of the project) . 3.5 The Municipality's Development Charge By-law and Development Charge Policy Report, as approved by Council in 1992, detailed the Parkland Development projects that were related to development .,growth and were anticipated to be improved or constructed within a ten (10) year forecast. TYrone Park was not identified by staff or Council as a project in the Development Charge Policy Report and the subsequent by-law. In 1992, when the Development Charge Policy Report was prepared, TYrone Park was considered to be providing an adequate level of service to the surrounding rural community. Further, it was also felt that this level of service was consistent to that existing within other rural communities in the balance of the Municipality. In addition, it was determined that development growth of the surrounding area REPORT NO.: WD-18-97 PAGE 4 within the ten (10) year forecast was not anticipated to require major improvements to the park. 3.6 At the present time, staff's evaluation of the level of service provided by Tyrone Park, as a hamlet park, remains as adequate. The redevelopment works proposed for Tyrone Park cannot be substantiated as being development growth related and, therefore, are not eligible to be included in the future update of the Development Charge By-law and Report. 4.0 RECOMMENDATION 4.1 The present level of service provided by the Municipality for Tyrone Park is ad.equate and consistent with other similar hamlet parks within the Municipality and, therefore, funding of the redevelopment works is not recommended. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~::::~g. Director of Public Works ~tsI~ w. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer ASC*ph March 3, 1997 Attachment pc: Frank Simpson 2688 Concession Road 7 R.R. #5 Bowmanville, ON LIC 3K6 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~.~>. I: I I I I I I I III I!; n ,. .' j' Iii u r i~ i I :: j' 11 II l t Il~ III 1; liJ ,. ,. I i~ j:c. I L ~ .... r:,.~ .. . <{i:lk.~",v~ ./ji'c~: \, . ,.1;l'("'''" ";":";';'" .' . TYRONE PARK ..i.,( :'. CONCESSION ROAD 7 LIBERTY STREET 7 (7 .. /' , , ....~.. :.... ..,.'- '. .",;~(X?'" j I I l i I ! ! TYRONE o <( o 0:: en Z w :2: w ..J o II r '" ." o o .. ." v; ~ ~ II CA>nc. ~ .8 , !\ ti H Ii ] LI ~ ilLJ< &. I' I C<loc. ,,~. 7 ;\101" ;f ; ;f III I .. . ~ I " i (3 I ~ i! , " .,; '" }{, ~~~ S t' ... 8 ;0 ~ .. b u ..... ~. ~II 6 I I I I I .. ... II SU~JE9r SITE " ... ii II ~ II r ._ . i ~ i! II , DRAWN BY: J.R.M Ii DATE: FEB. 1997 l ~ .. so ATTACHMENT NO.1 WD-18-97 ~ II II .,;