HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-23-98 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ~~~R~~~~ REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: MARCH 23,1998 File# "L-oq. Ea Res. # GV'A- I <t7-9~ By-Law # Report #: WD-23-98 File#: Subject: BOUNDARY ROAD AGREEMENT RESURFACING EAST TOWNLINE ROAD Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-23-98 be received; and 2. THAT COUNCIL give pre-budget approval to the expenditure of $8,200 for the Municipality of Clarington's portion to resurface East Townline Road, north ofthe 5th Concession, to the dead end. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No.1: Correspondence dated February 26, 1998 from the Township of Hope 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 On March 5, 1998 the Public Works Department received a letter (Attachment #1) from the Township of Hope stating that they have received a request from the residents on East Townline Road to have the section north of the 5th Concession to the dead end resurfaced. The cost has been estimated by the Township of Hope to be $16,400. rnCYClEPt:'\ PAPIER .. PAPER '+tt::!::JRECYCLE THIS IS PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 1 1 53 REPORT NO.: WD-23-98 PAGE 2 2. 2 Boundary Road Agreement The Municipality of Clarington and The Township of Hope formulated and signed a boundary agreement in 1993. Normal maintenance of the East Townline Road is performed by the Township of Hope. Section 5 ofthe agreement states: "That work projects such as surface treatment and level railroad crossing improvements, that cannot be considered as normal maintenance, shall be presented to each Council on or before March 30th of any year for consideration and final approval." Resurfacing of the East Town1ine Road is not considered to be normal maintenance, and Council approval is required. 2.3 Costs The cost to the Municipality of Clarington is $8,200, which is 50% of the total costs. Funds have been set aside in the 1998 Public Works budget for the Municipality's portion of the resurfacing ofthe East Townline Road. 3.0 CONCLUSIONS The Public Works Department is recommending that Council accommodate The Township of Hope's request by granting pre-budget approval for the resurfacing of the East Townline Road in 1998. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ~V~ Stephen A. Vokes P.Eng., Director of Public Works /j/ttf{L,/1-/~\ W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer SA V*GA *ce Attachment 1 1 54 REPORT NO.: WD-23-98 PAGE 3 Township of Hope Frances Aird Clerk Administrator P.O. Box 85 Port Hope, ON LIA 3V9 11 55 , TOWNSHIP OF HOPE e e ~ . P.O. Box 85 PORT HOPE, ONTARIO L 1 A 3V9 Telephone - 905-753-2230/2483 (Location: East Side County Rd. # 1 0 - 3 mi. North of Welcome) Feburary 26, 1998 i I , -, :~:;;;; ~~:"- Vp"---;'-;:7~ :-~~ .'-:: '-:j:--::, .:.; -: -:~:-:--._--_. -;-=~! I r'- ..-.... _.._,...~~.~,...k." -- ~-".'" '-, '1 "J ,.... n \"'" (.....'- " ;.. ! J (-j:l:{ u;j ~~~:';J L~~ ; . - ..~.. -,~._. - .. ~,.-! , . . ...~".. ..---,....,.....--. .-----...... .,.- c ____Hi -=:~-.:~_1:=-=-- -T1 Stephen Vokes Director of Public Works Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE ON LIC 3A6 Dear Mr. Vokes: RE: Boundary Road Agreement Resurfacing East Townline Road Council for the Township of Hope have received a request from residents on East Townline Road to have the section North of the 5th Concession to the dead end, resurfaced at a cost of $16,400. Council are willing to consider this project subject to approval and contribution from the Municipality of Clarington as per our Boundary Road Agreement. It would be appreciated if you could have this matter dealt with by your Council as soon as possible so that the project can be placed on our list for budget deliberation. If you require any further information or documentation, please give me a call. Yours truly, d~ /--1J Frances Aird Clerk Administrator FA:rvl c.c. Gord Austin, Works Superintendent - Hope Township @ We Recycle. ATTACHMENT NO. 1 REPORT NO. WD-23-98 1 1 56 .~ . tOWNSHIP OF HOPE l!t!r: . P.O. Box 85 PORT HOPE, ONTARIO L1 A 3V9 Telephone - 905-753-2230/2483 (Location: East Side County Rd.#1 0 - 3 mi. North of Welcome) February 20th, 1998. Mr. Ron Robinson and'others, 5347 East Towline Road, R. R. #1, Newtonville, Ontario, LOA 110. Dear Sirs: I wanted to thank you for sending me your letter of January 27th, and for taking the trouble of having so many residents sign it. The information you included about approval deadlines was especially helpful. We have already forwarded the request to Clarington for their approval, in view of the time constraints and, if their approval is forthcoming, will consider the project at budget time. While I can give you no assurances as to whether we will be able to do the work this year _ we are hard pressed by the changes wrought on us by Queen's Park - it is on the list and we will do the best we can. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Yours very truly, ~~tl~/!/Ca~~,~ Ian W. M. Angus, B. Eng., LL.B., P. Eng., Reeve, Township of Hope. IWMAImlb @ 1 1 57 . - We Recycle.