HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-2-98 ! ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ~JiI~~ REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # 70~ . err; Res. #G,-{)A- \ <t-9Js By-Law # Date: January 5, 1998 HD 2 :> 8 File #: Report #: Subject: REQUEST FOR ADULT CROSSING GUARD ON COURTICE ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 34) AT MOYSE DRIVE, COURTICE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-2-98 be received; 2. THAT as a result of high study results, the request for an Adult Crossing Guard on Courtice Road on the north side of Moyse Drive be approved; 3. THAT the Director of Planning and Development be authorized to hire an Adult School Crossing Guard for this location starting September 1998; 4. THAT Greg Borchuk of the Region of Durham, Public Works Department, be requested to provide the required signage and pavement markings on Courtice Road (Regional Road 34) at the north side of Moyse Drive on or before September 1, 1998; and 5. THAT a copy of Report WD-2 - 98 be forwarded to Paul Brace, Manager of Transportation, Planning and Assessment, Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education. 11 u6 "ECVC'.'DI%\. POP,," PAP'" 'tt::!:1"'CnL' lliISISP"'NTEDCflR,evCLEO.APm RJlPOJI,T NO. I ':i,/"" PACiB 2 WD-2-98 <'~,.i'.,:,:,"""" :,";':'" "PORT 1.0 ATTACIOIIDJTS No 1: Key Map No 2: 25, 199>7 of Education from. Correspondence dated July Northumberland~Clarington Board 2 .0 BAmtGllOUND 2.1 Correspqndence dated July 25, 1997 from Paul Brad6'~~ger of Transportation, Planning and Assessment' with the NorthUffiberland-Clarington Board of Education, requ~tea consideration of an adult crossing guard on CoUZ'ticlilRoaci at Mayee Drive in Courtice. The School Boaro plan.sto discolltinue bussing the students from the subdivis.i~,i~ast Of Court ice Road to Courtice North Public School,astheyare. within the walking distance of 1.6 km. 3 .0 RBVIJIW AND COMIIJ!lNT 3 . 1. Mwlio.iDalitv of Clar.iaatoD ~'8in.a a..~~. Pof'~1 The request for an adult crossing guard iSc>ften a very emotiopal issue, with concerned parents e:J(p:t:'essing safety concerns. The standard lI\E!thod to determine the need fO.ran ad.ult crossing guard, in an unbiased and consi6tellt.meth9d, was develop",d by the Institute of Transpqrtat:l.on~:l.Ilf;lersand used by many municipali tiesthrougho\1tNorthJut\exica. The technique involves the use of.a stop watch to~termine the length and quantity of safe g~s between. vehicles. The annual cost of an adult crossing guard is approxilllatelY$!?,lOO. (}O . The Municipality, when establishing i~spolicy in 19~1, enhanced. the Institute's criteria by req\,l;j.dngonly.' a 5.0% delay (difficulty in crossing) in plaqe of the l.UIu.al 70~,80% de1ay required using the stiUldiird method. 11 Q7 , REPORT NO.: WD-2-98 PAGB 3 It is important to note that crossing guards are required when students experience long delays while waiting for safe gaps in traffic. However, a guard is not required just because students are unable to cross the street as ~n as they reach it. 3.2 Backaround Infor.matio~ PorRequested ~ca~ioD: Although this is a Regional Road, it is the responsibility of the local municipality to study, recommend and budget for the salaries of adult crossing guards. The municipality installed sidewalks on the west side of Courtice Road (Regional Road 34) from Nash Road Southerly to Stageffiaster Crescent during 1997. A sidewalk connection was also provided on the north side of Moyse Drive to connect the existing sidewalk to the walkway leading into the Courtice Community Complex. There are presently between 50 to 60 children who are bussed from this area to Courtice North Public School during the 1997-1998 school year. The School Board plans to dispontinue bussing as of September 1998 and will advise parents that an adult crossing guard will be provided by the MuniCipality if the request is approved by Council. 3.3 Study R..,sults DATE PERIOD % DELAY Sep 10/97 am 67.8 Sep 11/97 pm 55.8 Dee 2/97 pm 41.3 Dec 4/97 am 76.3 As per Municipal Policy, a 50% delay is req\1ired before an Adult Crossing Guard is considered warranted. 1108 . , REPORT NO.: WD-2-98 PAGK 4 3 .4 ALT~T;IVlIlS ALTERNA'l'B WALltING ROUTES: There is no other route available due to the lack of sidewalks on the east side of Courtice Road. BUSSING: The Board of Education is planning to discontinue the existing bussing as of September 1998 because the area to the east of Courtice Road is within the walking distance of 1.6 kIn and has continuous sidewalk access by crossing Court ice Road at Moyse Drive. STUDBNT PATROLLERS: This option is not practical because the location is not immediately adjacent to the public school and the volume and speed of traffic represents too great a responsibility for students. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 From the above, results an adult it is concluded that based on the study crossing guard is required at this location. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by ~.~~. Eng., Director of Public Works ~~ uI W. H. Stockwell, /{J- Chief Administrative Officer RDB*SAV*ce December 15, 1997 Attachments (2) 1 ""9 ' , ,I " II ,.,' ,.' , REPORT NO.1 WD- 2 - 9 8 pc: Paul Brace Manager of Transportation, Planning and Assessment Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education 834 D'Arcy Street North, Box 470 Cobourg, ON K9A 4L2 Greg Borchuk Region of Durham The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department 105 Consumers Drive Whitby, Ontario L1N lC4 1 10 PAGS 5 NASH ROAD COURTlCE NORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL COURTlCE PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL 'REEk " ; ; , ; ; , , , , , , ; , ; ; / , PROPOSED ADULT C _ QSS(NG .....~_ I / -"'-, GU~RD-L-OCATION , , - , C,/" I ',,- '-' '...._/\ ;- l~/, / ""'"I::l!GH~A'r/ ,'V '" Cl <( 0 c:: U -' <( z 0 a w c:: , Cl C3 c:: w U 'I~ c:: ::J 0 U , , , "'I ~I. "', ~II /. sll"j Q slifE , , , , , , , , ; I ORAWN BY: J.R,M ]1 OATE:OEC, 1997 I ATTACHMENT NO.1 I REPORT NO. WD-2-98 , , , , , " , , ; , \ KEY MAP i J ; , / \ -__I I~) ;\J-... t\.) 1'\ :; I,,"'" NO' 2 ~ ,,-/'....--- ~ . /~.....J -I o , , ; ; , , , ; , , , , , , , , ; / , , , , , , , , , ; , LEGEND EXISTING SIDEWALKS " 1 jl < DWG. FILE: C:IMAPINFO\CLAR\ATTACHS\CQURTICE\WD29a.INOR The Northumberland-CJarington Board of Education ' Leaders in Learning pmll\YlltID JUl Z 8 1:197 t/I1fIICIPAUlY Of CLARINGTON 834 O'Arcy Sf. North Box 470, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4U Td (905) 372-6871 Fax (905) 372.1133 25 July 1997 Franklin Wu Director of Planning Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street BowmanvilIe, Ontario LlC3A6 . Dear Frank Re: Crossing Guard Request ' We have received notification that the municipality is constructing sidewalks on the west side of Courtice Road from Stagemaster Crescent to Nash Road, to be completed by 5 September 1997. Currently, we transport students living in the subdivision south of Nash Road and east of Courtice Road to Courtice North Public School for safety reasons. These students live within the Board's walking distance from the school (1.6 km). Upon completion of the above sidewalk project, there will be a continuous sidewalk from the subdivision to tll(~.school. ~ Therefore, we request consideration for a crossing guard to be placed on Courtice Road at Moyse Drive. We would ask that the assessment be conducted in September after school commences to ensure the traffic patterns are commensurate with school activity. As well, it would be necessary to ensure sidewalk access from Courtice Road opposite Moyse Drive. Do llOt hesitate tc contact me if further information or discussion is necessary t' sincerel rTr<',-""" f.} "" ' ...,.~ '-~;!<' "., ,-..-::~.._'-- ~::.',:}~:_~,'_J ", '-.'",-" t~:,:,:,_:-_:.::__. ~ ,.A-<>..u... 1------__.__.._ J '.' - ~_ ~-. iL,:.:___ .", ;;~~:C~fTransportation, Planning and Assessmt:::~::::--=-=j-~~~2 B -1997 k-,::,_ Ie ',,2;''j S PI'.! L I!:.""::'" " r.----- ! PL!1~:.;C ViQ:~KS c.:_~-....-._--- I~ jl d..'. ,;~----.., ::t':. !l:'," 1"- ATTACHMENT NO. 2 REPORT NO. WD72-98 '2