HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-14-98 ~TlQNQF ,...MUliUCIPALlTYOF CURtNG'l'ON R&Ji!QRT ......c. 1IiI&E11NG: COUNCIL,MEETING DATe: 0CT08&R 28. 1988 REPORT #: ADIIfN;.1tiW8 ~T:. MARIGmNG, TOURISM & ECAtlirllC DEVELOPMENT OFFfCEo.,JlINIIW .' ::~~f(' a,.uw#: . t.-: ,__, RecommendatiOns: It is resp,Cl&NlIJ recommended that Council approve the fotIowing: 1. THAT Report ADMfN,.14-98 be received for infoimation; and 2. THAT Council beadyised that the Agreement pertaining to the ~ between the . Clarington Board of Trade and the Municipality of Clarington will be ~ for ~&l alon at a future meeting. BACKGROUND: 1.0 lJilTRotwC'1'1ON 1.1 Theful'lCtiOn of Economic Development In kMunk:!pality of Ckmngton is.:theiCilirlt responsibility()f the Chief Administrative Officer and the Marketing &. :'f'oul'isrriOJ.,.Thla am~amationofeffortswasa soMionto the service gapQ8ated by ~depaftl8cif~, former EconomioDevelopment Officer at the and of November 1_'J7h$~~~ Development ~. providasClarington with a basic kilVeI of aMisUlnGe.>J!fhic:h ~.wIth the issues that srisefrom time to time. while accuml.llatintknowled~~9~a .'~ of contacts. 1.2 The mendate of the. Marketing. Touriam& Eqonornic De~ Otftc;e. sinceits~, has~.to promote the Municipality to busine$ses'ope~ng Inskteand. OlQideof~ municipaf~u.Rdaries. The EoonomicQevefopment Office$trivas to..bIittloQper$i~ Sl.IPpOrt systems fOr our looalbU$iness partners intended to ell$U"'~.Cla~~~~'$as haveeveryoPJ'(lltunity and incentive to'Sfay in this comml.lnity. Ttrft.~ ~..... ~. ,;;' 4 REPORT NO. AD....1.... ..2- QCTOBER 28,1_ ';,' wereidentififtto . bring focus to our efforts were (a) Toronto and tI1e'GTA;(tJY_'~ of Ontario (out$ideofthe GTA); (c) Caneda; Cd) United Sta.;and,(e)"n~. 1..3 This ~ will review the currentprognlf1W provided thrOlJ9h the Malttetillg, To~& Economic ~nt Office. It will aisoserve as Council's introductionto~pendil1g Agreement, whlc:h dines the relationships and responsibilities betvreen h.~ of C1aringtonand the newly established . Board of Trade. ~.OMARKenNG 2.1 The Marketill{l. progl'$m encompasses a variety of functioosanq-"QIol.ids theline...een tQuriem and economic development. Marketing is the promotion of a spcIC:ifictolTllTlQdity>>r product to an identified or specific market. The Marketing "ToUJitlm .,0IIicer rnakes.ofa variety of devices to promote the oppor'Wnities and advantages.of Jiving, WOrkillg ,andvjsiting the Ml.inicipalityof Clarillgton. The goat of the marketlng~y.i8c to: (a) Etevatethe image of the Munieiplllity of Clarin9ton~ a.,wt1oteafY(1,ioso doint1,. add~ the name identification problem associa~Wltb the ''Where. ~pl$lingtonH comment; klentify.lIpPropriate target markets and present apOSitivebtrl$in6S$C8setnatfrightfghts the Iocatio"'adV~lAtagesof reIocatinglexpandlngbU$ineli8,operations in .tI\i$ comrnu~;and, Raise the..-eness of the. tourism opportunities avSlIebII:f ifI'~ and partn~ip With the local tourisrn-based bt.lsiness oj!le~. . 2.2 The marketing opportunities available to the Munioipalityand ottlel'!)U8inets_~have significantbl.ldgetrequirernents. Yet, there is one opportunity that remaios$ttrprisingly lnexpen$ive aftd,effective. The Internet or WQrk:I Wide Web. The MuniCipality of Clarington has been online since September 3, 1996.fnthat time, the web sit8/1asbecome apqpWlr (b) (c) , ~ , REPORT NO. ADMIN..140-98 ..3 - OCTOBeR 26. 1998 destination for business ''web surfers" S$eking "economic devek)prn'ent~I~ion. o ina Domain 1998 Canada 27,729 Commercial 52.788 EducatIonJNetworkl 20,897 International 2.528 Unresol\led 15.720 TOTAL 119,eG2 A VISilsIDa 560 16 f Table 1: Web Site S~ (a8 of September 30, 1998) The Clarington web site (www.municipallty.cIarington.on.ca) is part at the informationlawElfeness strategy of the overall Municipality's marketinflptan, Through our presence on the web, it is our goal to give the ''visitor'' a sense of what the Clar/r\gton community is all about. Our strongest selling features are the uneqtl8!ed lifastyle that Ciarington provides as wen as the many partnerships that we have developed with the focal business and tourism communities. From the statistics collected by the MarklWng &.TOt.Irism Gfficer,thernostfrequently visited pages on the web site are: . Business - community profile, facts & figures, growth statistics . Town Hall - containing the profiles of the Mayor and Members of Col.Ineil . What's New . coming events and attractions; good news stories . Tourism - description at the tourism opportunities available . Clarington Calendar - list of community events (January - December) . Alphabetical Index -links to other organizationsJbusinesses and to points.withlnthe Claringtonweb site itself (simHar to a table of contents) The Municipality's web site costs approximately $1 OO/month to host on the. Synlpatico (EMil Global Solutions) network. Considering the fact that the web site can b&acoessed intemationally regardless of time zones, it has proven to be the most lXlSt-effectivernethod of promoting the Municipality of Clarington globally. This is e$peCial/y true since the Web site is maintained, monitored, updated and upgraded in.house by the Marketk1g& ToutismOfker 1 RsPORTNO. ADIIIN.1...... OCT08&R 2&, 1_ -4. :i;.,~':~;..,;; .:' " ,'">:;~/'-;:,F;"-' " " .. .. -'-'-'_'.. ..;c...'.;... ,', -,''':,'' -', (other businesS and government~organlzations would incur addltional-..tlm3ugh . contractual m;Untenence and design agreements). . Having tJ'le a&ility.and skill to maintain, update and l.Ipgrade~_ in-houeeallc>w$theweb site to contain the most current of inforn1etio9 and C8nbe changeddaIIV ifl1El(:eS$ll'Y. Since m.origlnal/aurlching of the web site new pages have been~' .()tIjcial~n~ ,',.' -.,-, (lWbseqUentt()Council's approval); election informationand~.It8(~every ..30 minutes orasffJquired); Council Age.s (modified weekly); Vendo\'ls&,~ ..~tion; and, most reCently, the 1998 Tax Rates. ,... website~r~ (URL) is listed on .Uoutgoing ad~l'!U CI)Py,on ~~,~s ofthe Marketing. & Tourism Office stll!ffand on all promotional ~Iproduced PY...!btt. M$rketing & Tourism Offioe. Other munk:/pal departments shol.lJ(j~~_ ~of Claringtononallstaff business cards and any printed ~j8I;._ produce. The ~ address on u.web sitE! goes directly to the Marketing & TOI.II'i$rn .~ ~ttllSa~~ . oneil printed n,aterlallisted, 2.3 The .col'POl'8te~~t of theMai'keting & Toyrism QfficleCQfllisttJrnainlyofa S6riesof print media (magezine) advertisements. In selectingadllertisingvent.l6(e..g.~ publications,~Zines, etc.) current issues are requestl!ldandrevifl1Al"dtO"wh.t~ municipalities (e$peCiallyin Ontario) are already adverti8irlO.Thean",,*~is:a1~d between Economic Development (busine.. attraction and awar.,..)and Tou~srn(~r attraction) funCtions. The local advertising requirements of specific ~ d~ (e.g. notices of Swim Registration and Sidewalk Snow Removal) continue tt1" the responsibility of the.specific departments (design, insertion and<bqet) - i...al'&not facilitated by the Marketing & Tourism Office. < . . REPOR,.NO. ADMIN-14-98 -6- OCTOBER 26. 1998 'j:~ ':"'i':: FocusG usmess Site Location 1 BUlllneh Site L.ocation 49 Etusiness Site Location 13 Business SiteL.ocation 4 Tourism 72' Tourism NIA ourism Table 2: Print MIdfa Ady.~ Itls apparen~thattheadvertisernentsin the Expansion Managernentan<f~ OeveIQpntent publicationsgeneratecJ a significant number of leads. Since~dev.loprnentandfollow-up wall an area Qfsorne concern, the Marketing & Tourism Officer spoke ft>Econornic Development Officers in other municipalities and found thetattractingnew~wall<not a matter of sirr1p1y making a contact. To expand a businesses oflil!lY -the planning process begins an~from 3 t05 years in advance of thnctual expa~on.~ th.P~ phase, they (or their site Iocationrepre;Bsn~tive) investigate IlUtfI$f'Ol.I$CQITIffiunitie$to. determine where they will be able to negotiate the.best d$U (sornewhatsifr1jfartoan individual. buYinG a car). The key to converting leads into businessgrO\tllthisto identify the companies CO/l$idering relocation or expansion and providing them With aflthe info~rl they require over an extended period of time. The bottom line to tbisactivitY is that ~ work being cornpIeted currently may not produce actual results until th$_~or beyond. The Marketing & Tourism Officer tracks advertising leads in two.ways.First,informatiofl. packages are sent to the specific contact person listed on the contachbeetprovided by the publisher. Theinformaticn package includes material such as thecum!trt Community Profile, Cl.arington Quick Facts Reference Sheet, Cl.arington .Our Ttrnehas Corne"bl'ochure, a map of the community and a copy of the currenfClarington VISitors Guide. This information i$ intended. to giVe the receiver a sample of the opportunities and adval'ttg. of a Clarington . base of operatiorls. Each package included a covering letter add~ pcificrequ8$tS identified in the lead sheets. ~. REPORT NO. ADMlN.14-98 -6- OCTOEIER 26,1988 . .." ." ......" .... - .. ..........:.......,.....,.,:........... ...:-..,....:.,..'.., The second.$tepi$topriQritl%e the Ieada.~ing to the~t~_c'" initiating direct conttlctwith the business representative. A business~e~nor relocation of their 9P&ration over the next 2..3 years was conta_befOrettse ~iYfhIc:h id6lltifie& a longer time frame. Periodically aubsequentcalls are ~ ..especlaIIy if new information ($.g. the new Community Profile} becomes available. 2.4 Anothel' form ofmarketillg the Municipality to potential businesses i8~ in.busil'\eSS. oriented~eflows. Trade shows provide the MuniciPillitywith~~torn.- business out$ide of the m","icipal boundaries. Since 1998 the Ml.InicipaIity ha$,p~in two annualtraclesflows . the Business Exposition in Montreal;the~~S~ifl Toronto as well as S01lle srna/fer shows that are hosted within the Greer TC>I'Onto..... The striUegy reql.lired fora successful trllde show display is to ~~tharlJust~~~e and. ii'lfort1'lative brochures or other printedmatterial. T estedtrade shClWcpl'8Ctlc$$ ,~hj. tech.audlo vi$uelpre$8ntations, unique.hand-Quts ($uch as the ~~Of AV4iIlY. Dennison hi9b1i9hters.the Municipality..,.... fortunate to have} and ll~"icarddfaWfora unique Clarington . gift package (usuall\tincltJdes pIOducts donated ~i*-tbl.rsi~I"$;i!fld Clarington casual wear). These items have a cost but they "'0 '-ve ~f)Otentilll todnJWa significant number of potential c1ient$ into the booth where staff has the~t<>..elik to them about their future business plans directly. At the end of the tr'll\lte~, the (l()I~ bu~cards(approximately 50 .150 cards depending onthe8bQw)~~edto~a l1'lajting list used to sendClarington information packag4ll8With alettetiIWitil'lttbe~sto tourthe.community. 2.5 There are other promotional activities included in the overall rnatketiflD.i~Y for the Municipality ofClarington. Two of themor&$ignificant profiIecI activ_ are tbe,lir1eof attractive (andreasonably.priced) Clarington "casual" wear and theg~fistOf$l.l"'1 specilll presentations. TheClarington casual wear is intended to be aself,.~"lll intandedto ~ the number of people, including staff, wesring~"'the Claringtonlogo.This is not always an easyta$k but over thepastth,..~,theIe'~;been a noticeabkt incre.-e in the num\)Elr of peopfe(both Staffandpublic.}llitl.""l9c<<;i!at,ington clothing. \ i REPORltNO.AOMIflI..i.... -7- OCTOBER 26, 1888 ~_:';;, ':-~-:<~:::~:-,' ','.::' '''' - ,-t.,:-,,).::'::{ -i: The growmg",of C/aOQgton spepial~tations haS~tWo;C~~()jy1ll.the CNE (1994& 1991),partieipation in the O$rio Rodeo C'*lf.IiUnsb1Jl;(1$HHSa.1I96).. "t}ay in the ~ofelarington"Photo Contest (1998) and C1aringtono.Yatthe.Fair(1~. All of theseeventshllv.conaributed in raisi"9the awarenees and profile of this ~.ftfla$ enabled the Municipality to develop partnerships and spon~ th.flad~J!lteviOUslYllOt been explored or accessed. These events have also eni'lanCed the se_of<lC;M'l1munitYthat has become a ~rk of Clarington. 3.0 CLARtNGTON.pUBLlCATIONS 3.1 The Municipility., through the Marketing &Tourism Office; produces a numllIer ofprmtecl materials thatser.'eto prO\liderelevant.and current information abo41_.ent~ofthe Municipality of C1arington. Each publication has a SpecifiCprodl.lCtion~,_iQn.atlI.'l target market. Clarington publications 81;8 an intricate part of the Munieipality'$ 0VfPf1. marketing~y and, in light oftheirvariednatures and distrib1.rtion,a"'d~lI.ssd separately. 3.2 The Community.Gl.Iide is distributed two times per year - F~andAugl!St.This publication is ta~ to provide Claringtonresidents witb.inforrnation CllI'ltheftllllftYpt~ams, services and,~provided by the Municipality of Clarington. The~pr~_~1 infOrmation aboutihe Municipality and the 7 fOl.Inicipal departme~ ItasOpl'ovides information about programs and services .available at the Clarington Pl.IbIIcL~t ~Vi$t.Ja1 Arts Centre.the..Clarington Museums and the Clarington a.echCentht(ChHi"9ton Older . Adult ASSOciatlorr). The publication's fOOl.ls is primarily to promotetheJ>>"09rt1ms, ~and f$ci1itiEJ$ operated by the Community Services Department. The Guidepidesthe~~rjer withprograminfonnatlon (dates. times, registration process andfees),~ity,~ (public swimrlling/skating), booking proeesses(for commlJOity halls, ~,pclOIs and outdoor sportsfil!llcl$). Informetion (contact. name. telephOtle,halJ CIQ)~i"J!lCC6ss\bi1ity,etc.) about community halls (e.ll.Newcastle Community 11811, Orono TownHaff). PerhapSthe,most read portion ofth~docurnent is the Directory that is included at th,enclofthlspubliCMtori. This directo,yprovides basic contact information for the over 2OQool't'll'l'lUnlty gl'Ou~, aSsociationsal'ld org~ilations that provide service and programs to..~~ of Clarington. The il1formation provided is, fOr th&mo&t part,.ctJlF&rlt,hOWtlVel'. staff~ffi ... ; .' RE~TNO. ADMJN..14-98 -8 - OCTOBER 26. 1998 Marketing & TouriSm Offic:e often struggle to get the community 9fOlIIiJ$ _.up r;lateff$vise their " contact information. ;,:'.~ Since 1991 the Marketing & Tourism Office has soldadvertl8ing spaoei'ttMCommunity Guide to assist in reducing the overall cost of procIucingthisdocument Advertising is limited to approximately 8 pages out of the total 64 pages of this publication. 3.3 ClarinQtonVlSitorsGuide, first produced. in 1996, promotes the tourism.~ona,~and opportunities available in this Municipality. The Visitors Guide ~Cla1if1llton'spr:irnary,~ attraction deviclit.S/.f1G&it& initiation 30,000 copies have been ~.'~yeerfor distribution tOlo<lal~ partners, Tourism Torontooutlets.OOtarioTouriSm Centres, Quebec Touri$flllooations.plus Tourist Information Centres in Northern New'(ork State. The Guide is distrit>t.rted annually with the first round being COI'lJPleted by mitWanuary. FQMow.up distributions totOl.lrism offices are provided on a "by req~' tHI$is. Generalinfo~km taken from the Visitors Guide is alsoavailable'OO~Clarington;w8bjsite by followi"9 the TOUliism fink from the front cover. Inclusion ofthi&infofrnatiot!tn.sProduced numerous reque$tS for hard copies of the Guide from individuals, tour .1Itors andt>usir!ess PEloPle. For 1999, the prod14ction run of the Visitors Guide is increasing to $0;000 popjes. Th~ prOVides the Marketing & Tourism Office the opportunity to widen and*oi\'J'lPl"OVe the distlibutlOn netwolk.Thisdocument is supported through the sale ofadvertisiRgspaoe to members of the Cla~on Tourism Pal'trleJ$hip. The broadening.Of the distribution .~ will provide these businesses with a Qenefit for their advertisjngCOlllrnitnlents. The Marketing & Tourism Office is revamping the design of the Guide for 1999 toenueihat the infOl:m8tion is clear and readerfriendly. 3.4 The most commoncomptaint that the Marketing & Tourism Office~esis thatwedOnot have adequatetl'lapsthatare designed to help the tourist get from pI$l$'to ~or community to community. To resolve this concem the Marketing&Toudsm()ffice commissioned~ :pI'Qduction of a ClarinQton VISitOrs Ma~.The map is really a coIIeotIon of 3.5 3.6.1 R6PQf(J'NO. ADMIN-toWS -9- OCTOBER 26, 1988 ..' :'-""~;!{h~~::^'-';;~ maps idel1tifyjngtol.lrist~ and opportunmesthroutboutQ~~,~,*,~;~ distributed like the ClaringtOn's Visitors Guide but is availableattfl$.T~m~(~ , Street) and in the M$J<eting&Tourism Office(MunicipalAdmini$tgl..,c.'ltet).1"he.11Yi!Pcan be l.Isec:t on its 0Wl'1 or asa companion piece for the VlSitGr$Gl.Iide. Sil'1ceits t:O/Jlp!etipp in June 1098, the pu61iC's response has been very positive. One of the most requested EconomioOevefopment documents is tI1$Q~~~itV Pl'QfiIe.This document contains demographic and statisticaJ ~t~IQ;i_~ anddevelopmerrt of the Municipality a. a centre for bus~. CurrentJy.thes1..ggc Community ProfIktisinpl'Oduction and$houk:l be avaHablebytheer'ldcif~r.1~:1t is difficult to makEl.vnificant chtlnges to the demographic information ~intbi& document sinQ6 theceosus data (from Statistics Canade) is upc:fated~$.)!~(1~flwas the ~census year). In researching. this PI.lbIication, i~8f)Ct_r.~_ Various.contactsirn::ludingthe Municipality's Planning Depat'tment,the"ReglQnof~'$ Planning~t, the Region's Works Department, C1aringtQn..~~~, Consumers Gas/llnd, of course, Statistics.Canlllda. Theronnat oftheP[C)fi1e \SC~~l!I review of Profiles from other communities. The Profile information is~_ C',:."':,,- ,......__><:.:: uplo/llded onto the Ml.Inicipality's web site where it can be U$ed8$/lI~>~I>,thOse businesSEl8c:1Oing_preliminarysite selection planning. From time to time the Marl<eting & Tol.lrism Office is appr~by~l.I"i,1)t O\'98t'1~.s to.aSSist them in specific print media projects. This year (1988) tI1$~~~ IrnprovemenIAsSOCialtion(BIA) came forward With a request for ~iri~~ historic walking tour map of the downtown area. The idea. was parce!vedas~positivj" initiative that WOUld increase the tourism traffic into the downtown'8I'~'~~ltatk:mand cooperation witll the 81A the Marketing & Tourism Office proc;Iuced the "HistGdp'Na/k;qgT.our of Bowmanville" brochure. Copies of this brochure are available .aIlSfA.~~.in the.Marketing & Tourism Office (Municipal Administrative Centre) and atitheTO~.O~ (Uberty&treet). -RE.PQATNO. ADMIN.1+88 .10. OCTOBER 26, 1'88 r h -' ':.: . ((,-";:_~?-_:;')):':: 4.0 COMt1tINITY OJVELOPMENT ACTM1'tIiS 4..1 The MunicipaNty is furtherprornotE!d thtou9trthe community~t~of~ Marketing & TQUrisrnOffiCe. Community d&llelopment 1akesmany ~ forms. The main actiorl is to network with/ocal business andtol.lrismorg8Riutionto~litatlil1heir .ptQgramsor setv~as af$SOUrce contact. In this role,ti'le Municipality is ~andnotthe lead otpanization in the initiatives which are dev~ and implemented. 4.2 Working, with cornm~ groups is a natural extension of.a $U(lClIt8Sfuf~ity development programiTo 8S$i$t organi,z'ations develop and grow isaness~ sttategy.,The DUrhamCountry$ideAdvenfure Tour and the Taste of Clatil1gtQnpr~(involvingatmle- way partnership between the Tyrone Mill, Empire Orchards and Herb<F8tnlandArcbibafd's OlChard$.& E$tate Winery) are relevant examples ofthe.~~. A new initiatMit, the Clarington Tourism Partnership,proposes tobringtotirisntQper8tors in Claringtontogetherto diSCl.lssinitiatives and issues of mutual CQl'lC8I1l.~t:lenefit.~is no membership fee; however, it is anticipated that the. group wDImeetonaql,l_f4tb.to ensure that opportunitiallto work together a,e not missed and that comm~ With. Mun.1ity conti~to strengthen. 4.3 Antithet COIMlUl'litydevelopment activityispadicipatingfn local and~leomll1itte.. Committee work ensl.l'es that communication$ and cooperation~blittWeenth0s8 represented at th&tabIe. This activity has bliIepof positive .~intal<il1g~the duties and responsibilities of Economic DeveloprnentJt has been helpful to..,.. at the tlij)l&.n econormcdevelopment issues are disCl.l88ec!; Committee work hasalao.~~. usefIIJ contacts and resources that have facilitated the quick res.ponse tovaf'ious. ~ frOm the general public and ousiness clients. Some CQI'IlInittees, Sl.IcIl. as theD~FUm Cornn1lttee; have resulted. in a higher profile for the Municipality in a specific 8eCkJr"or.CQrnmumty. SInCe 1996, more than 1 OproduQtions (ranging from commercials tomade-for.televisionftlOVit$) have been filmed in Clarington. '\ f " ~. NO.ADMlN-14.-98 -11 - OCTOBER 26, 1_ S.OFUTURE ~1'IONSFORMARKETlNG & TOURISM 5.1 In Dec:ernber1i91, CounoifapprovedReport ADMIN,.5S;97 that I'e$Otl'IlTIended a. pa~ip with theClarington businass community that WOuld effec:tjvlilly relocatetheser\licesof economicdevelQpment to the private sector. The line "business $ells to' bu$/hess. beJterthsn government can sell tobusinetiS' sums up the premise behind the repoI't's ~n. Since the approval of that report,the Chief Administrative Officer and the~il1g & Tourism OffiCiltr . have been working with the business community to establistiand ..~a "Clarington-speCific"' Board of Trade. 5.2 As of the writingofthisrepQrt, the Clarington Board of Trade is in the finllf lItage&off:lejng incorporated under the Canadian "Boards of Trade Act'. The Municipality.has llfso been working with the. Executivlil of the ClaringtonBoard of Trade to nego_an 8Qffilementthat wiD ijetaill'eSpOASibilities and expectatiOflt for each partner. Once both of these .... fl~, the Board of Trade will receive the Municipality's agreed upon contributiol'l fott998, In a recent presentation to Mernbers of Council, Michael Patrick (President ~the8oal'd)lndicated that the BoardWOUid be 6I11barking on an executive search for aStJitabI$e~ DevelopmentOl'ficet~rne in early .1999. 5.3 The transf&renceof the economic development leadership .to the Board of Tradewillre$ult in the Marketing & Tourism Office being more. available to focus its.effortscmpromoting and implementing the marketing strategy for the Municipality of C1arington.. The' Marketing & To.urism Office is in the position to strengthen its focus and level of activity inp~~ fllcilitati/lg the development of the Clarington tourism industry. The.Claringkm Tourism Partnership is only in its infancy and, therefore, has a tremendous. future. ahead. 5.4 One of the future opportunities the Marketing & Tourism Office is pursuing iSa hotellconfel'enC$lserninar facility. It has long been identified that the lack of hotEll space is II severe handicap for Clarington's tourism industry. "Day-trippers" rnakeupthe tnIjOrity of the current market corning from surrounding~ such as Torontoand~el'borol.lQh. For events and activities that span 2 or more days, available hotelspaceia .~tP8rt of their marketing strategy. Another point ofcoosideration is the growth oftheeonterenejngand seminar market. These types of events, ranging from 1-dayto 5-days inltJogth, .-.prasent. . < . . tremendous boost to the 8QOI\0my of the hosting community. Peopfeattending.....events, , ". RaPQRTHO. ADMIN'14-98 -12 - OCTOBER 26, 1888 ?" <"",,'\-"'<::_,:.--;, forexalTlple., oftet1i~ aapol.l~. Su~ ~St!l_~~fla~,~ " spousaVcompamoll programs through which these people (Whoare1'lOt~il19~ ~nar/conference)are given the opportunity to attend local shoppi....end.visltor attl.....uons. 6.0 PJIOPOSED:91VISfON OF RESPONSI8ILITIES 6.1 Since November 1995, much has been ~shed to rnoveirorwantWlth.~ Developrnent fQr the Municipality of Clarillgton. A solid found~has~faidon which the new Board of Trade can bl.lild. Trial anden-otand ongoingre&flarCh.intowhatQther municipalities.,.. doing has helped to produce a direction ~.............. for ~.... commonity. There is, however, still much that needs to be done. (lnoe~Qtaringtori~ of Tracie cortIpIetes its incorporation and hll8the Economic Developl'l1ell$~inp\al:1e," division, ,of te$pOtl$ibilities (as Ol.Itlinedhereand in the fortftcorning~~Qe , implemented. 6.2 The Municipalltypt' Clarillgton, through the Marketing & TOl.Irism ~.wilt~ntain leadership responsibilities (defined for this report as the aCtiQnsofp/anning,~ ai1cl implementation) in thefollQWing areas. · . The ~nweb..ite is clearly the major marketing .and c::omtmm~nstooloftne future. It.prov~a $ignificant contribution to the Municipality's overall~arldper~n iMhe globalll1llrketpface. · The corporatefldvertising function is an integral part of theMunicif,)~t@.f)'lfItketing. ... strategy and, therefore will stay a municiPtll responsibility. P~<of~ ~ advertisement$is.the responsibility of the Marketing & TOl.Iri$m Office,Wilhifltiwtf'rornthEr Board of Trade~6lEconomic Development Officer. Subsequent IeadCOl~ willbe:h~ over to the BolIt'd of TtlIde for follow up. · The Comml.inltyProfile publication is to remain. the of the Marketing&TOUfism ~lIS this. Office has access to the necessary research material and. ~iciriformationlJ$ed in it!; production, The Board of Trade wiftbe given with a de$igna~sectiPnVlihin this documentthrol.igh which they can comrnunk:atetheir message to the Fl!IEIder.ltie E~c Development Officet will receive a supply of the finished docurnentforthtd30ar0'stIMt~ distribl.ltion. 6.3 The ClaringtonBoard of Tracie's leadership responsibilitiesincludeathe~~l1g.andall fl.Iture economic development activities. OveraII,theresponsibilityforb~.~~~. business retention i$identifled as the major fOCl.\S of the BoaId..of T~smand...' "~>~ f . > "It'rNO.ADMlN-14.88 .13. OCTOBER 26.1_ C', " ":' ,"'." ". ",',', ,,", ',"',",>,,' '",,' '''",,'' "," .,'" "",-",-", " "'-:, ' _ -, , ',' "", ,';,"- ,":"':':-:i'-"':'_2:>_'_"_<:>'~';::: · "Foflow-up_~n ofbUS~JeaclSgenerated bythe~~~,. adVctrtisil1Q~. ..' . .' " . .. Plill1icipatiQfl and bUdgeting. for busine$s-orlented trade shows. · E$tablishinga comerehensive ~"rogram will be another ~()ingactMtyOfthe 898rd of Trade. This willprovide1he local buSiness COmnttm!tythe oppOrtUnity todisou$s issues affecting them one-on-one with the Board of TraderepreaentatiW. · Productlo'lcifeconomic development based promotionalbrochw-. As the Board OfT_develops and grows, the Municipality will be.a~topro"ide support and aSSistance whe,.. possible. The$peCificdetaiJs ~the rOles and rasJ>Onsibilities of the Board ofTrade wit/be. QUtlined in 1heA9~""isbeinS~by the Municipality's Sol~itor at this time. It is intended that the Asreement will be submitted lor Council's consideration by the end ofNovernber 1998. MichaeJ~ick, .th&PMidef'ltofttie Clarington Board.. of T_, is participating in the draftingonthisAg~andis$l.lpportive Of the division ofrecsponsibifities outlined abovE!. 6.4 In8ddltlonto ~l1otel initiative already mentiQl'led, a rnajorfuture~ is the 25th Anniversafyof Claringtonand the year 2000. The intentiOni&thatasigtrificant permanent acl1ieve""nt is attained in conjunction with other proposedcomn1l.lnity~l'$tionsand events. 1nCf'e$Sed 8Ctivityalong Clarington's waterfront, ~~;~Il'~ major highways (e.g. 401 and 115/35) and new business devetopment~ among the.ideal5 being collectec:lfor consideration. Respectfully su~tted, Reviewed by, ~/ W. H. Stoe~, Chief A~ve Oftker *JJC .i~;i