HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-7-98 , THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx , REPORT Date: MARCH 23, 1998 File#t::lO:L.6E' ?f Res. #GP 'H - (i%-4 Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Report #: ADMIN-O? -9flle #: By-Law # Subject: CLARINGTON'S 251>1 ANNIVERSARY Recommendations: 1. THAT Report ADM I N-07-98 be received; 2. THAT Council endorse and approve the establishment of a C/arington 25 Community Committee with a composition of members that is reflective of the Clarington community; 3. THAT the Marketing, Tourism & Economic Development Office be endorsed as the Municipality's liaison to the Community Committee; and, 4. THAT the Clarington 25 Committee be responsible to present a draft outline of the program of events (including specific dates, events and financial requirements as outlined in this Report). 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The Municipality of Clarington (previously known 8S the Town of Newcastle) turns 25 years of age on January 1, 1999. This is a significant milestone as this community has undergone many changes and has experienced considerable growing pains over the last quarter century. All of which can be seen as "cause" for celebration. 1.2 As Members of Council know, the Regional Municipality of Durham is planning to celebrate its Silver Anniversary - working title is "Durham '99". On Friday February 20, 1998 the Region's Economic Development Office convened a meeting of municipal representatives to discuss Durham '99 as a co-operative venture. The Marketing, Tourism & Economic Development Officer attended this meeting on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington. 2.0 CLARINGTON 25 2.1 Unlike the majority of municipalities in the Region of Durham, Clarington did not exist in any way comparable to its current geographic composition. For this reason, staff "'C'C"O~P''''" PAP'R 'tf:!:j R.C'CL~ n.,;"'"flNT"EDONREC'fCWl""PER 1201 ..... ~,- REPORT t# ADMM7" " > recommeods that the M~'of CIatInglon Initiate plans to com~ thiS a~<<:casion. " . .... . .:- - ,- .:~ ~ 2.2 Since 1994 the- MuniQpaIity of Clarington has adoptecf1he~of~Bll, _~ . '. .. .. ......,"..: -"":.., . municipal event per calendar year. SInce 1994 the-se events ha.,.incIuIikId: Q Clarington o.vattheCNE (1994,.1997) Q Ontario Rodeo Championships (1995, 1996), artd, Q Clarington Board of Trade (1998) The Marketing, Tourism & Economic o.velopment Otflcehas oloaniZeCUhimuwents,ClI'I behalf oUbe Municip8Iity of CIatington. It is suggested that thiS ()fIIoet)egiventhe- appl'CMll. to faCilitate the development of a program t*'b>atit'lg ~'s 2$fH Al'Ihiversaryin 1999. ~O COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 3.1 TheClelington 26ctl1eb,etloll is an opfilOI'tunity to promotethe- positive ......Oflilling, WQrk.Ing IIfI(f ~ifl this communlly. To lead the dCMlopmentof the.Cl8m. 25 program. itis"sted thate Community CommitlM be8$tablllbedtC)-..nend promote a pttlGram of activltIfi highlighting the 1lUm8l'OUa.8UCC88S8S and~. of this community,PIarington is fortunate in_ we have a number of.experietlc:ed .COJ'r\munity ~. TheIle .rethe- people that the Municipality should invite to wort<. on.tI'Ii$ ~ project for 1999. The Committee members shOtJld lncIudliI repr.......ot:.otolM:ism. businfm, deVeIopment.cu~ and sporting eomn'ItlnitiIs.~~ could alsO be invol~<<'l the Committee by contacting the- M~,T~.& EconomicOeveIopment 0fI'iee. The Committee's composition should retlICt the .. corllposition of the-CIarington eon'lI1IUI1ity. 3.2 The Committee should be estlIbI'lShecl by mkf,.ApriI so that initial intl'odUCltibnaAmd pIannlng dillO ,"Ions can be initiated. The Committee wouklbe ~to: <a) Identify specific dates and events that the Committee WOIJkt be f8IPOI'lSibIe. to pIatl,O/'gIlIliZe and operate; (b) EstebIlsh and present a draft budgetthat WOIJkt be used to fina".cI~fI):'~ the Pl'OQf8ffi of events and the 8MO\li...rJ promotional andoperating~.es; (c) Develop and present 8 plan forralslng dollars to oIfset~~.IIS (.:0- spoI'ISOIshlps, in-kInd donatiorla;.etC,); . (d) Estabbh a. calendar of events... WOIJkt prQmOtetheevenfaOf.tIIs .~ as well as those of our community .p&l'tners; and 1202 t; -> '" . - ..,.~" I REPORT' ADMttN7~t8 (e). Establish c:rIterie Md idetItify ~~thatll'l8l'lt eonIJ,,-l-.,nas "millenlum" projects in the Municipality of C1arington.' 3.3 The~, Tourism & Economic Development OIficltWOUldtl8en ~plllrtner in C1atingtOn 26. As in previoI.ls years, this Otrice would ide.1Ilt) spIKljlicdOllarsil1the-1999 budget submission that would be used to suppot1 Md promote the event8anct ectlVitias of ClelingtOn 26. This Otrice would also be the designatedMunicipllllliIQon tc> the Community Committee and, as such, would be responsible to keep MemberS of COunc:il upclated Md current on the progrllS$ of the Community eomm... ThisWOWldbe achieved through periodic reports and presentations to the Members of Council. 4.0 RECOMMENOAl1ONS 4.1 As previoUsly mentioned In this Report;,theRegion of DuIMm (throughitSE~1c Development otfi$It) has announced.'" to celebrate "O\.tl'ham.... It~_be noted that the Towrt;of Pk:kerir)gand Broek Township has aIready"!iIhed "MiRenium"Committees to plan activities in theirCOlT1l'T1Ullitl PnSunday March 15, 1998thel'ewaun artICle In the OshawalWl'1ltby This week nel:"Jef'JIIP<< tI'IIIt irdc:atadthat the City of 08hawa was considering establishing a community commitlee to plana program ofeventa that recognize Oshawa's 7r1' birthday in 1999.Thi$~ would indicat8thatClarIngton is not alone In its plan to not only rnait(it$milssto.'1e in~ Mdlaunch the new miIIenIum through . "CIarington-speclfic" 'pt'(l(lram of~. 4.2 It is thalefote recommended THAT: 1) CounCil eoclOl'se Md approve the- estabIistvnent of a ~~~UI'lity Committee.wIth a composition of members that is reflective of _ChIt'Il_ community; -~ ;1 2) TheMarf<etIng, Tourism & Economic Development Otflcebeel'l<kll_asthe Municipality's liaison to the Community Committee; and, 3) The C/adngton 26 Committee be responsible to present adl'aft~ottheJlRl9ram of __ (including specific dates, events and fjnancial~.as 0WIIned in this Report). . Submitted By: Reviewed By: ~ W.H. Stockwall Chief Adminlstr'8tivebfficer 1203