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Res,#c;~A -407-98'
By-Law# 9f.=-//!?
JUNE 22, 1998
Report #:
ADMIN-06-98 'I
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Recommendatlons\'1 ded that th G aI Purpo d Adm'" , d
It IS respectt\1 y recommen e ener se an mlstratlon Committee recommen to
Council the following:
I. THAT Report No. ADMIN-06-98 be received;
2. THAT a copy of the Annual Report of the Corporate Joint Health and Safety Committee be
3. THAT the revised Corporate Health and Safety Program (Attachment #1) be approved;
4. THAT the Corporate Health and Safety Program Initiatives (Attachment #2) identified in this report
be forwarded to Council for approval;
5. THAT amended By-Law 96-63 be repealed; and
6. THAT the attached By-Law (Attachment #3) be forwarded to Council for approval.
1.1 On March 18th, 1996 Council approved By-laws to create a Corporate Health lIld Safety
Committee for the Municipality of Clarington. This simply amalgamated the two Health and
Safety Committees into one Corporate Committee. This amalgamation helped reinforce the
Corporate commitment to all employees in the various workplaces and allowed the Committee to
operate more effectively.
1.2 The Joint Health and Safety Committee prepared an interim report to Council (ADMIN-07-97) of
the numerous program initiatives that the Committee undertook to assist the Employer in preparing
a strong Corporate Program. These included policies and procedures on:
I. Workplace Inspections
2. Accident Investigation
3. Work RefusallWork Stoppage
5. Contractor Safety
6, Compliance
7. Safety Responsibility
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" REl'ORT ADMIN- 86 -98
1.3 ' At this.. the Committee, is 1'el'^"l~~.Il..CounGirs appmval~ the~~ ~~ ;
and ~ as it reJatesto the Corponlte Pqram:
1. ~ic$
2, PersonalPrwctiv~ EquiPdlmt
3. Ultraviol<< Radiadcm
4. Aids _CommuuiaIbIe ~
5. DueDiI~
1.4 As set cutin the 0ceupati0DaI Health and ~ Act, the EmpIoyermuat ~~ ~ Ill- .
""1l~11y a written 0ccup0t.innaI Health _~ l>oIicy _ to dlml9P-- ~'it.~_w
irbpIentent1hat policy.
1.5 The~ittee iIas roview!ld the~HeaIth_ Safety l>oIicyaad ~ ~~
a nwised JlI'08IlIIJ1 (AUadunent #1), The _ ofllte program beiIIg~~~_t
with the defined rolos _~sibmu.assetcut in the 0ccI~~~~.Aet,~ .....
revisions sbould llladfy lite rol~ - respoIISIDilityofthe Employer to lrain, ~aadellSll1'e'
adherenee.to the ~ Prognun.
2.1 The ColJllJlittecwould like to report the foJklwing..uvmes in the..ctev~~~~~
Prognunaad lite commi1mentto bea!tIl-..rety.
1. Putdlase of SlJPeI'Visor's HlIndbook Manulll ~.to theMUQi;ipII.t~!IIJt~ ~~>
Cmtte, HlunptonOpeJ'ations Cetdre and1he Ken Hooper Menlorild; FU'e'~'. . .
2. OvedO pertic;ipIIIIts in the first aid, CPR\;leginMrsind~~.
3. 1$0 ~ in thelllllBdatory... training seminarit.
4. 1nR!lI1Mjon Of a COOjXlt..... Bulletin BoaRlat the Municipl!lA<1wil"~Cetdre.
5. Recommendationofa poli!:y _ proceckIre on Workplac:e.a..--.
6. Two ~bersrecllliving Province OfOolario HeaJ:th & ~ ~~~~, .
7. Regular ~gs of the Committee widt.....l1t...llircu1ated_posted.
8. ~workpIace inspecPons.
9. C~ofaJoint Health _ Saf~ Committee MembenibiU4et.
10. ~of~Cmpqrate Health-Safety Program ~I.
11. Ongoing ~. investipUons to prevent future workpI!!co ...
12. ~ WHMIS trainiDg for Commllllity services ~
13. Organized SCBA training for Community Services DepBRment.
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JUNE 22,1998
14. ~ed WQttp~ deti41iencies._ ~l\Id by the C~n\rF="4l.o:~"~
~... fll.,kl1lComp!ex.
3.1 The foUowing itans have been reoommended by lite Commiltle _bave yet. to~A. 'i~.".d:
1. Provide l!:aining to appt~ perI()III1OI on the MunWipaI.W~~,>-'r~l>oIicy.
2. RecognitionofMulli!:ipal DepatbllOllb f(lrover 1,500iJVmyfrlleWOdc4fs,
4.1 1?95 -34 incidents wae reported LostT"unoinjury - incidents 3
1996 -20 incidentswaereported Lost T'Jme bUlII'y - incidents 3
1997 . 24 in~idents wae reported LostTime injury . inc~ 3 .
4.2 The certified members OftheJoint Health lInd Safety Commi~~ ~..~
in~ptl9{\ll with filldi"p 1*ng reported-tothellJllll'QPfiatO ~ArtmelltHllldt;" '. .
4.3 The nm,jority Of ineidentsln 1996 wae re1atlldto. bending -liftins ~ . As.~
rnan<letoJ'y preventative lifting _ baclt~.. organi;n'l'l bytl!e~-"oft'eted
to aIl~ployees. A OM day session was ~d atdte MunieipaI ~QIi"", ..~
off site 8lld wodtspec;iflC training was held with the Fire _ PubIicW.odls~til~TJJC.
Comm_WlIS pl.sed With lite results _ a few Oftheev~"'~,"".,~ ~
4.4 The Mulli!:ipality participates in the~ Pq,amwhillh is 811 iIliJII)t ~~
program undeI'the W"'s CompeIIsation BoanI.
4.5 The Nelle Program.promotes effediv~ health _safety ~.tIIroIl&Iia~ot'."lHnlent
refunds aad SIIl'C~ based on the Munillipality'S annual ~ 1'ClCIOId.
4.6 The plan refunds employers wboslI8Cl:ident record is batter than avetllSO.lll~"../,,~with
accident re!:OrdlJlielow average.
4.7 Since 1m, the~hasbeen inaRlfimd situation with ~~~.yeat,
4,8 It is imporIaatf(lrdte M1JIIicipaIity to proIIlOte \VOdq)Iacesafety ~ re.suJari.tllpec~.aad to
develop employeeakiUs in identifying andevalWJting lJlltua\ - pobJrItial.......Withlnthe
various Il1UlliQipBl dop.a bWad&.
4.9 A return to work poIk:y _ procedure must be implemented in acconfance ..:Blll~to avoid
unnecessary lJCCidept costs.
4.10 ~ Joint Uealth8Dd Safety Committee ilasreoommended thoestablishmentof.~to Work
Procedure (Bill 99) to assist employees and to tab ....p'OJ>IilIlc stepsto'l'r!'J~ ~.~~..
early _ SSfilreturn to wOrk.
....; '"
RE1>OllT ADMIN-86-98
JUNE 22, 1998
5.1 A Health.. Safety Oftker was appointed by Cooneil at their meeting of March 1995.1'heduties of
the Officer are as fOllows:
I. Offer recommended corrective action for ideotifiIld unsafe acts _ conditions.
2. A!:t as safety consultant to all Departments,
3. Assist Departments in the development, maintenan<:e and training on mwCllll<<geDCy
evllC\l8tion plans and procedures for all areas of responsibility.
4, Participates in investigations with lite Joint Health & Safety Committee,ilisputes1mdwOrk
refusals involving the Unions and/or Ministry of Labour wilen required.
5. Provides communication _ co-ordination to IIIlIIIIIgeI'S _ supervisors on mattors dealing
with the 0cc:upati0naI Health and Safety Ai:!.
6. Advises to ensure compliance with the OHSA CorporateHea\th _ Safety I'rognlnt_
other pertinent legislation.
7. Develops, co-ordinates _ provides training of supervisors.
5.2 The Health .. Safety Oftker will work lllosely with the Joint Health .. Safety Committee as it
relates to the ~ Health and Safety Prognun.
6,1 The Joint Health and Safety Committee is an advisory body to ensure that all health _..rety
concems~ ~t into the open _ kept there until they have been fe$OIyed. The Committee iIas
strived to be visibl~ and ac<:essible to every person in the workplalle.
6.2 The Committee, over the past 18 mont1l!l iIas provided assistaooe with the aa:ident prevention
prognun. established a me!:hanism for regular workplalle inspections, ~ a policy and
prooedures ~ that reinf_ the Corporate commitment to Health and Safety_inlp1c:mented
ongoing health _ safety initistiv~ for all ap~.
RF:Peltt ADMIN-86.98
JUNE 22, 1998
6.3 The Comin~basbeen seIeetIld for 1998aadwlll continue to.~~4ri~~~Of;; .
workplal:e _ to JDODitoroonditiotJa and report to the appropriatll.~ aad.~
Resp!ICttUlly submitted,
Reviewed by,
Co-Chair, Joint H. aad Safety Committee
W. H, Stodtwell,
Chief Adillinistrl!liveotfiolm
\{ "~.. C""""V'
KathIl Grom..
Co-Cbair, JOint Health _ Safety Committee
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Municioal Health and Safety Proaram
The Municipality of Clarington will demonstrate the development, implementation and maintenance of a
comprehensive health & safety program through the following initiatives,
1. Safetv Manual
Provide a users manual for all municipal equipment, tools and processes and identify equipment and
procedures which require instruction, training or certification,
2. Compliance
Promote awareness and compliance of all workers with legislation including the Occupational Health
and Safety Act and Workers Compensation Act.
3, Safetv Resoonsibilitv
Reinforce the Municipality's commitment to the Health and Safety Program and to establish ongoing
training programs to educate employees and promote awareness and to meet regularly with workers
and Council.
4, Workplace Inspections
To train, implement and ensure adherence to the procedure for the timely reporting of dangerous
situations and the implementation of corrective measures through regular workplace inspections by
identifying and evaluating, potential and actual hazards to protect the worker,
5, Accident Investiaation Procedure
To train, implement and ensure adherence to the appropriate accident investigation procedures is the
responsibility of all Department Heads and/or designates in compliance with the Occupational Health
and Safety Act. Implement a thorough accident investigation procedure involving lhe Department
Heads and the Joint Health and Safety Committee (Certified Members) to ensure a complete,
objective and co-operative investigation to identify its causes and consequences and submit
, "
- 2-
6, Education and Traininq
Develop, implement and evaluate worker training programs and review procedures annually with the
Joint Health and Safety Committee including but not limited to which will assist management and
supervisors in the implementation and maintenance of a safe work environment.
Work Refusal, Work Stoppages
Aids Awareness
Personal Protection Equipment
Confined Safety
LockoutIT ag Out
Ultraviolet Radiation
7, Contractor Safety
To train, implement and ensure adherence to the policy and procedure to include minimum health
and safety requirements for contractors prior to being hired by the Municipality to be consistent with
municipal procedures and to include procedure for warning and/or stop work orders to be followed
should any contractor violate the established requirements,
8, Workolace Harassment
To train, implement and ensure adherence to the policy and procedure dealing with all types of
workplace harassment.
9, Recoanition
Recommend a recognition program where workers have demonstrated outstanding performance in
the area of health and safety,
10, Municioality Iniurv Frequency - Assessment Proqram
Participation in a voluntary reporting program which provides relevant statistical information on a
municipal service basis,
. 1208
, '
1.0 PURPOSE.,. . . , . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . , . , . , , . . . . , . ,. 1
2.0 DEFINITIONS"... , , . , . . . . . , , , , , . . . , . , , . . . . . . . . . . , . . , " 2
3.0 PROCEDURE.. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. 3
3.1 .,...,.,......"."....",...,.....",.........,' 3
3.2 .....,........"....."....."",.......,.,...... 3
3.3 ........,......"..,...,........,."".......,.,' 3
3.4 ."....,.....,.......,.,...,.,.........."....... 4
3.5 "..,.....,."..",..,..".,......".,"',.....,. 5
3,6 ...,...",.....".,..,.",.,.,."",..,........,' 5
3.7 ,..,.""...,..,....,........",..............,.. 5
3.8 ".."....,.,....,..,.......",.........,"',.,.. 5
4.0 EMPLOYEE'S RESPONSIBILITY , . . . . . . , , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , .. 6
1.0 To eliminate or minimize the risk of adverse health effects to workers through the
application of ergonomic principles and methods in the workplace.
2,0 Eraonomics - means the applied science that seeks to fit the job, tools, materials
and equipment to the worker through the evaluation and design of the work
environment in relation to human characteristics and interactions in the workplace.
Eraonomic factors - means factors which affect the interaction of a worker with the
work environment.
Risk - means the likelihood and extent of harm a worker may encounter because
of a work condition or activity,
Administrative Controls - means the provision, use and scheduling of resources
in the workplace, including planning, organizing, staffing and co-ordinating,
Enaineerina Controls - means the physical arrangement, alteration or design of
workstations, equipment, materials, production facilities or other aspects of the
physical work environment.
The employer must:
a) identify ergonomic factors that may expose workers to risk of adverse
health effect,
b) educate workers in the recognition of the early signs and symptoms of
adverse health effects resulting from exposure to ergonomic factors and in
the potential health impacts of those effects, and train workers in the
procedures for reporting symptoms and injuries, and
c) ensure that a risk identification is reconducted whenever a change in the
work environment is planned or occurs, or newly available information
indicates that workers may be at risk of adverse health effects from
exposure to ergonomic factors,
3.2 When ergonomic factors that may expose workers to a risk of adverse health
effect have been identified, the employer must ensure that the risk is assessed,
taking into account the characteristics of the workers carrying out the work,
3.3 Ergonomic factors that must be considered in the identification and assessment
of risks are the following:
a) the physical demands of work, including:
i) force required,
ii) repetition and duration, and
iii) work postures;
b) the layout and condition of the workplace or workstation, including:
i) working reaches,
ii) working heights,
iii) seating, and
iv) floor surfaces;
c) the characteristics of object handled, including:
i) size and shape,
ii) load condition and weight distribution,
iii) container handles,
iv) tool and equipment handles,
v) vibration from hand tools,
vi) local contact stresses, and
vii) gloves;
d) the environmental conditions, including:
i) temperature,
ii) lighting and visibility, and
iii) whole-body vibration;
e) the features of work clothing and personal protective equipment;
f) the following characteristics of the organization of work:
i) work schedules;
ii) work-rest cycles;
iii) job rotation and job enlargement;
iv) work rate.
3.4 a)
The employer must eliminate or, when that is not practicable, minimize the
risk of adverse health effects to workers from exposure to ergonomic
b) The employer must implement engineering controls in preference to
administrative controls, as far as is practicable.
c) Personal protective equipment may only be used as a substitute for
engineering or administrative controls if:
i) it provides an equal or higher level of protection of worker health
and safety, and
ii) it is used in circumstances in which engineering or administrative
controls are not practicable.
3,5 The employer must immediately implement interim control measures when the
introduction of permanent control measures will be delayed.
3.6 The employer must ensure that a worker to be assigned to work which requires
specific measures to control the risk of adverse health effects is:
a) educated in:
i) risk identification related to the work, and
ii) recognition of early signs and symptoms of adverse health effects
related to the work, and the potential health impacts of those effects,
b) trained in the use of risk control measures including work procedures, and
the use of mechanical aids and personal protective equipment.
3,7 a)
The employer must monitor, and evaluate at least annually, the
effectiveness of the measures taken to comply with this policy;
b) When deficiencies are identified, they must be corrected without undue
3.8 a)
An employer should consult with the Occupational Health and Safety
Committee, or the Worker Health and Safety Representative, with respect
to the following:
i) risk identification, assessment and control;
Ii) the content and provision of worker education and training; and
iii) evaluation of measures taken to comply with the regulations,
b) In addition to the requirements in clause (a), the employer must, when
performing a risk assessment, consult with:
i) workers who are required to carry out the work being assessed, and
Ii) workers with signs or symptoms of adverse health effects resulting
from exposure to ergonomic factors.
Employees must take an active role in protecting and promoting health and safety
and refrain from activities that may jeopardize their health. What a worker can do
to reduce the risk of being hurt at work - nobody knows a job and its problems
better than the employee who performs it daily.
a) bring to the employers attention any workstation, tools, or equipment that
do not fit the worker;
b) know the basics of ergonomic safety and follow those rules. Take time to
adjust your workplace and tools to fit your body;
c) any of these signals should prompt you to stop and rest:
i) tingling sensation or numbness in shoulders, arms, wrists, hands,
fingers or back and legs;
ii) vice-like pressure on wrists;
iii) sharp pain in the wrists, fore-arms, upper arms or hands.
d) when performing repetitive tasks for extended period of time, take regular
exercise breaks and/or ensure frequent changes in activity.
All Departments should minimize outdoor workers to the exposure of solar ultraviolet
Exposure to ultraviolet radiation is an occupational concern for workers who work in the
sun on a regular basis.
1, Employees should obtain, wear and maintain appropriate sun protection wherever
possible especially in the middle of the day,
2, The employer, when practical, should make use of natural or artificial shade and
schedule alternative tasks when UV readings exceed 9.
3, The employer shall put in place adequate UVR control measures and update as
1. Workers are encouraged to wear UVR blocking sunglasses when outdoors,
2. Clothing providing the maximum available protection, including hats, should be
worn when outdoors,
3. Workers should use a broad spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor of
15 or more for minimal protection. Workers should pay special attention to sun
exposed areas (I.e. ears, face, scalp, back of legs, shoulders).
Ideally, workers should apply sunscreen UVR "40", six minutes before going
4, It is recommended that all workers, especially if they are sun sensitive, (fair
skinned, tan minimally or burn easily) should obtain professional advice regarding
the most effective sun protection therapy for them.
5. The use of UV safety measures should not lead to other safety risks, the risk of
head injuries from using hats with inadequate impact protection for example, or
the risk of heat stress from wearing heavy clothing in hot environments.
6. All workers in the Municipality must help prevent the over-exposure to UV
radiation on any day when UV readings exceeds 9. This is considered to be
extreme and sunburn can result in fifteen minutes. Please consult your immediate
supeNisor for safe procedures when working under the sun.
. "
Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington
To provide a guideline for all workers detailing the requirements for the safe and proper
protection of work related hazards.
It is the responsibility of the employer to furnish prescribed personal protective equipment or
devices for use by workers and to maintain them for the performance of their duties.
It is the supervisor's responsibility to determine the appropriate personal protective equipment
required and ensure that proper training is received in the correct use and maintenance of the
It is the worker's responsibility to properly use personal protective equipment appropriate to the
job assigned. The worker must notify the supervisor when personal protective equipment
requires replacing or is inadequate for the job assigned.
Only personal protective equipment approved by recognized standard will be permitted for use.
The specific personal protective equipment needs of each task performed will be identified in
accordance with recognized practices and standards, and will be documented in the standard
operating procedures for that task or equipment.
. Records will be kept for the issue of standard personal protective equipment.
. Records will be kept on P,P.E, training. Only those employees properly trained will be
permitted to perform any task which requires the use of P,P.E.
. The Joint Health and Safety Committee will periodically audit compliance to this
procedure during their monthly inspection.
Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington
The Municipality of Clarington has an obligation to provide a safe work environment for its
employees and the safe delivery of services to its clients,
The Municipality also recognizes that employees handicapped by illness have a right to continue
to work, as long as these employees are able to perform the essential duties of their jobs in a
satisfactory manner and do not pose an unacceptable risk to their own health and safety or that
of others, There is, therefore no justification for an employee to refuse to work with someone who
is infected with a communicable disease by reason of that fact alone.
An employee with a communicable disease, AIDS related condition or any other employee with
a health problem has a right to privacy and to have private medical information held in the
strictest confidence.
Ongoing employment for someone who has a life threatening illness is important and may help
to prolong the employee's life, therefore, sensitivity should be exercised in dealing with
employees who have Aids or other communicable diseases.
1, A person with a communicable disease is entitled to be treated as would any other
employee or applicant having an illness,
2, Infected employees may continue to work as long as their doctors say they are well
enough and they pose no risk to others.
3, There is no evidence that the presence in the workplace of an employee infected with HIV
poses a risk to the health and safety of other employees. There is therefore no
justification for an employee to refuse to work with someone who is infected with HIV or
has AIDS, Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C by reason of that fact alone,
4. The Ontario Human Rights Code prohibits discrimination against or harassment of an
employee by either the employer or co-workers on the basis of handicap or perceived
handicap, including that caused by an illness such as AIDS, HIV virus and other
communicable diseases.
1. The Municipality will make every reasonable attempt to provide to all of its workers
information and assistance to enable them to deal with problems which may arise
concerning AIDS, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C or other communicable diseases.
, ,
- 2-
2, The most up-to-date medical information will be provided to maximize health protection
for employees whose work related activities may bring them into contact with the blood
or body fluids of other people,
3. Procedures must be established by the Municipality and protective equipment provided
to employees who may come into contact with blood and other body fluids in the course
of their normal work activities or emergency situations.
Sources of Information
The most up-to-date and authoritative information available can be oblained from the following:
Medical Officer of Health
Regional Municipality of Durham
Department of Health Services
301 Golf Street
OShawa, Ontario
Ontario Ministry of Health
Health Information Centre
9th Floor, Hepburn Block
Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario
Health & Welfare Canada
Federal Centre for Aids
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L2
To provide training for all employees of the Corporation toward understanding and
implementing due diligence in the workplace,
It is the responsibility of the Employer to encourage the careful and systematic
assessment of specific workplace hazards and the specific actions required to avoid the
occurrence of an accident or injury,
1. To provide education and training to all municipal employees on the Ontario
Health and Safety Regulations and regulations governing the workplace.
2. To provide training to reinforce policies, practices and procedures at the
3, To develop, through an employee's orientation program, practical steps to be
taken to implement due diligence,
5. To provide education and understanding to all Members of Council regarding
their obligation to take all reasonable care to ensure compliance.
, ,
Relha1bih tati<o>n & S]p<O>Jrts
Knj1UlJries CRinic
Thank you for participating in our seminar today, We appreciate you taking time to complete
this evaluation so that we may serve you better in the future, Please leave this form with your
presenter at the day's end.
I, Please rate the seminar on a scale of I (poor) to 5 (very good), Circle your rating.
Overall program content I 2 3 4 0
Practical and useful information I 2 3 4 CD
Helpful and easy to understand materials 1 2 (j) 4 5
Registration process 2 3 0) 5
Hotel facilities 1 2 3 4 5
Speech clarity 1 2 3 4 CD
Use of humour, examples and stories I 2 3 0) 5
2. Please comme t on audience rap rt and the sincerity and enthusiasm of the presentation.
3. Which specific subjects were the most useful and relevant?
T-cyV'i'-c ./:. ./%'~
/ ..........;:J.I /0'
'" I,.
4. Any suggestions for improvement?
234 Kin, Str~et E.ut. Bowm.a.nville, Onto Lie IPS Phone/F.ax: (905) 623-8202
Relb.a1bili tation & Sports
Injuries Clinic
Thank you for participating in our seminar today. We appreciate you taking time to complete
this evaluation so that we may serve you better in the future, Please leave this form with your
presenter at the day's end,
I. Please rate the seminar on a scale of I (poor) to 5 (very good). Circle your rating.
Overall program content 1 2 3 4 5
Practical and useful information 1 2 3 4 @
Helpful and easy to understand materials I 2 3 4 d)
R" N1A' I 2 3 4 5
egistratlOn process I
Hotel facilities fJ{x 1 2 3 @ 5
Speech clarity I 2 3 Q 5
Use of humour, examples and stories I 2 3 4 (~
2, p(;{.se comment on audience rapport and the sin~erity and enthusiasm of the pr~sentation,
~1+~ 'j~ o.--ud'",^-CP (fbU.:t rC~lpc{--\\(~0---- ell SUlOU",Y'\.&?'"
3, Which specific subjects were the most useful and relevant?
!. ;r~ '"f'I'-j b z.yc.P.fc.c,,>"'--',.
4. Any suggestions for improvement?
_tJ(').''."L ceCL(t~ I ')'cclrD 'j, Ze \iJ 0...:' \fefj {:fJ:-l:J .
234 Kin, Street E.....t. BowDumville. Onto LIC IPS Pb.one/Fe.x: (905) 623.8202
()cr I(C7
" , ~/J .LJ;/e.1-/6/J~ '/<-
Rehabilitatiolt1l & SPOIrts
Klt1lpuIries Clilt1lic
Thank you for participating in our seminar today. We appreciate you taking time to complete
this evaluation so that we may serve you better in the future, Please leave this form with your
presenter at the day's end,
I. Please rate the seminar on a scale of I (poor) to 5 (very good), Circle your rating.
Overall program content I 2 3 4 5
Practical and useful information 1 2 3 4 (;)
Helpful and easy to understand materials I 2 3 (0 5
Registration process I 2 3 4 5
Hotel facilities I 2 3 4 5
Speech clarity I 2 3 (9 5
Use of humour, examples and stories I 2 3 4
2, Please comment on audience rapport and the sincerity and enthusiasm of the presentation,
WI:::L.L -r/ou Clift aU'! fP'e.e-5fF/ofrFl7/o'-'/ .
3, Which specific subjects were the most useful and relevant?
k:.,<-6tf(]tS~> 70 P/ei/e"UJ t3/lCI< /A/;;:fue-f ANn
S'f,(EjU th77/e/IJ t?7 (/ <;; C let:;
4. Any suggestions for improvement? /':::evE;\Jc} 8 rlC Ie
.~ E'f e:.1!:c..tc,c E:. (~\ll P JYlFjv 'I Tn
/ fl./ ;;T u (2. '1
~ CAt<oro C XX::,- €: r;').t:E,cc(Se i8Q U I Pl"'le/J ( -
234 Kin<< Street EAit. Bowm.o.nville. Onto LIC IPa Pb.one/Ful (905) 623_8202
Rehabilitation & SPOll"ts
Injuries CRinic
Thank you for participating in our seminar today, We appreciate you taking time to complete
this evaluation so that we may serve you better in the future. Please leave this form with your
presenter at the day's end.
\. Please rate the seminar on a scale of I (poor) to 5 (very good). Circle your rating.
Overall program content I 2 3 4 @)
Practical and useful information 1 2 3 4 CD
Helpful and easy to understand materials I 2 3 4 @
Registration process I 2 3 4 5
Hotel facilities I 2 3 4 5
Speech clarity I 2 3 4 (j)
Use o"fhumour, examples and stories I 2 3 4 @
2. Please comment on audience rapport and the sincerity and enthusiasm of the presentation.
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3. Which spe~2,c subjects were the most useful and relevant?
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23,( Ki.nt Street Eut, Bowm.a.n.ille. Onto LIC IP5 P60ne/FuI (905) 623~8202
BY-IA W 98-
Being a By-law to establish an Occupational Health and Safety
Policy and an Occupational Health and Safety Program as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and to
repeal By-law #96-63.
WHEREAS, the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington is committed to providing
a healthy and safe work environment for all personnel. And whereas the Occupational
Health and Safety Act requires each employer in the Province of Ontario to prepare and
review at least annually a written Occupational Health and Safety Policy and to develop and
maintain a program to implement that policy.
NOW THEREFORE, be it enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality
of Oarington as follows:
1. THAT the Health and Safety Program, Attachment One, and the Program Policies
and Procedures contained in Attachment Two, which are attached to and form a part
of this by-law, are hereby adopted as the Municipality of Clarington's Health and
Safety Policy and Health and Safety Program.
2. THAT By-law #96-63 be hereby repealed,
3. THAT this By-law shall come into force and take effect on July 1, 1998.
By-law read a first and second time this day of June, 1998.
By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of June, 1998,