HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-2-98 ~- ~ ... REPORT #2 ,; THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON , -v--' REPORT Meeting: COUNCIL Lo7 Co File # -;1G; 'I. ,-;' <- Res. # C - W - '/' ? C) 'I By-Law # .I If - / C; Dale: JANUARY 12, 1998 Report #: AnMTN.02.~le #: Subject: APPUCATION FOR APPROVAL OF EXPROPRIATION OF LANDS NECESSARY TO ESTABLISH COVE ROAD AS A PUBLIC HIGHWAY, TO CONSTRUCT AND USE THE PROPOSED WESTSIDE CREEK BRIDGE AND APPROACHES AND TO ESTABLISH THE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES AS A PUBLIC HIGHWAY Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. THAT Report No. ADMIN-02-98 be received; 2. THAT Council hereby authorizes an application to be made to the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington as the approving authority under subsection 4(1) of the Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.E.26, as amended, for the approval of the expropriation of all interests in the lands more particularly described in paragraph 2.1, and the rights-of-way described in paragraph 2.1 in Part 1 on Plan 40R-17895, for the purposes of constructing and establish on the aforesaid lands a public highway including a bridge over the Westside Creek and approaches to such bridge; 3. THAT Council hereby authorize staff to take all necessary actions to serve notice of its application for approval to expropriate upon each owner of the lands to be expropriated and to publish the aforesaid notice in accordance with subsection 6(1) of the Expropriations Act; 4. THAT Council pass the By-law contained in Attachment No.2; and 5. THAT a copy of this report be sent to the persons listed in Attachment No.3. Attachments Attachment No.1 - Excerpt from Plan 40R-17895 Attachment No.2 - By-law Attachment No.. 3 - Persons to be sent a copy of this Report ../2 m.mo f.I;\ .,m, "PH '<I:1 REC'CLE THIS ISP<1I<TEOOH RECVCLEoP""",,, , .~ .-l:, '.... ,-'" ~W"". ~AdIrim.02-98 .,.;}.',.' Pap 2. 1.0 I' 00 1.1 Alits Special Meetilla on November 3, 1997, CoUDCil appll)_tho~~AticmI contained il1Repott #Admin-47-97 IUd autborized the MaJor_~OJtbe"lf of the MUDicipality of CIarington to ~Princ1p1cs of U~.. eUl the Municipality anc:l Blue Orc1e 0a1'f~. Inc. ("Blue. CiroIe") 1.JU!~~ the iDIp1ementa1ion of the l'e"<)m_1l4atioDl of the WaWfIozlt R.eatDCl-~~0Il tllc WestIide Marsh. The Principles ofU~ ~.~&ed'onNovomber 3, 1997. 1.2 In order toimptement the Trust'. ltICMI.......da_and *".'I.~of UndoratllJ1diDB the MUIIk:ipa1ity will.... to acquire tit1etoCove ~~aow is a private road and is showr1 as Part 2 on Plan 401..1?89S. Part loarwt.... 17895 which mends Cove Roacito Welt Beac.h Road it 0WlWlCi bythO~' but it haI not ben dodicate4 .. B public bisbWaY U JOt. .PIrtI'l and2011Pta.. 17895 are $Ubject to B number of ~ vetted in tlJO. ~of~ properties ia ~..C4ve Road area WhicllllK idendflootJ in ~~'i~riPta- of-way In PartS 1 and 2 on Plan 4OR.t7895aJao .10 beMill~Udtly the Municipality 10 that they can be termiaated. . 1.3 Uuder.~ Principles of Underata"""'\IL OM Road and Part 1 on Pliua_..t189S are intended to be reCOllStrUCted anc:ldedbte4 as a publk:hiahwaY.~to Westae.~\t Road which is a public hIsbwtY. Also, land wD1 ~tQ._"~. Bpproad1es to and the construction of the proposed WesUfde ~,.,...._ Bridge will connect Cedar Crest Beach Road (now B public~) . .eo.e.R,oad to West Beach Road. ThIs' will perDJit tile term~ft oftl1ll1S~~tto tJlc Municipality by Blue Circle of a temponuy.pubHc hiJhway w!lic;h_~lI.J. elQllodportlonofthe ..lil1"neQt of Waverly Road u providod for in the Pt~...of Understanding. 1.4 Paragrapb 6(a) of the Principles of Undentanding ItBteI tlult ~ retterma Council in the exerclsc of its legislatMD discretion, the part4es.~dtat ~ complying with all leaa1 requiremeDtl the Municipality aI sooa..~ Practicable: . , (I) wil! acquire title to the lands .required for Cove Road and~ItPk'e ~k Bn.;"' ;. ~,::.' -..J \ ,I (Ii) will recouatruct Cove Road and theapproachel to it. and~WeItIide Creek Bridge and approaches to It in accordanCll with an ~...~. \ ~~ ,~ '. ,~ ...:...v ~cAdtnin-oz.9EI Pap 3 and the Cove Road and the Westside Creek Bti4p Plaatand~~aWtIs; and (iii) forthwith after the MunicipaU$y's Director of PubJi4; Works ..Blue Cko1e wrIUen uotfce that Cove Road 8DCl the W.~ Ocek ...Bti&fae_.tbe appr<;$Chef to themhavc bNA~ orllOJlltruCto4tollft~ they will be dedica&ed by by-law paswl1 pursuant .to tbo MU."A.ctas .a public hipway and the obUptionto keep ~ Road, the .~ <::reek Bric\80 _ Bpproacbe& to them in ~ _ maintaiDedWill. ~Pd by the ~pa1ity pnrauant to theMrmiei;aJ Act, . 1.5 AlJy ..~~tlt delay in .acqufriDa Cove Road, the ~...,bl.JlJrt .1 on Pla:Q 4OR.1789S and the lands requiMd for We*do Crcek:Br1dp amil..lta~ to it, could .Mnety alfect the implomenta_ of the PmcipIeJ O(lJn~~v~... ccmaequentl)', the pr.ervatloD of a .~ portion oftbeW~"~~ which is to be transferred to Central I..ake Ontario Comervatkm A\Ubority or.. . otherwise dirl:ICted by the M\luicipality. 1.6 The lands and .ts-of-way wbfc:h Deed to be acquired by tho Mn~1ity_ set out in ~1.1. 2.0 2.1 Tl1e lands and riShl8-of-way de8cribed below nce4 to be. acquired by the ~ for thepurposel of conatl'1lctlDa the ptOJlClIed Welt Side o.k ~_ro~ approaches, reconstruction Qwe Road and u1tm.A~ly dcd~~. ..tbe... .~.. approachesUld Cove Road as a public hiabWay. PART ON PLAN _IM7," Z 5 LOT 011 :BLOC:K AND PLAN Part Block '0', Plan 198 Part Lot 10, Plan 198 6 Part Lot 11, Plan 198 7 Part Lot 12, Plan 198 , > " ,,~~ ~ r #,,' .~ ........ ~..M1bin~ Pap 4- 12 Part Lot 13, Plan 198 Part Lot 12, BPe Dar1iqton Part Block T, Plan 318 Part BlOck T, Plan 318 8 10 11 RIGJITS.O'.WAY The RigbtI.of-Wayin. Parts 1 and 2 QI1.Plaa 40&.1_ that _in favcJpr'()f- ownerI from time to time of Lots 1 to 49, B10ckI A to M *-Itecb. .PIIla198; Lot& 1 to 8 aDd 11 and Blocks B 8DlS Co Plan 106; LotI 13, 44_.....~P. Plan 171 and Part of unaubdivided Lot 11, B.F.C. Dar~ :2,2 In addition to the properties referred to il1 paraaraph 2.1, Parta9and.UOI1 PJaa 4OR.1'189S _ needed for the construCtion 8DlS ul_tededicleflaDof - ~,- related la~Parts 9 and 13 _ owned or controJlcd by"~, w\!(.cJt_ agreec:l totrauftrthem to the Murdqipa,tityfor a Dtml1nltl ~H,_,~t tbeydo DOt MeClto.be 9.ptoprlateclby *' Municipality. '. 3.0 CONCUJIlJlN'S 3.1 Council hereby authorizes an applk:ation to be mado to .m....~. of 'I'he Corporation of the Municipality of Oarfnaton as the ~.. ~'...~ $ub~ 4(1) of ' the Bxpro~~ ltS.O. 1990c.E.26. as .~for_i approval of the expropriation of all iDterut$.in the IaDda JDOI,'f pIL~~ in parasraph2.1,andthe riahts-of-way ~ il1 ~~liJa-,..l.onPlan 4OR.l'7895 for thclpurposcs of co~OZ1d cstab~ on.'~ IIIJit~ a publk: hip.waylllchldiDg a bridp Mr the West&ide Creek and4jpRMtC'ftll' .... bridge. . 3.2 Oluncil hereby authorize staff to .. an necessary a.ctiOI1t. tq-..notice. of itt application for approval to ~.. upon each owner ~.~~"QA to btJ ~ropriated and to publilh the aforeIaldDOtice in a~ wi.~d. r.~;.:m 6(1) of the Brpropriatiens Act. . . 3.3 The Council is the approving authority authorizing in the .C8lIoof~t.iODfor a municipalpul'J'<*l. Section 6 of the&:propriations ADt.~ ___,of IanCl In respect of a notice of intention to expropdate is gM.n to nOdfy _ M~ty that a be8rlz1g is required. If notice is pen. an inquiry offk:or wiI.I be .~ by the ~ General to hokl a heariDa" to whether thopropond ~tionls --I ,..): ... . ~ -....-..' Repert, Adini:n-oz.98 PapS fair, '"O"M andrUionably nece..ary i1\ the ~ of the' ~~of .. ~ authority. If foDowina ~i"tiouofthc blquiJy o.....-roportthe ~tion is. approwd by Coutu:iI. as the appr<rring authority. andtbc expropriatiol' taIlIee place, ~ ownetl' dab" will be comerted n-o..OWIKmlJip of il1te....il1 the Ja:nds inqueaUon to. rilhtto be paidfaJrlDlU'ke~va1.~l ~ u__ for their.il1tete1t& If coarpoDII.tioIl.CIIUlOt be agnIe4 to, it will be dc~'~~'~ by the Ontario MuniciPB1Board. ~ submit.ted ReYJewed by ~ W.K Stockwell ' O1lef ~ 0fIicer S6-ZQ-NIWGV 'oN ~~oda~ o~ T'ON IN~WHJVIIV """. I ",t~ ATTACli$N'J.'t>lO. :! . I ... TBE c::oaron1:'lON or TBE MlINlQPAU'J'f or'~ iNJAVf N1lMUIl-'14 beiDa a ___ to alllboriaD ~tobe made to CamIcI1u the appnMilJJ:1ldJca'ky_ the B>.t>>I~ Al:t, lU.O. DllIlt..c.U6'....'.. . the -9p..'l4l of the _I>fl.if"of l\8llIiII" whId1C1l11lp1f1e Cove .RaId, thelD4t ~ for the llQdItIlIQtIoa aad _of ""r~. CreekIldllll!lNld appIOIdIeI,.NId l\8llIiIIriPil- of.wayill'-l OJ! PIu4OR.1" ".~.""aU."'" OIlJillgry 12, 1911l1, CoaacIIA_.....~".-~ ~.~~J/Ill ~"'~n~tbe~~:af .,BY-IaW, . NOW~TBEC01I1\(QLOrTBECOJU!OlA'l'.lON._~ALl'JT ora.A.lQNGTONJl:NACl'S_~ ." L THAT 0:IuncII...,___18Ilappllv:rl"H fOe bIlJll!l4lt..c:o-nof'l'he Qj.,oro4lo4 of the....".~T-lItJ of t'J.~ ...tilIJ~~l',~). IlIluUl. II 4(l)o"IIe.-.....~Aol.a.s.o. _~...l ,...~IT~_tII!l a~oftlle"''''r,d ., "'oflll"'u.illthe..JI'lflrO_~~'''._}~ llISebed111e "1" ft~1O'. bIIIiI1al'll" of_.......~...~lIl :~~....:-.~:=~;~~.:,_=~~=i. w..... Qeek..., Appllft'" to IIIICll 'bridI=- . 2. 'mAT CamIcI1Illl1elly alll,...rim Itaff 10 lID Ill. "l'~,~"'~ ill JppIlcatkm for ~CMll to expIopl_lIp\IlIlIJCh~~.~1lJlbll eqr...",,1IoW ll1ld IOpubIliIb the atmeuld aotlc:e iIl~WltJl..I..6(l) ofthe~kL .' BY.LA W leIId a fInt ll1ld Ie4lllIlIlllllle tbill2m Ilayof J... 1!lJ8. BY.LAW N1ld a tbird timl. NId filialiy paIMd tbil12lh Ilayof ~._ UlaM'-'_~~ x r.~...'-.~1. - I V, , ATIACHMENf3 ........ , '\- .. ,! ,..,.. , ~ OYfMl.k 1. O~~ HQldings Limited 2. Elizabeth Marsden Barrick 3. JoOO EdmJ1J1d Barrick 4, GQrdon Alexander White 5. G<lrdon Alexander White & Marion HallQW8yRichardson 6. G<lrdon Alexander White 7. Mary 4'nMDennis & William James A1IQnOJl$ 8. Marion FlUYJllI . 9. The owners of Lots 1 to 49 and Blocks A to M, Plan 198; Lots 1 to 8 and.11 aDd. 81ocka'.B andC,Plan 106; Lots 13, 44 and 45-and Block P, Plan 171;.and Part of ~qLot 11, &F.C. D,ulington . .... ".. ...~ ....'.. :C'o(!' .. ~_..~JI~'''l'' PARTON PlAN -,,17l1H :z S LOT 0Jt JWCkAND :tUN Part Block 'D', Plu 1lI8' 6 Pan Lot 10, PJ.n 1lI8 Part Lot 11, PJ.n 1lI8 Pan Lot 12, PJ.n 198 Part Lot 13. PJ.n198 7 8 10 Part Lot 12, BFC ear.- Put Bk1cJt '}', PJ.n 318 Part BIc)ck T, PIat131.8 11 12 IUGIft'S..Or.WAY Tbe tuab,",.Waym PuIJ 1 aDd 2 011 PIaa ....1_ that_a fatvour. ot--.... from dale to 1IlIIeofLota 1 to 49. Bloeb AtoM aDd tiwl... ...ll!llt,. 11:0 8 an4 Uand ~ B and c'PIat1.101; LollI!, 44 and 4511!4 BIc)ck,."'~n.,. of \lIlIUbclMded Lot 11, BJI.c:. DIr1iIlatoa-