HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-14-92 --r'\ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File # Date: APRIL 20, 1992 j--" ~, <'"'., Res. # l:) ro". :-.,...-l.!-/," "..~< By-Law # Report #: CS-14-92 File #: Subject: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION PROGRAM Recommendations: It is respectfully submitted that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend the following to Council: 1. THAT Report CS-14-92 be received; 2. THAT Council establish a selection Committee to initiate the volunteer Recognition Program; and 3. THAT the composition of the Selection Committee be appointed as follows: - 3 Members of Council - Recreation Superintendent - Deputy Clerk - Mayor (ex-officio) 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The new Recreation/Leisure Master Plan has investigated the current program delivery system within the Town of Newcastle. As Council is aware, the Community services Department focuses its programming on those programs that are either unique in nature (eg. special concerts) or require specialized instruction and/or leadership (eg. Aquatics). Club and/or Team programs (eg. hockey, competitive swimming) are provided by the Town's team of volunteers. 1.2 Volunteers are the cornerstone of success in any community/Municipality. According to the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation (in their introduction of the Provinces' Corps .. /2 q19 flECYClED!:t\ PI\PIER PAPER \t::!:J RECYCLE THIS ~ PfllNTEO ON RECYCLED PAPF.R REPORT CS-14-92 - 2 - APRIL 20, 1991 D'Elite program) the Province and individual Municipalities "rely heavily on volunteers to develop and deliver recreation programs, design innovative projects and manage organizations that improve the quality of our lives". In the Town of Newcastle, we can remove the specific reference to recreation and have an accurate statement that outlines the impact that volunteers have in our Municipality. This report will address and propose a resolve to the issue of Volunteer Recognition in the Town of Newcastle. 2.0 VOLUNTEERS: 2.1 Volunteers provide an essential link to the community. People participate in volunteer driven organizations and activities for a variety of reasons - both personal and professional. Some well-known, documented motivations include: a sense of putting back into the community what they, or their family, received or took out at some point; to ensure that they, or their famiry, continue to have the same recreational/ leisure opportunities that they had; furthering an interest, hobby or professional skill by sharing it with others; personal satisfaction and enj oyment working wi th children, adult, seniors, disabled or people in general; and the opportunity to socialize to meet and work with new people/friends (this is especially important for new community members) . 2.2 Once we acknowledge why people volunteer, the next step is to determine how we can keep these individuals involved and, in doing so, perhaps motivating others to volunteer their skills, experience and time to community based projects and activities. The Master Plan study Team identified two trends impacting volunteers within this Municipality:- Volunteer "drought" which is the result of factors such as the increase in the Town's commuter population and the fact .. /3 ., 2 .~ , } I.' , __ U REPORT CS-14-92 - 3 ... APRIL 20, 1991 current economics have resulted in more families in which both parents work outside the home; and Volunteer "burn-out" which is the result of the increase in demands for services and programs without a reciprocal increase in the number of volunteers available to provide these. Based on this, recommendation: the study Team made the following "The Town should develop a specific program of volunteer recognition." (Recommendation 42; page 109; Recreation Leisure Services Master Plan) Quite simply, the care, maintenance and retention of volunteers can be accomplished through the acknowledgement and recognition of the work they perform on our behalf. 3.0 THE RECOGNITION PROCESS: 3.1 In preparing this report, other organizations and Municipalities were asked how they recognize their volunteer community (Attachment A). Further research, into past reports to Council, has identified a civic Recognition Policy for the Town of Newcastle that was originally written in 1986 but amended in May of 1987 (Attachment B). This policy provided for recognition in three categories - outstanding Achievement, Achievement and Service Awards. Each category was assigned a specific award (gold medallion, bronze medallion or wooden plaque) which were to be presented to the recipients at designated meetings of Council. The Selection Committee was to consist of not less than three (3) members of Council and the Town Clerk. This Committee was responsible for all aspects of the Recognition Program including promotion of the program, receipt/review of eligible nominations and recommendation to Council as to the Committee's selection of deserving nominees. The budget for this process was identified as the Mayors Promotion and Tributes account. Note that there is mention of a "civic Recognition Reception" .. /4 t-~ 'l -: -i i I REPORT CS-14-92 - 4 - APRIL 20, 1991 but there is no clear indication of what this activity involved. 3.2 There is much to be learned from the past policy of the Town of Newcastle and the information collected from outside organizations. The Town can "borrow and adapt" parts of all these programs with the goal being to develop a process that would be unique to the Municipality and its residents. Based on this concept, the Town's process could take the following into consideration: The annual process could be initiated by the Community services Department. The Department works closely with the majority of volunteer organizations within the Municipality and, therefore, is the most appropriate to make the initial contacts and maintain the necessary mailing lists. The event and process could be promoted to the community through press releases and inclusion in the semi-annual Community Services Department Activity Guide. Four (4) recognition categories would ensure complete coverage of the Town's volunteer corp Sports/ Recreation, Cultural/Heritage, Seniors and civic. Specific recognition could be given for Outstanding contribution and Years of Service (eg. 5, 10 and 20+ years of continuous service to the community). 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS: 4.1 It is the recommendation of the Community Services Department that Council approve the concept of a Town of Newcastle Volunteer Recognition Program. It is further recommended that Council establish a Selection Committee to consist of three (3) members of Council plus the Recreation superintendent and the Deputy Clerk. 4.2 Once struck, the begin planning implementation of Selection Committee should be directed to the necessary "mechanics" for the the Recognition program. The Committee, .. /5 ,} 2;~ REPORT CS-14-92 - 5 - APRIL 20, 1991 through a report to Council will be responsible to: a. Establish a detailed process outlining the overall implementation of the program (ie. from the initiation of nominations to the presentation); b. Establish criteria by which nominations can be reviewed and evaluated; c. Establish the format by which the presentation of recognition awards will take place; and d. Establish a budget outlining all associated costs of implementing the Volunteer Recognition program. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, -, l L/ .L/tL/tA.L{~~ Jos P. Caruana, Director Department of Community Services )1-[\. i'i ) l:' i, I : ,c ~ l \..1 Lawrence E. Kotseff, Chief Administrative Officer JPC:JJC:sa () /) 'Z 1(. ,-,' ATTACHMENT A KAWARTHA CONSERVATION AUTHORITY recognition is done on an informal basis and is administered, solely, by the Administrative staff nominees are selected from the Authority's membership without opening nominations from the public recognition is given to: Volunteer Weather-Watchers - their name and year of service is engraved on a brass plate and inserted on a wooden plaque on public display at the Authority's administrative office Members/Staff - receive a lapel pin recognizing their years of service to the Conservation Authority - upon retirement/resignation from active involvement, they receive a certificate of appreciation all presentations are made at the Annual General Meeting and Luncheon hosted by the Conservation Authority BOROUGH OF EAST YORK recognition is initiated and administered by the Parks and Recreation Department community organizations (no public announcement through local media) are requested to submit nominations in specific categories - Sports/Recreation, Civic, and Cultural - nominations are received until 4 weeks prior to the scheduled reception date recipients are selected by a Selection Committee comprised of past recipients from each category (voluntary participation) recognition is given for 10, 15 and 20+ years of service and for outstanding contribution in each of the categories - certificates and plaques (outstanding contribution only) are presented presentation of awards is done at an annual "wine and cheese" reception - the Borough used to host a full dinner program but the cost of organizing and operating became a major obstacle CITY OF OSHAWA has a formally structured civic Sports Award Recognition Policy - this recognizes the international, national, provincial and regional achievements of Oshawa athletes and/or teams process is initiated and administered by the Clerks Department in consultation with the Recreation Division of the Community Services Department community-based sports bodies (who have affiliation with appropriate Provincial sport Governing Bodies) are sent a letter and standard application form requesting nominations of deserving athletes and teams - mailing list is developed jointly between the Clerks Department and the Recreation Division U,(~4 ~' - 2 - ATTACHMENT A (continued) public announcements are inserted in local newspapers informing the public of the program and the process required to submit nominations applications are sent out 4 weeks prior to the established submission deadline - the submission deadline is scheduled as 9 weeks prior to the civic Sports Award Recognition Dinner applications are received until the deadline date and are then forwarded to the Selection Committee for review and selection - selection is based on nominees complying with specific eligibility criteria the Selection Committee consists of: Chairman/designate - Fire Protection & General Purpose Committee Chairman/designate - Community Services Committee Staff Member - Clerks Department Staff Member - Community Services Department - Recreation Division the city of Oshawa does not currently provide a recognition program for community volunteers '.') ,....., r '-.f [J ATTACHMENT B THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CIVIC RECOGNITION POLICY ADOPTED BY COUNCIL MAY 25. 1987 INTRODUCTION Inasmuch as the Council for the Town of Newcastle wish to recognize its citizens for bringing honour to the Town through a variety of accomplishments, the following policy has been established to give continuity to the recognition process. CATEGORIES AND CRITERIA FOR RECOGNITION OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Those citizens aChieving Ontario, National or International recognition, and in so doing, have brought honour to the Town. This recognition is for any and all fields of endeavour - including sports, the arts, education, science etc. Proof of the achievement may be required from the nominating individual or group. The achievement must be a first place standing, unless otherwise recommended by the Committee. ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Those citizens aChieving local, area, or provincial recognition in all fields of endeavour - including sports, the arts, education, science etc. Proof of the achievement may be required from the nominating individual or group. The achievement must be a first place standing, unless otherwise recommended by the Committee. SERVICE AWARD Those who in the opinion of Council, through honourable endeavours, have brought favourable publicity, honour and/or have added considerably to the quality of life within the community. with respect to the Service awards, the decision of Council shall be final. AWARDS OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT Shall be a gold coloured medallion suitably inscribed with the category of the award, the recipients name and the year of the award. ACHIEVEMENT Shall be a bronze co loured medallion suitably inscribed with the category of the award, the recipients name and the year of the award. SERVICE AWARD Shall consist of a mountable wooden plaque having a raised, full colour representation of the Town of Newcastle Coat of Arms, a plate suitably inscribed with the category of the award, the recipients name and the year of the award. NOTE: No monetary awards shall be given. "" r-" ~I / 6 . l ' I ATTACHMENT B (continued) PRESENTATION OF AWARDS outstanding Achievement and Service Awards shall be presented at a civic Reception hosted by Council, and shall be held at a suitable location in the Municipality once during each calendar year. Achievement Awards shall be presented to the recipients at a regularly scheduled evening Council meeting. ARCHIVES AND CONTROL OF AWARD MATERIAL A permanent record of the names of all recipients shall be maintained in the Clerk's Department. All materials relating to the awards shall be retained by the Clerk and released only by Resolution of Council. BUDGET The funding for the Civic Recognition program activity shall be part of the Mayor's Promotion and Tributes Account. COMMITTEE The Committee shall be a cub-committee of Council, consisting of not less than three (3) Members of council, including the Deputy Mayor, two Members of Council and the Clerk. Support staff for the Committee shall be the Mayor's Secretary and other appropriate staff as required. COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The Civic Recognition Committee Chairman shall be responsible for the calling of the first annual organizational meeting in each year. 2. The Committee shall advertise the Civic Awards eligibility requirements well in advance of the reception date. 3. The Committee shall determine the level of the award and the forum in which it will be presented. 4. The Committee, together with the necessary support staff, shall be responsible for all aspects of the Civic Recognition Reception. 5. The Committee, together with the necessary support staff, shall be responsible for all aspects of the program relating to the presentation of Achievement Awards at regularly held meetings of Council. THIS POLICY WHEN ADOPTED BY COUNCIL SHALL SUPERSEDE THE PREVIOUS POLICY DATED OCTOBER 27, 1986. ,....".-.. -J '-I I !