HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-016-08 REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Monday March 31, 2008 Resolution #~ Date: Report #: EGD-016-08 File#: By-law #: SUbject: BEECH AVENUE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report EGD-016-08 be received; 2. THAT design proceed based on the comments received and the conditions outlined in the Heritage Conservation District Plan for Beech Avenue; and 3. THAT the reconstruction of Beech Avenue proceed to construction following a subsequent meeting with the Heritage Conservation District Plan Committee; and 4. THAT all those who attended the Public Information Centre and who have contacted the Municipality be informed of this report. Respectfully by, ;:KeL:] Submitted by: AS. Cannella Director of Engineering Services d ~-dAfl. Reviewed by: Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer ASClbb/jbfJo March 25, 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVlllE, ONTARIO l1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 Report #EGD-016-oa Page 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Beech Avenue is classified as a local road in Clarington and is included in the road reconstruction program for 2008 from Lowe Street to Concession Street (Attachment 1). We currently have a tentative construction date of June, 2008. This particular road is part of the Heritage Conservation District Plan which was endorsed by Council in 2006. Beech Avenue also forms a part of the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood and was included in the Streetscape and Infrastructure Implementation Plan completed in 2001 and adopted by Council. The proposed reconstruction will include a new pavement structure and curbs as well as the installation of sidewalk. The Municipality will also be replacing the aged storm sewer and will be planting additional trees where possible to enhance future conditions. The Region of Durham will be completing a system upgrade of the Regional watermain because the one currently in place was originally installed in 1913. They will also replace the Regional Sanitary Sewer. The Engineering Department and our engineering consultants, Totten Sims Hubicki (TSH), are using both the Heritage Conservation District Plan and Streetscape and Infrastructure Implementation Plan as a guide to maintain the current street configuration once reconstruction is complete and modified technologies for the underground infrastructure. 2.0 APPROACH 2.1 The approved 2008 Capital Budget included the road reconstruction for Beech Avenue. To assess suitable reconstruction measures for the Municipal project and to obtain local resident and Committee input into the design process, two meetings were held to explain the scope of the project and to obtain important feedback. Report #EGD-016-08 Page 3 On Friday, February 15, 2008 Engineering Services staff and representatives from TSH met at Town Hall with several members of the Heritage Conservation District Plan Committee and other stakeholders. The meeting was held after hours to allow those with an interest in the project to attend at a convenient time. On Thursday, February 28, 2008 a Public Information Centre meeting was held at the Clarington Beech Centre from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The public was notified of the meeting by newspaper advertisement and through the circulation of notices. 3.0 PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETINGS 3.1 Heritage Conservation District Committee and other stakeholders meeting, February 15, 2008. Much of the same information we had available for the Public Information Centre was on hand at this meeting. Questions from those in attendance were primarily focused around ensuring that the project will be in keeping with the guidelines set forth in both the Heritage Conservation District Plan (2006) and Streetscape and Infrastructure Implementation Plan (2001) for Old Bowmanville. The Older Adults Community Care representative also questioned whether dedicated on street parking will be included with the reconstruction (Attachment 2). The stakeholders in attendance were generally satisfied that the Municipality understands the importance of the heritage plan for Beech Avenue. 3.2 Information Centre, February 28, 2008. At the Public Information Centre meeting of February 28, 2008 the following documentation and plans were on display for discussion: . Existing Road Condition Base Plans with aerial photography as a background for Beech Avenue; Report #EGD-G16-GS Page 4 . A typical road section for urban designs; . Existing road cross sections showing conditions at each property; . A Tree Assessment Report was available for reading; · Examples of trenchless technologies previously used by the Region of Durham; . Existing conditions of the Beech Centre; · An overview of the construction that has taken place in the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood over the past 10-15 years; . A photo visualization of the proposed reconstruction; · A slide presentation that provided an overview of past works, design ideas, past reports, and supporting information. · The Heritage Conservation District Plan and Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood streetscape & Infrastructure Plan In all, approximately thirty-one people registered as having attended the meeting and the attendance register and comment sheets are on file within the Engineering Services Department and available for review. 4.0 COMMENTS AND CONCERNS 4.1 The design approach and presentation material for the project were generally well received. Comment sheets were provided at the Public Information Centre and concerns raised at both meetings included: . TREE PRESERVATION The tree canopy of the mature trees in this neighbourhood plays a major role in the heritage character of the neighbourhood and some are over 200 years old. The health of the trees in this area will be monitored on a regular basis and trench less technologies will be used as much as possible to avoid damage to the root bed of large trees. A full inventory of trees in this area has been completed and any plantings made to protect the future, will be made in accordance with a list of plant species historically grown in the area. Report #EGD-016-oa Page 5 Fully qualified arborists have been retained as an integral part of the project team and will be working with design and construction staff to protect the trees on Beech Avenue. . DRIVEWAY RESTORATION Some residents were keen to restore existing driveways with the same material; they would like us to improve driveway apron grades and maintain the walkway connections to the road. These preferences will be considered in the overall design process. . PARKING In keeping with the Heritage Conservation District Plan, parking is not within the scope of this road reconstruction project. Careful consideration has been given to the impact that road reconstruction and/or widening may have on the existing trees and heritage character of this neighbourhood. Both will be protected by preserving the existing street width and sidewalk locations. Independent of the road reconstruction project on Beech Avenue Council has responded to a request made by the Clarington Older Adults Association by directing staff to conduct a detailed onsite parking study of the Clarington Beech Centre parking lot (Attachment 3). We have been directed to evaluate the current parking conditions and will report our findings and recommendations at a later date. 5.0 DISCUSSION 5.1 As a result of the Information Centre and meeting with members of the Heritage District Committee and other stakeholders, detailed design may proceed based on the comments received for the work that is being proposed by the Municipality. TSH will be working to incorporate the comments made at the Public Information Centre and Committee meeting into the preliminary design drawings. Report #EGD-016-08 Page 6 The recommendations contained in the Heritage Conservation District Plan and Streetscape and Infrastructure Implementation Plan will be used to guide the proposed detailed design process. This includes, but is not limited to replacing the aged storm sewer, reinstating the current road width and boulevards as well as the installation of sidewalk at its current width and locations. The Municipality will also be planting additional trees where possible to enhance future conditions. The Region of Durham will be replacing their aged and deficient underground infrastructure which includes the watermain and the sanitary sewer. As required, a heritage permit application will be made at the appropriate time. The heritage permit will be processed by the Planning Services Department. Ultimately the heritage permit will come to Council for approval after review by both the Committee and the Clarington Heritage Committee. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Project Location Attachment 2 - Letter from Clarington Older Adults Association Attachment 3 - Council Directive List of Interested Parties with the Engineering Department 1i5 ~I ! Co ces ion 51 ~ .<:: " Q) Q) al 1i5 Q) ~ - c: Q) o Lowe 51 toyers Lnl u lV W~E s DRAWN BY: E.L. DATE: March 1 g, 2008 REPORT EGD-016-08 ATTACHMENT NO.1 G:\PMS-Base\Attachments\Beech Ave.mxd CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, ON 11 C 3A2 905.697.2856 Fax: 905.697.0739 coaa@bellnAtrn Friday February 15th, 2008 ATTACHMENT NO,2 REPORT NO.: EGD-016-08 Gerry Barber Purchasing Manager Municipality of Clarlngton 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 " Dear Mr. Barber The Clarlngton Older Adult Centre Boord would like to request that our board and staff be Included in ALL lease negotiations pertaining to the property at 26 Beech Avenue In Bowmanville. This would Include the Bowmanville Tennis Club, Bowmanville Lions Nursery School, and the Community Care. Our concern Is that If we are not Included in the negotiation process our organization will be unable to fully maximize the facility In which It currently operates. With this being said The Clarlngton Older Adult Centre Board would like to request a parking study be completed and a proposed Parking Plan be recommended to assist our organization with future programming requirements. We believe this Is an essential step to ensure our organization continues to be on track to reglstec over 1 000 members and host approximately 150 Rental FunctIons whife operating 7 days a week. Withclllt a proper plan in place to accommodate this amount of traHic we will be unable to achIeve uOur Mission: To promote the well-being of older adults through the provision of affordable programs and activities to the residents within the Municipality of Clarlngton." At this time we know the Bowmanvllie Tennis Club Lease Is being negotiated so we request that all matters pertaining to this will be put on hold until the above request is addressed by Municipal Staff and Council. We look forward to your response, and further information. Sincerely, ~ Angle Darllson Executive Director ~ y.JA Don Welsh Director eel Fred Horvatlo, DVocIa, of 0............ Jim Abemathy, M.y'" M"""pallly of 0....._ Ma')' No.... c:.....dlla< t.p_thoa aa...._ Old.. Adult c-.. loon! Ran Hooper, Ca4.lndl1or Rap,..,..,.". eamgton Older Ad.. c.m. Ioard S.lp Craslly, M......palt.p.._1ha aa...._ aida, Adult ea_ loon! aamo- Old.. Adult c-.. laard at DWacton ........-1__=__..-.- II I I. ~ ATTACHMENT NO.3 REPORT NO.: EGD-016-08 March 10,2008 Angie Darlison Executive Director Clarington Older Adult Association 26 Beech Avenue Bowmanville, ON, L 1 C 3A2 Dear Ms_ Darlison RE: BEECH AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION FILE NO.: T04.GE At a meeting held on March 3, 2008, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington considered your letter dated February 15, 2008, regarding the above matter and referred it to the Director of Engineering. By copy of my letter, I am advising Tony Cannella of Council's decision. PLB/ta cc: Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services v A~5. c~. . ;'0' fdAR 1 12'- .'-~ .....c_:.-, ~__'.'_ ~'_'_"~__~"'~,~__ CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 'L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-337"