HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-028-08 Cl~jgglOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING ~e:xdu-h{)()% PA-c4ob-cJ? 6ffh?o7-og By-law #:c:( 00'6 -o'f5 Monday, March 17,2008 Date: Report #: PSD-028-08 File No's: COPA 2007-0013 Subject: AMENDMENT NO. 60 TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AND BROOKHILL SECONDARY PLAN AND URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-028-08 be received; 2. THAT Amendment NO.50 to the Clarington Official Plan as shown on Attachment 4 to this report be ADOPTED and the necessary By-law contained in Attachment 5 be passed, and that the Amendment be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham for APPROVAL; 3. THAT the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department be forwarded a copy of PSD-028-08; and 4. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Da Id J. Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services Reviewed by: ()~~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer CS*CP*DJC*sh*sn March 12,2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-028-08 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 In April 2005, the consulting firm of The Planning Partnership and sub-consultants, Poulos and Chung, URS and Aquafor Beech were retained to undertake the preparation of the Secondary Plan and Urban Design Guidelines for the Brookhill Neighbourhood based on New Urbanism planning principles. The Secondary Planning area for the Brookhill Neighbourhood is shown on Attachment 1. 1.2 New Urbanism is a planning approach that incorporates the best features of the 19th and 20th century town design, while addressing modern planning and engineering concerns such as traffic congestion, pollution and urban sprawl. It seeks the inspiration of the urbanism of the past, but makes modification to address current realities. There are 10 basic principles; walkability, connectivity, mixed use and diversity of housing, strong linked public open space system, quality architecture and urban design, traditional neighbourhood structure, increased density, smart transportation, sustainability and quality of life. 1.3 On November 5, 2007, the statutory Public Meeting under the Planning Act was held for the proposed Official Plan Amendment and the Draft Brookhill Secondary Plan and Urban Design Guidelines. The Staff report concerning the Public Meeting was referred back to staff for further processing, including circulation of the draft Official Plan amendment document to various agencies for comment and to allow for public input. The purpose of this report is to advise Committee of comments from the various agencies and from the public, and to recommend approval of the Official Plan Amendment, Secondary Plan and Urban Design Guidelines for the Brookhill Neighbourhood. 2.0 BROOKHILL SECONDARY PLAN - OVERVIEW 2.1 The design vision for the Brookhill Neighbourhood was arrived at through the preparation of a preliminary Demonstration Plan, produced at a design charrette that took place over three days in the fall of 2005. The principles of the plan were developed at the charrette, with participants from various municipal departments and outside agencies, stakeholders including developers, area residents, and a community reference group, who represented the broader interests of the community. This process was used to foster a shared community vision for the Brookhill Neighbourhood. The Demonstration Plan was refined over several months as information became available from various departments and agencies. Although the Demonstration Plan is not part of the Secondary Plan it forms the basis for the design principles, community structure and policies in the Secondary Plan. (Attachment 2) 2.2 The purpose of the Secondary Plan is to provide a detailed land use plan and policies to establish principles, structure, goals and objectives for the development of the Brookhill Neighbourhood. The Urban Design Guidelines assist in articulating and controlling the intended pattern of development within the community. The Secondary Plan and Urban REPORT NO.: PSD-028-08 Page 3 Design Guidelines, as contained in Attachment 4 to this report, are part of the proposed Amendment No. 60 to the Clarington Official Plan. The following sections provide an overview of the Secondary Plan and Urban Design Guidelines. 2.3 Goals . The Brookhill Secondary Plan Area shall be a vibrant, pedestrian-oriented residential community based on new urbanism principles. . The area shall accommodate approximately 2800 dwelling units through the entire neighbourhood. . To achieve a minimum net density of 50 residents and/or jobs per hectare. . To promote high quality design practices centred on energy conservation, efficiency and environmental sustainability. . To recognize the importance of the natural features within the Brookhill Neighbourhood and how they contribute to the quality of life for local residents. 2.4 Community Structure The components of the community structure are organized in a manner to provide for a complete community with interest and human interaction. They are noted below: . Neighbourhoods - Brookhill is comprised of smaller neighbourhoods that are self contained areas with a mix of low and medium density residential uses. Neighbourhoods are edged by natural features and/or a primary road network. At the centre of the neighbourhood is the Neighbourhood Commons Area, which has a mixed use focus within a 5 minute walk or 400 metres for the majority of residents. . Neighbourhood Commons Area - Neighbourhood Commons Area, the centre of each neighbourhood, includes low and medium density residential forms of development, a park, transit stops, opportunities for live/work units and other conveniences of daily life all located around a neighbourhood park or commons area. . Village Corridor - The Village Corridor is the primary focal point of the Brookhill Community. It is comprised of uses including medium density residential form of development, an array of live/work units, limited retail and office uses, and community facilities such as schools. It is adjacent to the primary transit route and is the area where residents interact on a day-to-day basis. . The Public Rea/m - The public realm includes community facilities, institutional/civic uses, public open space system including stormwater management facilities, natural features, and roads and public rear lanes for pedestrians and cyclists. The design elements in the public realm must be of high quality. REPORT NO.: PSD-028-08 Page 4 2.5 Land Use and Transportation Policies The land use and transportation uses are identified on Map A to the Secondary Plan. The land uses and transportation policies are summarized below and place a policy framework around the community structure. i) Residential low density housing shall be in the form of single and semi-detached units; coach houses are permitted in restricted areas and provided they are on a second storey of a detached garage where individual lots have rear lane access. Consistent with the policies of the Official Plan, low density development shall be developed on the basis of up to 30 units per net hectare. The density calculation in the existing Large Lot Residential designation is reduced to allow some redevelopment while recognizing the existing estate residential development. ii) Within the Neighbourhood Commons Area; street, block, stacked townhouses and multiple unit buildings are permitted. Medium density development shall be consistent with the policies of Section 9 of the Official Plan between 31 to 60 units per net hectare. iii) The Village Corridor is the primary focus of the Secondary Plan Area. It incorporates community facilities including schools, retail and office uses, recreational and cultural uses. Permitted residential uses include; street, block or stacked townhouses, multiple unit buildings, and low rise apartment buildings. Residential uses in the Village Corridor shall be developed consistent with the medium density policies of the Official Plan. Retail and office uses shall be permitted on the ground floor of a mixed use building to a maximum of 500 square metres. Development will be street front oriented. Garages and service facilities shall not dominate the streetscape and access shall be primarily by public rear lane. iv) Environmental Protection Areas shall be consistent with policies of the Clarington Official Plan. An Environmental Protection Overlay Designation provides an additional buffer adjacent to the Maple Grove Wetland Complex. Development applications shall require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Study in accordance with Official Plan policies. v) Park and Open Space system includes Neighbourhood Parks, Urban Squares/ Parkettes, Gateways and Greenways. Neighbourhood Parks form the central focus of the Neighbourhood Commons Area and the Village Corridor. They can perform an array of functions depending on their planned role. Urban Squares/Parkettes are smaller components of the Parks and Open Space System and will be identified and articulated through development applications. Gateways and Greenways are small scale open space features providing linkages with the open space system or an entrance feature to the community for connecting pedestrian and bicycle routes. REPORT NO.: PSD-028-08 Page 5 2.6 Existing Large Lot Residential Development The existing estate residential development east of Regional Road 57 and south of Longworth Avenue, is designated as Large Lot Residential in the Secondary Plan. Lots in this area are generally 4000 square metres or larger and privately serviced with well and septic systems. Development and redevelopment of lands within the designation shall be subject to policies in the Clarington Official Plan. 2.7 Future Development Area The lands generally north of Longworth extension and west of Regional Road 57 are deferred in the Secondary Plan. These lands are designated "Future Urban Residential" in the Clarington Official Plan and are deferred until completion of the Clarington Official Plan Review 2008. 2.8 Transportation and Municipal Services The Arterial and Collector Road system is identified on Map A. The local road pattern within each neighbourhood is not identified and will be reviewed through the submission of Draft Plans of Subdivision. The local road patterns must adhere to the principle of permeability and inter-connectivity. Where individual lots front on an Arterial or Collector Road, public rear lanes may be used to limit access and to encourage through flow of traffic. Garages will be placed on public rear lanes. 3.0 AMENDMENT NO. 60 TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN 3.1 Amendment No. 60 to the Clarington Official Plan is based on recommendations contained in the Brookhill Subwatershed Study, prepared by Aquafor Beech Limited, 2005 and the Brookhill Secondary Plan and Urban Design Guidelines prepared by The Planning Partnership and their sub-consultants. 3.2 Amendments associated with the Brookhill Subwatershed Study The amendments to the Clarington Official Plan resulting from the Brookhill Subwatershed Study required various changes to the Land Use and Natural Heritage System Maps to further delineate the boundaries of terrestrial features associated with the Maple Grove Wetland Complex, and eliminate the designation of minor tributaries from the main branch of the Brookhill tributary. 3.3 Amendments associated with the Brookhill Secondary Plan 3.3.1 Amendments to the Clarington Official Plan are required to provide for the planning framework, land use policies, urban design guidelines and mapping for the Brookhill Secondary Plan. Specific changes are noted below. REPORT NO.: PSD-028-08 Page 6 i) A new Secondary Plan for the Brookhill Neighbourhood is added to Part VI of the Clarington Official Plan. ii) The Brookhill neighbourhood as defined in the Official Plan extends generally north of the Bowmanville West Town Centre to Longworth Avenue. Additional lands were included to make the planning process more cost-effective and to coordinate with the subwatershed planning process, those lands were part of the Knox Neighbourhood north of Longworth Avenue between Regional Road 57 and the Bowmanville Creek as well as lands north of Longworth Avenue designated as "Future Residential Area". iii) The adjustments to the Brookhill and Knox Neighbourhood boundaries, require amendments to the population and housing targets in both neighbourhoods. The Knox Neighbourhood population is reduced from 5650 to 5350 and the housing targets identified on Table 9-2 are reduced from 2050 to 1950, the low density units are reduced from 1450 to 1350. The population for the Brookhill Neighbourhood is reduced from 4500 to 3900. The housing targets have been reduced from 1750 to 1575. These reductions are as a result of recalculation of the net developable area stemming from the recommendations of the subwatershed study. There is also a redistribution of housing types between low and medium density housing. The number of low density units has been reduced from 1325 to 950 while the medium density units have been increased from 350 to 650. Medium Density symbols have been relocated and added to reflect the Neighbourhood Commons Area or Village Corridor designations. iv) The Bowmanville Land Use Map and Transportation Map are amended by deleting three Collector Roads. Amendment 43 to the Clarington Official Plan, added a new east-west Collector Road being Brookhill Boulevard near the south limits of the neighbourhood. Therefore the two east-west Collector Roads, north of Brookhill Boulevard can be deleted. The Collector Road north of Longworth Avenue is deleted since a limited amount of low density development is recommended in this area given the environmentally sensitive nature of these lands. v) Local Road right-of-way widths are adjusted to allow for an 18.0 metre road allowance in addition to a 20.0 metre road allowance. This allows for more flexibility in street profiles. vi) New policies for Public Rear Lanes have been added. Public Rear Lanes are permitted where development fronts a Collector or Arterial Road, where access from these roads is limited to promote through traffic flow and to provide an improved streetscape. REPORT NO.: PSD-028-08 Page 7 vii) One future public elementary school has been eliminated, as a result of input from the Public School Board at the Design Charrette. The other public elementary school has been relocated to the intersection of Longworth Avenue and Clarington Boulevard to provide a community focus. The separate elementary school has also been relocated to the intersection of Longworth Avenue and Clarington Boulevard in the Secondary Plan. It is not shown on the proposed Official Plan Amendment because it appears in the "Future Urban Residential Area" in the Clarington Official Plan, however policies in the Secondary Plan do not preclude the school board developing the site should it be required prior to the completion of the Official Plan Review process. viii) Neighbourhood Parks have been relocated to reflect their importance as Neighbourhood Commons Area and Village Corridor. One additional Neighbourhood Park symbol has been added in the north-east quadrant of Regional Road 57 and Longworth Avenue. ix) Additional policies have been added into the recommended Secondary Plan to address energy conservation and environmental sustainability. 4.0 PROVINCIAL POLICY 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement 4.1.1 The proposed Official Plan Amendment and the Brookhill Secondary Plan are consistent with the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) as they are proposing the development of a mixed use community with a range of housing types and densities, as well as employment opportunities. The form of development is pedestrian oriented and promotes the use of transit. The Brookhill Neighbourhood is adjacent to the Bowmanville West Town Centre, and can make use of existing infrastructure and public service facilities. Preservation of Brookhill tributary and the recognition and further protection of the Maple Grove Wetland Complex, and Bowmanville Creek valley is also consistent with the PPS. 4.2 Provincial Growth Plan 4.2.1 The Provincial Growth Plan encourages municipalities to manage growth by directing population growth to settlement areas. The Growth Plan states that new development taking place in designated Greenfield Areas will be planned, designated, zoned and designed in a manner that: REPORT NO.: PSD-028-08 Page 8 a) contributes to creating healthy communities; b) creates street configurations, densities and an urban form that support walking, cycling, and the early integration and sustained viability of transit services; c) provides a diverse mix of land uses, including residential and employment uses, to support vibrant neighbourhoods; and d) creates high quality public open spaces with site design and urban design standards that support opportunities for transit, walking and cycling. Designated Greenfield Areas will be planned to achieve a minimum density target of not less than 50 residentsljobs combined per hectare. The density target must be measured over the entire Greenfield Area excluding environmentally sensitive features. 4.2.2 The Transportation system will be planned and managed to: a) provide connectivity among transportation modes for moving people and goods; b) offer a balance of transportation choices that reduces reliance upon any single mode and promotes transit, cycling and walking; and c) be sustainable, by encouraging the most financially and environmentally appropriate mode for trip making. 4.2.3 The Growth Plan also encourages the expansion of transit services to areas that have achieved, or will be planned so as to achieve, transit supportive residential and employment densities together with a mix of residential, office, institutional and commercial development where possible. 4.2.4 Municipalities shall ensure that pedestrian and bicycle networks are integrated into transportation planning to provide safe, comfortable travel for pedestrians and bicyclists within existing communities and new development. Linkages shall be provided between intensification areas, adjacent neighbourhoods and transit stations including dedicated lanes for bicyclists on the major street network were feasible. 4.2.5 The Clarington Official Plan amendment, the Brookhill Secondary Plan and the Urban Design Guidelines conform to the Provincial Growth Plan. 5.0 OFFICIAL PLANS 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan 5.1.1 The Durham Regional Official Plan designates the Brookhill Neighbourhood as "Living Area" and "Major Open Space System". The lands designated as "Living Area" shall be used predominantly for housing purposes. However, a mix of uses such as certain home occupations, convenience stores, public and recreational uses, limited office development and retailing of goods and services may also be permitted in "Living Areas" provided there are appropriate provisions and designations in the area municipal Official Plan. REPORT NO.: PSD-028-08 Page 9 5.1.2 In consideration of development applications in designated "Living Areas", regard shall be had for the intent of this plan to achieve the following: . A compact urban form; . The use of good urban design principles; . The provision of convenient pedestrian access to public transit, educational facilities and parks; and . The grid pattern of roads. 5.1.3 The lands associated with the Bowmanville Creek valley and the Maple Grove Wetland Complex, are designated as "Major Open Space" system with an Environmental Sensitive Area overlay. The predominant use of lands within this designation shall be for conservation, recreation, reforestation and agriculture and farm related uses. The policies of the Secondary Plan reserve the Bowmanville Creek valley and Maple Grove Wetland complex in a manner consistent with the Durham Regional Official Plan. 5.2 Clarington Official Plan 5.2.1 The Clarington Official Plan designates lands subject to the Brookhill Secondary Plan as "Future Urban Residential", "Environmental Protection Area", "Urban Residential" with various symbols for Medium Density, Neighbourhood Parks, two public elementary schools and one separate elementary school. The portion of the Secondary Plan designated as Future Urban Residential Area in the Clarington Official Plan can only be considered in the context of a comprehensive review and update of the Official Plan undertaken by the Municipality. 5.2.2 The Official Plan requires the preparation of a subwatershed study prior to the municipal approval of the Plan of Subdivision. A subwatershed study assesses the interactions of the natural environment with existing and planned future uses within a specific drainage area using an ecosystem approach. A subwatershed study for the Brookhill Neighbourhood was undertaken and finalized in 2005. The proposed amendment incorporates recommendations from that Study. The Official Plan requires protection of significant natural heritage features identified on Map C. The Secondary Plan preserves and protects the Maple Grove Wetland Complex, Bowmanville Creek Valley and Brookhill Tributaries. Policies have been included in the Secondary Plan to require an EIS where development is proposed in proximity to the Provincially Significant Wetlands or any other environmental feature identified in the Clarington Official Plan. 5.2.3 Residential development shall proceed based on population allocations and housing targets identified in the Official Plan. At the present time, the Brookhill Neighbourhood has a population allocation of 4500 and a housing target of 1750, being 1325 low density units, 350 medium density units, and 75 units for intensification. The amendment to the Official Plan to implement the Brookhill Secondary Plan alters the neighbourhood boundary by incorporating a portion of the Knox Neighbourhood west of the Bowmanville Creek. The population allocations and housing targets for both Neighbourhoods require amendments as noted in Section 4.3 of this report. REPORT NO.: PSD-028-08 Page 10 5.2.4 Residential development will be consistent with the low and medium density ranges provided for in the Clarington Official Plan. Low density range is 10 to 30 units per net hectare (uph) and medium density range is 31-60 uph. The Official Plan also states that those areas where there are environmental constraints associated with the Lake Iroquois Beach, lower densities are necessary. 5.2.5 The transportation policies of the Clarington Official Plan encourage public transit, walking and cycling as forms of travel. The road network is based on the grid system which reinforces and complements land use patterns. Right-of-way widths for public roads shall allow for the placement of utilities, municipal services, cycling lanes, sidewalks and landscaped boulevards. The transportation system in the Brookhill Secondary Plan complies with the policies of the Clarington Official Plan. The road network is based on a modified grid system that promotes permeability and interconnectivity between the neighbourhoods and the Bowmanville West Town Centre. 6.0 PUBLIC MEETING AND SUBMISSIONS 6.1 A statutory Public Meeting for the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Draft Secondary Plan was held on November 5, 2007. The following is a summary of comments made at the Public Meeting and written submissions received subsequent to the meeting. One resident enquired as to whether or not alternative heating types such as shared facility hook up, were considered for the Brookhill Neighbourhood. One individual representing his family's interests owns lands within the Future Urban Residential Area of the Secondary Planning Area. Although the family is supportive of the policies, he did request that the lands be rezoned as soon as possible so development could proceed. Another individual speaking on behalf of development interests supported the general principles in the draft document, but did express some concerns with the widths of the rear lanes. He demonstrated that the lane widths as proposed by staff were, in fact, too wide and would promote higher speeds. A resident living on Regional Road 57, north of Highway 2 inquired about the timing of available municipal water to his home and who would pay for the connection. A number of residents on Maple Grove Road enquired about the probability of their lands being included in the Bowmanville Urban Area boundary and included in the Secondary Planning Area boundary. REPORT NO.: PSD-028-08 Page 11 7.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 7.1 The Secondary Plan was a collaborative effort by municipal departments and various external agencies through the Design Charrette process. This process afforded each department and agency the opportunity to express their interests and concerns and provide comment on the principles and neighbourhood design. The draft Official Plan Amendment and Draft Brookhill Secondary Plan and Urban Design Guidelines were circulated to various agencies and departments for comment on November 6, 2007. 7.2 The Clarington Emergency and Fire Services had expressed concerns with reduced local road right-of-way widths and introductions of public rear lanes. Through ongoing discussions and reviewing both issues in other communities, the Emergency and Fire Services Department have offered no objections to the reduction of the 18.0 metre local road and public rear lanes for the Brookhill Secondary Plan Area only. They do remain concerned that an accumulation of snow and illegally parked vehicles will restrict access for emergency vehicles. Parking should be strictly prohibited within the public rear lane. 7.3 The Clarington Engineering Services Department has provided detailed comments throughout the process from both an Engineering and Parks perspective. Generally, Engineering Services is supportive of an 18 metre road allowance provided that they are only used where there is no through traffic condition. Rear lanes are supported but only on a trial basis in the Brookhill Secondary Plan Area. This is discussed further in Section 8.3.1 of this Report. Other comments respecting Parks have been addressed. 7.4 The Region of Durham provided comments on the proposed Official Plan amendment, Secondary Plan and Urban Design Guidelines. The 2005 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) requires healthy, liveable and safe communities that are sustained by accommodating an appropriate range and mix of residential, employment, recreation and open space uses to meet long term needs. The proposed amendment designates lands for a mix of residential, open space/park, retail and service uses and community facilities. The environmental areas associated with Bowmanville Creek and Brookhill Tributary are also appropriately designated in the Secondary Plan and as such the amendment is consistent with the PPS. A guiding principle in The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) is build compact, vibrant and complete communities. Population and growth will be accommodated by encouraging cities and towns to develop as complete communities with a diverse mix of uses, a range and mix of employment and housing types, high quality public open space and easy access to local stores and services. The Secondary Plan Area is outside the Bowmanville built-urban area boundary, and is therefore designated as Greenfield Area. The Region, in examining the GGH, stated that the Secondary Plan and Urban Design Guidelines appear to be consistent. REPORT NO.: PSD-028-08 Page 12 The Official Plan Amendment including the Secondary Plan were reviewed for conformity with the Regional Official Plan. The subject lands are designated as "Living Area" and "Major Open Space". The lands designated as "Living Area" shall be used predominantly for housing purposes. However, a mix of uses such as certain home occupations, convenience stores and certain public and recreational uses which are compatible with their surroundings are permitted. Limited office development and retailing of goods and services in appropriate locations as mixed use developments may also be permitted in Living Area designation provided there are appropriate provisions and designations in the area municipal Official Plan. The Brookhill Tributary and the Bowmanville Creek Valley are designated as Major Open Space System with an Environmental Sensitive Area overlay. The proposed polices in the Secondary Plan to protect these features are consistent with the Durham Regional Official Plan. With respect to Regional Services, the Secondary Plan Area will require the extension of feedermains on Longworth Avenue and on Green Road. Reserve capacity within the Bowmanville Water Supply Plant is available to accommodate growth up to 2016, however the Region will only allocate and commit to plant capacity upon execution of servicing/subdivision agreement. There is sanitary sewer capacity to serve the Brookhill Secondary Plan Area. Sanitary sewers to service lands west of Regional Road 57 are located on Clarington Boulevard. The lands east of Regional Road 57 will be serviced through the trunk sewer located at Waverly Road and Old Highway NO.2. Appropriate easements shall be required to accommodate a tunnel underneath the CPR rail and King Street to service these lands. There is reserve capacity within the Port Darlington Water Pollution Control Plant to accommodate new growth until 2011. The Region will only allocate capacity upon execution of servicing/subdivision agreements. The proposed transportation network provides an appropriate hierarchy of road to balance the access and mobility requirements to the Brookhill neighbourhood. Regional Road 57 is a Type "A" Arterial Road. The policies for restricting access to this road are appropriate. New traffic signals shall only be installed where approved by the Region. Consent will be required for streets cape elements placed by the Municipality in the Region's right-of-way. A Transportation Impact Study shall be required in the approval process, on a application-by-application basis to assess transportation impacts on regional roads. Finally, the Region has advised that the proposed amendment is of Regional interest and therefore is not exempt from Regional approval. REPORT NO.: PSD-028-08 Page 13 7.5 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority has offered no objection to the Brookhill Secondary Plan and Urban Design Guidelines as well as the amendment to the Clarington Official Plan. The Land Use (Map A) and Greenlands and Open Space (Map B) and policies in the Secondary Plan are consistent with the findings and recommendations in the Brookhill Subwatershed Study. 7.6 The Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board has noted that the identified location of the separate school site is very strategically placed, as a great number of the students enrolled at this school would be walkers, reducing the need for bussing. The plan meets the criteria of the School Board. 7.7 The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board has also offered no objection to the location of the Public Elementary school site at this time. 7.8 Veridian Connections and Bell Canada have offered no objection. 8.0 STAFF COMMENTS 8.1 New Urbanism approach goes beyond creating an aesthetically pleasing environment and a neighbourhood with a unique character. Implementing the elements of new urbanism provides economic, social, health and environmental benefits. A key principle is obtaining a mix in the form and type of development within a neighbourhood providing a variety of housing types and housing prices. This allows for people to buy their first home, in the community, raise a family and then downsize, once children have left the home. The economy of land use inherent with a new urbanism approach can result in better utilized infrastructure and public transit system. 8.2 Brookhill will be one of the most significant development areas in the Municipality over the next twenty years. The emerging West Town Centre provides the opportunity for close ties to a strong commercial town centre, recreational facilities and a transit hub. Making the connections between a residential community like Brookhill and the West Town Centre will be important to implementing the Provincial Policy Statement and Growth Plan. 8.3 New Urbanism is not a new planning concept. However, it is does require changes to current zoning, urban design and road standards and profiles. Many of the comments and concerns raised by agencies have been incorporated into the Secondary Plan and/or Urban Design Guidelines. There are two issues however, that were significant, the 18.0 metre road right-of-way and the introduction of, and width of public rear lanes. The following section provides an overview of the rear lanes issues and resolution by Operations, Engineering and Emergency Fire Services. REPORT NO.: PSD-028-08 Page 14 8.4 Rear Lanes Issues Public rear lanes are introduced in limited locations in the Brookhill Secondary Plan in the Village Corridor designation areas. The rear lane policies allow limited vehicular access to higher order streets such as Arterial or Collector Roads thereby allowing traffic to flow through these areas. It also promotes a more pleasing streetscape, because it eliminates garages facing onto the street and buildings with porches can move closer to the street. The sizes of backyards are not compromised as a result of rear lanes. The use of rear lanes are also efficient for garbage, blue box and green bin pick up as only one trip is required down the centre of the lane. There has been considerable discussion with other departments regarding the introduction of public rear lanes and the profile of the lanes. The Operations Department was concerned with the ability to manoeuvre snow ploughs through rear lane rights-of- way, the ability to store snow with rights-of-way, and providing an appropriate level of service to residents, given that the lanes would be ploughed only after the higher order roads were complete. Emergency and Fire Services also was concerned with ability to access the rear lane in the event of a large accumulation of snow or an illegally parked vehicle that will restrict access for emergency vehicles. The Engineering Staff was concerned that rear lanes were too narrow to appropriately accommodate adequate pavement width, and utilities. In addition they expressed concerns with sight lines for drivers backing out of garages. A rear lane profile was prepared to alleviate concerns with snow storage, parking and visibility for cars backing out of garages and was contained in the November 2007 public meeting report. This profile included a 9.0 metre right-of-way width, 6.0 metre wide drive aisle and 1.5 metres on either side for utilities. In addition, a 2.5 metre setback to garage to accommodate additional parking and provide an appropriate setback for sight visibility for drivers as they manoeuvre vehicles in and out of the garages. This wider profile was not consistent with the recommendations of the Municipality's consultant and was opposed by one of the developerllandowners within Brookhill. At the public meeting Council asked staff to review the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) in respect of traffic accidents in rear lanes. Solution On February 8th, 2008, Staff and some Members of Council visited communities in Markham where rear lanes have been used for approximately 10 years. The rear lanes have a 8.5 metre right-of-way width, 5.5 metre pavement width, 1.5 metres for utilities and a 0.6 metre setback to the garage. This tour came shortly after a large accumulation of snow. The snow storage did not hamper the pavement right-of-way, allowing for traffic movements. There also appeared to be sufficient distance from the garage to the pavement for vehicles to manoeuvre in and out of garages. The reduction in setback from the right-of-way and the garage of 0.6 metres does not allow for the parking of vehicles because there simply is not sufficient space. REPORT NO.: PSD-028-08 Page 15 The HTA states that every driver or street car operator entering a highway from a private road or driveway shall yield the right-of-way to all traffic approaching on the highway so closely that to enter would constitute an immediate hazard. The driver of a car does proceed with caution when backing up a vehicle, whether they are backing onto a drive aisle (i.e. in a shopping mall) or public roadway. The 8.5 metre right-of-way profile associated with rear lanes will inherently slow down the driver to a reasonable speed at which he would be able to stop in a reasonable distance. The rear lanes profiles as original proposed and currently recommended are shown on Attachment No. 3. 8.5 18.0 Metre Local Roads Issue In the Official Plan, the minimum Local Road right-of-way width is 20.0 metres. The amendment proposes to provide a range in the right-of-way from 18.0 metres to 20.0 metres. When combined with reduced setback for buildings, an 18.0 metre Local Road can slow traffic and provide a street space that is and feels safer for the pedestrian and provides for more efficient use of land. The Engineering Services Department raised concerns with 18.0 metre right-of-way widths, as it may cause problems with on-street parking and it is difficult to accommodate utilities within the street profile. Resolution Upon further discussion and re-examination, Engineering Department has agreed that 18.0 metres can be used in instances where there is no through traffic movements. Utilities can be off set to one side of the right-of-way, and the 8.5 metre pavement width remains the same as the 20.0 metre right-of-way, so it is equally efficient to maintain and on-street parking is not compromised. 8.6 The Brookhill Secondary Plan has policies related into pedestrian friendly, compact, transit supportive development to support environmental sustainability. Additional policies have been added to promote energy conservation and environmental sustainability through site planning, urban design and the use of energy efficient materials and landscaping. New residential buildings in Brookhill shall adhere in design, construction and operation to a minimum rating of 80 or more in accordance with Natural Resources Canada "EnerGuide for New Homes" certification or equivalent certification system. Residential home builders shall be encouraged to install Energy Star appliances and fixtures to reduce water consumption and provide devices to capture rainwater for outdoor irrigation purposes. Residential uses shall be encouraged to use solar collectors for use of heating or cooling of a structure, domestic hot water or swimming pools to reduce the demand. Developers will be required to submit an Energy Conservation, Efficiency and REPORT NO.: PSD-02B-OB Page 16 Sustainability Plan prior to approval of a development application. Commercial and institutional buildings will be encouraged to be LEED certified. 9.0 CONCLUSIONS 9.1 The Brookhill Community Secondary Plan and Urban Design Guidelines will serve to guide future development in this area providing for attractive and efficient community based on New Urbanism principles. It is respectfully recommended that Amendment NO.60 to the Clarington Official Plan be ADOPTED and that the By-law adopting Amendment No. 60 be PASSED. Attachment: Attachment 1- Key Map Attachment 2- Demonstration Plan Attachment 3- Rear Lane Street Profiles Attachment 4- Amendment No 60 to the Clarington Official Plan Attachment 5- By-law to Adopt Amendment 60 REPORT NO.: PSD-028-08 Page 17 List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Greg Milosh Louis Bertrand Steve Neshevich Rich Neshevich Donald & Joyce Luck Frances Westgarth Ted & Maria Roeloffzen Myra Douglas Victor Shearing Bill Allison Ken Allison Larry and Irene Grabowski Bruce Fischer Cora Tonno Bob Annaert Kelvin Whalen Rev Frank Lockhart Eloisa Liquiran Steven Wimmer Peter Smith Nick Mensink Rudi & Matteo Barrese Wayne & Cathy Bolahood Harold & Jean Hoskin Allan Frank Doug & Leslie Allingham Ermioni Sawchuck Randy Miller Gerry & Louise Lens Hannu Halminin Mr. & Mrs. Farmer Jose Brito AI O'Reilly Erwin Waldinsperger S. Coyne ATTACHMENT 1 TO REPORT PS[)-028-0J! NASH ROAD n - ~ - r\.- \ l'{ "'~~ 8 CONCESSION ROAD 3 1m IT - 3> ....../.. ~ I ,,~:~,;iI" " "'I ~ ;1~fdl \ -..~ = '~ \.c: ~,~\)~r ~ ~ lONGWORTH~ .,..~~LJ 0: "RU H ~ ,r A ::>Y t m E Q J / Y I lB f... ~;::;J, ~ '~I---JIJ.L = ~..~ ----- ~Il;l~ ll!= [ - f-- ,I =Q:E!. -f-- ~ S ~ 80WMANVII!LE ""'\ - f-- t'----.. l@' COPA 2007-0013 Clarington Official Plan Amendment t: a < o 0: z w w ~ Cl BROOKHILJ.; , SECONDARY , PLANNING AREA .... '" -'''-. E Brookhlll Nelghbourhood Municipality of Clarington Demonstration Plan EB The Planning Partnersnip J\Yloory 19,2007 8 ATTACHMENT 3 TO REPORT PSD-028-08 I I I I I I I I I 0::: I I 0::: I 0 0 0 0 I 0::: I I 0::: , 0::: 0::: 0 0 I 0 I I 0 I ~ LANE ~ I -...J I I -...J I l- I- ::;) ::;) GARAGE I I I I GARAGE -c .-1 .5 -; ~ 5.5m -, H.5- f- O.6m Setback J r 805m - l O.6m Setback Recommended Rear Lane Profile I I I I I I I I I 0::: I , 0::: I 0 0 0 0 I 0::: I I 0::: I 0::: 0::: 0 0 I 0 I I 0 I ~ LANE ~ , -...J I I -...J I l- I- GARAGE ::;) ::;) GARAGE I I I I f- 205m -, 0--1.5 -' l- 6.0m -' H.5~ '- 2.5m- Setback 0-- 9.0m -, Setback ....,-::..,# '- 14.0m -j Draft Official Plan Amendment Rear Lane Profile REAR LANE PROFILES ATTACHMENT 4 TO REPORT PSD-028-08 AMENDMENT NO. 60 TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: To implement the recommendations of the Brookhill Subwatershed Study and to introduce the Brookhill Secondary Plan into the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan. BASIS: This amendment is based on Brookhill Subwatershed Study, September 2005 prepared by Aquafor Beech Limited and the Brookhill Secondary Plan, and the Demonstration Plan and Urban Design Guidelines, August 2007 prepared by The Planning Partnership and their transportation and engineering sub- consultants and as further reviewed by Municipal Staff. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: "1. In Section 9.4.5, Table 9-2 "Housing Targets by Neighbourhood" by amending the targets for Neighbourhoods N9 Knox and N11 Brookhill and amending all corresponding totals as follows: TOTAL 12400 4950 1800 22,200 2. In Section 19.7.2 e) by deleting the words "generally be 20 metres" and replace it with the words "shall generally be between 18 and 20 metres." 3. By adding a new Section 19.8 as follows: "19.8 PUBLIC REAR LANES 19.8.1 Public Rear Lanes are permitted where they are identified in a Secondary Plan. Rear Lanes shall be used on a limited basis to access a private garage or parking space and to promote through traffic movements on Arterial and Collector Roads, where individual direct access is limited. 19.8.2 Public Rear Lanes shall have a minimum right-of- way width of 8.5 metres; 4. By renumbering the original Sections 19.8,19.9,19.10,19.11 and 19.12 accordingly. 5. By Amending Map A1 (Darlington) - Land Use Darlington Rural Area as shown on Exhibit "A" to this amendment. 6. By Amending Map A3 - Land Use Bowmanville Urban Area as shown on Exhibit "B" to this amendment. 7. By Amending Map B3 - Transportation Bowmanville Urban Area as shown on Exhibit "C" to this amendment. 8. By Amending Map C1- Natural Heritage System - South Darlington as shown on Exhibit "D" to this amendment. 9. By Amending Map H2- Neighbourhood Planning Units - Bowmanville Urban Area as shown on Exhibit "E" to this amendment. 10. By amending Part VI, Section 3) by adding the following: "h) Brookhill Secondary Plan". 11. By adding a new secondary plan to Part VI as follows: Exhibit "A", Amendment No. 60 To the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, Map A1, land Use, Darlington Rural Area HIGH Exhibit "B", Amendment No. 60 To the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, Map A3, land Use, Bowmanville Urban Area r- I ... ~ ~ @ @ @ @ ~ . - - - Change From "Future Urban Residential" To "Environmental Protection Area" ~ Add "Neighbourhood Park" Symbol Delete Tributary And Associated Environmental Protection Area Relocate "Public Elementary Schoo'" Symbol @ ,.. . . t.. . Exhibit "C", Amendment No. 60 To The Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, Map 83, Transportation, 80wmanville Urban Area I I I I - ..,------ o 200 0400 600 800 m 200 m I I r-=--=;=--=- I I , I I I nn-r I I , . . '~ . :' :~ ------m , ~!i :[1 5:1 z' i:j: all :1 ~i . :i !. . . . . I ....}..n_ I ~I 1 I , I ". ............ ..t ........... LAKE ONMlRIO URBAN BOUNDARY .........",".~""'".".,.."..,",. FREEWAY TYPE A ARrERLo\L MAP 83 TRANSPORTATION BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA - - - - TYPE B ARTERIAL. (." GRADE SEPARAll0N --' _n_nnnn TYPE C ARTERlAL COlI.B:TOR ROAD - - - - - - REGIONN.. lRANSIT SPINE . . . . . . .. . INTER-REGIONAL lRANSIT UNE 4:0 GO STATION OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPAUlY OF CLARINGTON JANUARY 2, 2007 REFER TO SECTION 19 lHlS CONSOUDATlON IS PROVIDED FOR COtMNIENCE ONLY AND REPRESENTS REQUESTED t.iODlFlCATIONS IV4D APPROVAlS EXISTING .......... .",.., o FUTURE ,1& FREEWAY INTERaiANGE Exhibit "0", Amendment No. 60 To the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, Map C1, Natural Heritage System, South Darlington I Grove ~ o J:. Exhibit "E" , Amendment No. 60 To The Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, Map H2, Neighbourhood Planning Units, Bowmanville Urban Area 0=-- I I I I I DAR!~NI GREEN (3200) I CONCESSION ROAD 3 o 200 400 BOO 800 m 200m r------ Change Population From "5650" To "5350" ~ '" 14 WAVERLY (4200) ~ '" z w w '" " BASELINE ROAD HIGHWAY 401 01 <'i '" 15 RT DARUNGT (3200) ~I ~I I ONT.4R/O MAP H2 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING UNITS BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA - - - URBAN BOUNDARY NElGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY (1000) POPULATION OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPAUlY OF CLARINGTON JANUARY 2, 2007 REFER TO SECTIONS 5 AND 9 THIS CONSOUDAllOH IS PROYIDED FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY AND REPRESENTS REQUESTED MOOIFlCATlONS AND Al'PROViLS "BROOKHILL NEIGHBOURHOOD SECONDARY PLAN 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Brookhill Neighbourhood is located north of the Bowmanville West Town Centre, and south of Nash Road. Its easterly boundary is the Bowmanville Creek valley and the historic community of Bowmanville. Its westerly boundary is the limit of the Urban Area for Bowmanville. The area for the Brookhill Neighbourhood is about 300 hectares. Approximately one third of the area contains natural features. The limits of the Secondary Plan Area are identified on Schedules 'A' and 'B' to this Secondary Plan. The area bounded by Longworth Avenue to the south, Nash Road to the north, Regional Road 57 to the east and urban area boundary to the west, is deferred in the Secondary Plan until the completion of the Clarington Official Plan Review, beyond 2008. The purpose of this Secondary Plan is to provide a detailed land use plan and policies to establish principles and structure, goals and objectives for development within the Brookhill Community. New development will be carried out in accordance with the policies of the Clarington Official Plan, the policies of this Secondary Plan, the Brookhill Community Demonstration Plan and Urban Design Guidelines contained in Appendix II. 2. PRINCIPLES AND COMMUNITY STRUCTURE 2.1 PRINCIPLES The Brookhill Secondary Plan is based on the principles of New Urbanism. New Urbanism is a planning approach that incorporates the best features of the 19th and 20th century small town design, while addressing modern planning and engineering concerns such as traffic, pollution and urban sprawl. This Plan is based on a community design that is diverse in use and population, is scaled to the pedestrian, can accommodate private automobiles and transit and has a well defined and high quality public realm including the roads, green land systems and public buildings. The Brookhill Secondary Plan achieves the policies of the Province of Ontario with respect to efficient, cost-effective development and land use patterns, the conservation of natural and cultural heritage features, the protection of public health and safety and the achievement of minimum development densities as articulated in the Planning Act. Further, this Secondary Plan is expected to achieve the goals and objectives of the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan. Fundamental to the development of this Secondary Plan is the achievement of a transit supportive community structure and the achievement of a minimum net density of 50 residents and/or jobs per hectare. A primary principle inherent in the design of the Brookhill Secondary Planning Area is the conservation of existing natural heritage features and cultural heritage landscapes. These features and landscapes are conserved and integrated within the overall design strategy. 2.1.1 Design Principles The Brookhill Secondary Plan is based on the following design principles: a) Focus i. The Brookhill community is adjacent to the Bowmanville West Town Centre. It will be multi-centered and will comprise a Village Corridor and Neighbourhoods with Neighbourhood Commons. ii. Each neighbourhood has edges and a distinct higher intensity, and a mixed use focus that is within a 5 minute walk of the majority of residents. b) Greenlands I. A variety of parks for recreational activities are provided. ii. Parks, natural heritage features and stormwater management facilities shall form a connected greenlands system. iii. Stormwater management facilities shall be designed as landscape amenities, as well as perform their functional requirements. c) Connections/Linkages i. The community will have a continuous system of trails for walking and cycling. ii. Roads will be designed for pedestrians, cyclists, transit, as well as cars. iii. Pedestrian connections adjacent to significant natural features shall be planned to anticipate use and to avoid impact on the identified features' environmental functions. IV. All roads will be designed as important components of the public realm and will be lined with trees and have sidewalks. v. The community and its neighbourhoods will be linked to the existing built areas in Clarington. vi. Community design is based on a modified grid system to enable ease of access and improved connections through the community. d) Uses I. A diversity in housing types will be provided to achieve densities anticipated in the Official Plan and articulated in Provincial Policy. ii. Development will support transit and commercial activity. iii. A mix of uses will be provided so that people have the choice to work, shop and enjoy community facilities in the neighbourhood. e) Infrastructure I. Municipal services shall be provided in a cost effective and efficient manner. f) Environmental Sustainability and Energy Conservation I. Community design shall incorporate, to the maximum extent feasible, state of the art environmental, energy and water conservation measures. II. Techniques to maximize energy efficiency should be integrated into the design of buildings, streetscapes and parks. g) Design Excellence i. The buildings, streetscapes, parks and open spaces and infrastructure should be distinctive and aesthetically pleasing. 2.2 COMMUNITY STRUCTURE 2.2.1 The community structure of the Brookhill Secondary Plan is based on achieving the principles identified in Section 2.1 of this Plan. The components of the Brookhill Secondary Plan that define its urban structure are identified below. a) Neighbourhoods - Neighbourhoods are self-contained areas with a mix of housing types, land uses and activities. Neighbourhoods must be cohesive and comprehensible to their residents. Neighbourhoods are edged either by natural features or the primary road network, giving each Neighbourhood a unique identity. The edge of each Neighbourhood is typically beyond the 400 metre radius from the Neighbourhood Commons Area, and the lowest density of development is anticipated between the 400 metre radius and the edge of the Neighbourhood. Neighbourhoods have a mix of low and medium density housing types as well as public open space features. Residential densities, lot sizes and building types shall vary throughout each Neighbourhood to achieve the variety and character typical of older, traditional neighbourhoods. The highest densities shall occur adjacent to the Type C Arterial Road network and within the Neighbourhood Commons Area and the Village Corridor. Lower density housing shall be adjacent to identified natural features, and toward the edges of the Neighbourhoods. Public open spaces are located to define the character and structure of each Neighbourhood. Neighbourhood Parks are located adjacent to planned community facilities and/or integrated with adjacent natural heritage features. Parkettes and urban squares are dispersed throughout each Neighbourhood and are located on visible road frontages. b) Neighbourhood Commons Area - The focus of each Neighbourhood is a Neighbourhood Commons Area with the potential to accommodate low and medium density forms of housing, a Neighbourhood Park, grouped postal facilities, transit stops, and offices, live/work units and other conveniences of daily life. c) Village Corridor - The Village Corridor is the primary focal point of the community. It is comprised of a mix of uses including higher density residential development, schools and an array of live/work, retail, office and community facilities. This combination of uses creates a rich and vibrant environment that is active every day, all day. The Village Corridor connects the neighbourhoods within the Brookhill Community. It is an area where residents of various Neighbourhoods interact. The Village Corridor is expected to accommodate the primary transit routes connecting the Neighbourhoods together and to the rest of the Municipality of Clarington. d) The Public Realm - The public realm includes institutional/civic uses the greenlands network and the road network. All of these components of the public realm are significant organizing elements in the pattern of development. They are located to provide interest and excitement within the community. The design of all elements of the public realm must be to the highest quality possible. i) Institutional/Civic Uses - Roads and blocks create a hierarchy of public spaces and locations for institutional and civic uses. Institutional/civic uses occupy important places, overlooking a square or terminating a road vista. These views and vistas provide scenic interest and orientation. ii) Public Open Space - The public open space system is a major attribute of the Brookhill Secondary Plan area. It is integrated with the natural heritage features and storm water management facilities. A trail network connects the Neighbourhoods together, and connects Brookhill to the wider community of Clarington. iii) Natural Heritage Features/Storm Water Management Facilities - Existing natural features are conserved and incorporated into the greenlands system. The naturalization of the Brookhill tributary shall reclaim the natural environment from past farming practices, improve downstream fisheries and contribute to the overall esthetics of the Brookhill Community. Storm water management facilities are treated as public assets. The ponds will be designed and planted with native upland, flood tolerant shoreline and aquatic species to provide enhanced wildlife habitat. Ponds and the overall drainage system are incorporated into the greenlands system. iv) Roads and Lanes - Roads play a multi-functional role in the Brookhill Secondary Plan Area by providing for a variety of activities and services, to meet the needs of residents and businesses. Roads provide access for pedestrians and bicycles, opportunities for vistas and view corridors and pedestrian amenity areas, and space for parking, utilities and services. In the Village Corridor, garages are removed from the front of the dwellings and placed to the rear of the lot, accessed by a system of rear lanes. This dramatically improves the visual quality of the streetscape by reducing the impact of garage doors and facilitates traffic flow along the road network. Rear lanes also provide access to coach houses, routes for service infrastructure and garbage pick-up and may provide additional passive recreational space. Regional Road 57 is a major regional transportation corridor It is intended to be a Green Corridor with no direct access provided for any individual development proposal or residential land use. Signalized intersections will be installed, where approved by the Region, to provide access to existing development and the primary road network within the Brookhill Community. Reverse frontage development will not be permitted adjacent to Regional Road 57. It shall have sidewalks on both sides and bicycle lanes. Additional tree plantings and vegetated berms shall be incorporated into the road allowance or in adjacent areas to promote an attractive and safe pedestrian movements. 3. GOALS 3.1 To establish the Brookhill Secondary Plan Area as a vibrant, pedestrian oriented residential community based on principles of New Urbanism. 3.2 To provide up to 2,800 dwelling units upon full build out of the Brookhill Secondary Plan Area. 3.3 To achieve a minimum net density of 50 residents and/or jobs per hectare across the Brookhill Secondary Planning Area. 3.4 To promote high quality design practices centered on energy conservation, efficiency and environmental sustainability. 3.5 To recognize the importance of the natural features of the Brookhill Secondary Plan Area as contributing to the quality of life for local residents. 4. OBJECTIVES 4.1 LAND USE AND BUILT FORM a) To accommodate a mix of uses including opportunities for a variety of housing types, limited retail/commercial uses, and community facilities. b) To ensure a complete and integrated community comprised of: i) an appropriate mix of compatible land uses that meet the daily needs of all residents; ii) compatibility of building types, achieved through consideration of their scale, massing and relationship to each other. c) To encourage a high quality and consistent level of urban design for the public and private realm through adherence to the principles, policies and requirements of this Secondary Plan, the Demonstration Plan and the Urban Design Guidelines. d) To create an urban environment that provides for safe, functional and attractive residential neighbourhoods. e) To provide for community facilities/schools that are visible, accessible and serve the needs of residents. f) To encourage multi-functional, shared use of public lands and buildings. 4.2 THE GREEN LANDS SYSTEM a) To provide a functional and highly interconnected greenlands system for the community that is accessible and visible to residents. b) To provide opportunities for recreational and naturalized links within the Brookhill Secondary Planning Area and to the wider community of Clarington. c) To preserve and enhance existing natural and cultural heritage features including significant vegetation, topographic features and scenic views, heritage buildings and archaeological resources, and to promote the ecological restoration of linkages between these features. d) To provide a continuous Greenland system linking, natural features, public parks, storm water management facilities and a full array of community amenities. 4.3 TRANSPORTATION a) To develop a transportation system that provides a variety of connections to the balance of the urban area. b) To create a highly inter-connected network of roads and lanes that provides for ease of access, orientation and safety for both pedestrians and vehicles. c) To create a linked trail system composed of roads, lanes and open spaces, sidewalks, off-road trails and bicycle lanes. d) To ensure that the required components of the transportation system be in place and operative prior to or coincident with development. e) To phase the implementation of transit services based on acceptable operational and financial criteria. 4.4 SERVICES a) To ensure that services, including water, sanitary sewer and storm water management systems, electrical power, streetlights, natural gas and communication services are in place and operative, prior to or coincident with the development of the land. b) To ensure that storm water management facilities are designed to fulfill their functional purpose and are treated as aesthetic components of the green lands system and that they do not negatively impact on natural heritage features or cultural heritage landscapes at any time in the land development process. 4.5 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILlTY AND ENERGY CONSERVATION a) To encourage development within the Brookhill Secondary Plan Area that is consistent with programs to reduce energy consumption, water consumption and promote waste reduction. b) Energy conservation will be encouraged through appropriate site planning, urban design and the use of energy efficient materials and landscaping. c) To encourage that all new residential buildings that are constructed within the Brookhill Secondary Plan Area adhere in design, construction and operation to a minimum rating of 80 or more in accordance with Natural Resources Canada "EnerGuide for New Houses" or equivalent certification system. d) To undertake frequent reviews of available energy certification and rating systems to ensure that development within the Brookhill Secondary Plan Area complies with the most current environmental and energy conservation standards and programs. e) To encourage commercial, institutional and government buildings to be LEED certified or to demonstrate environmental and energy conservation measures from pre-construction to operation. f) To encourage residential uses to use solar collectors and other alternative sources of energy for use of heating or cooling of a structure, domestic hot water or swimming pools to reduce the demand on the provincial power supply. g) To encourage builders to install Energy Star rated appliances, high efficiency fixtures to reduce indoor water consumption and capture rainwater or recycled site water for irrigation purposes. 5. GENERAL POLICIES The land use designations for the Brookhill Secondary Plan Area shown on Map A of this Secondary Plan establish the general pattern of development. A more detailed pattern of land use is established on the Demonstration Plan and Urban Design Guidelines (Appendix II). 5.1 HOUSING a) This Secondary Plan provides opportunities for a broad range of housing forms in the Secondary Plan Area and within each neighbourhood as follows: i) Neighbourhoods shall be predominantly comprised of single and semi-detached dwellings; ii) Neighbourhood Commons Area shall include a mix of low and medium density house forms, including street, block or stacked townhouses; and iii) The Village Corridor shall include the greatest concentration of medium and higher density house forms including housing in live/work units and apartments in stand alone or in mixed use buildings. Street, block or stacked townhouses are permitted. b) Each application submitted for proposed draft plan of subdivision shall include the distribution of housing by house form and will identify, in detail, the composition and distribution of the anticipated housing stock and its relationship to the achievement of the housing mix objectives of this Secondary Plan, and the Provincial requirement to achieve a minimum net density of 50 residents and/or jobs per hectare within the Secondary Plan Area. 5.2 EMPLOYMENT a) The Secondary Plan Area shall accommodate a range of small and moderately scaled retail, office uses and a range of institutional activities. Employment opportunities will be located in the Village Corridor through permission for commercial and institutional activities. Within the Neighbourhood Commons Area and Low Density Residential Area, live/work and home occupations will also contribute to the supply of employment opportunities. b) Development approvals for lands intended to accommodate mixed use or live/work buildings will be monitored to ensure that short- term housing approvals do not preclude opportunities for the development of employment generating land uses in the longer- term. 5.3 CULTURAL HERITAGE a) The conservation and enhancement of significant cultural heritage resources shall be consistent with the provisions of Chapter 8 in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan and all relevant Provincial legislation and policy directives. b) Prior to on-site grading, construction of infrastructure or development approval, an Archaeological Assessment shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Municipality and the Archaeology and Heritage Planning Unit of the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation. c) No grading or other disturbance shall take place on any site within the Brookhill Community Secondary Plan Area prior to the issuance of a letter of clearance from the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation. 6. LAND USE POLICIES 6.1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 6.1.1 Unless otherwise specified in the Secondary Plan, residential development shall be in accordance with Section 9 of the Clarington Official Plan. 6.1.2 Low Density Residential shall accommodate a range of housing types. Permitted residential building types shall include detached and semi- detached dwellings. 6.1.3 Coach houses are permitted in restricted areas within the Low Density Residential designation. Coach houses shall generally be in the form of residential uses on the second storey of a detached garage where individual lots have access to a rear lane, and where the side yard abuts a public road. 6.1.4 Building heights shall generally not exceed 3.5 storeys, or 9.5 metres. 6.1.5 Residential development shall contribute to the overall appearance of the streetscape. Garage doors shall not dominate the view of the streetscape. Front and exterior side yard porches shall be encouraged. 6.1.6 Individual site access for any permitted residential use adjacent to any Arterial Road shall be discouraged. Residential uses fronting on an Arterial Road or Collector Road may be developed on the basis of public rear lanes. Reverse frontage development shall not be permitted within the Low Density Residential designation. 6.1.7 Residential development adjacent to Regional Road 57 shall not have any individual access on the Arterial Road. Further, a variety of interface techniques may be permitted, including window roads and/or f1ankage lots, however a landscaped berm must be provided, creating a 'Green Corridor' concept for the Regional Road 57 right-of-way. Noise attenuation fencing will be discouraged. 6.1.8 Large Lot Residential An existing large lot residential development is located east of Regional Road 57 and south of Longworth Avenue. Lots in this area are generally 4000 square metres or larger and privately serviced with well and septic. Development and redevelopment of lands within this designation shall be on full municipal services subject to policies in the Clarington Official Plan. It is the intention of this Plan to maintain the existing character and lot size for these lands. 6.2 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 6.2.1 The Medium Density Residential designation shall be developed in accordance with the policies in Section 9.4 of the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan. 6.3 NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMONS AREAS 6.3.1 At least one Neighbourhood Commons Areas shall be required in each Neighbourhood. Locations for the Neighbourhood Commons Areas designation are identified on Map A of this Secondary Plan. 6.3.2 Each Neighbourhood Commons Area may include a range of medium density housing types, as well as a Neighbourhood Park. Permitted residential building types include street, block or stacked townhouses, and small plex-type (e.g. quattroplex) multiple unit buildings. Home occupation uses are also permitted. 6.3.3 Buildings within a Neighbourhood Commons Areas shall generally range in height from 2.5 to 4.0 storeys, or between 7.5 to 13.5 metres. 6.3.4 Development within the Neighbourhood Commons Areas designation will address the road, and garage doors/service facilities shall not dominate the view of the streetscape. Front and exterior side yard porches shall be encouraged on all ground-related residential units. 6.4 VILLAGE CORRIDOR 6.4.1 The Village Corridor shall be the primary focus of the Secondary Plan Area. The Village Corridor will incorporate institutional, retail and service commercial, recreational and cultural uses as well as ground related housing and residential apartment buildings within a mixed use context. 6.4.2 Development in the Village Corridor designation may be in either single use or mixed use buildings. 6.4.3 Permitted residential building types include street, block or stacked townhouses, small plex-type (e.g. quattroplex) multiple unit buildings and low-rise apartment buildings. Apartment units may be permitted in either stand-alone residential buildings or above the ground floor in a mixed use building. Live/work units shall also be permitted. 6.4.4 Retail and service commercial development shall only be permitted on the ground floor of a mixed use building. Individual retail and service commercial uses shall generally be limited in size to a maximum of approximately 500 square metres each; and, 6.4.5 The following retail and service commercial land uses are specifically prohibited: a) drive-throughs; b) any use that requires the outdoor display or storage of goods, with the exception of a seasonal garden centre, associated with another permitted use; c) night clubs or banquet halls; d) all automobile related uses (sales, service, gas bars, car washes); ...... --.- e) amusement arcades; f) places of entertainment; g) adult live entertainment parlour; h) body rub parlour; and, i) taxi establishments. 6.4.6 Buildings heights shall be within a range of 3 to 6 storeys, or between 8.0 to 20.0 metres. 6.4.7. All development within the Village Corridor designation shall be oriented towards the street. Garage doors/service facilities shall generally be prohibited from facing the public street. Front and exterior side yard porches shall be encouraged on all ground-related residential units. 6.4.8 Development, with the exception of any institutional use, abutting an Arterial or Collector Roads shall be on the basis of rear lane access. Other development within the Village Corridor designation may include rear lane access. Parking lots shall not be located between the building and the street within the Village Corridor designation. 6.4.9 To facilitate appropriate development within the Village Corridor designation, the Municipality may consider a 'development incentives' package. Development incentives may include reduced parking and/or parkland standards, or other incentives to encourage mixed use development. 6.5 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AREA 6.5.1 The natural heritage features within the Secondary Plan Area are identified as Environmental Protection Area on Map 'B' to this Secondary Plan. lands designated Environmental Protection Area shall be subject to the policies Official Plan. 6.5.2 No development shall be permitted in Environment Protection Areas, except passive recreation, environmental restoration and uses related to erosion control and storm water management. 6.5.3. The naturalization of the Brookhill Tributary is required in accordance with a naturalization plan to be prepared by the proponent and approved by the Municipality of Clarington. 6.5.4 An Environmental Impact Study shall be undertaken for development proposals including any necessary infrastructure and roads proposed within, the Lake Iroquois Beach, or within 120 metres of the boundary of a wetland or wetland complex or 30 metres of the Environmental Protection Area designation. The Environmental Impact Study shall be prepared in accordance with the Official Plan. 6.5.5 Environmental Protection Overlay Designation a) The Environmental Protection Overlay designation identifies the areas adjacent to the identified Provincially Significant Wetlands. This designation incorporates the lands within 100 metres from the identified Provincially Significant Wetlands (an additional 70 metres from the Environmental Protection Area). b) Lands within the Environmental Protection Overlay designation shall require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Study to determine the actual buffer required between the Environmental Protection Area designation and the limit of urban development. The Environmental Impact Study shall be undertaken in accordance with the Official Plan policies. 6.6 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE 6.6.1 Parks and Open Space designation shall include lands within the following categories: a) Neighbourhood Parks; b) Urban Squares/Parkettes; and, c) Green Roads/Gateways/Greenways. 6.6.2 Parks shall be established in accordance with the following: a) Neighbourhood Parks shall form the central focus of each of the identified Neighbourhood Commons Areas within the Village Corridor and within the overall Community. Neighbourhood Parks shall perform an array of functions within the community and shall range in size and design, depending upon their planned role and function. The Neighbourhood Park shall be a minimum of 0.75 hectare in size, and shall be surrounded on at least two sides, and preferably three or four sides, by public roads. The Neighbourhood Parks are to be accepted as part of the parkland dedication required under the Planning Act. b) Urban Squares/Parkettes - are smaller components of the open space network and will be identified in the required development applications; and, c) Green RoadslGateways/Greenways are small scale open space feature provided as linkages within the open space system or as entrance features to the community to provide for connecting pedestrian and bicycle routes and special identity features within the Secondary Plan Area. 6.6.3 Dedication of lands for Neighbourhood Parks and Parkettes shall be in accordance with the Official Plan. 6.6.4 Dedication of lands for Green Streets/Gateways/Greenways shall be considered on a case-by-case basis subject to a review of their individual function and contribution to the neighbourhood as fulfilling parkland dedication requirements. 6.6.5 In addition to the publicly owned lands which form the Parks and Open Space designation individual developments in the Village Corridor may be required to provide an Urban Square as part of the design approval. These privately owned lands will help create pedestrian scale entrance features for individual developments, creating a sense of place and adding to the urban environment. 7. COMMUNITY FACILITIES 7.1 Community Facilities are shown symbolically on Map A of this Secondary Plan. A more detailed pattern of community facilities are established on the Demonstration Plan and Urban Design Guidelines (Appendix II). 7.2 SCHOOLS a) Elementary school sites are permitted within the Village Corridor designation on Map A. Schools support the community structure and patterns of land use. The configuration of school sites will be defined in consultation with the School Boards through application for site plan approval. b) Where a school site adjoins a Neighbourhood Park, the school site shall be sized and designed to provide on-site recreational and athletic uses for the school and to facilitate potential joint use between the Municipality and the respective School Board. c) The Municipality will cooperate with the School Boards efforts to maximize the area available for on-site recreational and athletic use through the construction of multiple storey buildings that permit smaller building floor plates. d) In the event that all or part of a school site should not be required by a School Board, the following alternate uses shall be permitted in order of priority: i) The Municipality of Clarington shall be given the first opportunity to purchase all or part of the school site; government agencies and community groups with identified needs shall have the second right of refusal: ii) institutional uses such as private schools, Places of Worship, government buildings, community and recreational facilities, housing for seniors and/or cultural buildings (e.g. museum, art gallery) shall be investigated; or, iii) Residential uses, shall be developed in accordance with the Village Corridor designation. e) School sites and buildings will be developed in accordance with the following policies and the Demonstration Plan and Urban Design Guidelines: i) Joint use sites and multiple use buildings will be encouraged wherever possible. The Municipality will work with the School Boards to achieve appropriate and efficient site designs, and to maximize public service and safety; ii) Elementary schools shall be located within the Village Corridor designation and on a Type B or C Arterial or Collector Road to be accessible by residents in more than one neighbourhood; and iii) Parking and loading areas will be provided and access points designed in a manner that will minimize conflicts between pedestrian and vehicular traffic and will enhance the aesthetic character of the Neighbourhood. 7.3 PLACES OF WORSHIP a) Places of Worship shall be permitted within the Village Corridor designation. Site criteria include: i) A minimum site size of 0.5 hectare and a maximum site size of 2.0 hectares; and, ii) Primary frontage on a Type 'B' or 'c' Arterial Road or Collector Road. b) Sites for a Place of Worship may be pre-zoned, with a 'Hold' prefix to permit a place of worship, accessory uses and appropriate alternative uses. 8. URBAN DESIGN AND AMENITY POLICIES 8.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS The Secondary Plan is designed based on achieving a community that is diverse in use and population, is scaled to the pedestrian, can accommodate private automobiles and transit, and has a well defined and high quality public ream. The Secondary Plan is premised on high quality urban design, including measures to ensure: a) the provision of a clearly defined public realm; b) a standardized and highly interconnected pattern of lotting for development blocks; c) consistent built form; d) safety, accessibility and comfort in the pedestrian environment; e) support for bicycling lanes, routes and stands throughout the community; f) achievement of an overall density within the community of at least 50 residents and employees per net hectare; and, g) support for transit services throughout the community. 8.2 PUBLIC REALM The public realm compromises public roads, lanes, open spaces/parks, natural heritage features and their associated buffers, storm water management facilities, and the public use activity areas of other public lands and private development sites and buildings. 8.2.1 Roads and Lanes a) Roads and lanes will: i) provide access for vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles, opportunities for vistas and view corridors and pedestrian amenity areas and space for utilities and services; ii) be subject to comprehensive streetscape requirements including landscaping, that will ensure that the public realm is consistent in quality and design; and; iii) be aligned to create a modified rectilinear grid pattern that defines development blocks and establishes a highly inter- connected and permeable network that maximizes accessibility and support for transit. 8.2.2 Views and Focal Points a) The preservation, enhancement and creation of significant views and focal points shall be encouraged by: i) preserving and enhancing views to natural features including woodlots, topographic features, water bodies and across open spaces; ii) providing opportunities for views of important public buildings, heritage buildings, open spaces and parks, natural heritage features and other landmarks; and, iii) providing for sites that terminate road and view corridors. b) To recognize the importance of public and institutional buildings in the community and to enhance their status these buildings are encouraged to be sited at the following locations: i) within the Village Corridor and the Neighbourhood Commons Areas; ii) at the termination of a road or view corridor; iii) at road intersections; and iv) on sites that enjoy prominence due to topographic and natural features. 8.2.3 Location of Buildings with Respect to Roads and Open Space a) To reinforce the road, lane and block pattern established by this Secondary Plan, the following measures will be employed: i) buildings will be aligned parallel to a public road; ii) buildings will be located in proximity to the property line adjoining the public road; iii) buildings on corner sites will be sited and massed toward the intersection of the adjoining public roads; iv) siting and massing of buildings will provide a consistent relationship, continuity and enclosure to the public roads; v) siting and massing of buildings will contribute to and reinforce the comfort, safety, and amenity of the public roads; vi) buildings located adjacent to, or at the edge of parks and open spaces, will provide opportunities for overlook onto the parks and open spaces; vii) the massing, siting and scale of buildings located adjacent to, or along the edge of a park or open space will create a degree of enclosure or definition appropriate to the type of park or open space they enclose; and viii) buildings of significant public use or architectural merit may be sited to specifically differ from the surrounding urban fabric in order to emphasize their importance as landmarks. 8.3 PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT 8.3.1 Development Blocks and Lots a) All the available urban lands are to be subdivided into a series of development blocks and lots, defined by a modified rectilinear grid system or public roads and lanes. b) The size and configuration of each development block will: i) be appropriate for its intended use; ii) facilitate and promote pedestrian movement; iii) provide a sufficient number and, where appropriate, a range of building lots to achieve cost effective and efficient development. c) Each development lot in a block will: i) have frontage on a public road or lane; and ii) be of sufficient size and appropriate configuration to accommodate development that reflects the planning and urban design policies set out in this Secondary Plan and companion Demonstration Plan and Urban Design Guidelines. d) Notwithstanding the provIsions of this Secondary Plan, development lots within either the Neighbourhood Commons Areas or Village Corridor designations, having substantial frontage on a Collector or Type B or C Arterial Road, may be permitted to have a second access to parking provided: i) the lot contains a comprehensively designed mixed use development; ii) the principal access to the required services areas on the lot is from a rear lane; iii) the need for a second access to parking can be demonstrated to be necessary to facilitate the development pattern, but will not interfere with, or promote unsafe traffic and pedestrian movement; and iv) the development pattern is otherwise in conformity with the provisions of this Secondary Plan, the Demonstration Plan and Urban Design Guidelines. 8.3.2 Built Form a) Building compatibility - over time, new development will be compatible with adjacent and neighbouring development by ensuring that the siting and massing of new buildings does not result in undue adverse impacts on adjacent properties particularity in regard to adequate privacy conditions for residential buildings and their outdoor amenity areas. To ensure that building compatibility is achieved, the implementing zoning by-laws for this secondary plan will establish consistent relationships between buildings and their associated property limits. b) Location of Building Entrances - To support public transit and for reasons of public safety and convenience, primary entrances shall be clearly visible and located on a public road frontage or onto public open spaces. Access from sidewalks and public open space areas to primary building entrances shall be convenient and direct, with minimum changes in grade, and shall be generally accessible to people who are mobility challenged. c) Parking and Servicing- To minimize disruptions to the safety and attractiveness of the Types Band C Arterials and Collector Road, a system of rear lanes may provide the primary access for on-site parking and servicing functions. d) To enhance the quality and safety of the public roadscapes throughout the Secondary Plan Area, the construction of parking lots/structures which occupy significant proportions of the at-grade frontage of public roads shall not be permitted. e) To reduce the impact of surface parking and to provide at grade amenity areas the provision of structured parking shall be encouraged for higher density forms of development in the Village Corridor and Neighbourhood Commons Areas designations. Where it is not feasible to locate parking in structures either below or above grade, parking should be located to the rear of the principle buildings and/or within the exterior side yard. 8.3.3 Pedestrian Environment a) Public Safety - To promote safety and security in public places, including roads, parks and open space, schools, public transit routes and the public use activity areas of buildings, the following measures are necessary: i) the design and siting of new buildings shall provide opportunities for visual overlook and ease of physical access to adjacent roads, parks and open spaces: ii) clear, unobstructed views to parks and open spaces shall be provided from the adjoining roads; and, iii) appropriate lighting, visibility and opportunities for informal surveillance shall be provided for all walkways, parking lots, garages and outdoor amenity areas. b) Pedestrian Circulation - To ensure ease of access for the pedestrian and the enjoyment of public roads and other outdoor spaces, the following measures are necessary: i) public-oriented spaces and activity areas, including entrances, terraces and porches, will be oriented toward public roads; ii) provision of a consistent level of landscape design, incorporating such elements as appropriate paving, planting, fencing, street furniture, lighting, and signage, and iii) avoiding the location of building ventilation systems in pedestrian areas. 9. TRANSPORTATION POLICIES 9.1 The transportation network in the Brookhill Secondary Planning Area shall be developed in accordance with Map A and provisions and standards established through this Secondary Plan, the Demonstration Plan and Urban Design Guidelines. It shall include public roads, public rear lanes, transit, and bicycle and pedestrian routes and facilities. 9.2 Road classifications and right-of-way requirements shall be consistent with Appendix I and the design details shall be confirmed through the required Internal Traffic Study; 9.3 Minor revisions to transportation routes to incorporate design features such as streetscaping and bikeways may be made without further amendment to this Secondary Plan, provided that the principles of permeability and inter-connectivity are maintained to the satisfaction of the Municipality. 9.4 ROAD NETWORK POLICES 9.4.1 Regional Road 57 bisects the Secondary Plan area. It will become part of a key component of the transit system for the area, linking it to the rest of the Municipality of Clarington. The Municipality supports the ultimate function and design for this road and the broader Region, as an urban arterial. 9.4.2 The Municipality shall encourage the Region of Durham to pursue road designs for Regional Road 57 that implement the "Green Corridor" concept and balance functional requirements with the objectives of this Secondary Plan in regard to roads as a significant element of the public realm and shall include the provision of sidewalks and bicycle lanes on both sides of the right-of-way, in accordance with the recommendations of the Demonstration Plan and Urban Design Guidelines. 9.4.3 No development shall be permitted individual direct access to Regional Road 57. 9.4.4 The proposed system of Arterial and Collector Roads are shown on Map A. The design requirements for these roads are identified Demonstration Plan and the Urban Design Guidelines and may be further refined through the Functional Servicing Study and Internal Traffic Study. 9.4.5 The Local Road pattern is identified on The Demonstration Plan included in Appendix 2. This pattern is conceptual only, and has no formal status, other than it demonstrates the key principles of permeability and inter- connectivity. Changes to the identified Local Road pattern shall not require any further amendment to this Secondary Plan, provided that the principles of permeability and inter-connectivity are achieved to the satisfaction of the Municipality. 9.4.6 The Collector and Local road system shall be designed to encourage external traffic to utilize arterial roads to access the Bowmanville West Town Centre. The design of all roads within plans of subdivision shall implement the recommendations of the required Internal Traffic Study, including recommendations for traffic calming measures. 9.5 PUBLIC REAR LANES 9.5.1 Public rear lanes shall be used on a limited basis to access a private garage or parking space and to promote through traffic movements on Arterial and Collector Roads, where individual direct access is limited. 9.5.2 Public rear lanes shall be designed to have a right-of-way width of 8.5 metres. 9.5.3 Public utilities may be located within public rear lanes subject to functional and design standards established by the Municipality. 9.6 PUBLIC TRANSIT 9. 6.1 The Municipality, in conjunction with the Region of Durham shall endeavour to implement a public transportation system that connects the Secondary Planning Area with adjacent residential and commercial areas. 9.6.2 Transit routes shall serve and link the Neighbourhood Commons Areas with the Village Corridor. A transit stop at the centre of each Neighbourhood is encouraged so as to be within 400 metres of most households within a neighbourhood. 9.6.3 To facilitate the development of a transit supportive urban structure, the following measures shall be reflected in development proposals, including the subdivision of land: i) provision of a local road pattern and related pedestrian routes that provide for direct pedestrian access to transit routes and stops; ii) provision for transit stops and incorporation of busbays where appropriate into road design requirements; and, iii) transit waiting areas incorporated into buildings located adjacent to transit stops. 9.7 PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE PATH SYSTEM 9.7.1 Pedestrian and bicycle path systems serve the Secondary Planning Area and should link with other pathway systems in the Municipality. These shall be developed in accordance with the conceptual trails network identified in the Demonstration Plan and Urban Design Guidelines (Appendix II). 9.7.2 The Municipality shall require that the recreational trail system along the Brookhill Tributary and accessing the Bowmanville Creek Valley Trail to be constructed as a condition of draft approval for any plan of subdivision, or site plan approval and through appropriate cost-sharing arrangements. 9.8 PARKING 9.8.1 On-street parking will be encouraged at appropriate locations on all roads, with the exception of Type A and Type B Arterials in order to provide for anticipated parking needs and to assist in calming traffic movement and thereby enhancing pedestrian safety. 9.8.2 Off-street parking for all uses shall be required and shall be provided on- site in accordance with the provisions of the implementing zoning by-law. 9.8.3 Subject to the findings and recommendations of an Internal Traffic Study, on-street parking may be approved at certain locations for specified times of the day to satisfy a portion of the parking requirements of adjacent non-residential development. 10. MUNICIPAL SERVICES 10.2.1 All new development within the Secondary Planning area shall proceed on the basis of the sequential extension of full municipal services in accordance with the municipal capital works program. 10.2.2 The Municipality will work with the landowners and the Region of Durham to develop a plan for the phasing of extensions to the existing services within the Brookhill Secondary Plan Area. A phasing plan shall be prepared as part of the Functional Servicing Plan by development proponents at the time an application for draft plan of subdivision is submitted. 10.2.3 The location of Stormwater Management Facilities is shown on Map A of the Secondary Plan. The approximate size and locations have been determined through the Brookhill Subwatershed Plan. The exact location and size will be determined through the Functional Servicing Study and in accordance with Section 20 of the Official Plan. Storm water facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of the Demonstration Plan and Urban Design Guidelines (Appendix II) to this Secondary Plan. The design of such facilities shall be based on the following considerations: i) stormwater will be considered as a resource, not a waste product; ii) stormwater facilities will be designed to maintain environmental and ecological integrity, and to provide a net benefit to the environment; iii) where existing streams are within the Environmental Protection Area designation, they are to be retained in naturalized, open channels in accordance with natural channel design principles; and, iv) stormwater facilities will be designed to provide community amenities. 11.0 IMPLEMENTATION 11.1 GENERAL a) This Secondary Plan shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, other applicable Provincial legislation, and the provisions of the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan. b) Approval of development applications shall be conditional upon commitments from the appropriate authorities and the proponents of development to the timing and funding of the required road and transportation facilities, parks and recreation facilities. These works shall be provided for in the subdivision and site plan agreements. Phasing of the development, based on the completion of the extemal road works, may be required by the Municipality of Clarington. c) Approval of development applications shall also be conditional upon commitments from the appropriate authorities and the proponents of development to the timing and funding of required storm water management, sanitary sewer and water supply facilities. These works shall be provided for in subdivision and site plan agreements. Phasing of development, based on the completion of external sewer and water services, may be implemented if required by the Municipality of Clarington. d) Development within the Secondary Plan Area shall be consistent with programs intended to reduce the consumption of energy and water and to promote waste reduction. An Energy Conservation and Sustainability Plan will be prepared by development proponents to outline the specific commitments for sustainability. 11.2 FINANCIAL AGREEMENTS a) The capital works program for Brookhill is generally outlined through the Development Charges Background Study as amended from time to time. Specific timing of works may vary depending on the rate of growth and the Municipality's ability to incorporate required works in it's capital budget and forecast. b) Prior to the approval of any development, the Municipality of Clarington shall be satisfied as to the availability of water supply and sewer capacity to accommodate the said development. c) Prior to the registration of any phase of a draft plan of subdivision: i) the Municipality shall have approved any necessary capital works for that phase of development in its capital budget; ii) the owner shall have entered into a Subdivision Agreement with the Municipality of Clarington that will identify among other H:eplacement t'age Amendment 60 for Report PSD-028-08 d) Prior to any development approvals, an assessment of infrastructure cost requirements to accommodate the Secondary Plan development including development phasing, and timing shall be undertaken to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Clarington. 11.3 REQUIRED STUDIES 11.3.1 General a) This Secondary Plan identifies the following studies, plans, and assessments that may need to be completed to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Clarington and any agency have jurisdiction, prior to the approval of development applications within parts of, or the entire, Secondary Plan Area. The Municipality shall determine the need for the following studies, plans and assessments, and when in the approvals process they may be required on an application-by-application basis: i. Storm Water Management Implementation Plan; ii. Functional Servicing Plans; iii. Environmental Impact Studies; iv. Archaeological Surveys/Assessments; v. Tree Preservation Plans; vi. Noise Assessment(s); vii. Internal Traffic Impact Study; viii. Traffic Impact Study; ix. Energy Conservation and Sustainability Plan; x. Landscaping Plan; xi. Brookhill Tributary Naturalization/Remediation Plan; xii. Community Theme and Urban Design Implementation Plan; and xiii. Architectural Guidelines. Additional study requirements may be identified by the Municipality as development within the Secondary Plan Area proceeds. 11.3.2 Community Theme and Urban Design Implementation Plan Prior to the approval of a development in the Brookhill Neighbourhood an urban design brief shall be prepared to confirm and control the intended pattern of development within the Neighbourhood. The Community Theme and Urban Design Implementation Plan shall include: a) the proposed pattern of roads and development blocks and distribution of land uses; b) the proposed network of roads, transit, pedestrian and bicycle routes; c) a Roadscape Plan, that articulates specific urban design issues to be addressed in implementing zoning by-laws, plan(s) of subdivision or site plan approvals; d) the location of specific features, sites and residential lots within the Neighbourhood such as corner lots and T-intersections that require specific lot and building placement, orientation and architectural features; e) design concepts for community theming including gateway treatment, landscape treatment including the "green corridor" treatment for Regional Road 57, light fixture standards, fencing details, sidewalk details and related design issues that provide for overall community theme; f) a Parks and Open Space Master Plan, that identifies the location and configuration of uses such as school sites, parks, trails, open space buffers, environmental and cultural heritage features; g) where applicable, the anticipated boundaries of implementing plans of subdivision; and, h) in the case of a school site, the proposed pattern of alternate land use, in the event that the site is not required for school use. 11.3.3 Architectural Guidelines It is the intent of the Plan to create an identifiable character for the Brookhill Community. Architectural Guidelines shall be prepared for the Brookhill Secondary Plan Area. a) all development within each Neighbourhood shall be subject to urban design and architectural guidelines; b) provision for compliance with the guidelines shall be incorporated into all subdivision, site plan or similar development agreements; c) a program to ensure compliance with the guidelines shall be established among the landowners group and the Municipality and shall ensure integration with other required planning approvals. Confirmation of compliance with the guidelines shall be required prior to the issuance of building permits; and, d) such guidelines may be reviewed and amended from time to time provided that any amendments shall conform to the principles and policies of this Secondary Plan and the Demonstration and Urban Design Guidelines (Appendix II) and shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Clarington. e) It is the intent of this Secondary Plan to achieve the agreement of all public agencies involved in any aspect of development in the Secondary Plan Area, to comply with the policies of this Secondary Plan, the regulations in the Zoning By-law, and the Demonstration Plan and Urban Design Guidelines (Appendix II) in order to achieve the goal, objectives, principles and policies of this Secondary Plan. 11.4 Future Development Area The lands identified as Future Development Area include proposed land uses that will come into effect after a further amendment to this Plan and subsequent to a comprehensive review of the Clarington Official Plan. Until such time, only the Environmental Protection Area and the Separate Elementary School designations are in force and effect. All other land uses are subject to the Future Urban Residential designation and policies of the Clarington Official Plan. 12.0 INTERPRETATION 12.1 It is intended that the Brookhill Secondary Plan Area be developed in accordance with the policies of this Secondary Plan and the Official Plan of the Municipality of Clarington. Where there is a conflict between the principles, objectives and/or policies, the policies of this Secondary Plan and the Official Plan of the Municipality of Clarington, the principles, objectives and/or policies of this Secondary Plan shall prevail. 12.2 Inherent to the Brookhill Secondary Plan is the principle of flexibility, provided that the general intent and structure of the Plan are maintained to the satisfaction of the Municipality. As such, it is the intent of the Municipality to permit some flexibility in the interpretation of the policies, regulations and numerical requirements of this Secondary Plan and the appended Demonstration Plan and Urban Design Guidelines (Appendix II) except where this Secondary Plan is explicitly intended to be prescriptive. 12.3 The boundaries between land use designations are to be considered approximate except where they meet with roads, river valleys or other clearly defined physical features. Where the general intent of this Secondary Plan is maintained, to the satisfaction of the Municipality, minor boundary adjustments will not require an Amendment to this Secondary Plan. 12.4 Development within the Brookhill Secondary Plan Area will be guided by a detailed series of policies, regulations and guidelines that will create a livable and diverse community that is sympathetic to the environmental context. The Demonstration Plan and Urban Design Guidelines (Appendix II) provide the foundation for the development of the Brookhill Secondary Plan Area and the basis for the policy framework of this Secondary Plan. The following text and maps, identified as Map A - Land Use and Transportation Plan and Map B - Greenlands and Open Space attached hereto constitute the Brookhill Secondary Plan as established and adopted by Amendment No. 60 to the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan." IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this amendment. DURHAM =~--~--_. --~-.:::~--.__. --- - . - BROOKHILL SECONDARY PLANNING AREA ILZI VILLAGE CORRIDOR IIIIIm NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMONS AREA I-:.:.:-:<.:.:j LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL t~:g:::::::~ MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL E~-i~1 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AREA ITIIllIJ ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION OVERLAY I::Z] PARKS AND OPEN SPACE ~ STORMWATER MANAGEMENT POND . . . . . . SPECIAl POLICY AREA ARTERIAL ROAD TYPE A ARTERIAL ROAD lYPE B - ARTERIAL ROAD TYPE C - - - - - - - COLLECTOR ROAD .; PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ~ SEPARATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL t j I' MAPA LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION PLAN BROOKHILL NEIGHBOURHOOD SECONDARY PLAN MARCH 10, 2008 I TlfS CONSOI.JWlCfl IS PRO'v'IDED FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY I AND REPRESENTS REOUESTED MOOIFlCATlOHS AND APPROVALS t . DURHAM HIGHWAY 2 ~~ \ - - - BROOKHILL SECONDARY PLANNING AAEA b~.ii'~l ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AREA _ PARKS AND OPEN SPACE F:-:-:=:-j STORMWATER MANAGEMENT POND +-- TRAILS .; PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Ii SEPARATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MAPS GREEN LANDS AND OPEN SPACE BROOKHILL NEIGHBOURHOOD SECONDARY PLAN NOVEMBER 5 . 2007 I THIS CONSOOOATlON IS PROVIOEO FOR CONYENIENCE ONLY I MO REPRESENTS REQUESTED MODIFICATIONS AND APPROVALS APPENDIX I Road Standards and profiles Brookhill Secondary Plan Classification Pavement R-O.W Bouleva rd On- Bicycle Transit Sidewalks Individual Width Width Width street Lanes Facilities Direct Parkin Access Type A Arterial 19.5 m (2@3.5 36.0- 2@ 8.25 m No 3.0 m path Yes 2 Sides No (Regional Road 57) m, 2@3.75 m, 50.0m in boulevard median/left turn (1 Side) lane 5.0m Type B Arterial 19.5 m (2@3.5 30.0- 2@8.25 m No 3.0 rn path Yes 2 Sides No m, 2@3.75m) 36.0 m in boulevard 1 Side Type C Arterial 17.0 m (2@3.5 30.0 m 2@6.5 m 2 Sides 1.5 m in Yes 2 Sides No Rear with Medians m, 2 parking @ boulevard lane/access 2.5m, (2 Sides) median 4.0 m Collector 13.0 m (2@3.5 26.0m 2@6.5 rn 2 Sides Yes 2 Sides Optional m, 2 parking @ (optional) 3.0m Collector 12.0 m (2@3.5 23.0rn 2@5.5 m 2 Sides No 2 Sides Yes m, 2 parking @ 2.5 m Local Road 8.5m 20.0 m 2 5.75 m 1 Side No No 1 Side Yes Local Road 8.5m 18.0m 1@4.0m,1 1 Side No No 1 Side Yes 5.5m Public Lanewa 5.5m 8.5 m 2 1.5m No No No No No March 2008 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 APPENDIX" Brookhill Community Secondary Plan Area Demonstration Plan and Urban Design Guidelines The Planning Partnership URS Canada Inc. Aquafor Beech Poulos and Chung The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech' Poulos and Chung 1 899012 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 The Demonstration Plan 3.0 Design Guidelines for the Public Realm 3.1 General 3.2 Roads Arterial Roads Collector Roads Local Roads Lanes Green Streets Round-a-bouts 3.3 Guidelines to Support Transit 3.4 Guidelines for Greenlands Natural Features and Woodlots Neighbourhood Parks Urban Squares/Parketles Round-a-bouts Storm Water Management Facilities 4.0 Design Guidelines for the Private Realm 4.1 All Development Development Blocks and Lots Built Form Location of Buildings with Respect to Roads and Open Space 4.2 Residential Buildings Single and Semi-Detached Houses Townhouses Apartments 4.3 Guidelines for Publicllnstitutional Buildings 4.4 Commercial/Mixed Use Buildings The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech, Poulos and Chung 2 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 1.0 Introduction The Brookhill Secondary Plan Area is designed based on achieving a community that is diverse in use and population, is scaled to the pedestrian, can accommodate private automobiles and transit vehicles, and has a well designed and high quality public realm. The Plan is also premised on achieving high quality urban design, including measures to ensure: . a standardized and highly interconnected pattern of lotting for development blocks; . consistent built form; . safety, accessibility and comfort in the pedestrian environment; . achievement of an overall density of at least 50 residents and employees per net hectare; and, . support for transit services throughout the community. This Demonstration Plan and Urban Design Guidelines document have been prepared in conjunction with the Brookhill Secondary Plan. The purpose of this document is to provide a demonstration of how the principles of the Secondary Plan could be realistically applied to future development and further detail as to how the Municipality's vision and design objectives are to be achieved. The Urban Design Guidelines provide design principles and specific guidelines for both the public and private sectors. While they are intended as a reference, they indicate the Municipality of Clarington's expectations with respect to the character, quality and form of development in the Brookhill Community. The guidelines also provide the Municipality of Clarington's staff with an objective, consistent evaluation framework to assess development applications. The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech, Poulos and Chung 3 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 2.0 The Demonstration Plan The Demonstration Plan identifies four neighbourhoods. They are described as follows: . Neighbourhood 1 (as shown on the Demonstration Plan) is south of Longworth Avenue and west of Green Road. It incorporates approximately 57 gross hectares of land, of which about 24 hectares (42 percent) is developable. Neighbourhood 1 will accommodate a range of uses and building forms including single and semi-detached houses, coach houses, as well as medium density building forms such as stacked townhouses, and small multiple unit buildings as shown on Schedule 'B'. The overall density of Neighbourhood 1 will be in excess of 50 residents and employees per net hectare; . Neighbourhood 2 (as shown on the Demonstration Plan) is located south of Longworth Avenue, west of Durham Highway 57 and east of Clarington Boulevard. It incorporates approximately 80 gross hectares of land, of which about 22 (28 percent) is considered developable. Neighbourhood 2 will accommodate a range of uses and building forms including single and semi- detached houses, coach houses, as well as medium density building forms such as stacked townhouses, and small multiple unit buildings. It will also be able to accommodate live-work units within the Village Corridor as shown on Schedule 'B'. The overall density of Neighbourhood 2 will be in excess of 50 residents and employees per net hectare; . Neighbourhood 3 (as shown on the Demonstration Plan) is located immediately north of Neighbourhood 2. It incorporates approximately 69 gross hectares of land, of which about 27 hectares (39 percent) is considered developable. Neighbourhood 3 will accommodate a range of uses and building forms including single and semi-detached houses, coach houses, as well as medium density building forms such as stacked townhouses, and small multiple unit buildings It will also be able to accommodate live-work units within the Village Corridor as shown on Schedule 'B'. The overall density of Neighbourhood 3 will be within range of 50 residents and employees per net hectare; . Neighbourhood 4 (as shown on the Demonstration Plan) is located north of Neighbourhood 1 and abuts lands designated as Environmental Protection Area on the north, west and east. It incorporates approximately 102 gross hectares of land, of which about 12 hectares (12 percent) is considered developable. Recognizing the unique surround environmental features, Neighbourhood 4 is lower density, accommodating single and semi-detached houses and coach houses. . Neighbourhoods 3 and 4 are designated Future Urban Residential and will not be developed until such time as they are re-designated in accordance with the policies of the Clarington Official Plan and detail land uses established. The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech, Poulos and Chung 4 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 The Demonstration Plan illustrates the planning principles that are inherent to the Secondary Plan. It is one example of how the Secondary Plan might be implemented within the Secondary Plan Area. The Demonstration Plan itself has no formal status and does not require any formal Amendment process to implement an alternative design solution, or solutions at any time in the future. The Demonstration Plan for the Brookhill Study Area, was the result of a design process that was carried out over a 4-day workshop held in Municipality of Clarington (Fall 2005). The Plan developed at the workshop has been subsequently refined as additional information was received over subsequent months. The Demonstration Plan, which appears on the following page, includes the following features: . Neighbourhood Commons Area that are within a 5-minute walk of the majority of the community and provide local retail services and a neighbourhood focus; . a linked green lands system that connects natural/environmental features, open spaces, parks, schools, storm water management ponds and the Neighbourhood Commons Area; . protection of all significant natural heritage features while incorporating them into a larger system providing for pedestrian and cycling trails; . reinforcing Neighbourhood Commons Area by focusing medium and higher density residential uses in a live-work format and institutional uses on adjacent lands; and, . a highly interconnected road pattern with a collector road system that is within a 5-minute walking distance of most future residents, which is specifically intended to support future transit services in the community. The Planning Partnership. URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech. Poulos and Chung 5 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 3.0 Design Guidelines for the Public Realm The public realm within the Brookhill Secondary Plan Area comprises public roads, lanes, open spaces/parks, natural heritage features and their associated buffers, storm water management facilities and the public use activity areas of other public lands and private development sites and buildings. Further, it is the intent of the Plan to link all of the components of the public realm with a connected system of trails, bicycle paths and sidewalks. This section of the document provides general guidance for the design of all the components of the public realm. These Guidelines are to be read in conjunction with the policies of the Brookhill Secondary Plan. 3.1 General 1. To promote safety and security in public places, including roads, parks and open spaces, schools, public transit routes and the public use activity areas of buildings, the following measures are necessary: . the design and siting of new buildings shall provide opportunities for visual overlook and ease of physical access to adjacent roads, parks and open spaces; . clear, unobstructed views to parks and open spaces shall be provided from the adjoining roads; . appropriate lighting, visibility and opportunities for informal surveillance shall be provided for all walkways, parking lots, garages and outdoor amenity areas; and, . public use activity areas located within buildings shall be located at-grade and oriented to the pUblic road. 2. To ensure ease of access for the pedestrian and the enjoyment of public roads and other outdoor spaces, the following measures are necessary: . the principle access to the required service areas on the lot is from the exterior side yard, . public-oriented spaces and activity areas, including building entrances, terraces and porches, will be oriented toward public roads; . provision of a consistent level of streetscape design, incorporating such elements as appropriate paving, planting, fencing, street furniture, lighting and signage; and, . avoiding the location of building ventilation systems and other utilities such as gas/electrical metres in pedestrian areas. The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech' Poulos and Chung 6 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 Arterial Roads Type A Arterial - Regional Road 57 Regional Road 57 bisects the Secondary Plan Area, its surrounding neighbourhoods and the broader Municipality of Clarington. It will accommodate a range of travel modes, including passenger vehicles, transit and pedestrians. 1. Regional Road 57 shall have a maximum right-of-way of 36.0 to 50.0 metres 2. The road surface, including a median/left-turn lane, shall be a maximum of 19.5 metres. 3. Regional Road 57 shall be designed as a 'Green Corridor'. Boulevards on both sides of the pavement area shall be a minimum of 8.25 metres, and will include a grass verge, a double row of street trees, 2.0 metre sidewalks on both sides and a 3.0 bicycle lane on one side. 4. A centre median shall be a minimum of 5.0 metres. It will include street trees, shrubs and ground covers. 5. Transit facilities may be accommodated on Regional Road 57. 6. Individual, direct access from any development site to Regional Road 57 shall not be permitted. 7. Buildings that abut Regional Road 57 shall present a facade with architectural detailing and landscape features that address the Durham Highway 57 frontage. Reverse frontage development shall not be permitted adjacent to Regional Road 57. (Diagram to be inserted) The Planning Partnership. URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech. Poulos and Chung 8 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 Type B Arterial Roads Type B Arterial Roads provide important connections between residential neighbourhoods and other community functions. They accommodate a range of travel modes, including passenger vehicles, transit and pedestrians. 1. Type B Arterial Roads shall have a maximum right-of-way width of 30.0 to 36.0 metres. 2. The road surface shall be a maximum of 1 9.5 metres. 3. Boulevards on both sides of the pavement area shall be a minimum of 8.25 metres, and will include a grass verge, a double row of street trees, 2.0 metre sidewalks on both sides and a 3.0 bicycle lane on one side. 4. Transit facilities may be accommodated on any Type B Arterial Roads. 5. Individual direct access to any development site abutting a Type B Arterial Roads shall be limited to minimize disruptions to traffic flow and to maximize safety and the attractiveness of the road. Within any area designated as a Village Corridor or Neighbourhood Commons Area within the Brookhill Secondary Plan, individual direct access from a Type B Arterial Road to any development site shall be limited and subject to approval. 6. Buildings that abut Type B Arterial Roads shall present a facade with architectural detailing and landscape features that address the road frontage. Reverse frontage development shall not be permitted adjacent to any Type B Arterial Roads. (Diagram to be inserted) The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech, Poulos and Chung 9 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 Type C Arterial Roads Type C Arterial Roads provide important connections between residential neighbourhoods and other community functions. They typically define the community structure. Type C Arterial Roads with Median 1. Type C Arterial Roads with a median shall have a maximum right-of-way width of 30.0 metres. 2. The road surface, including a median and an optional parking lane (2.5 metres) in each direction shall be a maximum of 17.0 metres. 3. Boulevards on both sides of the pavement area shall be a minimum of 6.5 metres and will include a grass verge, street trees, 2.0 metre sidewalks on both sides and 1.5 metre bicycle lanes on both sides. 4. A centre median shall be a minimum of 4.0 metres. It will include street trees, shrubs and ground covers. 5. Transit facilities may be accommodated on any Type C Arterial Road. 6. Individual direct access to any development site abutting a Type C Arterial Road shall be limited to minimize disruptions to traffic flow and to maximize safety and the attractiveness of the road. Within any area designated as a Village Corridor or Neighbourhood Commons Area within the Brookhill Secondary Plan, individual direct access from a Type C Arterial Road to any development site shall be limited and subject to approval. 7. Buildings that abut Type C Arterial Roads with medians shall present a facade with architectural detailing and landscape features that address the road frontage. Reverse frontage development shall not be permitted adjacent to any Type C Arterial Road. (Diagram to be inserted) The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech' Poulos and Chung 10 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 Collector Roads 1. Collector Roads with no medians shall have a maximum right-of-way of 23 to 26.0 metres. 2. Road surface should be 13.0 metres, including an optional 3.0 metre on-street parking on both sides of the road for major collectors. 3. The road surface, including parking lanes on both sides of the road shall be a maximum of 12.0 metres. 4. Boulevards on both sides of the pavement shall be a minimum of 5.5 metres and will accommodate a grass verge with street trees and 1.5 metre sidewalks on both sides. 5. Transit facilities may be located on any Collector Road. 6. Individual direct access to any development site shall be limited to minimize disruptions to traffic flow and to maximize safety and the attractiveness of the road. Within any area designated as a Village Corridor, or Neighbourhood Commons Area within the Brookhill Community Secondary Plan, individual direct access to any development site shall be limited and subject to approval. 7. Buildings that abut Collector Roads shall present a facade with architectural detailing and landscape features that address the road frontage. Reverse frontage development shall not be permitted adjacent to any Collector Road. (Diagram to be inserted) The Planning Partnership. URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech. Poulos and Chung 11 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 Local Roads Local Roads connect to Collector roads and link with public spaces. Local Road 1. Local Roads should be designed with a maximum right-of-way width of 18.0 to 20.0 metres. 2. The road surface, including a parking lane on one side of the road (that could alternate to both sides of the road) shall be a maximum of 8.5 metres. 3. Boulevards on both sides of the pavement shall be a maximum of 5.75 metres and will accommodate a grass verge with street trees and 1.5 metre sidewalks on both sides. 4. Individual direct access onto Local Roads is permitted. 5. Buildings that abut Local Roads shall present a facade with architectural detailing and landscape features that address the road frontage. 6. Local Roads that are intended for use over shorter distances may be designed with a reduced maximum right-of-way width of 18.0 metres, with reduced boulevard widths of 4.0 metres on one side and 5.5 metres on the other side to accommodate utilities. (Diagram to be inserted) The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech, Poulos and Chung 12 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 Lanes Lanes provide access to private garage facilities. 1. Lanes should be provided on roads where garages and Iront driveways will detract Irom the character 01 a special location, such as along the Type C Arterial or Collector Roads which connects the Village Corridor and Neighbourhood Commons Area; 2. Lanes shall have a maximum right-aI-way 018.5 metres. 3. The road surface shall be a maximum 015.5 metres and shall include a 1.5 metre utility corridor on either side 01 the lane. 4. The use 01 permeable materials shall be encouraged in lane construction in areas where sufficient drainage exists. 5. The garage shall be set back a minimum 010.6 metres Irom the lane right-aI-way. (Diagram to be inserted) The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech' Poulos and Chung 13 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhlll Secondary Plan Area March 2008 Round-a-bouts Round-a-bouts are intended to calm traffic and direct traffic ffows without necessarily requiring stop signs at intersections. The open spaces created in the round-a- bouts add to the character of the neighbourhoods they are located in. 1. Whenever Round-a-bouts are used, they should be significant landscape features, as well as traffic calming devices. 2. The design of a Round-a-bouts should ensure ease of snow removal and maintenance. 3. The minimum radius for a Round-a-bouts should be in accordance (Diagram to be inserted) Round-a-bout with mountable apron and planting The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech, Poulos and Chung 14 89902..5 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 3.3 Guidelines to Support Transit 1. Transit stops should be located as close to intersections as possible, and their location coordinated with neighbourhood trail connections and building entrances. 2. Transit shelters should be designed with transparent sides for maximum visibility to and from the interior, so that transit users can see approaching buses and to maximize pedestrian safety. 3. Shelters should be located on the boulevard adjacent to the pavement to maximize passenger convenience. 4. Curbside transit stop loading areas should be a clear, hard surface area 1.5 to 2 metres wide in front of a shelter should be provided to permit safe exit by passengers, including wheelchair users. In all cases, shelters should be set back 0.5 metres minimum from curbs and sidewalks to protect them from damage by snowplows. 5. Surface texture changes should be provided at transit stops to assist the visually challenged in locating the stop and/or shelter location. 6. Where four-sided transit shelters are not possible, overhead open-air canopies should be provided to protect transit users from sun, rain and snow. 7. Benches and other roadside furniture such as waste baskets, bike racks, telephones, notice boards, newspaper boxes and refuse containers should be concentrated at bus stops within the Village Corridor and Neighbourhood Commons Area to maximize their barrier free utility and create active public space. Transit snei!er witl1 transparent sides provides maximum visibility ;' I Transit s.h.e,'rer Witl1 o'verhead canopy The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech' Poulos and Chung 15 89SQ;~G Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 3.3 Guidelines for Greenlands The Greenlands System is a major functional and aesthetic component of a neighbourhood and should be designed to provide a fair distribution of amenity spaces for a range of users, in a linked network. Natural Heritage Features 1. Significant natural heritage features within the Secondary Plan Area shall be protected and integrated into the community greenlands system. 2. Natural heritage features should be physically and visually accessible from the abutting roads. 3. Preservation of existing vegetation should be encouraged. Where necessary, indigenous and ecologically complementary planting should be encouraged in keeping with Naturalization/Remediation Plan. Neighbourhood Parks 1. Neighbourhood Parks within the Secondary Plan Area are expected to be diverse in scale, function and character. Currently, 8 Neighbourhood Parks have been identified on the Demonstration Plan. They range in size from 0.5 of a hectare to 3.5 hectares. (See Greenlands and Open Space Plan) 2. Each Neighbourhood Park is located to perform a particular function within its context. Generally, they are located to be a neighbourhood focal point, are adjacent to a school and/or are integrated with an adjacent natural heritage feature. 3. Neighbourhood Parks will provide opportunities for active and passive recreation for residents within a 400-metre radius (a 5 minute walk). Generally, they may include elements such as play structures, informal playgrounds, seating, hard surface areas, shaded areas under tree canopies or open air structures, group mailboxes, lighting, distinctive tree, shrub and ground cover planting. 4. Neighbourhood Parks should have significant road frontage on all four sides. At a minimum, parks shall front on at least two public roads. 5. Pedestrian access to parks should be clearly defined with landscape or architectural elements to ensure an appealing park presence. RerB~'1ing naturBI hericage features COl'ltr:Dutes to sense of piace ,qesldential units fronr directly onfo a pari< ". Communiiy mailbox ad,;acen: to aca';, The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech' Poulos and Chung 16 899027 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 6. Parks will be designed with appropriate visual and spatial buffers from adjacent residential areas. 7. Where fencing is required, the design should be consistent around the perimeter of the park. 8. Street trees should be planted along the edge of parks, while not screening the view into parks. 9. Seating and shade areas should be designed in concert with pathways and play areas. Urban Squares/Parkettes 1. An Urban Square is a small publicly accessible, primarily hard-surfaced open space built in conjunction with an adjacent building. A Parkette is a small component of the public open space system, that is typically soft surfaced and green. A parkette is most likely a park that connects larger pieces of the greenlands system. 2. Urban Squares/Parkettes shall be dispersed throughout the community. They are expected to provide key connecting links, and enhance the overall greenlands system. 3. Urban Square/Parkettes should be located on visible road frontages and their entries should be clearly defined through landscape treatment and built form elements. 4. Design should provide a focal area or feature that gives character and provides for a range of passive and informal uses. 5. Pathways within Urban Squares/Parkettes should connect to pedestrian sidewalks and trails. 6. View corridors terminating at an Urban Square/Parketle should be highlighted through landscape treatment and/or built form elements. 7. Plant material and construction materials should contribute to the distinctive character of Urban Squares/Parkettes. 8. Community mailboxes and information boards should be considered in Urban Squares/Parkettes. Street trees enhance tlie visual appearance of the pari< L-__ _ _ ___- .'ieig,l7Doumood parkette ParKettes create spaces forceop.le fa gather it) Landscaper! gale',~'.y The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech' p,,",W _,,_ ~"""" 17 899021 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 Gateways 1. Streetscaping features at identified gateway corners shall include enhanced landscaping and coordinated fencing to frame the entry into the community (See Greenlands and Open Space Plan). 2. Gateway features, such as community signage, low walls, fencing or enhanced landscape treatment, shall be incorporated in the design of entry road intersection and shall be coordinated in design and materials with adjacent structures and consistent along main road right-of-way. 3. Primary roads into the community should include a planted centre median and other design features to signify their importance. 4. Intersections should have distinctive surface treatment for pedestrian crossings, including wider sidewalks and connections to bus shelters 5. Noise attenuation features should be the last option for uses flanking onto the gateway sites. Where they occur, the material and architectural details shall compliment the adjacent structures, include landscaping and reflect the fencing details of community-wide fence standards. . Trail System 1. The highly interconnected trails system is identified conceptually on the Greenlands and Open Space Plan. The trails system includes trails within natural features. storm water management facilities, open spaces and parks and the road system - sidewalks and bicycle paths. 2. Trail design and type will be based on each site's sensitivity in order to minimize environmental impacts. 3. Trails for pedestrians and cyclists shall be a maximum of 3.0 metres wide. Pedestrian-only-trails shall be a maximum of 2.0 metres wide. 4. Trails will be designed to accommodate a range of users and abilities. Slopes, where possible, should be under 5 percent. Curb-cuts must be provided to improve access at road crossings. 5. Trails should be clearly signed regarding permitted use and speed. Wayfinding signage shall be provided throughout the trail network. 6. Benches and garbage receptacles should be provided at trail heads and at regular intervals along the route. TUN sy.:;!em ~ .. ~....~.-:~~..\ '. -\ .~. ........".~. 'II........ .:...~, r ,,'. :it~:"~~"" ~...~...j. "tl'~ . l- .'::tt: ti;,'< \~;\ ~ ......,all!!! ~, ~. - -=--::0.,. -... -~ ----- ~. - ..~-~"':-...... :",8:"S pro".,ide OCPO:7:J:,;r;es 10.'- Tecrel1:ion 7. Trails located in proximity to sensitive natural features, or adjacent to storm water management facilities should incorporate interpretive signage at various locations to The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech' Poulos and Chung 18 899029 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 promote stewardship initiatives that will protect and enhance the features and functions of the natural environment. Storm Water Management Facilities 1. Storm water management facilities will be key features within the community contributing to the appearance and ambience, while achieving functional objectives related to flow moderation and water quality. 2. Ponds should be designed as multi-celled systems with a sediment forebay or alternative pre-treatment system and wet pond component and will be designed to achieve water quality and quantity control targets set out by the Conservation Authority and the Municipality of Ciarington. 3. Where possible, ponds should include a permanent pool with an average depth of 1.2 to 1.5 metres and isolated deeper sections. Water depth will be varied and the length of the flow path from inlet to outlet maximized to enhance effectiveness and mitigate re-suspension of accumulated sediments. Ponds will achieve water quality targets by settling out sediments and contaminants, diluting storm water and arresting contaminants through biological uptake. 4. Native species and flood tolerant water's edge plants, including a mixture of herbaceous and woody vegetation, shall be planted to stabilize banks of ponds. The perimeter of the permanent pool shall be planted with emergent, strand and submergent species to improve the aesthetics and enhance the performance of the facility. 5. Ponds are envisioned to blend with the natural landscape, therefore, geometric forms and standard slope gradients will be avoided in favour of organic shapes and landform grading designed to replicate natural landforms in the area. Inlet and outlet structures will be concealed using a combination of planting, grading and natural stone. 6. Where there is a need to discourage public access to areas around the perimeter of the ponds, living fences and barrier plantings will be utilized in place of fencing. Barrier plantings will be comprised of multiple rows of predominantly thorn bearing shrub species planted at a spacing of 0.6 to 0.9 metres contingent on species. Barrier plantings will be installed along the crest of steep slopes, adjacent deep-water areas and around inlet and outlet structures. 7. Ponds will not be fenced, but rather will be designed with trails, overlooks and interpretive signage so that they are an integral part of the green lands system. Po."?ds Drovide opoo:1onft,'es to create unique neightourhood featlJres Playground w.iacent to a storm ',llater management feature A pf'destrianlcycJing trail a::1.iacelit to a pond .'. -:;~... . . t _~o" :'0_<..\ .""_~ _ -'-;-.. "~. '~.- .- -' .~",:~# . "':~9:';~ ~o"d em:d.'lC/(Jg flaf:Jf a~ 'afljSC8pe The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech' Poulos and Chung 19 89903~ Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 4.0 Design Guidelines for the Private Realm The private realm within the Brookhill Community Plan Area is comprised of the built form development blocks and their relationship to open space and road with respect to their location. The residential, institutional and commercial/mixed use buildings within a community contribute to its character and can assist in further defining and complementing the public realm. This section of the document provides general guidance for the design of built form and how it should address the streetscape and open space in the private realm. These Guidelines are to be read in conjunction with the pOlicies of the Brookhill Secondary Plan. 4.1 All Development Development Blocks and Lots 1. All the available urban lands are to be subdivided into a series of development blocks, defined by a modified rectilinear grid system of public roads and lanes. 2. The size and configuration of each development block will: . be appropriate to its intended use; . facilitate and promote pedestrian movement; and, . provide a sufficient number and, where appropriate, a range of building lots to achieve cost effective and efficient development. 3. Each development lot in a block will: . have frontage on a public road; and, . be of sufficient size and appropriate configuration to accommodate development that reflects the planning and urban design policies set out in this Secondary Plan and companion Demonstration Plan and the Urban Design Guidelines. 4. Development lots within either the Neighbourhood Commons Area or Village Corridor designations, having substantial frontage on an Arterial Road, may be permitted to have a second access to parking from a Collector Road provided: . the lot contains a comprehensively designed mixed use development; . the principle access to the required service areas on the lot is from the exterior side yard, . the need for a second access to parking can be demonstrated to be necessary to facilitate the development pattern, but will not interfere with, or promote unsafe traffic and pedestrian movement; and, . the development pattern is otherwise consistent with the provisions of this Secondary Plan and the Demonstration Plan and the Urban Design Guidelines. The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech' Poulos and Chung 20 899031 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 Built Form 1. A full range of housing types and tenures should be provided to make a variety of housing options available to the community. 2. Development should be designed to achieve a high degree of environmental sustainability within the community. 3. Architectural styles of individual units and blocks should be sensitive to and complement each other. 4. A variety of architectural elements such as entry porches, dormers, material detailing will be employed to create a distinctive character for each block. 5. New development will be compatible with adjacent and neighbouring development by ensuring that the siting and massing of new buildings does not result in undue adverse impacts on adjacent properties particularly in regard to adequate privacy conditions for residential buildings and their outdoor amenity areas. To ensure that building compatibility is achieved, the implementing zoning by-laws will establish consistent relationships between buildings and their associated property limits. 6. To support public transit and for reasons of public safety and convenience, primary building entrances to principle buildings shall be clearly visible and located on a public road or onto public open spaces. Access from sidewalks and public open space areas to primary building entrances shall be convenient and direct, with minimum changes in grade, and shall be accessible to people who are mobility challenged. 7. To minimize disruptions to traffic flow and to maximize safety and the attractiveness of the Arterial and the Collector Roads, individual direct vehicular access shall be minimized, and, in some cases prohibited, in accordance with the policies of this Secondary Plan. 8. To enhance the quality and safety of the public streetscapes the construction of parking lots/structures which occupy significant proportions of the at-grade frontage of public roads shall not be permitted. 9. To reduce the impact of surface parking and to provide at grade amenity areas the provision of structured parking shall be encouraged for higher density forms of development in the Village Corridor and Neighbourhood Commons Area designations. Where it is not feasible to locate parking in structures either below or above grade, parking should be located to the rear of principle buildings and/or within the exterior side yard. The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech, Poulos and Chung 21 899032 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 Location of Buildings with Respect to Roads and Open Space 1. To reinforce the road, lane and block pattern, the following measures will be employed: . all buildings will be aligned parallel to a public road; . buildings will be located in proximity to the property line adjoining the public road; . siting and massing of buildings will provide a consistent relationship, continuity and enclosure to the public roads; . buildings located adjacent to, or at the edge of parks and open spaces will provide opportunities for overlook into the open space; . the massing, siting and scale of buildings located adjacent to, or along the edge of a park or open space will create a degree of enclosure or definition appropriate to the type of open space they enclose; and, . buildings of significant public use or architectural merit may be sited to specifically differ from the surrounding urban fabric in order to emphasize their importance as landmarks. 4.2 Residential Buildings Single Detached & Semi-Detached Houses 1. Buildings must have front and exterior side facades parallel to the road with front doors, windows and entry features facing the road to create a consistent street wall. 2. The setback to the main building face should be from 3.0 to 6.0 metres from the edge of the right-of-way. The setback to a main building face, which could be the main front wall, second floor room over or beside the garage, or significant element such as a roofed porch or verandah. 3. Garages shall be set behind or flush with the main building face or accessed from a rear lane. Garage doors facing a public road, shall be set back a minimum of 6.0 metres from the road right-of-way. This guideline does not apply to Lanes. 4. Corner lots and homes facing or abutting parks are priority lots within the neighbourhood. The design of these homes shall include the following considerations: . where sides or f1ankage of buildings are visible, they should have windows, materials, and other architectural treatments equal to the front elevation of the house; . the main front entrance should be located on the exterior side elevation, corner windows and wrap- around porches should be included to emphasize a corner location; and Tte use of ~gn! In.::' CiJrl( ccOOrs ptOdiJC.e$ . :~:Ja! ;nferes! Bal'd,'."J{; ~"'cJec::oru; s/xh OJ:; p~"Ches. P:O'l<1(;o t'~n$.[<)n9.' OU.:d.r,r; ei-:rnen~s The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech' Poulos and Chung S:ng..e de:;Jcr.e':1 no.ISP ~'.;m i.'l:ef)'8!eJ gfYage 22 899033 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 . fencing around front and/or exterior side yards should not block the view of the sidewalk from the house; their height shall be limited to 1.2 metres, and they should be primarily open structures, not solid walls. 6. Porches, stairs, canopies and other entrance features can encroach into the required setbacks. 7. Entry features and other architectural elements shall be incorporated into the front elevation of the house to reduce the visual dominance of the garage and the front drive. 8. Shared or grouped driveways will be encouraged to reduce the amount of asphalt on front yards Stacked Townhouses 1. The siting, massing, and facade design of townhouse units shall be coordinated on a block-by-block basis. 2. The elevation of the townhouse block shall be articulated in a manner that provides variation between units, and reinforces common characteristics that visually unites the block. 3. Variety in the design of roofs is required to break up the massing of townhouse blocks. 4. The massing and built form of townhouse units adjacent to single/semi-detached dwellings shall be broken down with architectural elements to promote visual integration. 5. Garages should be accessed from a rear Lane. Were they are not, garages should be paired to allow for more substantial front yard green space. Garages shall not protrude beyond the main front wall of the dwelling unit. 6. Side and rear elevations visible from public areas shall have upgraded facade treatments. 7. Corner unit designs are encouraged to provide significant corner features such as a wrap-around porch, wall articulation, turret or bay window. 7. Buildings sited at the end of view corridor, such as at a 'T intersection, elbow roads, traffic circles and on prime corner lots should be designed with significant architectural elements. Va'ral,'or! i'-I :OOr r;:on~'9:Jjo&r;01 aeate, CfiNrs.rj on $trsllfx.Jp& Townhouses ',l/,l/) oarages on rear lane L.o',,' rIs~ aoartmeflt complex Willl mterior courtyard ... Apartment lJull:1lnQ otlented to fJJjb':c road The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech, Poulos and Chung 8!f9034 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 Apartments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4.3 Apartment buildings should be oriented to front, face and feature the public road. A substantial portion of the building should front the public road at a minimum setback. Entrances should be located and oriented to public roads. Permanent parking, loading and service areas should be located in side or rear yards and set back from the front facade of the building. A visitor drop off area should be located at the front of the building. Rooftop mechanical equipment should be screened with materials that are complementary to the building. Guidelines for Public/lnstitutional Buildings Public/Institutional uses form an important aspect of community identity. Buildings serving these uses act as important built landmarks in the community. Careful attention must be paid to the design of these structures to ensure that they reflect the built quality and integrate with the scale of the surrounding neighbourhood. 1. Public/Institutional buildings should be sited prominently and where possible, should terminate views. 2. Publicllnstitutional buildings should front on Arterial or Collector Roads and be located close to the road to reinforce the street wall and define intersections. 3. Public/Institutional buildings should set a high standard of architectural design and reflect the scale and character of surrounding neighbourhoods. 4. Special landscape features are encouraged to distinguish important landmark buildings at the pedestrian level. 5. Public/Institutional buildings should be designed as special landmark buildings with high quality design, materials and finishes. The site should be well landscaped in recognition of their prominent locations and status as landmark buildings. 6. Publicllnstitutional buildings should be located close to the road right-of-way to reinforce the road edge to create a visually dominant feature in the community. 7. The front door of all Publicllnstitutional buildings shall be connected with a walkway to the sidewalk on the road. Sc_noo! located act'"aceflt !O natura; featu...es , . Project'rirJ ent'}' and tower eleme.1O emplla:Ji::e the .'Tt8in e!1('8:iCe - School remforci,'u) the rooo edge The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech' Poulos and Chung 24 899035 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 8. Parking should be located at the side or rear of the building. 9. Drop-off areas should be provided for buses and cars at the side of the building, but may be located in the front of the building subject to building design and site plan considerations. 10. Consideration for a road lay-by should be given for buses and cars. 11. Rooftop mechanical equipment should be screened with materials that are complementary to the building or through parepet height where applicable. 4.4 Commercial/Mixed Use Buildings 1. Retail! commercial uses will be encouraged at the ground level and office commercial and residential uses are encouraged on the upper levels of buildings that front the square. 2. Both the residential and commercial components of buildings should be of quality construction and architectural details and should respond to neighbouring structures in massing, height and materials. 3. The side and rear of buildings abutting low to medium density residential properties should be of similar height as the residential dwellings or should be stepped to maintain an appropriate scale in relation to adjacent residential uses. 4. Buildings should be oriented to front, face and feature public roads, especially with buildings located at corners. 5. Building facades along the public roads should be articulated with colour, material variations, windows and other treatments of the wall plane to provide a high quality of design, detail, and variety. The design treatment of flanking facades visible from the road should be similar to that of the front facade. 6. All facades that overlook roads and open spaces should have windows. Reflective mirror glass should not be used for windows at grade. 7. Building facades should be treated as pedestrian areas and public spaces: . pedestrian areas in front of the buildings should be wide and well-landscaped with furniture, lighting and planting; . tree planting should be carefully planned with signage to avoid conflicts; . canopies should be considered to provide weather protection to pedestrians; and, . planting should be in large continuous planting beds. , Mixed use tJuild;fJ9 O.'erlaokjng onto puMc road Varial10fJS ''1 co.'ou,rs and marlYialS creare a vIsually appeal<~ ,facade Sim,lar mate~3 and carowrs e"K:OUl"~e imegration ootl'lee:l different uses The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech' Poulos and Chung 25 899036 Urban Design Guidelines - Brookhill Secondary Plan Area March 2008 15. Parking areas should be screened from view from roads, open spaces and adjacent residential areas with low fencing and planting. 16. Parking areas should be located at the side or rear of the development and set back from the road right-of-way. 17. Shared parking facilities will be encouraged in the calculation of required parking in Village Corridor. 18. On-street parking will be allowed in the calculation of required parking for live/work units in the Village Corridor. 19. Servicing and loading areas should be located behind buildings and be screened from view. Conflicts between shipping vehicles and pedestrians must be minimized through signage and delineation of the pedestrian right-of- way. 20. Signage should provide a high level of clarity, visibility, and visual interest and shall complement the architecture of the building(s) in its scale, materials, consistency, and design. The Planning Partnership' URS Canada Inc. . Aquafor Beech' Poulos and Chung 8. Building entrances should be prominent and linked to sidewalk through walkways, covered porches or hard-surfaced patios. 9. Ground level floor-to-f1oor height should allow for conversion from residential to commercial uses. 10. The front yard could be either hard or soft surface, depending on use and should include a low, visually permeable fence at the edge of the sidewalk to define the semi-private areas and to add continuity to the streetscape. 11. A variety of roof shapes should be considered to avoid the monotony of flat roofs. 12. All utility equipment, rooftop mechanical equipment, hydro transformers and garbage storage facilities should be incorporated into the design of a building. If this is not possible, equipment should be positioned so as not to be visible from the public road and screened with materials that are complementary to the building design. 13. Parking areas should be designed in small sections and include lighting, substantial landscaping, and special paving to break up expanses of parking and to provide places for pedestrian connections. 14. Trees, shrubs and groundcovers should be planted at grade in wide, continuous planting beds that serve to define pods of parking and provide the preliminary pedestrian circulation. A clear pedestrian fOote, enhanced by tree plantmQ in retail' plaza park.lng lot Landscape treatment screens surface oarking areas A. variety of comofementing ~ii),7alJe aad interest to the facade 26 899037 ~ hbourhood Brookhlll Nel9f Clarington Municipality 0 Demonstration Plan EB . Partnership The Plo,,"'n9 "2007 C) 8 Jon,,,,,, 89 9 ~h ATTACHMENT 5 TO REPORT PSD-028-08 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2008- being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 60 to the Clarington Official Plan WHEREAS Section 17 (22) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, as amended, authorizes the Municipality of Clarington to pass by-laws for the adoption or repeal of Official Plans and Amendments thereto; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend the Clarington Official Plan to include the Brookhill Secondary Plan and Urban Design Guidelines in Section 6 of the Clarington Official Plan; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment No. 60 to the Clarington Official Plan being attached Explanatory Text is hereby adopted. 2. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the passing thereof. BY-LAW read a first time this day of 2008 BY-LAW read a second time this day of 2008 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 2008 Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk