HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-029-08 Clw:iggron REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Re:::,01 u-+10 t"I "*-Ef fl1-';{O~ -08' Monday, March 17,2008 Date: Report #: PSD-029-08 File #: PLN 33.1 By-law #: Subject: WASTE DIVERSION OPPORTUNITIES IN MULTI-RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS AND INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL PROJECTS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-029-08 be received; 2. THAT the Municipality encourage that future multi-residential projects provide for facilities that could handle three waste streams; 3. THAT Staff be authorized to consult with multi-residential development proponents in Clarington on the proposed Site Plan Approval Guidelines for Waste Collection Ares in Multi-Residential Projects and to implement such Guidelines subject to refinements that may be made through the consultation process; and 4. THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board and the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board for information and consideration in future building projects. Submitted by: Davi J. me, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services Reviewed by: (') M~ C0k Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer DJC'sn March 12, 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-029-08 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND Council requested information on the Municipal site plan approval process as it relates to waste diversion. Under the current framework, municipalities of more than 5000 residents are to provide a Blue Box program and a Leaf and Yard composting program for residents. It is a municipal decision as to what materials are collected under the Blue Box program. There is no requirement for waste diversion programs from residences receiving private collection services. Similarly, there is no requirement for the industrial, commercial or institutional (ICI) sector to divert or recycle waste. However, if garbage collection is provided by a municipality, they can determine the level of service, including the recycling requirements. 2.0 SITE PLAN APPROVAL - CURRENT PRACTICE Under the Planning Act, the site plan approval process allows garbage collection facilities to be addressed in approving any plans. As a condition to the approval for site plan applications, a municipality may require the owner of the land to provide, to the satisfaction of and at no expense to the municipality, a number of facilities including the following: "7. Vaults, central storage and collection areas and other facilities and enclosures for the storage of garbage and other waste material." As the Planning Department processes site plan applications for multi-residential projects, we have ensured that garbage buildings can accommodate up to two bins. The purpose of this was to provide the opportunity for two waste streams - recycling and residual waste. To date, the food waste/compostable waste stream has not been addressed in any approvals. The Green Bin program is still relatively new for the detached homes and since all new multi-residential projects have private waste disposal, there is no requirement for handling the compostable waste stream. Many of the requirements and practical details of operating such a program in a multi-residential project have not been widely tested and implemented. However, given the waste diversion objectives for Durham, it is beneficial to consider future changes how three waste streams can be addressed as part of site plan approval. This would be done in coordination with the Region's review and comments on applications. The waste disposal needs and practices of the ICI sector are quite diverse. At this time, it would be difficult to provide for specific site plan policies. REPORT NO.: PSD-029-OB PAGE 3 Schools, however, are one area where there could be a strongly encouragement provided to handle three waste streams and establish environmentally sustainable practices in the younger generation. This would need to be explored further with the School Boards. It is recommended that this report be forwarded to the School Boards for consideration of providing appropriate facilities to handle three waste streams in future construction projects. New Municipal facilities are another type of project where the Municipality could implement collection procedures and facilities for three waste streams. 3.0 RECENT CHANGES TO SITE PLAN REVIEW On December 2007, the Region provided to the area municipalities "Guidelines for Waste Collection Services on Private Property". An extract from this document is attached. The Regional Guidelines were developed to outline the physical design requirements that would be a pre-condition for the Region to extend collection services for recycling and green bin food waste at apartment building and townhouse developments. This Guideline includes the design information for storage areas, collection areas, access routes and general requirements for Regional waste collection. The Region has requested that in the future all relevant site plan applicants contact them to review the requirements. The site plan requirements address the storage areas, use of compactors and waste handling systems, the collection areas and the access routes. We have advised Regional staff that any comments should be submitted as part of the Region's consolidated comments on development applications. 4.0 PROPOSED SITE PLAN POLICY ON WASTE FACILITIES IN MULTI-RESIDENTIAL While the Region and Municipality cannot enforce waste diversion in multi-residential buildings at this point in time, the Municipality has authority through the site plan approval process to require appropriate provision of facilities for waste collection. In the anticipation of greater waste diversion efforts, it is recommended that the Municipality formally adopt a policy that would require that provisions be made for three waste streams in multi-residential projects. The attached policy is provided in draft. It is requested that Council authorize staff to consult with the multi-residential development proponents before finalizing. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Proposed Draft Site Plan Approval Guidelines for Waste Collection Areas in Multi-Residential Projects Durham Region Guidelines for Waste Collection Services on Private Property Attachment 2 - ATTACHMENT 1 TO REPORT PSD-029-08 Draft Site Plan Approval Guidelines for Waste Collection Areas in Multi-Residential Projects Introduction At the present time, source-separation of recycling and food waste is not mandatory for multi- residential projects. However, as the Province of Ontario and the Region of Durham furthers waste diversion efforts, it is necessary to encourage increased voluntary waste diversion efforts and to possibly prepare for the time when it will be mandatory. It is also possible at the present time for the owners of multi-residential projects to request collection services through the Regional Municipality of Durham. It has been found to be difficult to retrofit existing developments to be able to accommodate multiple waste streams from source separation. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide the requirements for appropriate rooms and access for three waste streams. These site plan approval guidelines are to work in tandem with the Region of Durham "Guidelines for Waste Collection Services on Private Property" (Appendix A) Multi-Residential Waste Facilities General Every multi-residential project where waste is to be stored in a central location shall provide accessible rooms or storage areas for recyclable materials (Blue Box) and food waste/compostables (Green Bin) and residual garbage, regardless of whether that development project will be currently participating in a waste diversion program of the Region of Durham. Every applicant for a multi-residential project shall consult with the Regional Municipality of Durham during the pre-consultation phase with respect to the design of such facilities. Oesiqn Principles The following requirements shall guide the location and design of these facilities: 1. Areas for collecting and loading solid waste shall include adequate, accessible and convenient space for collecting and loading three waste streams - recyclables, food waste/compostables and residual garbage. 2. Residential waste must be securely stored inside an enclosed structure so as to contain any litter. Waste storage areas shall be easily accessible by residents in a well-lit, secure and barrier-free environment. Facilities for recyclables and food waste shall be at least as convenient for depositing, collecting and loading as residual garbage waste. 3. Wherever feasible, waste storage areas for recyclables and food waste shall be adjacent to residual garbage waste collection areas. 4. Separate waste storage buildings shall be constructed fully enclosed with brick or architectural block with the same architectural style and colour scheme as the main building with overhead roll-up doors for garbage loading. 5. Waste storage rooms within a residential building must be ventilated, rodent-proof and separated from living spaces. 6. If a facility plans to install garbage shuts, three shuts will be provided for the three waste streams. 7. Signage shall be posted to clearly identify all garbage, recycling, and food waste collection and loading areas and all the materials accepted therein. Signs shall be placed at all points of direct access to the recycling and food waste areas and on or adjacent to recyclable and food waste containers. Collection areas must be kept clear of obstructions and clearly marked as a "No Parking" area. Site Plan AQreement The Municipality's site plan agreement will provide appropriate clauses for the following: a. Property owners are to actively promote recycling, food waste composting and other waste diversion efforts; b. Property owners shall post waste information and collection procedures; c. Property owners shall maintain waste collection areas to be safe and clean; and d. Property owners are responsible for all waste collection, processing, composting, haulage and disposal until such time as the property is approved for Regional collection services. Guidelines F or Waste Collection Services On Private Property ATTACHMENT 2 TO REPORT PSD-029-08 Guidelines For Waste Collection Services on Private Property EXTRACT ONLY FULL COPY AVAILABLE --- ---- ---- January 2008 1 j Guidelines For Waste Collection Services On Private Property Table of Contents Introduction................................................................................................................. 3 I. Site Plan Requirements ............................................... ................................................3 2. Definitions...................................................................................................................4 3. General Waste Collection Requirements ....................................................................6 4. Requirements for Waste Collection Services from High Rise Buildings. ............. 5. Requirements for Waste Collection Services from Townhouses. ................ ...... 6. Revisions to the Waste Collection Guidelines....... ... ............. ..... .... ..... ........ 7. Distribution of Waste Collection Guidelines........... ......... ..... ... .......... ........ Appendix "A". Waste Collection Vehicle and Container Dimensions "B". Dimensions for a "T" Turnaround "C". Dimensions for a Cul-de-sac Turnaround "D". Application for Waste Collection Services On Private Property January 2008 2 Guidelines For Waste Collection Services On Private Property Introduction The purpose of this document is to ensure that owners, planners, developers and contractors of high rise buildings or townhouse complexes are familiar with proper waste collection and waste storage systems and further that the provision for these are considered in the development of all residential multi residential projects. These requirements must be met before the Region will consider private property waste collection services to any development. In addition to the requirements set out in this document, Municipal and Region site plan requirements, Waste Collection By-law, Building and Fire Codes and any other applicable Regulations are also required. These guidelines are the minimum requirements only and the Region reserves the right to enact additional requirements during their review of development projects. The Region also reserve the right to designate the type of collection to be provided, access and storage required on a case by case basis. Ifthe Region determines that a development does not meet the requirements contained within this document then Regional waste collection services will not be considered or approved. The Provincial 3Rs Regulations require residential multi-unit developments to implement source separation programs for standard Blue Box recyclable materials that are generated within the facility. When planning waste management facilities, consideration should be given to a design that encourages recycling and other waste reduction programs. The Region has introduced aggressive waste reduction programs such as Blue Box recycling and kitchen food waste Green Bin composting in our communities. It is imperative these types of recycling and composting programs should be easy to use and readily accessible to all residents. Building and site plans should also provide adequate and efficient waste handling and storage facilities for all wastes and be located conveniently within the building structure or on the property site for easy and barrier free access by residents and collection vehicles. 1. Site Plan Requirements To ensure site plans have incorporated all guidelines as they pertain to waste collection services, applicants must include information that describes the following: . Proposed waste handling system for recyclables, compostables and garbage . Access routes for waste collection vehicles on private property; . Waste collection area; . Garbage rooms, containers and storage facilities; . Recycling rooms, containers and storage facilities; . Food waste rooms, containers and storage facilities; . Size, number and type of waste containers/totes to be used; January 2008 3 Guidelines F or Waste Collection Services On Private Property . Above ground features such as parking areas in relation to the access route; . Number of dwelling units and number of stories. The applicant must submit a completed "Application for Waste Collection Services on Private Property", a copy of which is attached as Appendix "D" to the Region's Waste Management Division for review and consideration before any collection of waste will commence. The Region will inspect and evaluate the details in an "Application for Waste Collection Service on Private Property". Before any application is approved, the development must be more than 75% fully occupied and construction completed. If and when the Region approves a development for waste collection on private property, service will be scheduled to commence in approximately 4 to 6 weeks at the beginning of a new month. 2. Definitions a) "Municipality" or "Municipal" means the municipality of the Region of Durham or any of the following area municipalities Municipality of Clarington, Township ofUxbridge, Township ofScugog, Township of Brock, City of Os haw a, Town of Ajax, Town of Whitby and the City of Pickering. b) "Collectible" means any residential waste material which may be collected pursuant to Region and/or Municipal by-law. c) "Collection Pad" means an extemallevel-surface concrete pad used as a waste collection point. d) "Collection Area" means a location on private property designated exclusively for collection of residential waste materials. e) "Commercial Property" means an establishment used for the purpose of retail, service, entertainment, recreation or offices and includes an institution. f) "Contractor" means any person or business which has entered into a contract with the Region for the collection of waste on behalf of the Region. g) "Blue Box recyclables" means those residential wastes designated by the Region as part ofthe Blue Box program and which are not to be collected as garbage or as a compostable. January 2008 4