HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-027-08 Cl~i!lglOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE ~du:\w :\\-~PA-- ~ c:6- 0'6 Date: Monday, March 10,2008 Report #: PSD-027 -08 File#: PLN7.11 By-law #: Subject: 2007 ANNUAL REPORT ON APPLICATIONS FOR PLANS OF SUBDIVISION RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-027 -08 be received; 2. THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department be forwarded a copy of this report and Council's decision. Submitted by: D vi . Crome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director, Planning Services RevieWedbY:()~'-=- ~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer MKlDPfDJCfdf 11 March 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-027-08 PAGE 2 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this report is as follows: . To provide the General Purpose and Administration Committee with an update of the subdivision activity that occurred during the 2007 calendar year for Draft Plans of Subdivision within the Municipality; and . To advise the Region of Durham Planning Department of the status of all subdivision applications as of December 31, 2007. 1.2 Delegation of Subdivision Approval was accepted by the Municipality of Clarington October 1, 2001. Under the terms and provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding, the Municipality agreed to provide the Region of Durham with an annual statistical report on the following: . The number and status of draft plans of subdivision; and . The number and types of units approved and registered during the previous calendar year. 2.0 SUBDIVISION ACTIVITY 2.1 Attachments 1, 2, 3 and 4 to this report outline all of the active subdivision applications for which the Municipality of Clarington is the approval authority. Summary tables have been established for the Bowmanville (Attachment 1), Courtice (Attachment 2) and Newcastle (Attachment 3) Urban Areas. Applications within the Hamlets and rural areas of Darlington and Clarke Townships are summarized in Attachment 4 entitled "Rural Areas and Hamlets". Each summary table contains three main elements: . A list of plan of subdivision applications received; . A list of active draft approved plan of subdivision applications not yet registered; and . A list of associated registered plans. 2.2 In total there are 51 plans of subdivision applications in various stages of the development process that are either eligible for Draft Plan Approval or have been Draft Approved. The summary tables under attachments (1, 2, 3, and 4) indicate the exact status of each of the applications within the Plan of Subdivision Approvals process. Table 1 below, indicates the number of active proposed and Draft Approved Plans organized by geographic location. REPORT NO.: PSD-027-08 PAGE 3 Table 1: Active Proposed and Draft Approved Plans, 2007 Rural Areas and Hamlets 3 Total .....24 6 27 I 1 18 100 2.3 During 2007, the Municipality received eight (8) new Plan of Subdivision applications as follows: . Three (3) subdivision applications were received for the Bowmanville area proposing 1328,364 and 250 residential units. In total, 1942 residential units were proposed in Bowmanville in 2007. . Four (4) subdivision applications were received for the Courtice area proposing 37, 60, 157 and 67 residential units. In total, Courtice received 321 proposed residential units. . Newcastle also received one (1) subdivision application proposing a total of 30 residential units. 2.4 In 2007, the Municipality granted Draft Approval to one (1) subdivision application in Courtice having a total of 49 residential units. There were also revisions made to one (1) draft approved Plan of Subdivision in Bowmanville to modify the lot type and total number of residential units approved. 3.0 STATUS OF ACTIVE PLANS OF SUBDIVISION The following section will briefly outline the status of submitted, draft approved and registered plans of subdivision as of December 31, 2007. 3.1 Active Applications for Draft Plan Approval By the end of the 2007 calendar year the Municipality was considering 24 Plan of Subdivision applications, having a total of 6091 residential units, which had not yet received Draft Approval. The geographic distribution of the proposed units is illustrated in Figure 1 below. REPORT NO.: PSD-027-08 PAGE 4 Number of Proposed Units at End of Year 2007 by Georgraphic Area Rural Areas and Hamels , 45 Courtice, 663 Bow rranvile, 3884 Figure 1: Geographic Distribution of Proposed Units, 2007 3.2 Draft Approved Plans By the end of 2007, there were 27 Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision applications, having a total of 3276 residential units which had not yet been included in a registered plan. The geographic distribution of the Draft Approved units is illustrated in Figure 2 below. Number of Draft Approved Units at End of Year 2007 by Geographic Area Rural Areas and Hamels. 100 Newcastle,1238 Bowrranville.1415 CourtK:e. 523 Figure 2: Geographic Distribution of Draft Approved Units, 2007 3.3 Reaistered Plans At the end of 2007, a total of 42 registered plans remained active, whereby there exists vacant lots for which building permits can still be obtained. Table 2 below indicates the geographic distribution of the active registered plans and the number of vacant lots at the end of 2007. REPORT NO.: PSD-027-08 PAGE 5 istered Plans as of December 31. 2007 "I' ',I Bowmanville Courtice Newcastle Rural Areas and Hamlets Total # 18 10 6 8 42 % 43 24 14 19 100 # 722 517 97 59 1395 % 52 37 7 4 100 It is evident that Bowmanville continues to be the dominant urban area for residential growth in Clarington, accounting for 43% of the active registered plans in 2007. The Bowmanville urban area also accounts for 52% of vacant lots within active registered plans in 2007. Of the 42 active registered plans, eight (8) plans having a total of 709 residential units, received final approval and were registered during the 2007 calendar year. The geographic distribution of plans and units registered in 2007 can be seen in Table 3, below. Table 3: Active Plans Re istered in 2007 11,1 I \ 'I" Bowmanville 2 289 Courtice 4 393 Newcastle 0 0 Rural Areas and Hamlets 2 27 Total 8 709 Approximately 11 % of those residential units in plans of subdivision registered in 2007 were also issued building permits. Consequently, of the 709 lots that were registered during the year of 2007, 628 lots (89%) remained vacant by the year's end. Table 4 and Figure 3 below illustrate the geographic distribution of the vacant lots registered in 2007. Table 4: Vacant Lots Re istered in 2007 b l,irl,,11 Bowmanville 289 211 Courtice 393 390 Newcastle 0 nla Rural Areas and Hamlets 27 27 Total 709 628 73 99 nla 100 89 Replacement Page 6 for Report PSD-027-08 REPORT NO.: PSD-027-08 PAGE 6 In addition to those plans and units registered within 2007, there were 34 active plans registered prior to 2007, within which there remains vacant lots eligible for building permits. Of those lots that were registered prior to 2007, 767 of them remain vacant, as can be seen in Table 5 below. Bowmanville 1628 511 31 Courtice 830 127 15 Newcastle 435 97 15 Rural Areas and Hamlets 100 32 34 Total 2993 767 26 3.4 Distribution of Unit Tvpe As illustrated in Figures 4 through 7 below, single detached dwellings continue to be the predominant unit type within Clarington's urban areas in all stages of the plan of subdivision process. Clarington's Rural areas and Hamlets are comprised of single detached dwellings only. Courtice and Newcastle both have high percentages of single detached dwelling units (62% and 69% respectively). Bowmanville however, has a slightly lower percentage of single detached dwellings since its combined percentage of apartment and multi units (33%) is greater than that of Courtice (17%) and Newcastle (20%). This suggests that Bowmanville, being the dominant urban area, continues to provide a greater variety of housing forms. I ""'men! 13% I I I i Plan of Subdivision Units by Type for Courtice. 2007 Plan of Subdivision Units by Type for Bowmanville, 2007 Apartment ,% Multi '0% Single 54% Single 62% Semi 21% ~ Figure 4: Plan of Subdivision Units for Bowmanville Figure 5: Plan of Subdivision Units for Courtice REPORT NO.: PSD-027-08 PAGE 7 Plan of Subdivision Units by Type for Newcastle, 2007 Plan of Subdivision Units by Type for Clarlngton, 2007 Apartment 8% Apartment 9% Semi 11% Figure 6: Plan of Subdivision Units for Newcastle Figure 7: Plan of Subdivision units for Clarington Each stage of the plan of subdivision process is fairly different in terms of the types of residential units being proposed, approved or registered. This is illustrated in Figures 8 through 10. In 2007, 65% of the units in proposed plans of subdivision in Clarington are single detached. As well, 20% of the proposed units in Clarington were multi residential type units. The draft approval stage in 2007 had a more varied distribution in terms of residential types compared to the proposed residential type distribution. Only 43% of the draft approved residential units were single detached, and a much greater percentage of apartment units (23%) were draft approved compared to the amount of proposed apartment units (8%). In terms of registered units ill 2007, 65% were single detached dwellings, 25% were semi-detached. Overall, the single detached dwelling is still the dominant residential unit type in Clarington although lot sizes have declined. Proposed Residential Units by Type, Clarington 2007 Draft Approved Residential Units by Type, Clarington 2007 .Apartment 8% ~artmenl 23% Single 43% Semi 16% Figure 8: Proposed Residential Units, 2007 Figure 9: Draft Approved Residential Units, 2007 REPORT NO.: PSD-027-08 PAGE 8 Registered Residential Units by Type, Clarington 2007 MJIli Apertrrent 10% 0% "'m 25% ~""- ..-..........@~ \ ~~~~ ' , ~ ~~:__~~ if ",. .5% Figure 1 0: Registered Residential Units, 2007 3.5 Geoqraphic Distribution By the end of 2007, 99% of proposed plan of subdivision units were located within the existing urban areas. Only 1 % of residential units proposed were within rural and hamlet areas. This trend should continue as the policies of the Greenbelt Plan and Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan direct growth to urban areas such as Bowmanville, Courtice and Newcastle. These figures are illustrated in Table 6 below. Bowmanville 3884 64 Courtice 663 11 Newcastle 1499 24 Rural and Hamlet 45 1 Total 6091 100 Similarly, 97% of draft approved units within Clarington are focused within the urban areas. Bowmanville accounts for 43% of the total draft approved units in 2007, Courtice accounts for 16% and Newcastle accounts for 38%. These figures are illustrated in Table 7 below. Table 7: Draft Approved Units by Geographic Area Bowmanville 1415 43 Courtice 523 16 Newcastle 1238 38 Rural and Hamlet 100 3 Total 3276 100 REPORT NO.: PSD-027-08 PAGE 9 4.0 CONCLUSION 4.1 The Clarington Official Plan sets a housing target for various types of units as shown below. The units in the residential plans of subdivision as of year end 2007 show that there is a relatively close match between planned and actual units being constructed. In fact, when site plan applications on intensification sites such as Point of View and others are added, there is a close match with the housing targets established in the Official Plan. 4.2 The Municipality continues to enjoy a good supply of draft approved or registered lots in all urban areas in the Municipality. The Official Plan sets a target of maintaining a 3 year supply of draft approved and registered lots and blocks. At year end, there were over 4671 units in draft approved or registered plans - approximately 5 to 6 year supply. Moreover, there was no shortage in supply in each of the urban areas. Considering the potential addition of applications, which could add up to an additional 6100 units to the approved units noted above, there is a 10 to 13 year supply of housing either approved or under consideration which would accommodate approximately 32,000 additional people in Clarington. It should be noted that this is only for units within plans of subdivision and does not account for other supply through intensification and the site plan process. 4.3 As noted in the Financial Impact Study, the Municipality's focus is meeting its servicing commitments towards those lands within the Ten Year Development Areas defined in the Development Charges Background Study. The Municipality's capital budget is strained and debt levels are set to increase to service new growth. As growth does not fully pay for growth, the prospect of significant financial constraints will impact the 6100 units currently under consideration for development approvals. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Subdivision Activity Report - Bowmanville Urban Area Attachment 2 - Subdivision Activity Report - Courtice Urban Area Attachment 3 - Subdivision Activity Report - Newcastle Urban Area Attachment 4 - Subdivision Activity Report - Rural Areas and Hamlets . 0 0 N . g 0 . . ~ ~ ~ . . 0 . ~ ~ ~ U <. 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