HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-026-08 CI~#]gron REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE -w: Monday, March 17, 2008 ~e:5o!uf-ion 6lPA-J{fj--c2 Date: Report #: PSD-026-08 File #: PLN 31.5.9 By-Law # Subject: NORTHGLEN NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee ,-:: recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-026-08 be received; 2. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: D i . Creme, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director, Planning Services Reviewed by: d~~~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer CS*CP*DJC*sh March 10, 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-026-08 PAGE 2 1.0 NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLANS 1.1 The Clarington Official Plan requires the preparation of a Neighbourhood Design Plan (NDP) prior to consideration of any plan of subdivision in a neighbourhood not having an approved secondary plan. 1.2 The design plan is a block plan to layout the future development of the neighbourhood. The design plan details the following: . Locations of schools, parks and open space blocks, including stormwater management blocks; . Lotting patterns and residential densities; . Road alignments within a neighbourhood, including road classifications; . Sidewalks, walking and cycling trail systems; and . Proposed servicing within the neighbourhood. 1.3 These plans do not require Council approval but are approved by the Directors of Engineering Services and Planning Services. They are to be utilized by staff in reviewing subdivision applications for the specific neighbourhood. A Neighbourhood Design Plan does not have status under the Planning Act and is not subject to appeal. A Neighbourhood Design Plan does not replace the approval of a plan of subdivision or rezoning, nor will it remove any individual's rights to object to subsequent subdivision or rezoning applications under the Planning Act. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Northglen Neighbourhood is one of the major new neighbourhoods that will commence development in 2008. The Northglen Neighbourhood Design Plan was initiated by the Northglen Landowners Group. Attachment 1 shows the limits of the Northglen Neighbourhood. The Neighbourhood Design Plan (NDP) was the basis for an application for Official Plan Amendment, applications for two (2) draft plans of subdivision and applications for rezoning submitted by the landowners group. The application for Official Plan Amendment was adopted as Amendment No 59 to the Clarington Official Plan in December 2007. 2.2. Establishing the limits of development in the neighbourhood was a priority in the overall design plan process for Northglen. The Clarington Official Plan requires a subwatershed study be undertaken prior to draft approval of a plan of subdivision. Where a master drainage plan has been approved prior to the adoption of the Official Plan, then the master drainage plan will substitute for the requirement for a sub-watershed plan. The Bowmanville Creek Master Drainage Plan was approved in 1989 for the Bowmanville Creek watershed. The north-east portion of the Northglen Neighbourhood is located in the Soper Creek subwatershed and therefore subject to a separate subwatershed study. The Bowmanville Creek Master Drainage Plan was updated to identify constraints to development. Given that the majority of the neighbourhood is within the REPORT NO.: PSD-026-08 PAGE 3 Lake Iroquois Beach an Environmental Impact Study was required to be undertaken and provided recommendations regarding the limits of development. 2.3 A number of additional studies were required through the submission of the application for Official Plan Amendment and the draft plans of subdivision. This information was also used to assist in developing and refining the NDP. 3.0 NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLAN REVIEW PROCESS 3.1 In addition to the circulation of the various documents to the relevant agencies, a community design peer review workshop was facilitated by the Planning Partnership Limited on behalf of the Municipality, to review the proposed Northglen Neighbourhood Design Plan prepared by the Northglen Landowners Group's consultant. The peer review workshop was attended by the landowners group, and their consulting team, staff from Clarington Emergency and Fire Services, Engineering Services, Planning Services, Operations and representatives from Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA), the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board and Region of Durham Works Department. 3.2 The one day workshop emphasized the importance of stakeholder collaboration in reviewing and reexamining the Neighbourhood Design Plan through alternative design principles. The following thirteen design principles were established: . Compact, healthy, sustainable neighbourhood; . Scale and function to compliment adjacent residential areas; . Neighbourhoods defined by centres and edges; . Pedestrian-friendly community, maximizing 5 minute walking access to community amenities; . Linked parks and open space connecting to the principle recreational trail systems through the Soper and Bowmanville Creek Valleys; . Integration of natural features as part of the neighbourhood's character and open space system; . High-quality enhanced streetscapes, accommodating large tree species where appropriate; . High degree of regional accessibility (transit supportive alignment); . Diversity of experiences in the public domain, provided through a variety of scales, changing views and natural and built elements; . Permeable street system that enhances neighbourhood character not rigid grid iron system but a grid system with curved roads; . Environmentally appropriate design reflecting the site's natural features; . Design elements that recognize the area's natural and cultural heritage features; and . Mix of housing type and tenure. 3.3 The recommendations of the peer review consultants were used to refine the Neighbourhood Design Plan which was resubmitted in January 2007. Keplacement Page 4 For Report PSD-026-08 REPORT NO.: PSD-026-08 PAGE 4 4.0 PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRES 4.1 Two public information centres were arranged through the planning process for the neighbourhood. In June 2005, the landowners held an initial information session to discuss their intentions for developing the site. Information for the following supporting technical studies was also presented: . Existing Conditions and Constraints Report; . Natural Environment Component Report; . Hydrological Study; . Functional Servicing Study; and . Landscaping Master Plan. A second public information centre was held February 2007 to present the proposed NDP. Both information sessions were primarily attended by neighbourhood residents. In addition to the above, a public meeting under the Planning Act was held on Official Plan Amendment No. 59, the two proposed plans of subdivision and the related zoning applications. 5.0 NORTHGLEN NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLAN DETAILS 5.1 Population and Housing 5.1.1 In December 2007 Council approved the application to amend the Clarington Official Plan submitted by the Northglen Landowners. Amendment No. 59 to the Clarington Official Plan, changes population and housing targets for the Northglen Neighbourhood. The population target was increased from 3750 to 6500 and the housing targets are allocated as follows: . 1500 Low density units . 525 Medium density units . 100 High density units; and . 50 Intensification units The low density units are primarily single detached homes on varying lot frontages of 10 to 18 metres. Some traditional semi-detached units are also proposed. The medium density units are in the form of street townhouse units and block for multi unit development. Intensification units can be in the form of apartment-in-houses and redevelopment of existing larger residential lots. The Rills of Liberty estate residential area is located along the east side of the Northglen Neighbourhood. These lands would remain as they are. REPORT NO.: PSD-026-08 PAGE 5 5.2 Open Space and Parks 5.2.1 The majority of this neighbourhood is located within the Lake Iroquois Beach. Lands in the northern portion of the neighbourhood, and those associated with a tributary of the Soper Creek were identified as Environmental Protection Area (EPA) in the NDP. Lands north of the EPA lands, east of Middle Road are subject to the Soper Creek Subwatershed Study and are identified as "Area Subject to Soper Creek Subwatershed Study". 5.2.2 There are two large neighbourhood parks in the Northglen Neighbourhood. One located in the most westerly portion of the neighbourhood, referred to as Northglen West. This park is 2.484 hectares in size and is located adjacent to a public elementary school site. Two other smaller parkettes service the north and south portions of the Northglen West. 5.2.3 Another 2.038 hectare neighbourhood park is located on the easterly portion of the neighbourhood, referred to as Northglen East. This park is located adjacent to a separate elementary school site. The park also abuts environmentally protected lands to the north and will offer opportunities for trail connections and passive recreational uses. A continuous open space system connecting further to the east will be difficult to achieve given that the Environmentally Protected Area lands in the east part of the neighbourhood, in the Rills of Liberty estate residential subdivision, are held in individual private ownership. Pedestrian connections to the south and east will be on sidewalks adjacent to roads. 5.3 Mixed-Use Block 5.3.1 A mixed-used commercial and residential block is located at the corner of Concession Road 3 and Regional Road 57. Development of this block will be subject to future applications for site plan approval and site specific rezoning. A development concept for this site is not part of the Neighbourhood Design Plan but it is shown on Attachment 3. It may contain commercial floorspace of up to 5000 square metres and medium/high density units, consistent with the Neighbourhood Centre designation in the Clarington Official Plan. The site will also contain the stormwater management pond for the Northglen West lands. 5.4 Road Pattern 5.4.1 The proposed road pattern is a modified rectilinear grid system. East-west collector roads service the mid-block of the neighbourhood. The main local roads on a 20 metre road allowance allow for penetration into various quadrants of the neighbourhoods. Local roads of 18 metre right-of-way widths are used where there are no traffic through conditions. REPORT NO.: PSD-026-08 PAGE 6 5.4.2 The road pattern has been adjusted to accommodate the heritage structure at 3187 Middle Road (Kemp Homestead). The lots size has also been enlarged to accommodate the home, in keeping with the comments from the Clarington Heritage Committee. 6. 0 PROVINCIAL POLICY 6.1 Provincial Policv Statement In 2005 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), healthy, liveable and safe communities are sustained by accommodating an appropriate range and mix of residential, employment, recreational and open space uses to meet long term needs. The NDP accommodates a mix of residential, open space/parks, retail and community facilities. The environmental areas associated with the Lake Iroquois Beach and Soper Creek subwatershed are appropriately identified in the NDP. The NDP is consistent with the 2005 PPS. 6.2 Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe The Provincial Growth Plan encourages municipalities to manage growth by directing population growth to settlement areas. Growth is to be accommodated by building compact, transit-supportive communities through the development of mixed use, pedestrian-friendly environments. Growth shall also be directed to areas that offer municipal water and wastewater systems. Municipalities should establish an urban open space system within built up areas. The NDP is consistent with the Growth Plan. 7.0 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 7.1 Durham Reqion Official Plan Within the Durham Regional Official Plan, the lands are designated as "Living Areas". Living Areas shall be predominantly for housing purposes, incorporating the widest possible range of housing types, sizes and tenure, developed in an efficient and cost effective manner. A mix of uses such as certain home occupations, convenience stores, public and recreational uses, limited office development and retailing of goods and services may also be permitted in Living Areas provided there are appropriate provisions and designations in the area municipal Official Plan. In consideration of development applications in designated Living Areas, regard shall be had for the intent of this plan to achieve the following: . A compact urban form; . The use of good urban design principles; . The provision of convenient pedestrian access to public transit, educational facilities and parks; and . The grid pattern of roads. REPORT NO.: PSD-026-08 PAGE 7 7.2 Clarinaton Official Plan 7.2.1 The Clarington Official Plan designates the subject lands as Urban Residential and Environmental Protection Area. The use of lands within the Urban Residential designation shall be predominantly for single detached and semi-detached housing. Public and separate elementary school, medium and high density and neighbourhood centre commercial and neighbourhood park symbols are also identified throughout the neighbourhood. 7.2.2 Environmental Protection Areas are recognized as the most significant components of the natural environment. The intent of this designation is to preserve and protect areas from effects of human activity. No development is permitted in these areas. 7.2.3 Amendment NO.59 to the Clarington Official Plan, primarily altered the population and housing targets for the Northglen Neighbourhood as well as revising the collector road patterns, removing a public elementary and a secondary school symbol, relocating a separate school symbol, a neighbourhood park symbol and adding four medium density symbols. The NDP conforms to the Amendment No. 59 to the Clarington Official Plan. 8.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 The Engineering Services Department have provided comments through the circulation of the Draft Plans of Subdivision S-C-2007-004 and S-C -2007-005. Changes to the NDP have been made to reflect Engineering's comments throughout the process. 8.2 The Emergency and Fire Services Department requested that all internal driveways and access routes in the townhouse areas meet all requirements of the Ontario Building Code for access and water supply. All turning circles must be sufficient for fire service vehicle turns. Details on the design and construction will be required through review of the draft plans of subdivision and future site plan applications for the multi-residential blocks. 8.3 The Region of Durham advised that the Neighbourhood Design Plan, is in conformity with the policies of the Region of Durham Official Plan, and consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH). A Functional Servicing Study was prepared by Sernas and Associates and reviewed by Regional Works. Municipal water supply can be provided from an existing feedermain on Middle Road and the future extension of feedermains across Concession Road 3. These works are conditional upon approval by Regional Council through their budget system. Sanitary sewers to service the majority of the Northglen Neighbourhood can be provided by extending a trunk sewer on Middle Road and a sub-trunk on West Scugog Replacement Page 8 For Report PSD-026-08 REPORT NO.: PSD-026-08 PAGE 8 Lane. Servicing the lands south of Rebecca Court with sanitary sewers is dependent en ...L..... _~.J,___:__ _& .1.""_ C'____ ""___1, T_.._I, __ A"_....___ ^..__.._ :..I__.L:r._..I:_ J.L_ n__:__'_ L1le C'ALC'II;:)IUII VI Lilt:: ~UfJCI \"I1t::t:;:1\ IIUIII\ VII IVICdlll:) MVt::IIUt:;:, IUt::IILlllcU III Lilt:: I"'\t::YIUII::t Capital budget program for 2011-2015. A Traffic Study was prepared by Sernas Associates and reviewed by Regional Works. Generally, the intersection spacing onto Regional Road 57 and Concession Road 3 has been deemed appropriate by the Region, although auxiliary turn lanes may be required. The appropriate widenings are required on Type 'A' Arterial Road and Type 'B' Arterial Roads. Appropriate site triangle areas are also required where roads intersect with Regional Roads. The size of widening and site triangles will be determined through the review of the draft plans of subdivision. Direct access onto Regional Roads 57 and 14 is discouraged. 8.4 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority provided input into the NDP throughout the review of the update to the Master Drainage Plan, the Environmental Impact Study and through the review of the applications for Official Plan Amendment and the two draft plans of subdivision. They are supportive of the plan and environmental areas being protected. 8.5 The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board offered no objection to the NDP. It is anticipated that the current proposed elementary school site will meet the projected needs of the Board in the area. 8.6 The Peterborough Northumberland and Clarington Catholic School District Board has offered no objection to the site at a Middle Road and Street 'B' for an elementary school site, particularly now that the traffic circle at this intersection has been eliminated. 9.0 STAFF COMMENTS 9.1 The Neighbourhood Design Plan provides a general development plan for the future development of the entire neighbourhood which is not prejudiced by current land ownership or uses. It has been refined in light of the peer review workshop, comments from the circulated agencies and members of the public from the two public open houses. The Northglen Neighbourhood is not a new urbanist neighbourhood but contains a number of the elements of evolving planning practice. It is also anticipated that the development proponents will incorporate energy and water conservation features in new homes. 9.2 The Financial Impact Study of New Developments in Clarington was undertaken in the latter half of 2007 and the report was presented to Council on March 3, 2008. Northglen Neighbourhood was one of the major new development areas reviewed in that study. Detailed phasing of development in the Northglen Neighbourhood will be considered through the conditions of draft approval for both draft plans of subdivision. Future proposed draft plans of subdivision applications for those lands not currently part of the proposed draft plans will have to conform to the Northglen Neighbourhood Design Plan. REPORT NO.: PSD-026-08 PAGE 9 9.3 The Neighbourhood Design Plan will have to be updated once the Soper Creek Subwatershed Study is complete and the limits of development can be established within said watershed. 10.0 CONCLUSION 10.1 Staff have prepared this report to inform Council and members of the public that the Northglen Neighbourhood Design Plan has been completed and that the Director of Planning Services and the Director of Engineering Services will be approving the plan in the near future. Attachment: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Neighbourhood Design Plan Attachment 3 - Concept Plan for North Bowmanville Neighbourhood Centre List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Dave and Janet Passant Cindy Craig Murdoch Rick and Donna McCreary Hielka Holkema Mike and Caroline Dodds Glenn Genge Peter and Heather Abramczuk Wendy Busuttil Gord and Rosemary Baker Hannu Halminen Grant Martin Baysong Developments Inc George and Cheryl Strilchuk Kirk & Douglas Kemp Dominick and Angela Forsellino Bob and Patsy Carruthers Kurt and Sylvia Graichen Kevin Tunney Ardyth Korte Rick James Sernas Associates Ron & Ann Reitsma Reverend Gordon Belyea Tammie McGann Attachment 1 To Report PSD-026-08 ~ :! "> r:: I m Cl. .. :;;; r:: o :g u o ... ~ & o ~ a.. ~ . o o o . o . o " . 0 0 0 . 0 . . . : , 0 O'\fO~ 3100lVll '" . I 0 0 . " . 0 I 0 i . > I : . r ~h\ltl!] IIII . . 0 0 . I 0 . . 0 ~ ~~ : 0 Efffi 19 O'\fO~ VIl'\fH~nO .1 C IV ii: c lJl "iii en III ~ 0 .... 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