HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSD-005-08 . .~ , )0 ClfJ!mgron Meeting: REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: February 25, 2008 Report #: CSD-00S-08 File#: Subject: 2008 MUNICIPAL GRANTS Recommendations: Resolution #8P It -13l:d) is 0/ c> -t1fft-no,-O"l. By-law #: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CSD-005-08 be received; 2. THAT Council consider all submitted grant requests; and 3. THAT all applicants be advised of Council's decision. eph P. Caruana irector of Community Services /"~ r ~ Reviewed bYU --- Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-5506 · REPORT NO.: CSD-005-0S PAGE 2 < 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The Municipal grant process is intended to provide financial assistance to community organizations providing programs and services within the Municipality of Clarington. The Municipal Grant Policy (Attachment #1) was reviewed in 2007 and the associated revisions were approved by Council in September (GPA-548- 07). The review confirmed that the Municipal Grant Program provided Council with an excellent vehicle to acknowledge and support the efforts of our local volunteer community and not-for-profit agencies that provide services which benefit the community in general. 1.2 The policy provides four distinct categories for grant distribution. Each applicant must meet the required definition for at least one of the following four categories: Recreation/Leisure Services, Civic, Social and Hall Board/ Community Centres. 1.3 As outlined in the Municipal Grant Policy, the allocation of funding is established at $1.00 per capita. Accordingly, a maximum amount of $80,000 has been established for award to eligible applicants in 2008. 1.4 Individual allocations through the Municipal Grant process may not exceed $5,000 per request. 1.5 Three of the applications requested funding in excess of the $5,000 limit: Application 08-15, Newcastle Community Hall Application 08 -23, Clarington Older Adults Association Application 08 -35, Community Care Durham- Clarington These three applications were included in the 2008 municipal budget deliberations and their 2008 grant requests were approved in full at that time. (Council Resolution C-044-08). As the initial $5,000 of each of these grants is funded through the Municipal Grant Program, $15,000 has now been allocated from the fund, leaving a balance of $65,000 available for consideration of eligible applications at this time. 1.6 In keeping with the current policy, an advertisement was placed in all local papers announcing the program and establishing a deadline for filing an application. In addition, 86 organizations who had been involved in the municipal grant program since 2004 were invited to a community meeting held on November 27,2007 at which time staff reviewed the changes to the Municipal Grant Policy, the application form and answered questions regarding the process and eligibility. There were 41 individuals, representing 33 organizations in attendance at the meeting. 1.7 A total of 42 applications have been received for review and consideration, compared to 51 in the 2007 process. The 42 applications represent a total of 'REPORT NO.: CSD-OOS-OS PAGE 3 $133,050 in requested funding through the Municipal grant process, compared to $157,170 requested in 2007. 1.8 On March 5, 2007, Council allocated $70,000.00 to 45 organizations (GPA 177- 07 to GPA 233-07). A further $10,000 was allocated to additional requests which were considered by Council throughout the year. (Attachment #2) 2.0 APPLICATION PROCESS 2.1 All applications received have been recorded on a summary sheet, arranged alphabetically by category (Attachment #3) providing Council and staff with an overview of all applications being considered. 2.2 Each application is also presented on a one-page summary numbered from 08-01 through 08-42 providing basic information necessary in considering the appropriate level of funding for each application. (Attachment # 4) 2.3 Organizations who submitted incomplete applications were contacted and requested to forward the outstanding information. All organizations complied with requests for additional information and therefore all applications received have been included in Attachment #3 for Council's consideration. 2.4 Criteria # 11 of the revised policy states, "Organizations not in good financial standing with the Municipality of Clarington are not eligible to apply." The Finance Department was consulted regarding the financial standing of all applicants to confirm their eligibility. 3.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 3.1 From time to time various applicants make comments through the application process or in other cases resolutions of Council were previously approved that may affect how a particular application is dealt with. The following applications and associated comments are provided for the information of Council. 3.2 The Ontario Horticultural Society approached Council in January 2008 with a request to waive the hall rental fee at Garnet 8. Rickard Recreation Complex for a horticultural community event. At that time, their request was referred to the 2008 grant process. Since that time, the Ontario Horticultural Society has partnered with the Newcastle Horticultural Society to provide an evening with prominent horticulturalist Des Kennedy. The Newcastle Horticultural Society (08- 06) includes $300 to offset the costs of sponsoring the Ontario Horticultural Society event at Garnet 8. Rickard Recreation Complex. This event is scheduled to occur on May 14, 2008. , REPORT NO.: CSD-005-08 PAGE 4 3.3 Application 08-12, Royal Canadian Legion (Branch 178) Museum fund is a request for one time funding. The Museum fund is a project developed to educate local school children on Canada's military history and the Canadian identity within the world community. Over the last year, over $4,500 has been raised locally to develop the museum and purchase appropriate artifacts. This request is to assist with the purchase of a large screen TV/DVD player which is the last item needed to complete the educational program. School children will be able to view the library of associated DVDs to enrich their appreciation of Canada's rich military history. 3.4 Application 08-22, Clarington Minor Lacrosse Association. The CMLA has experienced rapid growth since it's inception in 2002 with 350 players. Last season, the CMLA had 750 co-ed youth registered in their house league program, while fielding another 14 rep teams and 8 field teams. This funding request is for seed money to assist with the start up of a new "soft" lacrosse program for three and four year olds. 3.5 Application 08-27, Kendal Eagles Senior Baseball Club. The Kendal Eagles have been awarded the 2008 Ontario Senior B Provincial Baseball Championships. This event will see 16 senior men's teams, their families and supporters visiting Clarington August 29th to September 1 st. Games will be held at various venues including Kendal and Bowmanville. Funding is requested to assist with the organization of this prestigious event. 3.6 Application 08-32, Running Maniacs, is ineligible for the Municipal Grant Program on the basis of criteria #12. Criteria #12 states, "Fundraising organizations or organizations that make charitable donations to other organizations are not eligible to apply." This organization shows total expenditures in 2007 of $3,220 of which $3,000 is donated to the Walk for Guide Dogs. 4.0 COMMENTS 4.1 The Municipal grant program in Clarington ensures citizen involvement in recreational/leisure, civic, social and community hall boards enhancing community well being. 4.2 Each application is on file in the Community Services Department and will be made available during grant discussions, should further details of a particular application be required. Attachments: 'REPORT NO.: eso-OOS-OB PAGE S Attachment #1 - Municipal Grant Policy Attachment #2 - 2007 Supplementary Funding Allocations Attachment #3 - 2008 Grant Information Summary Attachment #4 - 2008 Individual Summaries of Grant Information v CSD-005-08 Attachment #1 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES MUNICIPAL GRANT POLICY Revised September 17, 2007 OBJECTIVE: The Municipality of Clarington acknowledges the efforts of our local volunteer community and believes that many services, events or projects are best provided through the volunteer efforts of local community organizations. The Municipality wishes to support local community organizations without eroding their strength and independence and as such encourages them to work towards financial self sufficiency. Applicants are further encouraged to pursue other opportunities for financial support. The Municipal Grant program provides financial assistance to those qualified organizations which provide direct services, events or programs to the benefit of the residents of Clarington. CRITERIA: 1) Organizations requesting financial assistance must be based within the Municipality of Clarington or the Region of Durham. 2) Regionally based organizations must provide details demonstrating how their service directly benefits the residents of Clarington. 3) Organizations must be volunteer based, or operate as not for profit. 4) Funding applications will be considered for operational expenses. Capital requests may be considered as a one-time grant only (excluding Hall Boards/Community Centres). 5) Organizations that receive any form of other funding from the Municipality of Clarington are not eligible to apply. 6) Applications for funding through the Municipal Grant Process must not exceed $5,000.00. 7) Applications requesting in excess of $5,000.00 will be referred directly to the budget process to be dealt with on an individual basis external to the Grant Process. 8) Late applications or requests received subsequent to the current year's municipal budget approval will be referred to Council for consideration, pending the availability of funds. 9) Organizations that provide services or programs that are the responsibility of another level of government are not eligible to apply. 1 10) 11 ) 12) 13) 14) . CSD-005-08 Attachment #1 Organizations with a political mandate, such as citizen Ratepayers Associations, are not eligible to apply. Organizations not in good financial standing with the Municipality of Clarington are not eligible to apply. Fundraising organizations or organizations. that make charitable donations to other organizations are not eligible to apply. Applications must be leqible, completed in full, signed and include all required attachments. It is important that Council has all of the required information to make informed decisions on the allocation of grant funds All successful applicants will be required to submit a year end accounting of all grant monies received to ensure that the funds were used for the intended purposes. FUNDING CATEGORIES a) Recreation/Leisure Services: This category is defined as those organizations offering athletic or leisure opportunities not offered by the Municipality. b) Civic: This category is defined as those organizations providing events, or services promoting the Municipality of Clarington (i.e. Santa Clause Parade, Horticultural Societies, Historical Society etc.) c) Social: This category is defined as those organizations offering specific service (other than recreational/leisure) to residents of the Municipality of Clarington, which is not considered to be the responsibility of another level of government. d) Hall Boards/Community Centres: 2 This category is defined as a Hall Board or Community Centre that operates and maintains a Municipally owned facility. (Please note grants will be considered for operational expenses only. Capital requests must be referred to the appropriate municipal representative for consideration during annual budget deliberations.) CSD-005-08 Attachment #1 MUNICIPAL GRANT FUNDING FORMULA To consider all eligible grants, the Municipality of Clarington will provide a funding formula of $1.00 per capita annually. All unallocated funds will remain in the unallocated grant account for un-anticipated requests received during the current year. PUBLIC NOTICE The Municipality of Clarington will provide public notice of the Municipal Grant Program twice each year through local newspapers. 3 N 'It - C (j) E .r:; u C1l ::: <( co o , l() o o , o C/l o - l: j o E <( o Ol() 00 l() O,,-OON " 0l()C') 0..... ~ ~ ~ ,,-&'7l()NN &'7 &'7&'7&'7 Q) - l'Il C 1:: o Q) c:: 6"-"-6"- 00000 00 0 ~C\INNN l()OcO''''':N ~.....T"'"T""'T"'" u__ ^' . L.. .- .- ....... > ct5 .... So.. c: :2<(<(~~ ... Q) .Q E j Z 1:: o c.. Q) c:: "- "- 00 , , C')l()"-"- 0000 OCt) I I I I....... T"'" O<(Q)N U)a..~,? 0(900 en "'" ~ o :: ~ c u:: o :;:::: 03 "(3 o en en <( '" '" C ill E .r:: u l1! ~ 00 o , '" o o o (f) o ... c l!! C) ... c:> c:> N ... 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'" o '" o '" '" ~ :$ z o In ... I ~ ; ~ r'. o o '" ~ <Xl o , e '" -, , '" o Qj e~ '" '" UCJ Iii '<3 o (/) Iii '<3 o (/) t:: 0", c.~ c. - " e (/) '" .,U " ., ~ e a.. " _(J) g '" '" "Sa:: -lo/l o 'i <Xl o 'i <Xl o ~ Z <Xl o , e '" 7 '" o ,., '" e " e ~ " 1-(9 ~ ill E E '" " '" 0: >.1- > g ill o '" e 'C E> Q ro Q) Vi cEtlJ Ow 0:: N 'i <Xl o ~ Z <Xl o , e '" -, S Iii '<3 o (/) CSD-005-08 Attachment H4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARI.'IGTON SU"'IMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Bowmanville Horticultural Society APPLICATION # 08-01 I CONTACT NAME I Pat Thexton I DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: .. Civic improvement projects, instruction and discussion of subjects related to horticulture to encourage improvement of homes and public grounds, promote public beautification, maintain Tourism gardens, Town Hall and Archives. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVlCES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: It would be difficult to continue with the seasonal plantings at the Town Hall, Tourism Site and the Archives. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPANTS: 84 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $7,186.01 $8,215.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $9,203.62 $7,100.65 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE ($1,695.91) $1,114.35 DEFICIT SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 I CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 . MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUM:YIARY OF GRANT INFO&VlATlON APPLICANT OGRANIZATlON: Clarington Arts and Music Festival APPLICATION # 08-02 ~ CONTACT NAME I Jesse Parsons l DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: To promote arts, music and culture inClarington. To create an annual arts and music festival in Clarington. To create positive partnerships with the Municipality, granting agencies, service clubs, SDonsors and volunteers. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Municipal Grant money will be put toward the professional printing of sponsorship package. This is critical to requesting and securing funds from granters for the remainder of festival expenses. Also be updating website with is our most cost effective method of communication with sponsors and the public throughout the year. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 40 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $11,200.00 $12,400.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $11,800.00 $11,800.00 NET OPERATION- EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE ($600.00) $600.00 DEFICIT SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED N/A $500.00 $ I ,000.00 I CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 MUMCIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Sl.!MMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Clarington Farmers' Market APPLICATION # 08-03 I CONTACT NAc'\1E I Gord Lee ~ DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Operation of Farmer's Market at Newcastle Memorial Arena every Sunday - June to October. Provide the Agricultural Community of Durham an opportunity to promote and sell their Products to Clarington Residents and Visitors. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Promotion and advertising of this market i.e. Point of Sale Material, Community Signage, Trade Local Newspaper Ads, Theme Days etc. TOTAL MEMBERSIDP/PARTlCIPANTS: 100 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $3,929.30 $5,050.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $2,953.16 $5,100.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $976.14 ($50.00) SURPLUS DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED $500.00 $500.00 $5,000.00 CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 . MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFO~\1ATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Courtice Horticultural Club APPLICATION # 08-04 ~ CONTACT NAME I Mark Stanisz I DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Communitv beautification - Hwv 2/Tmlls and Courtice Memorial HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Club would have to be downsized and planting on Municipal property might not be maintained. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPANTS: N/A I REVENUE I 2007 I 2008 I TOTAL $720.99 $665.99 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $635.00 $345.00 , NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $85.99 $320.99 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 , , . eSD-005-08 Attachment #4 . MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Ecology Garden/Bowmanville Community Organic Garden APPLICATION # 08-05 II CONTACT NAME I Vincent Powers i DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS ANn-SERVICES: To be a leading organic information and networking resource. Provide areas for individual and organizations who would like to grow their own vegetables. Provide seeds, plants, tools and a librarY. HOW PROGRAMS A.I\ID SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Trying to add some infrastructure to the garden, this will allow access all year to residents of Clarington and area. Hope to provide a way that people can subsidize their grocery bill by growing their own vegetables. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPANTS: 32 I REVENUE I 2007 I 2008 I TOTAL $600.00 $600.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $700.00 $550.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE ($100.00) $50.00 DEFICIT SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED 5500.00 $500.00 $500.00 . . CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 . MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Newcastle Horticultural Society APPLICATION # 08-06 i CONTACT NAME I Pam Daley ~ DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: " Beautification of the Newcastle community. Plant and maintain gardens at Newcastle Community Hall; seven meetings/year with guest speakers for members. $300.00 to sponsor the Ontario Horticultural Association, District 17 Gala at RRC on May 14th. Bring a prominent speaker into the community which the local clubs could not afford themselves. Will benefit the Newcastle, Orono, Bowmanville and Courtice horticultural societies; guest speaker, Des Kennedv. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Effect how much money we could spend on plantings and services available for our members (i.e. Speakers, judges for shows etc.) TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPANTS: 93 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $6,464.30 $6,464.30 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $6,110.33 $6,110.33 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $353.97 353.97 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $500.00 $500.00 $800.00 , . CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Newcastle Santa Parade Committee APPLICATION # 08-07 CONTACT NAME II Martha Hendriks DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Local organizations, residents and businesses participate ih the parade or watch it frorn the streets of Newcastle. 2006 - 8,500+ people watched parade & 2007 - 10,500+ eo Ie watched arade accordin to olice. HOW PROGRA,\fS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Money donated to parade pays for bands, candy canes, advertising and port-a-potties. 75% of money pays for bands, if money is not approved, 3-4 bands will have to be eliminated. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPANTS: N/A REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $7,200.00 $7,910.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $6,390.00 $7,220.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $810.00 $690.00 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED $2,500.00 $2,000.00 2008 GRANT RE VESTED $2,500.00 . CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 . MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Newcastle Village and Historical Society APPLICATION # 08-08 i CONTACT NAME I Myno Van Dyke i DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Collecting; archiving and storing relevant local historical data. Require new software for storage data. Increasing costs of internet ($1 OO.OO/month). Expanding public times in archive room on Saturdavs. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Able to provide the community with historical/genealogical information on our new website. Provide community with free and easy access to our files and data. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPANTS: 85 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $7,940.00 $4,355.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $7,470.00 $5,700.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $470.00 ($1,345.00) SURPLUS DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $2,000.00 . CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 . MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Newtonville's Music Night in the Park APPLICATION # 08-09 ~ CONTACT NAME il Vicki Burrows I DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Music entertainment Sunday evenings during the summer in Ina Brown Park. HOW PROGRAM:S AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Continue to allow 'Music Night in the Park' to run. The attendance at these performances exceeds expectations and would be greatly missed. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPANTS: 100 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $3,136.71 $3,700.00 -c- EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $2,067.79 $4,100.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $1,068.92 ($400.00) SURPLUS DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED N/A $750.00 $2,000.00 . . . CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Orono Horticultural Society APPLICATION # 08-10 I CONTACT NAME II Flora Sharpe I DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Main street flower beds; instruction and discussion of subjects related to horticulture to encourage improvement of homes and public grounds. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: 2008 Projects: tree for cemetery, replace shrubs in existing beds, library restructuring of beds and shrubs. 1569 volunteer hours. TOTAL MEMBERSffiPIPARTICIPANTS: 84 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $7,042.55 $6,282.21 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $6,299.45 $6,444.55 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $743.10 ($162.34) SURPLUS DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED $500.00 $500.00 $750.00 . , CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Rotary Club of Court ice - Canada Day in Clarington APPLICATION # 08-11 i CONTACT NAME I Kevin McAlpine II DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Provides a Canada Day celebration in Clarington including live entertainment, bbq, children's activities and fireworks. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: This event draws about 8,000 people for Canada Day, our budget is very tight for that. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPANTS: N/A REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $57,832.00 $45,320.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $59,705.00 $42,140.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE ($1,873.00) $3,180.00 DEFICIT SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED i $3,000,00 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 . CSD.005.08 Attachment #4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Royal Canadian Legion Mnseum Fund APPLICATION # 08-12 I CONTACT NAME II John Johnson ~ DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Offers an educational program for school children on Canadian military history. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Funds requested to purchase a big screen TV to show videos etc. for school tours. This is the last item required to complete their library. TOTAL MEMBERSIDP/PARTICIP ANTS: 1,000 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $4504.93 $2,000.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $4502.15 $2,000.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $2.78 0 SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED N/A N/A $2,000.00 CSD-005-08 Attachment ~4 :vIUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATlON: Hampton Hall Board APPLICATION # 08-13 ~ CONTACT NAME il Jennie Moore I DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Community activities such as movie nights, euchre nights, fun day, Christmas tree , lighting, fun dance and harvest dance. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Money is needed to continually upgrade and upkeep the building inside with photos, curtains, paint, flowers, shoveling, garbage removal etc. A cleaner, neater, more welcoming building will attract community members to our events and encourage people to rent our facility. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPANTS: N/A REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $15,397.81 $12,655.87 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $9,155.51 $10,975.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $6,242.30 $1,680.87 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $2,500.00 $2,500.00 52,500.00 , CSD-005-08 Anachment #4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Kendal Community Centre APPLICATION # 08-14 r CONTACT NAME ~ Liz Robinson I DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Community events such as youth dances, wee tot playgroups, euchre nights, dart league and Christmas tree lillhtinl>. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVlCES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Enhance facilities to attract more and bigger rentals (weddings, jack and jills and dances) and be able to better accommodate current renters. TOTAL MEMBERSIDP/PARTICIPANTS: N/A REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $41,667.38 $44,336.53 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $24,930.85 $30,730.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE 16,736.53 $13,606.53 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED $3,000.00 $2,500.00 $5,000,00 . CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 . MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZA TlON: Newcastle Community Hall APPLICATION # 08-15 ~ CONTACT NAME II Cathy Abraham I r DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Communitvactivities. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRAl'lT: TOTAL MEMBERSIDP/PARTICIPANTS: N/A REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $125,724.00 $114,547.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $84,184.00 $95,658.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $41,540.00 $18,889.00 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED $5000.00 $5000.00 $5,000.00 CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Newtonville Community Hall APPLICATION # 08-16 ~ CONTACT NAME I Vicki Burrows I DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Community activities such as kids dances movie nights, Christmas parties, dance instruction, adult and senior orol!rams. HOW PROGRAMS Al"lD SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Able to maintain hall and offer quality programs to the local community TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: N/A REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $18,138.99 $18,311.38 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $9,717.15 $11,000.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $8,421.84 $7,311.38 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 , , , CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 . MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board APPLICATION # 08-17 I I CONTACT NA.\1E ~ Gord Lee ~ DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Manage and program arena on behalf of the Municipality. HOW PROGRAMS At"lD SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: All programs are conducted by volunteer community groups for the recreational, social and Health benefits of Clarington residents. All funding is returned to the community by improving, enhancing and providing products and services for the arena and its user groups. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTlCIPANTS:7 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $286,651.18 $341,750.00 EXPENSES . 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $244,855.57 $352,500.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $41,759.61 $10,750.00 SURPLUS DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED ~ $5,000,00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Orono Town Hall Board APPLICATION # 08-18 CONT ACT NAME II Judy Climenhage DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Community events, History Fair, Concerts in the Park, Art Show, Santa's Breakfast. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Community events will not need to be decreased and volunteer board members will not be overtaxed in their fundraising efforts. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPfPARTICIPANTS: N/A REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $39,570.80 $46,071.38 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $34,449.42 $41,000.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $5,121.38 $5,071.38 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED $3,000.00 $3,000.00 2008 GRANT RE UESTED $3,000.00 . , , CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 . MU:\TICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFOR..\1ATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Tyrone Communtiy Centre APPLICATION # 08-19 II CONTACT NAME il Enid Lyttle i DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: -- Community Activities, Breakfastwith Santa, Seniors Programs, Fair. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Assist in paying for the rising hydro and propane costs. Want to try to upgrade the hall to improye Rental potential. Without Municipal Grant, the oyerhead cost of the Hall would not be met. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: N/A REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $53,349.00 $35,950.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $38,494.00 $50,950.00 ,r NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $14,855.00 ($15,000.00) SURPLUS DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED S3,000.00 $2,500.00 $3,500.00 CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFOR1'V1ATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Bowmanville New Horizons Band APPLICATION # 08-20 I CONTACT NAME I Anthony Maxwell I DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Daytime adult teaching and performances program. Provides entry points to mllsic for adults, from novice to inactive. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Programs offered would need to be reduced to funds available. This is the only adult daytime Teaching and performance band program in the area. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 87 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $5,585.00 $11,780.78 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $5,574.22 $11,770.00 ! NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $10.78 $10.78 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: , 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT I APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED N/A $500.00 $2,500.00 - . . CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Clarington Concert Band APPLICATION # 08-21 II CONTACT NAME II Colin Rowe i DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Provides live rnusic, accessible to all citizens. In 2007 there were 16 performances, Orono 175'h, Bowmanville Santa Clause Parade and Christmas at the Beech - COAA. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: The Concert Band has increased its visibility in the community by purchasing a Parade Wagon and acquired a storage unit for newly purchased equipment (Tympani Drums). Funding allows I us to cover associated rental, insurance and transportation costs without affecting our ability to purchase sheet music and maintain a repertoire of current music. i TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PART1C1P~'\TTS: 23 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $52,481.94 $46,167.50 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $29,889.44 $17,980.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $22,592.50 $28,187.50.00 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $500.00 $500.00 $2,000.00 . CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 , MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Clarington Minor Lacrosse Association APPLICATION # 08-22 I CONTACT NAME I Charlie Simpson II DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Promotes and governs all minor lacrosse within the Municipality. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Seed money to introduce a new "soft ball" program for 3 and 4 year olds. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPANTS: 950 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $156,690.58 $148,633.06 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $154,307.52 $144,000.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $2,383.06 $4,633.06 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: - i 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED $1500.00 N/A $1,500.00 , , CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 MU~ICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATlON: Clarington Older Adult Association APPLICATION # 08-23 CONTACT NAME I Angie Oarlison DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: To promote the well being if older adults through the provisions of affordable programs and activities. Offer social, physical and informational programs. In 2007 over 90 programs! acti vi ties/workshops. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: MlUlicipal funding will offset the operating costs - maintenance, new equipment to improve existing programs and implementing new programs and events, hiring qualified instructors. TOTAL MEMBERSIDP/PARTICIPANTS: 762 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $304,279.00 $329,831.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $304,279.00 $329,831.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $0.00 0.00 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED 55000.00 $5,000.00 2008 GRANT RE VESTED $5,000.00 CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFOR'\1ATION APPLICANT OGRANIZA TION: Clarington Project - A Project of Community Living Oshawa/Clarington APPLICATION # 08-24 CONTACT NAME I Cheri Smith DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Vision statement - to promote a community where everyone belongs, is listened to, is treated fairl ,and has 0 ortuni to make informed choices. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Grants and donations allow offering more workshops, teachings, materials and activities that our members might not get to do. Many of the member's families are low income or have aging parents. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 3S REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $57,193.00 $59,693.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $57,193.00 $57,193.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $2,500.00 0.00 SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRA."!T HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED N/A N/A 2008 GRANT RE UESTED $2,500.00 . CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION I I APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Clarington Swim Club APPLICATION # 08-25 ~ CONTACT NAME I Elizabeth Marchant-Reid l DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: . Competitive swim program, youth fitness. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Will be able to run the program. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: N/A REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $110,172.28 $167,060.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $59,030.63 $156,075.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $51,141.65 $10,985.00 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $5,000.00 CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 1 . APPLICANT OGRANIZATlON: Courtice Kids Multisport Series APPLICATION # 08-26 I CONTACT NAME i Derrick McKay ~ DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Provides an opportunity for youth in Clarington to participate in recreational multi sport events. Promotes active and healthy living for local vouth. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Registration costs will be lower. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 100 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $6,920.00 $11 ,866.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $5,850.00 $11,030.00 II NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $1,070.00 $836.00 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED N/A $\ ,000.00 $2,000.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON SUMM<\RY OF GRANT INFORMATION < CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORlVlATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Kendal Eagles APPLICATION # 08-27 !I CONT ACT NAME Ii Chad Maartense II DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: II Hosting the 2008 Ontario Senior B Provincial Baseball Championships Aug. 29-Sept. I; 16 teams from across the province and their families/supporters will sample Clarington's shops & restaurants. Funding to offset costs of facility rentals. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT; Would be able to run the Provincial Championships without a loss. The money will be used to upgrade the ball park to showcase one ofClarington's fmest facilities. TOTAL MEMBERSIDP/PARTICIPANTS; 24 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $6,483.92 $12,950.00 i EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $5,687.05 $12,567.00 NET OPERATION -EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $796.87 $383.00 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY; 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED N/A N/A $3,500.00 . CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Newcastle Skating Club APPLICATION # 08-28 II CONTACT NAME II H. Page I DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: To encourage the instruction, practice, enjoyment and advancement of its members in all aspects of skating. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Coaches fees have increased by $300 this year as skaters advance to higher levels. Fee increase from arena board. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPAL"ITS: 127 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $75,261.00 $71,389.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $55,122.00 $60,904.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $20,139.00 $10,485.00 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $4,500.00 CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION I CONTACT NAME I Harold Sellers ~ DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: To develop, manage and secure the Oak Ridges Trail as a recreational greenway along the Oak Ridges Moraine from Niagara Escarpment to the Northumberland Forest, thereby promoting appreciation and respect and respect for the Moraine's ecological, cultural scenic integrity, with aim of retaining the trail corridor in its natural state. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Maintain level of trail maintenance and construction. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPfPARTICIPANTS: 28 REVENUE 2007 2008 . - TOTAL $283,613.00 $340,263.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $264,850.00 $341,250.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $18,763.00 $987.00 SURPLUS DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 APPLICANT OGRANIZATlON: Oak Ridges Trail Association APPLICATION # 08-29 , . CSD-005-08 Attachment ~4 . MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATlON: Orono Amateur Athletic Association APPLICATION # 08-30 ~ CONTACT NAME II Laverne Boyd ~ DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: The promotion of sports and recreation for the youth of the community plus the operation of the area and community care. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: It could mean an increase in registration fees might result in some kids not playing in sports because of costs. TOTAL MEMBERSmp/P ARTlCIP ANTS: 172 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $279,302.00 $293,279.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $219,401.00 $230,760.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $59,901.00 $62,519.00 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT mSTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED $2,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 . . CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 . MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Orono Figure Skating Club APPLICATION # 08-31 I CONTACT NAME I Charlene Perrin ~ DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Skating Programs. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Helps to offset ice costs so we are able to keep our registrations cost down, therefore allowing all families throughout the Municipality to use our programs. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 125 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $103,148.14 $97,603.91 EXPENSES 2007 2008 . TOTAL EXPENSES $80,044.93 $59,160.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $23,103.21 $38,443.91 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $4,000.00 , " . CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 . MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORc\1ATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Running Maniacs APPLICATION # 08-32 [I CONTACT NAME ~ Heather Pereira I DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Mission: to get residents ofClarington off the couch & up & moving. Train as a group for individual goals, providing support and encouragement to each other. Run-to-run programs, Kids running groups, Walking programs, AnnualS & 10 k Fall Festival Run. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Difficult to grow and let community know who we are and what we are all about; would be able to rent a location to hold meetings for the group and do more advertising and get team shirts. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPfPARTICIPANTS: N/A I REVENUE I 2007 I 2008 I TOTAL $3,200.00 $0 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $3,220.00 $48.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE ($20.00) ($48.00) DEFICIT DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: !I 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT , APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED N/A N/A $5,000.00 . CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Canadian Mental Health - Durham APPLICATION # 08-33 I CONTACT NAME I Leesa Venning I . DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Vision Staternent:'We envision a Resource Centre that fosters an environment of integration, belonging, acceptance and enabling. We envision a community where everyone is accepted and treated as equals and treated fairly.' Daytime resource centre for , people recovering from mental illness. Socialization, recreation, support with community resources, affordable nutritious meals. Sf. Johns Anglican Church, 11 Temperance. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: To incorporate Vocational and Life Skills groups into our regular programming. Also would like to provide community outings which would require activity fees, as well as transportation costs (1.25). Would also like to subsidize food costs for the whole program by providing lunch cards. If we are not successful in obtaining the grant, these services would not be possible. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPANTS: 60 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $7931.27 $13,000.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $7,200.00 $11,784.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $731.27 $4,216.00 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED N/A N/A $5,000.00 . . - CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 , MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Canadian Red Cross - Region of Durham APPLICATION # 08-34 I CONTACT NAME I Michelle Miatello ~ I DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Disaster preparedness and management, personal disaster assistance, abuse protection education, first aid courses and babv sitting courses. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Train volunteers to respond 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to provide disaster relief to citizens. This area relies solely on donations in order to prepare individuals for a disaster, respond to families who have been forced from their homes and work with municipalities to respond to large scale disasters. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPfPARTICIPANTS: N/A REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $301,300.00 $254,834.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $301,300.00 $327,474.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES LESS REVENUE 2007 2008 $0.00 ($72,640.00) DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED NI A Denied 2008 GRANT RE UESTED $5,000.00 CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Clarington East Food Bank APPLICATION # 08-35 CONTACT NAME II Shelley Molica DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: To supply ahdrender services ofa charitable nature to poor needy persons. To give three day su 1 of food to each member of a deservin famil usuall once er month. HOW PROGRAMS At"lD SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Some residence in the East Clarington area may have an even more difficult time providing the basic needs for their families and themselves. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPANTS: N/A REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $20,976.79 $25,850.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $22,179.79 $25,850.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES LESS REVENUE 2007 2008 ($1,203.00) DEFICIT 0.00 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED $1500.00 $1,000.00 2008 GRANT RE UESTED $5,000.00 . . . - . c CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 , MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Clarington Fiddle Club APPLICATION # 08-36 I CONTACT NAME !I Shirley Severn i DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Provide opportunity for people of all ages to express themselves through music, dance and/or instrument. Provide entertainment for the local community, fairs, senior centres etc. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Will help meet financial obligations. Rent is high, but need the space and location. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPANTS: 225 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $10,419.50 $9,663.66 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES . $7,375.84 $6,855.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $3,043.66 $2,808.66 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED $500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 , CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Community Care Durham - Clarington APPLICATION # 08-37 CONTACT NAME I Sally Barrie DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Provides Home Support, Respite (Caregiver Relief), and COPE Mental Health services for Adults and their caregivers with needs related to physical disability, aging, and/or mental health. Services rovided free of char e or with nominal char e. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: The cost of providing our various services increases each year, including the need to actively recruit volunteers and ensure that appropriate screening, orientation and training is completed. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPfPARTlCIPANTS: N/A REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $610,003.00 $620,240.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $610,003.00 $620,240.00 NET OPERA nON - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $0 $0 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED $5000.00 $5000.00 2008 GRANT RE UESTED $5,000.00 , , . , , MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFO&1VIATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Driftwood Theatre Group APPLICATION # 08-38 CONTACT NAME I Yvonne Williams CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: To educate and increase the public's appreciation of Classical and Canadian Theatre Arts by providing theatrical performances and workshops in various venues including but not limited to, public parks, theatres, and educational institutions. Perform summer Shakespeare in the park for the past 14 years. Annual show at V AC (140 ppl in 2007) - August 10,2008 @ 7:30 pm, V AC. Annual CREA TrONS FESTlV AL at Trafal ar Castle - write, rehearse and erform short la s. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Outdoor Summer Theatre tour is assessed each year on the support Driftwood receives - attendance and financially. Funding would allow for the continuation of the program in Clarington TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPANTS: 284 REVENUE 2007 TOTAL $108,543.00 EXPENSES 2007 TOTAL EXPENSES $164,552.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES LESS REVENUE 2007 ($56,009.00) DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED $500.00 $500.00 2008 $188,099.00 2008 $236,545.00 2008 ($48,446.00) DEFrCIT 2008 GRANT RE VESTED $3,500.00 . ~ . ~.' -, CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 , MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORJ\iIATlON APPLICANT OGRANIZATlON: Latenite Productions APPLICATION # 08-39 II CONTACT NAME I Brian Bradshaw I DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: To support youth of Claringt6n in the area of creativity through music and culture with the hope of fostering personal growth and group development. Through facilitating live performances, providing opportunity for young musicians to showcase their talents and supporting programs for under privileged vouth. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Provide positive experiences and opportunities for local that stimulate culture and the community. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPANTS: 3 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $2,375.50 $26,986.81 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $2,638.69 $17,800.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE ($263.19) DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED N/A Nli\ $9,186.81 SURPLUS 2008 GRANT RE UESTED $5,000.00 ~ :~ ~ CSD-005-08 Attachment #4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZA TION: Learning Disabilities Association APPLICATION # 08-40 i CONTACT NAME I Shari Davis II . DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: To.provide services for individuals and families living with learning disabilities and to enhance community awareness of learning disabilities, ADD & associated behaviours. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: We are a small agency (one paid core staff member) serving a very large and growing demand. The funding will assist in core, operating costs. Without sustained core funding, we might look to our community to support the continuance of our basic operations. Loss of the Municipality's support combined with United Way's funding reduction will require the agency to reduce services and hours of availability and/or explore fee for service costs to clients for programs which are presently free. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPANTS: 2,197 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $65,893.00 $74,354.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $65,893.00 $74,354.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $0 $0 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT 2008 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED $750.00 $750.00 $1,500.00 . . -I- " CSD-005-08 Attachment "4 , MU:-iIClPALITY OF CLARINGTO:-i SV:YIMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICA:-iT OGRA:\IZATION: Luke's Place Support & Resource Centre APPLICATION # 08-41 ~ CONT ACT NAME I Carol Barkwell :=J DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS A;\lD SERVICES: "I' Resource Centre to address family law issues for woman abuse survivors. Mission statement: 'To support abused women and their children throughout the family law process and provide them and the community with special resources and information about family law and woman abuse.' HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BENEFIT FROM GRANT: Provide the ability to keep up with the increasing demand for our services in Durham and Clarington regions. It should be noted that we do not currently receive any other core annualized dollars from other government funding sources. TOTAL MEMBERSHIP/PARTICIPANTS: N/A REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $224,355.08 $218,868.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $214,190.60 $209,310.06 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $10,164.48 $9,557.94 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT ! 2008 GRANT I APPROVED APPROVED i REOUESTED II N/A N/A ! $5,000.00 !, I i ,I , - ..." . -~ CSD-005-08 Attachment ~A . MVNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Sl:MMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICA.'IT OGRANIZATlON: Ontario Volunteer Emergency Response Team APPLICATION # 08-42 II CONTACT NAME LTracey Gunn I - ... -( DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Emergency Services. HOW PROGRAMS AND SEVICES WILL BE.'IEFIT FROM GRANT: Assist in ongoing training for existing members as well as resources for recruitment of new members. Also update aging equipment and our K9 unit which requires regular veterinarian visits. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 100 REVENUE 2007 2008 TOTAL $44,970.00 552,158.00 EXPENSES 2007 2008 TOTAL EXPENSES $28,424.00 $45,210.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2007 2008 LESS REVENUE $16,546.00 $6,948.00 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: I 2006 GRANT 2007 GRANT I 2008 GRANT II APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED L NiA N/A 55,000.00 -