HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-011-08 STAFF REPORT 112 Cl~il1glOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Date: Monday, January 28, 2008 R~olu+-'Of) :it:- C -04-tf-08 l- e - 0 LIS - 0 ~ Meeting: COUNCIL Report #: PSD-011-08 File #: PLN 39.2 By-law #: Subject: THE CLARINGTON GREEN CHALLENGE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-011-08 be received for information. Submitted by: D vi . Creme, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director, Planning Services Reviewed by: ()~~. ~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer DJC/COS/df 24 January 2008 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-011-08 PAGE 2 1.0 ORIGIN 1.1 On January 18, 2007, Elaine Garnett of CHEX Channel 12 made a presentation to the General Purpose and Administration Committee regarding a public awareness campaign involving community partners to encourage community participation in green community challenge. The proposal involved two potential levels of involvement (Attachment 1). 1.2 After hearing the presentation, Committee approved the following resolution: THAT $10,500 for the Living Green Committee be identified in the Planning Services "Committee" Budget, pending a report to Council on January 28, 2008. 1.3 One of the issues raised at the General Purpose and Administration Committee was whether the Green Community Advisory Committee had additional authority than other Advisory Committees, such as the ability to enter into contracts. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 The Municipality's Corporate Business Plan for 2007 to 2010 identifies as one objective "To Develop a Green Community Strategy". One of the action items under this Plan is to establish a Green Community Advisory Committee including partnership with local businesses through the Board of Trade. 2.2 Council on May 14, 2007 established the Advisory Committee. The membership of the committee includes citizens at large and representatives of organizations like OPG and Veridian. Council by resolution #C-274-07 approved the terms of reference for the Committee contained in Attachment 2. 2.3 The key objectives established for the Committee are: 1) To undertake research in the following areas: a) Energy Conservation; b) Clean energy alternatives and technologies; c) Local response to Climate Change; d) Alternative development patterns for energy conservation and sustainable development including mixed densities, a mix of use and building types; and, e) Planning and technical innovation for sustainable development such as green infrastructure and low impact development. 2) On behalf of Council, to consult with the public through focus groups briefs and public meetings; 3) To prepare the Clarington Green Community Strategy; 4) To organize educational events to implement the Green Community Strategy; REPORT NO.: PSD-011-08 PAGE 3 5) In addition, the Committee will provide input to Municipality's Official Plan Review-Sustainable Development Component. 3.0 THE CLARINGTON GREEN CHALLENGE 3.1 Channel 12 approached the Committee with a proposal in October 2007. The proposal, known as The Clarington Green Challenge, would see Clarington's' residents and business engage in addressing the issues of energy conservation, climate change, health, and sustainable development. The Clarington Green Challenge is a community awareness and education project that will support both the Green Community Strategy. 3.2 Channel 12 proposal states that "Going GREEN is on everyone's minds and Clarington has the opportunity to truly lead the way in action, education, communication and accountabilitv in a way that no one has ever done before. This important message for the health of our community and our future, has the power to be a large engaging community campaign with the support of many partners coming together. Going GREEN successfully, requires leadership and partnership and our proposed challenge offers it all". Clarington would be the first Municipality in Durham to create such a partnership. The "challenqe" itself is: Starting with measurement of current energy & waste consumption and then publicly reporting results every 3 months (through the Green Committee). This would include dividing the community into areas to create "the players" for a competitive platform, providing educational information and tips for energy & waste sustainability. By reporting quarterly results, we simultaneously educate the public and raise the bar on everyone on being environmentally responsible. 3.3 The Green Community Advisory Committee passed the following resolution at its meeting on October 23, 2007. "THAT the Green Community Advisory Committee endorse the Clarington Green Challenge Proposal by Channel 12 as one of the Committee's initiatives for Public Awareness and Communications; AND THAT staff and Channel 12 prepare a detailed work plan for presentation to the Committee at its meeting in January, 2008." 3.4 The original proposal was for a $30,000 municipal commitment from the Municipality. As staff and Green Community Committee members worked on the details of a proposal, it was determined that only a more modest proposal should be considered. In December, members of staff, Channel 12 and members of the Green Committee considered the revised proposal and determined that it should be presented to Clarington Council during the budget discussions. At that time the Planning Services budget had been submitted and approved by the CAO and Treasurer for presentation to Council and could not be revised. REPORT NO.: PSD-011-08 PAGE 4 3.5 The two levels of participation proposed are: . $16,500 which includes the Challenge Concept. . $10,500 which is only a community awareness and education campaign. 4.0 STAFF COMMENTS 4.1 Planning Services staff support the program, and in particular the "challenge concept" for the following reasons: . it implements the public education mandate of the Green Community Advisory Committee . it implements the Green Community Strategy and the citizen engagement components of the Corporate Strategic Business Plan for 2007-2010. . It provides measurable results of a public awareness campaign. . It leverages greater private sector funding and participation. . It could assist in the communication program of the Official Plan Review. Staff recommend that Council consider participation in the proposed program at the $16,500 level. 4.2 As for the mandate and authority of the Green Community Advisory Committee, it has the same advisory powers as any other committee. Although it is comprised of eminently qualified people from business, the university, BILD (the Building Industry and Land Development Association) and the Durham Strategic Energy Alliance, in addition to a variety of citizens with qualifications and interest in environment, it is advisory to Council. Any contracts with CHEX Channel 12 would be through the Planning Services Department under a budget allocation approved by Council. 5.0 CONCLUSION 5.1 The Clarington Green Challenge project fits Council's mandate for the Green Community Advisory Committee and it becomes much more than an advertising campaign. From a financial perspective, the project is based on a partnership with the private sector and would leverage an estimated value which would be sevenfold the municipal contribution. Therefore, if it was possible, Council should consider the commitment of $16,500 to this project. Attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Channel 12 Proposal Terms of Reference for the Green Community Committee Investment Details Elaine Garnett General Sales Manager Channel12 905.434.2421. x222 elaine.pamett(a�corusent.com $16,500 Commitment from Clarington • Full Community Challenge concept to continue at this level • 45 x 30 second commercials every month (total 540) • 30 x 60 second "Quarterly Reports" (to run over 1 month, every quarter) • Access to Channel 12 live local programs for live interviews • Partnership from utility & waste management (Green tips & progress reports) • Projected 4-10 private business participation • Tie in to Clarington's web site (commercials driving traffic to web site) • Approx. value delivered for your $16.5k investment: $110,000+ $10,500 Commitment from Clarington • Public education & awareness communication platform — no community challenge • 60 x 30 second commercials every month (total 720) • Access to Channel 12 live local programs for live interviews • Partnership from utility & waste management (Green tips) • Tie in to Clarington's web site (commercials driving traffic to web site) • Approx. value delivered for your $10.5k investment: $60,000 EN TENTAINU ENT O "el 0 CD vD v 0 pn o3 CD 62 Attachment 2 To Report PSD-011-08 TERMS OF REFERENCE GREEN COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO COUNCIL Approved by Council Resolution #C274-07 PURPOSE: To develop a community strategy that would include local actions, policies, programs, and projects for climate change, energy conservation, clean energy alternatives, and promoting more sustainable development practices. The Green Community Strategy will encompass local initiatives, private projects, partnerships between the public and private sectors as well as the business community. Some of these initiatives may range from support to the expansion of Darlington Nuclear Facility, engaging developers to include energy conservation initiatives in their projects, advising and promoting energy conservation to businesses to creating community awareness of energy conservation. MANDATE: The mandate of the Green Community Advisory Committee is to prepare a Green Community Strategy. The Green Community Strategy will focus on the community's local response to the interrelations among energy, health, climate change and development. In preparing the Green Community Strategy, the advisory committee will, on behalf of Council, consult with the public through focus groups, briefs and public meetings. The will also seek partnerships with other levels of government, private sector and non-profit groups. The Municipality of Clarington has established a staff Committee on energy management and conservation. While the Green Community Advisory Committee may include some recommendations on Municipal operations, the focus of the Advisory committee's work is to be on broader community issues. OBJECTIVES: 1) To undertake research in the following areas: a) Energy Conservation; b) Clean energy alternatives and technologies; c) Local response to Climate Change; d) Alternative development patterns for energy conservation and sustainable development including mixed densities, a mix of use and building types; and, e) Planning and technical innovation for sustainable development such as green infrastructure and low impact development. 2) On behalf of Council, to consult with the public through focus groups briefs and public meetings; 3) To prepare the Clarington Green Community Strategy; 4) To organize educational events to implement the Green Community Strategy; 5) In addition, the Committee will provide input to Municipality's Official Plan Review Sustainable Development Component. COMMITTEE COMPOSITION: The GCAC shall consist of 13 voluntary members who are appointed by Council for a term of four (4) years, to coincide with the term of Council. A majority of membership, nine (9) shall constitute a quorum. The Advisory Committee will consist of the following representatives . Mayor and a Member of Council (2) . Ontario Power Generation (1) . Durham Strategic Energy Alliance (1 ) . Veridian (1) . CBOT Board Member (1) . University of Ontario Institute of Technology (1) . Youth (1) . Community at large (4) . Developer - Durham Chapter of the Greater Toronto Home Builders Association - Urban Development Institution (GTHBA-UDI) (1) The Membership shall possess expertise and willingness to devote the necessary time to the Committee. Openings for community membership shall be publicly advertised and all residents of the Municipality of Clarington may apply. Applicants will submit applications to the Municipality of Clarington Planning Services Department. Members will be formally appointed by Municipal Council. The Mayor shall sit as the interim Chair. The GCAC will select a Chair and a Vice-Chair from among its membership. The Chair shall provide leadership to the GCAC, ensure that it carries out its mandate, and act as the primary liaison between the GCAC and Staff. A staff member shall act as recording secretary. Duties of the recording secretary shall include the taking of meeting minutes and providing these minutes to the Clerk for Council's information. Regarding conflicts of interest, Members of the Committee must abide by the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act Green Community Strategy Coordinators The coordinators for the Community Advisory Committee will be: . Carlos Salazar - Manager of Community Planning and Design . Suzanne McCrimmon- Clarington Board of Trade . Jennifer Cooke, Manager, Communications and Tourism . Representative from power utility REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS/DECISION MAKING: · The Committee will be established as an Advisory Committee of Council under Councils' Protpcol for Advisory Committees. Committee members will report to Council through the Committee's Chair. . Decisions will be reached by consensus where appropriate, or through a simple majority vote. . Committee members will report, to their respective organizations, decisions reached by the Committee. . Report to Council on semi-annual basis. FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS: . There will be a minimum of one meeting per month of the Committee, supplemented as required by conference etc. . The meetings will be held at the Clarington Municipal Administrative Centre. SECRETARIAT COSTS: . The Secretariflt function of the Committee will be provided mainly by the Planning Services Department, the Communications Branch of the Municipality, and the Clarington Board of Trade. . The operating costs for the first two years of the Committee will be established through contributions from the Municipality, The CBOT, and may include other community partners. . The Advisory Committee will be allowed to seek other sources of funding and grants for speoific initiatives/programs. WORKING GROUPS: . The GCAC may establish Working Groups as needed to further study an issue and to make recommendations on that issue to the GCAC. Working groups will have an ad hoc status with a clear mandate and time frame. . Each Working Group will be chaired by a Committee member, as selected by the Committee and with the agreement of the member. A member of the working group will be responsible for generation of minutes. . The Working Groups will be comprised of at least one staff member and may have representation from any other interested parties or experts as the Committee may require. . The Municipality and the CBOT will provide meeting coordination and information distribution support to Working Groups, as appropriate. . The Committee may establish linkages to other working groups or committees that function on a more permanent basis. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: All Committee meetin9s are open to the public. Member of the public are not permitted to participate in Committee discussions but may appear as a delegation before the Committee. Delegations shall be for a maximum of 10 minutes. Those wishing to appear as a delegation at a Committee meeting must so advise the staff liaison a minimum of five working days prior to the meeting.