HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/14/2008 Council Meeting Minutes JANUARY 14, 2008 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on January 14, 2008, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Councillor Foster led the meeting in prayer. ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor J. Abernethy Councillor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor M. Novak Councillor G. Robinson Councillor C. Trim Councillor W. Woo Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Director of Engineering, T. Cannella, attended until 9:33 p.m. Director of Community Services, J. Caruana, attended until 9:33 p.m. Manager of Communication & Marketing, J. Cooke, attended until 7:25 p.m. Director of Planning Services, D. Crome, attended until 9:33 p.m. Solicitor, D. Hefferon Director of Operations, F. Horvath, attended until 9:33 p.m. Director of Corporate Services, M. Marano, attended until 9:33 p.m. Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, G. Weir, attended until 9:33 p.m. Administrative Assistant to the Clerk, C. Fleming, attended until 9:33 p.m. Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Later in the meeting, Councillor Novak indicated a pecuniary interest with respect to the delegation of Dave Renaud. MINUTES Resolution #C-001-08 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on December 10, 2007, be approved. “CARRIED” Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - January 14, 2008 Resolution #C-002-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended to permit additional delegates to be added to the Agenda. “CARRIED” Resolution #C-003-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the delegations of Kristin McKinnon-Rutherford and Wayne Ellis and the Mayor’s State of Clarington Address be added to the Agenda. “CARRIED” PRESENTATIONS Roberta Youngs-Ransom, Vice-principal, Clarington Central Secondary School, and Member, Clarington Community of Character Committee, addressed Council providing a history of the Character Education Program initiated by the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board in 2002. Through use of a PowerPoint presentation Ms. Youngs-Ransom highlighted the character attributes of honest, integrity, perseverance, respect, optimism, courage, fairness, initiative, responsibility and empathy which cross all borders of society and provided a chronology of events leading to the promotion of the Municipality of Clarington as a ‘Community of Character’. Ms. Youngs-Ransom reviewed the Mission and Vision Statements of the Clarington Community of Character and requested Council’s support in recognizing what has already been accomplished by the Community of Character Committee and in committing to working with Committee members to implement a plan of action to make the Vision a reality in the municipality. Ms. Youngs-Ransom provided each Member of Council with a promotional T-Shirt and copies of the Mission and Vision Statements and introduced Brian Ransom and Ulrike E. Fliesser, Members of the Committee. In response to questions, Ms. Youngs-Ransom requested Council’s support in having the character message communicated to the community through dialogue, advertising, use of the logo, etc. and provided examples of how other municipalities are getting the message across to their citizens. Council Meeting Minutes - 3 - January 14, 2008 Mayor Abernethy introduced Lieutenant-Colonel John Conrad, highlighting his service to Canada as Commanding Officer of the National Support Element in Kandahar, Afghanistan from February 8 to August 15, 2006, and advising of Lieutenant-Colonel Conrad’s receipt of the Meritorious Service Medal. Mayor Abernethy presented Lieutenant-Colonel Conrad with a Certificate, on behalf of Council, in recognition of his esteemed award. Lieutenant-Colonel Conrad thanked Council for their thoughtfulness and accepted the Certificate on behalf of all Clarington soldiers who have gone before and after him and on behalf of those who have fallen in the line of duty. David Clark, Executive Vice President, Corporate Services, Veridian Corporation, addressed Council to present a cheque in the amount of $544,000 representing the municipality’s 2007 shareholder dividend. Mr. Clark stated Veridian Corporation has had another very successful year in 2007, with a 9% return on the Municipality’s investment, a 93% customer service satisfaction level and a record 1.8 million hours without a lost-time accident, accurately reflecting the Corporation’s financial, service, and safety performance. Mr. Clark stated in 2008, shareholder dividends will be paid on a quarterly basis. Councillor Foster accepted the cheque from David Clark and presented it to Mayor Abernethy. DELEGATIONS A representative of Halloway Holdings was called but was not present. Resolution #C-004-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended to permit an additional delegate to be added to the Agenda. “CARRIED” Resolution #C-005-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Kristin Robinson be added to the list of delegations. “CARRIED” Council Meeting Minutes - 4 - January 14, 2008 Linda Gasser addressed Council regarding the Waste Environmental Assessment Timelines, Joint Waste Management Group and Works Committee Updates expressing concern with Council’s decision of December 10, 2007, which did not include clauses to delay the final selection of a preferred site for the Energy-From- Waste facility. Ms. Gasser stated the Regional Health & Social Services Committee, at a meeting on January 10, 2008, passed a motion to defer adoption of the Project Team’s recommended site and that today, the Strategic Initiatives Committee of Oshawa City Council endorsed a resolution, in part, urging Clarington to indicate its opposition to an incinerator being located in the municipality, and to declare that they are not a “Willing Host” community. Ms. Gasser stated tonight, Council would have another opportunity to make the right decision to protect the residents of Clarington and the Region. She urged Council to adopt a motion to request the Region to ensure that vendor/technology and site selection be addressed concurrently, as per the Terms of Reference, that the facility size be finalized, and that the Project Team consultants respond to concerns raised by the public and bring forward a plan setting out how they would address site and technology selection consistent with the Environmental Terms of Reference. Kerry Meydam addressed Council concerning the Waste Environmental Assessment Timelines, Joint Waste Management Group and Works Committee Updates. Ms. Meydam urged Council to protect the physical and financial health of Clarington residents by ensuring that questions concerning vendor and technology, facility size and disposal of ash have been answered prior to taking the next step. Ms. Meydam questioned the logic of continuing the process if no suitable, affordable technology is available or proven safe. Ms. Meydam states there is flexibility in the application of the Terms of Reference which would permit minor adjustments which would allow the work to get done but would provide Council with the opportunity to receive important information prior to making decisions, rather than after they have been made. She urged Council to do the right thing and put Clarington first. Councillor Novak stated a pecuniary interest with respect to the delegation of Dave Renaud as she is an employee of GM Canada. Dave Renaud, President, CAW Durham Regional Environmental Council, addressed Council both as a concerned citizen and on behalf of the Durham Regional Environmental Council. He provided information on the public forum hosted by the CAW on the proposed Durham/York Energy-From-Waste facility advising the forum was attended by over 300 citizens with Dr. Paul Connit, noted specialist in waste management, Rod Muir, The Sierra Club and Claudia Marseilles, Town of Markham Waste Management Manager, presenting information and responding to questions. Mr. Renaud distributed a resolution of the Durham Region Labour Council opposing the principle of waste incineration and correspondence from Buzz Hargrove, National President, CAW, indicating that the CAW supports the use of the precautionary principle when evaluating any new waste management processes and opposes the principle of waste incineration. Mr. Renaud urged Council to request the site selection Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - January 14, 2008 be deferred and to declare Clarington an “Unwilling Host” community. Mr. Renaud invited Members of Council to contact him at dave.renaud@rogers.com for an information kit that was distributed at the forum. Wendy Bracken addressed Council concerning the Durham/York Residual Waste Study – Host Community and Related Issues stating she feels last week’s vote to endorse the Clarington 01 Site was wrong, unjust and not protective of human health. Ms. Bracken advised many delegations and the Peer Review Team have exposed severe flaws in the Step 7 Report. She stated in particular, there are major differences between Clarington and the East Gwillimbury air shed and questioned the logic of adding pollutants to the municipality’s already compromised thresholds. Ms. Bracken urged Council to pass a resolution tonight to request the deferral of the site selection before Regional Council deliberates the issue on January 23, 2008. Ms. Bracken further advised that the Regional Health and Social Services Committee has voted to re-think the process and that a Committee of Oshawa City Council has adopted a motion urging Clarington to declare itself an “Unwilling Host” community. Paul André Larose addressed Council concerning the proposed Energy-From-Waste facility expressing concern that none of the “hard facts” of the project have been determined - i.e. plant size and capacity, type of technology, nature and extent of emission control equipment and location for the landfill of ash. Dr. Larose feels that it is impossible to determine the true measure of the environmental impact of the project, or its cost without those facts known. Dr. Larose questioned why other municipalities have taken the lead in raising concerns with respect to the incinerator, why the Region is so intent on getting the Clarington Site 01 accepted, and why better alternatives to incineration are not being considered. Kristen McKinnon-Rutherford was called but was not present. Kristen Robinson addressed Council concerning the proposed Energy-From-Waste facility advising of a motion passed by the Regional Health & Social Services Committee recommending that the site selection be delayed pending information on the preferred technology and vendor, the development of a business case, decisions on where bottom ash will be landfilled and the composition and amount of waste. She also advised of a recommendation of the City of Oshawa urging Clarington to declare the Municipality an “Unwilling Host” community. Ms. Robinson feels that incineration is an unacceptable option to deal with waste because of the cost to human health and the environment and for financial reasons. She urged Council to adopt the precautionary principle as there are more sustainable options. Council Meeting Minutes - 6 - January 14, 2008 Wayne Ellis addressed Council to provide an update on recent events regarding the Energy-From-Waste facility. Mr. Ellis advised he was the official delegate to the City of Oshawa Strategic Initiatives Committee meeting this morning and advised of their recommendation, in part, urging Clarington to declare the municipality an “Unwilling Host” community. Mr. Ellis also advised in 2005 Statistics Canada figures indicated there were 7.56 million kilograms of cancer-causing toxins emitted into the air, with 48% of the emissions coming from the Province of Ontario. Mr. Ellis questioned the logic of adding to that burden. He stated the public is urging Council not to proceed with this project and to join with other Councillors who will be requesting the site selection be deferred. In response to questions, Mr. Ellis stated the citizens of Durham Region are ready and willing to increase their diversion rates and requested Council to provide the opportunity for them to meet the challenge. In response to questions regarding zero waste strategies, Mr. Ellis advised he would provide a list of communities that are close to achieving zero waste as requested. Resolution #C-006-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Council recess for five minutes. “CARRIED” The meeting reconvened at 8:28 p.m. Mayor Abernethy presented the Annual “State of Clarington” Address, welcoming members of the public in attendance and those watching the televised broadcast, and members of the press to the first meeting of Clarington Council for 2008. Mayor Abernethy expressed appreciation to those who have shown interest in helping to shape the community and have taken the time to participate in the democratic process, and to Members of Council and Municipal staff for rising to the challenges and accomplishing many things during the past year. Members of Council participated in the Annual “State of Clarington” Address by providing a glance back to highlights and accomplishments of 2007. Councillor Novak reviewed administrative highlights, Councillor Trim highlighted Community events, Councillor Robinson overviewed growth initiatives, Councillor Woo listed new businesses established and those soon to be opened, Councillor Hooper advised of new capital equipment purchases and Councillor Foster highlighted recognition ceremonies and events celebrated throughout the year. Council Meeting Minutes - 7 - January 14, 2008 Mayor Abernethy turned his focus to 2008, advising of challenges facing the municipality and work plan initiatives including the impact of the Canadian economy and the Municipality’s 2008 budget process, managing municipal assets and the impact of a potential infrastructure deficit, review of the Clarington Official Plan, improving the Commercial/Industrial tax base revenues, protecting the farming industry, updating and implementing a Long Term Residual Waste Strategy, and completing the Environmental Assessment for the Energy-From-Waste facility which may be sited in Clarington. Mayor Abernethy summarized by thanking the many volunteers who play an important role in providing the quality of life experienced in Clarington, and urging others to lend their expertise and become involved in their community. COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-007-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the communications to be received for information be approved. “CARRIED” I - 1 Minutes of the Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory Committee dated December 5, 2007. I - 2 Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee dated November 16, 2007. I - 3 Minutes of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board dated November 14, 2007. I - 4 Kristin D. McKinnon-Rutherford forwarding comments concerning a proposed Energy-From-Waste Facility including: a) Updated Copy of Report entitled “Debunking the Myths of Incineration” prepared and presented by Kristin Duare McKinnon-Rutherford to Regional Council on November 21, 2007; b) Copy of Report entitled “Incineration Today and Tomorrow – Impact on the Health of Durham Region’s (and our Neighbours’) Children prepared by Kristin Duare McKinnon-Rutherford and presented by Maureen Dingman to Regional Council on December 12, 2007 and updated information sent December 14, 2007; Council Meeting Minutes - 8 - January 14, 2008 c) List of incinerator activities Ms. McKinnon-Rutherford has engaged in subsequent to her presentation to Regional Council in November 2007; d) Copy of Premier Dalton McGuinty’s response to Ms. McKinnon- Rutherford’s correspondence regarding incineration and waste issues; e) Copy of Jack Layton, MP (Toronto-Danforth), Leader, Canada’s New Democrat’s response to Ms. McKinnon-Rutherford outlining the party’s commitment in working towards a cleaner and healthier environment; f) Copy of correspondence to the Editor of Clarington This Week th by Ms. McKinnon-Rutherford in response to a December 24 article entitled “Plastic Questions Persist over Recycling”; and g) Information from Sweden’s Ministry of the Environment regarding the introduction of a tax on the combustion of household waste in order to encourage recycling. I - 5 Marlaine Koehler, Executive Director, Waterfront Regeneration Trust, forwarding the Trust’s annual Accomplishments publication, describing the achievements of the partnership of the 41 waterfront communities and conservation authorities, and identifying highlights from the 2007 program to engage the public and to promote communities along the Trail. I - 6 Roberta and Robert Gibson writing to Pat Madill, Regional Clerk, objecting to the Regional Residential Transit Development Charge as they are senior residents living in a rural area who they feel will receive no benefit from the transit development and feel they should not be paying for a service unless it is available to rural residents on the same basis as those living in the urban areas of Durham Region. I - 7 Gail Empey, Clerk, Township of Cavan Monaghan, advising Council that on November 5, 2007, the Township of Cavan Monaghan passed the following resolution pertaining to the Ganaraska Forest Centre: “That the Township of Cavan Monaghan donate $100,000 to the Ganaraska Forest Centre with funding of $25,000 from residual in 2007 Community Funding Program and $15,000 from 2007 surplus Casino Reserve, with the balance of $60,000 being distributed over the next 3 succeeding years of the Community Funding Program commencing in 2008.” Council Meeting Minutes - 9 - January 14, 2008 I - 8 Jacqueline B. Muccio and family requesting to be removed from the list of interested parties concerning the Durham/York Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Study – Site Selection Process as she is concerned with the lack of accuracy of information printed in the local media and feels that the voices of the people will not be taken seriously by Council and that the public’s fate rests with people with monetary gain on the issue. I - 9 John Newell advising of the dangers of backyard burn barrels and of the plight of Julie Inwood, in her attempt to obtain help from local authorities to have her neighbours stop the burning of toxic materials, due to lack of environmental legislation specific to the issue and of the failure of local authorities to recognize Criminal Code violations and correctly apply appropriate sections of the Criminal Code to address the situation. I - 10 John Newell advising of the dangers of residential fireplaces similar to the harmful effects of barrel burning and forwarding a copy of his Petition to the Auditor General of Canada, Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to end the practice of barrel burning on a uniform national basis. I - 11 Association of Municipalities of Ontario Member Communication dated December 17, 2007, advising of the motion passed in the House of Commons expressing support for permanent Federal Gas Tax funding for municipalities for the purposes of enhancing local community infrastructure; and, reminding municipalities that the reporting requirements demonstrating how their investments are furthering environmental sustainability will be critical to continuing efforts to make the Gas Tax Funds permanent. I - 12 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to Premier Dalton McGuinty advising that on December 12, 2007, the Region of Durham passed the following resolution pertaining to Project Black Ribbon for Mental Health: “a) THAT the following resolution of the City of Oshawa regarding support for Project Black Ribbon for Mental Health be endorsed: ‘WHEREAS Project Black Ribbon for Mental health’s black ribbon signifies the complexity of issues that mental illness imposes on people and society every day; Council Meeting Minutes - 10 - January 14, 2008 WHEREAS the black ribbon signifies that mental health issues know no boundary and mental health issues affect people of every race, religion, religious creed, political opinion, colour or ethnicity, national or social origin, gender, marital status, or physical ability; WHEREAS the black ribbon signifies the stigma often associated with mental illness and the need to eradicate ignorance regarding mental illness by raising public awareness and advocating for public policies that are responsive to the needs of people with mental health problems; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council support Project Black Ribbon for Mental Health and request support from neighbouring municipalities; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Council adopt the Corporation of the Township of Nairn and Hyman Resolution to support municipalities for distribution of ribbons on behalf of Project Black Ribbon for Mental Health; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this motion be sent to the attention of the following: The Honourable Jim Flaherty, MP 701 Rossland Road East, Unit 204 Whitby, ON L1N 8Y9 Colin Carrie, MP Lord Simcoe Place 57 Simcoe Street S., Suite 2B Oshawa, ON L1H 4G4 Jerry Ouellette, MPP 170 Athol Street East Oshawa, ON L1H 1K1 John O’Toole, MPP 75 King Street East Bowmanville, ON L1C 1N4 The Corporation of the Township of Nairn and Hyman Nairn Centre, ON P0M 2L0 Council Meeting Minutes - 11 - January 14, 2008 b) THAT the Corporation of the Township of Nairn and Hyman, the City of Oshawa and Durham’s area municipalities and MPPs be so advised.” I - 13 Patrick R. Burke, Fire Marshal of Ontario, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, responding to Council’s request that the Office of the Fire Marshal (OFM) cover the cost associated with training and workshops on new fire safety legislation and advising that while the enforcement of the Fire Code remains a responsibility of each municipality, the OFM is offering a number of training seminars on a cost-recovery basis designed to help members of municipal fire services who conduct, or are responsible for, fire safety inspections better understand the due diligence, liability and legislative authority related to enforcement of the Ontario Fire Code. I - 14 David Bond, CFS Director, The Salvation Army, expressing appreciation to Council for supporting the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train in collecting over 3,000 pounds of food and $2450 for the Christmas Kettle which will help out less fortunate members of the community. I - 15 Phil Mannell, General Manager, Central Region, Enbridge Gas Distribution, providing information on the “Winter Warmth Fund”, a joint venture of the United Way and Enbridge Gas Distribution designed to help low-income families and individuals who may be struggling to pay their natural gas bill and forwarding posters and brochures for information on referring constituents in need to the agencies administering the fund. I - 16 Louis Bertrand expressing disappointment that key recommendations in the staff report on the Durham/York Residual Waste Environmental Assessment Study - Site Selection Process, Municipal Comments On Step 7 – Evaluation of Short-List of Sites and Identification of Preferred Site were removed from the motion approved by Council on December 10, 2007, and that no discussion took place on declaring the municipality as an “Unwilling Host Community” to the proposed Energy-From-Waste facility. Council Meeting Minutes - 12 - January 14, 2008 I - 17 Rob MacIsaac, Chair, Metrolinx, advising of the consultation process for the development and promotion of a Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for an effective transportation system across the metropolitan region of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) being undertaken by Metrolinx; forwarding the first of seven discussion papers – “Towards Sustainable Transportation – Green Paper #1” focusing on transportation trends and outlooks for the GTHA for distribution to Council, staff or members of the public; and, encouraging Members of Council and the public to participate in the consultation process by visiting the Metrolinx web portal at www.metrolinx.com I - 18 The Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance and the Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing announcing that the 2008 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) will remain at $843 million ensuring that each municipality will receive no less funding in 2008 than it received in its March 2007 Allocation Notice. I - 19 Janice Kroft, Program Manager, COPE Mental Health Program, Community Care Durham, expressing appreciation to Council for the donation of Clarington pins for their Christmas gift bags and thanking the Municipality for supporting the “Making Connections Clarington” initiative providing opportunities for members to develop friendships and social support. I - 20 Deb Vice and Martin Feaver, Protect the Ridges Co-Chairs, forwarding correspondence to the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) expressing concern with the MOE and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) proposed changes to the regulatory framework for Non-Agricultural Source Material (NASM), suggesting the onus of environmental responsibility should be on the Ministry and the producer of the waste, not on the farmer, and requesting responsible disposal of paper fibre biosolid material and scientifically and environmentally sound policy to regulate such disposal. I - 21 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, advising Council that on December 12, 2007, the Region of Durham passed the following resolution pertaining to the 2008 Interim Regional Property Tax Levy: “a) THAT a 2008 Interim Regional Property Tax Levy be imposed on the Area Municipalities for all property tax classes; Council Meeting Minutes - 13 - January 14, 2008 b) THAT the amount due from each Area Municipality be equivalent to 50% of their respective share of the Regional Property Taxes collected in 2007; c) THAT the 2008 Interim Regional property Tax Levy be paid by the Area Municipalities seven days subsequent to the instalment due dates established by each Area Municipality for the collection of their respective interim municipal property taxes; d) THAT the Regional Clerk be requested to advise the Area Municipalities of the imposition of the 2008 Interim Regional Property Tax Levy for all property tax classes; and e) THAT the Regional Solicitor be requested to prepare the requisite by-law(s).” CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION Resolution #C-008-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Items be approved as per the agenda, including Hand-out Item D - 15, with the exception of Items D - 5 to D - 15, inclusive. “CARRIED” D - 1 Nada Loughead, Heart Month Coordinator, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario – Durham Region Chapter, advising every February the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario celebrates Heart Month by holding its Person-to-Person Fundraising Campaign to support scientific research and requesting February 2008 be proclaimed as “Heart Month” in Clarington. (Proclaimed) D - 2 Debbie Hunter, Office Administrator, MS Society, Durham Regional Chapter, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, advising the 2008 Multiple Sclerosis Carnation Campaign will take place during Mother’s Day Weekend and requesting approval for tag days to permit the MS Society to sell carnations on Friday, May 9 and Saturday, May 10, 2008, in support of on-going research and assistance for persons with Multiple Sclerosis and their families. (Permission granted to sell carnations on May 9 and May 10, 2008) Council Meeting Minutes - 14 - January 14, 2008 D - 3 Helen and Gordon Perry objecting to the applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law submitted by 1276467 Ontario Limited (COPA 2007-0002 and ZBA 2007-0005) for 15 Darlington Boulevard as access to the proposed development and a Stormwater Retention Pond will be located immediately adjacent to their property; the addition of approximately 200 residential units and the resulting vehicular traffic will be unbearable; the proposal will seriously detract from their quality of life; and they feel property values in the area will be reduced. (Correspondence referred to the Director of Planning Services) D - 4 Jim Watson, MPP, Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, forwarding reporting requirements for the 2007 Municipal Performance Measurement Program (MPMP) under Section 299 of the Municipal Act; advising detailed definitions for each performance measure will be released as part of the instructions for the 2007 Financial Information Return and that multi-year templates for use in publicly reporting MPMP results can be accessed at www.mah.gov.on.ca; requesting staff inform local Municipal Services Office when results have been published; reminding Council that in the 2009 reporting year municipalities will begin reporting tangible capital assets as assets and amortization as an expense in the Financial Information Return (FIR) providing an opportunity for MPMP to introduce efficiency measures based on total expenses; and further advising of the launch of the Municipal Information Data and Analysis System enabling municipalities to compare results to other municipalities and to analyze MPMP results. (Correspondence referred to the Director of Finance/Treasurer) D - 5 George Van Dyk advising he has received an invoice in the amount of $1,188.75 for costs incurred for the compliance audit of John Mutton, expressing concern that the information received did not constitute a duly performed audit under the requirements of the Municipal Elections Act, was not presented in the standard reporting format, and contained personal opinions of the auditor. Mr. Van Dyk suggests that a proper audit be performed by a qualified professional. Council Meeting Minutes - 15 - January 14, 2008 Resolution #C-009-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the request from George Van Dyk to have a further compliance audit conducted on John Mutton’s election campaign expenses be denied; and THAT George Van Dyk be advised of Council’s decision. “CARRIED” D - 6 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham, writing to Prime Minister Stephen Harper advising that on December 12, 2007, the Region of Durham passed the following resolution pertaining to Employment Insurance Eligibility and Links to Increased Poverty: “WHEREAS Employment Insurance was historically implemented as insurance against unemployment and, even though Employment Insurance rates deducted from employees have continued to increase, changes to eligibility criteria has substantially reduced the percentage of workers who can access Employment Insurance when they become unemployed; and WHEREAS in 2006 less than 27% of unemployed people in Ontario were eligible for Employment Insurance, compared to over 80% who were eligible in 1989; and WHEREAS eligibility has shifted away from poor families, resulting in those with the lowest income being the most severely affected by the changes in criteria; and WHEREAS a recent study by economists Monica Townson and Kevin Hayes has shown that two out of three working women who pay into Employment Insurance don’t receive a single penny in benefits if they lose their jobs, and only 4 in 10 employed men will qualify for benefits if they become unemployed; and WHEREAS a recent report from UNICEF reported one in six Canadian children are living in poverty, a rate that is 20% higher today than in 1989; and WHEREAS under current rules the system penalized the unemployed in Ontario given that in 2004, only 26% of unemployed Ontarians were eligible for Employment Insurance, compared with 44% in Quebec, 58% in Nova Scotia and 79% in Newfoundland; and Council Meeting Minutes - 16 - January 14, 2008 WHEREAS there seems to be a correlation between decreased eligibility for Employment Insurance and increased Ontario Works caseloads; and WHEREAS municipalities are responsible for 20% of the costs of Ontario Works benefits and 50% of the administration costs; and WHEREAS a significant recession will greatly increase the already over burdened local property taxpayer to fund social assistance costs; and WHEREAS the media has reported the Federal government’s Employment Insurance surplus is $51 billion; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Federal Government revamp the criteria for Employment Insurance to ensure Employment Insurance acts as it was designed to be which is an insurance program to assist during periods of unemployment, and that the Premier of Ontario be called upon to advocate on behalf of Ontario and the municipalities of Ontario to ensure that Ontario workers are eligible for benefits under the Employment Insurance program; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Prime Minister of Canada, Premier of Ontario, all opposition party leaders, AMO, OMSSA, all Ontario municipalities, alpha and SHSC.” Resolution #C-010-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the resolution from the Region of Durham with respect to Employment Insurance Eligibility and Links to Increased Poverty be endorsed. “CARRIED” D - 7 Marion I. Koepke, CMO, City Clerk, City of Owen Sound advising Council that the City of Owen Sound passed the following resolution pertaining to the One Cent NOW! Campaign: “WHEREAS a recent gathering on the steps of Parliament in support of the One Cent NOW! Campaign took place as an expression of support for transferring the equivalent of one cent of the GST to municipalities across the nation, and Council Meeting Minutes - 17 - January 14, 2008 WHEREAS in recent years the Federal and Provincial governments have downloaded costs to municipalities and reduced funding in areas of infrastructure to municipalities making the request for COMRIF funding competitive, and WHEREAS the Federal government, effective January 1, 2008 has reduced the GST to 5%, and WHEREAS it is felt by the One Cent NOW! Campaign that lost capital that would have been gained from the GST could be regained and distributed to municipalities for infrastructure projects and would deliver about 5 billion dollars per year to municipalities from coast to coast to coast, NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Owen Sound hereby supports the One Cent NOW! Campaign, and further THAT funding gained from the One Cent NOW! Campaign be distributed to municipalities to support local infrastructure, and further THAT this resolution be forwarded to Prime Minister Stephen Harper; The Honourable Jim Flaherty, Federal Minister of Finance; the Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities; Larry Miller, M.P., Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound; and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, seeking their support of the efforts of municipalities in gaining funding toward local infrastructure, and further THAT this resolution be copied to Premier Dalton McGuinty; the Honourable Dwight Duncan, Provincial Minister of Finance; the Honourable David Caplan, Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal; the Association of Municipalities of Ontario; Bill Murdoch, M.P.P., Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound; and Mayor David Miller, City of Toronto, and further THAT this resolution be copied to Stéphane Dion, Leader of the Federal Opposition Party and John Tory, Leader of the Provincial Opposition Party, and further THAT this resolution be circulated to all municipalities in Ontario through an AMO broadcast seeking support of municipalities to gain funding for local infrastructure projects.” Council Meeting Minutes - 18 - January 14, 2008 Resolution #C-011-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the resolution from the City of Owen Sound with respect to the One Cent NOW! Campaign be endorsed. “CARRIED” D - 8 George S. Graham, AMCT, CMC, Clerk-Administrator, The Corporation of the Township of Brock, advising Council that on December 17, 2007, the Township of Brock passed the following resolution pertaining to the proposed changes to the regulatory framework for Non-Agricultural Source Material: “WHEREAS the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) have proposed changes to the regulatory framework for Non-Agricultural Source Material (NASM), changes that could have major implications in the Township of Brock. AND WHEREAS non-agriculture source material (NASM) generally includes materials like pulp and paper biosolids, sewage biosolids and any other material that is not from an agricultural source that is capable of being applied to agricultural land as a nutrient. AND WHEREAS the Township of Brock has already taken a position on paper fibre biosolids by requesting the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) adhere to the findings of its own “Panel of Experts” to reinstate a regulatory Certificate of Approval (C of A) on this non-agricultural source material. AND WHEREAS the Township of Brock has concerns regarding some of the proposed changes to the regulatory framework for Non- Agricultural Source Materials. Concerns such as: 1. the appropriateness of placing the approval of NASM (including the potential for material with high heavy metal content) under the Nutrient Management Act; 2. the possibility of fine and penalty reductions for violations as a result of being under the Nutrient Management Act as opposed to the Environmental Protection Act; 3. the lack of a mechanism for the public to provide comments or suggest conditions on a proposal to apply NASM on farm land; Council Meeting Minutes - 19 - January 14, 2008 4. the lack of provisions to advise local municipalities of where proposals for the application of NASM have been made and by whom; 5. the loss of many of the regulatory controls that would normally be in place under a Certificate of Approval. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Township of Brock advise the MOE and OMAFRA of our interest and concern for the proposed changes to the regulatory framework for Non-Agricultural Source Material and our wishes to be actively involved and consulted on these and any other proposed amendments relating to the regulation of NASM. AND FURTHER that this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of the Environment, Minster of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, local MP and MPP, all Ontario municipalities and any other individuals or associations as deemed appropriate.” Resolution #C-012-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak WHEREAS the Ministries of the Environment and Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs have proposed a framework for the management of Non-Agricultural Source Materials (NASM), which includes paper fibre biosolids, municipal sewage biosolids and other wastes that are not produced on the farm, as set out in the EBR posting 010-1436, and WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington along with many other municipalities and environmental groups have endorsed the recommendations of the Experts Panel on Paper Fibre Bio-Solids and informed the Minister of the Environment of that support, and WHEREAS it is not clear how the proposed NASM framework addresses the recommendations of the Experts Panel on Paper Fibre Bio-Solids which confirmed that precautionary measures should be taken to ensure human and environmental health such as the monitoring of groundwater and control by Certificates of Approval (C of A) or similar legal agreements; and WHEREAS the new framework will allow for the spreading, under certain conditions, of municipal sewage biosolids, paper fibre biosolids and other wastes that may harm the environment and human health without the requirement of a C of A, and Council Meeting Minutes - 20 - January 14, 2008 WHEREAS the C of A for the municipal sewage biosolids provides the Municipality with a measure of surety that there is continuous testing and chemical analysis of the sewage biosolids, oversight of the contractors, setbacks are enforced and the Municipality is informed of which fields are to be used, and WHEREAS it is acknowledged that some aspects of the NASM framework will better address setbacks, soil conditions and other factors by shifting the regulation of NASM to the Nutrient Management Act rather than the Environmental Protection Act; however, there are numerous questions of how the framework will be implemented, and WHEREAS the Ministry is committed to a 3 step consultation process, which is to include stakeholder consultation, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs be advised of the Municipality of Clarington’s interest and concern for the proposed changes to the regulatory framework for Non-Agricultural Source Material and wishes to be actively involved and consulted on these and other proposed amendments related to Non-Agricultural Source Material; THAT the Municipality of Clarington is requesting the Minister of the Environment hold a consultation session in Clarington to address the questions outlined above and provide for the input from the Clarington agricultural community and environment groups such as Protect the Ridges; THAT the Province be requested to carry out a pilot of the new regulatory framework prior to its implementation; AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of the Environment; the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Durham MPPs, the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington, the Durham Region Agricultural Advisory Committee, all Ontario municipalities and Protect the Ridges. “CARRIED” D - 9 Carolyn Langley, Clerk, Township of West Lincoln, outlining their concerns regarding proposed changes to the regulatory framework for non-agricultural source materials (NASM) and requesting Council’s support in voicing concerns against the proposed changes to the Ministry of the Environment and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). The complete document outlining the proposed changes is posted for viewing and comment at http://www.ebr.gov.on.ca/ERS-WEB-External/ entitled “An Improved Regulatory Framework for Non-Agricultural Source Materials. Council Meeting Minutes - 21 - January 14, 2008 Resolution #C-013-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Item D - 9 be received for information. “CARRIED” D - 10 Susan Greatrix, City Clerk, The Corporation of the City of Waterloo, advising Council that on December 17, 2007, the City of Waterloo passed the following resolution pertaining to Provincial Sales Tax Exemption for Municipalities: “WHEREAS the City of Waterloo is one of many Ontario municipalities with existing infrastructure renewal funding needs, currently estimated at over $156 million for the City of Waterloo; AND WHEREAS the Government of Canada has seen fit to exempt all municipalities in Canada from paying the Goods and Services Tax (“GST”) resulting in a $1.2 million per year benefit to the City of Waterloo; AND WHEREAS the City of Waterloo pays approximately $700,000.00 per year in Provincial Sales Tax (“PST”). THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1) the Council of The Corporation of the City of Waterloo request the Province of Ontario to fully exempt all Ontario municipalities from paying PST, with the understanding that the savings realized be mandated to fund existing infrastructure renewal in local municipalities; 2) that this resolution be forwarded to: the Prime Minister of Canada, Minister of Finance, Minister of National Revenue, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure &Communities, Minister of Public Works & Government Services and Minister of Public Safety the Premier of Ontario, Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal, Minister of Finance, Minister of Revenue, Minister of Transportation and Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing Council Meeting Minutes - 22 - January 14, 2008 Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, all Members of Provincial Parliament, all Members of Parliament, all local municipalities including the Region of Waterloo all municipalities in Ontario with a request that those municipalities endorse the City of Waterloo’s resolution and forward their endorsement to the Prime Minister of Canada, Minister of National Revenue, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister of Public Safety and the Premier of Ontario, Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal, Minister of Finance, Minister of Revenue, Minister of Transportation and Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing.” Resolution #C-014-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the resolution from the City of Waterloo with respect to Provincial sales tax exemption for municipalities be endorsed. “CARRIED” D - 11 Susan Greatrix, City Clerk, The Corporation of the City of Waterloo, advising Council that on December 17, 2007, the City of Waterloo passed the following resolution pertaining to infrastructure funding: “WHEREAS towns and cities are where the people of Canada work and live and their long term sustainability is at risk without an adequate infrastructure; AND WHEREAS provincial and national economic prosperity is inextricably linked to the well being and prosperity of towns and cities; AND WHEREAS public ownership of infrastructure has shifted over the past 50 years away from the federal and provincial governments to become an increasing responsibility for municipal governments such as the City of Waterloo; AND WHEREAS the City of Waterloo requires revenues that grow with the economy in order to contribute to the sustainability of its infrastructure; Council Meeting Minutes - 23 - January 14, 2008 AND WHEREAS the Council of the City of Waterloo has introduced a number of initiatives such as ten-year capital planning, continuous improvement, public private partnerships and a proposed capital investment contribution as the City’s efforts to address the infrastructure deficit; AND WHEREAS the City of Waterloo has determined that its municipal infrastructure deficit is approximately $160 million over the next ten years; AND WHEREAS the City of Waterloo’s infrastructure deficit would require a one time municipal tax increase of 40% to be fully funded; AND WHEREAS property taxes, for the most part, is a very regressive tax not based on economic growth, income or ability to pay; AND WHEREAS there is just a single taxpayer paying taxes to the different levels of government; AND WHEREAS, on average, municipalities collect eight cents of every dollar of total government collected taxes for the services they provide; AND WHEREAS there are federal and provincial surpluses projected over the next number of years; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1) the Council of The Corporation of the City of Waterloo calls upon the Provincial and Federal governments to re-examine how municipalities are funded in regards to infrastructure and work together with a view to providing long term and sustainable infrastructure funding programs to assist the City of Waterloo and all upper, lower and single tier municipalities in addressing their infrastructure roles and responsibilities; 2) copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Prime Minister of Canada, the Premier of Ontario, Federal and Provincial Ministers of Finance, Provincial Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal, Federal Minister of Transportation, all Members of Parliament, all Members of Provincial Parliament, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and the Big Cities Mayors’ Caucus of FCM; Council Meeting Minutes - 24 - January 14, 2008 3) all municipalities be encouraged to pass motions supporting this resolution and forward to their relevant federal and provincial representatives.” Resolution #C-015-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the resolution from the City of Waterloo with respect to Infrastructure Funding be endorsed. “CARRIED” D - 12 Robert Hann, President, Valiant Property Management, requesting an exemption to the Clarington Sign By-law to permit a sign area of 144 square feet (approximately 8’ x 18’) to accommodate multiple tenants at the West Bowmanville Shopping Centre development. Resolution #C-016-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT an increase in the size of the Clarington Place/Home Depot Pylon sign to a maximum of 13.2 square metres be approved in principle, subject to the submission of a Site Plan Amendment application for no additional fee. “MOTION LOST” Resolution #C-017-08 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT an increase in the size of the Clarington Place/Home Depot Pylon sign to a maximum of 10.2 square metres be approved in principle, subject to the submission of a Site Plan Amendment application for no additional fee. “CARRIED” Council Meeting Minutes - 25 - January 14, 2008 D - 13 Tony Wood expressing concern that the information provided to Council from John Mutton, on behalf of Rod Cochrane, in support of rescinding Resolution #C-634-07 which authorized staff to appeal the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to the Ontario Municipal Board concerning Committee of Adjustment Application No. A2007- 0058 was flawed and without merit as the signature sheet did not include a statement as to what the neighbours were signing and that two of the closest neighbours had advised that they had not signed anything in support of the application. Mr. Wood feels the motion to rescind Resolution #634-07 should have been defeated or tabled until an accredited signature sheet was provided and requests an explanation of why the motion to rescind the previous resolution was passed. Resolution #C-018-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Correspondence Item D – 13 be received for information. “CARRIED” D - 14 Dawn Whelan, Council Coordinator, City of Ottawa, advising Council that on December 7, 2007, the City of Ottawa passed the following resolution pertaining to a hotel room tax: “WHEREAS the tourism and hotel industry create new economic activity for the City of Ottawa which is appreciated but at the same time creates new infrastructure and servicing for the City of Ottawa; WHEREAS this increased economic activity does not generate much in the way of new income to the city because the PST, GST and corporate taxes which result from tourism and hotel activity are not available to the city; the only tax that is available to the city is the property tax, BE IT RESOLVED the council petition the provincial government for the authority to create a hotel room tax such that some of the municipal costs created by the tourism and hotel industries can be recouped; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED this petition be forwarded to the FCM and the AMO for distribution to their members.” Council Meeting Minutes - 26 - January 14, 2008 Resolution #C-019-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Correspondence Item D - 14 be received for information. “CARRIED” D - 15 Martha Rutherford Conrad, Administrator, Clarington Museums and Archives, advising Council that on January 9, 2008, the Board passed th the following resolution pertaining to Bowmanville’s 150 Sesquicentennial celebrations: “THAT the Clarington Museums and Archives Board directs the th Administrator to support the activities of the Bowmanville 150 Committee through the use of museum resources and staff at her discretion and within Museum budget parameters; AND THAT this motion be forwarded to Council for endorsement forthwith.” Resolution #C-020-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the resolution from the Clarington Museums and Archives Board with th respect to the activities of Bowmanville 150 Committee be endorsed. “CARRIED” COMMITTEE REPORT(S) Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report January 7, 2008 Resolution #C-021-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of January 7, 2008, be approved. “CARRIED” Council Meeting Minutes - 27 - January 14, 2008 STAFF REPORT(S) Resolution #C-022-08 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the Confidential Verbal Report of the Director of Finance/Treasurer and the Solicitor concerning a Legal Matter be referred to the end of the agenda to be considered during a “closed” session of Council. “CARRIED” BUSINESS ARISING FROM NOTICE OF MOTION There was no Business Arising from Notice of Motion considered under this section of the Agenda. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resolution #C-023-08 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the delegations of Linda Gasser, Kerry Meydam, Dave Renaud, Wendy Bracken, Paul Andre Larose, Kristen Robinson, and Wayne Ellis be received with thanks; THAT the delegates be advised their information is important; and THAT they be welcomed to continue to address Council as the process unfolds. “CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING” (See following amending motion) Council Meeting Minutes - 28 - January 14, 2008 Resolution #C-024-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Resolution #C-023-08 be amended by adding the following: “THAT the Regions of Durham and York be requested to delay the final selection of a preferred site for the Energy from Waste facility until such time as the submissions in response to the Request for Proposals have been reviewed, a preferred technology and vendor has been selected, and the sensitivity analysis in relationship to the site selection and the specific Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment has been carried out; THAT the final site selection be delayed until the business case for the Energy from Waste facility has been adopted by the Regional Councils of Durham and York, incorporating the appropriate costs for the Host Community Agreement as reflected in Resolution #GPA-632-07 and #C-592-07; and THAT the Regional Municipalities of Durham and York, the Joint Waste Management Group and all delegations be advised of Council’s decision.” “MOTION CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE” Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Councillor Foster v Councillor Hooper v Councillor Novak v Councillor Robinson v Councillor Trim v Councillor Woo v Mayor Abernethy v Resolution #C-023-08 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Resolution #C-025-06 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the meeting be “closed” in order to consider a Confidential Verbal Report of the Director of Finance/Treasurer and the Solicitor concerning a legal matter. “CARRIED” The meeting resumed in open session at 9:42 p.m. Council Meeting Minutes - 29 - January 14, 2008 ANNOUNCEMENTS Councillor Novak advised that she attended the Home Depot opening on January 10, 2008 and extended greetings from the Municipality. Councillor Hooper indicated that he represented the Mayor at the Eastern Ontario Baseball Association meeting at the Bowmanville Legion. Councillor Foster announced that the Courtice Lions Club is hosting a Euchre night on February 2. Mayor Abernethy announced that Councillor Hooper and Woo will be celebrating birthdays later in the week. BY-LAWS Resolution #C-026-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2008-001 to 2008-08, inclusive; and THAT the said by-laws be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. “CARRIED” 2008-001 Being a By-law toamend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (464367 Ontario Limited – Bob Craig) 2008-002 Being a By-law toauthorize entering into an Agreement with the Owners of Plan of Subdivision S-C-2006-001 and any Mortgagee whom has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality in respect of S-C-2006-001 (Black Creek Developments Ltd.) 2008-003 Being a By-law toauthorize the borrowing of $15,000,000 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year 2008 2008-004 Being a By-law to being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle (Municipality of Clarington) Council Meeting Minutes - 30 - January 14, 2008 2008-005 Being a By-law to authorize entering into an Agreement with the Owners of Plan of Subdivision S-C-2005-0005 and any Mortgagee whom has an interest in the said lands, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in respect of S-C-2005-0005 (Municipality of Clarington) 2008-006 Being a By-law toassume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington 2008-007 Being a By-law to amend By-law 2007-039, a by-law to appoint members to the Clarington Traffic Management Committee for the Municipality of Clarington 2008-008 Being a By-law respecting the assessment of the St. Marys Cement lands at 410 Waverley Road South, Bowmanville NOTICE OF MOTION There were no Notices of Motion introduced under this section of the Agenda. OTHER INFORMATION Councillor Robinson questioned the amount the Municipality has paid to defend the charges related to the Municipal Election and whether these costs can be recovered from the individual who commenced the proceeding. The Municipal Clerk advised that, to date approximately $48,000 had been expended and that a report would be forthcoming at the next Committee meeting regarding the recovery of the costs. CONFIRMING BY-LAW Resolution #C-027-08 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2008-009, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held th on the 14 day of January, 2008; and THAT the said by-law be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. “CARRIED” Council Meeting Minutes - 31 - ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-028-08 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Woo THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:53 p.m. "CARRIED" January 14, 2008