HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/18/2008 Special - 2008 Budget C&riJ1glon REVISED AGENDA SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: JANUARY 18, 2008 9:30 A.M. TIME: PLACE: COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. ROLL CALL 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. PRESENTATION (a) Nancy Taylor, Director of FinancelTreasurer - 2008 Municipal Budget 3. DELEGATIONS (a) Sally Barrie, Community Care Durham, Clarington - 2008 Budget Request (b) Ron Bailey, Richard Toms and Jean-Michel Komarnicki, Visual Arts Centre- 2008 Budget Request (c) Clarington Public Library Board - 2008 Budget Request (d) Keith Isnor and Martha Rutherford-Conrad, Clarington Museum and Archives - 2008 Budget Request (e) Angie Darlison, Executive Director, Clarington Older Adults Association - 2008 Budget Request (f) Michael Patrick, President, Clarington Board of Trade - Report CAO-001-08 (g) Marie Marano, Director of Corporate Services - 2008 Corporate Services Departmental Budget (h) Patti Barrie, Municipal Clerk - 2008 Municipal Clerk's Departmental Budget (i) Gord Weir, Director of Emergency Services - 2008 Emergency Services Departmental Budget CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 Revised G.P, & A. Agenda - 2 - January 18, 2008 0) Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services - 2008 Engineering Services Departmental Budget (k) Fred Horvath, Director of Operations - 2008 Operations Departmental Budget (I) Joseph Caruana, Director of Community Services - 2008 Community Services Departmental Budget (m) David Crome, Director of Planning Services - 2008 Planning Services Departmental Budget 4. STAFF REPORTS (a) Report CAO-001-08 - Economic Development Service Delivery (Circulated Previously) 401 (b) Report COD-001-08 - Corporate Newspaper Advertising 2007 Review 407 A (c) Report FND-001-08 - 2008 Current and Capital Budget (Circulated Previously) 408 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6. OTHER BUSINESS 7. ADJOURNMENT Cl!J!illgton REPORT CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: January 18, 2008 Report #: CAO-01-08 File: By-law #: Subject: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DELIVERY Recommendations 1. That Report CAO-01-08 be received, 2. That the Committee recommends to council one of the following options: a) That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement with the Clarington Board of Trade for the provision of economic development services for year 2008-2010 inclusive subject to the terms contained in Section 5.4 of this Report. OR b) That the Claririgton Board of Trade be advised that the Municipality will no longer wish to outsource economic development services, but would provide the Board an annual unconditional subsidies in the amount of $20,000, and further the CAO be directed to prepare a transition plan and budget proposal to resume economic development services in-house including the scenarios of having a full fledge Economic Development Office or taking a limited approach of hiring a business facilitator. . 6~~tLk Submitted by: Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON . 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-5717 401 REPORT NO.: CAO-Q1-Q8 PAGE 2 1. Purpose The purpose of this report is: 1.1 To provide background information pertaining to economic development service delivery undertaken by the Clarington Board of Trade; 1.2 To review economic development service delivery options; and 1.3 To discuss the pros and cons for each option. 2. History In order to assist Council's understanding and deliberation of the subject matter, a brief history of economic development service may be helpful. 2.1 From 1974 to 1994 In the early years of the then amalgamated Town of Newcastle, economic development serVice was undertaken on an ad hoc basis by the CAQ. with assistance from the Planning and Development Department. Over the years, the Planning and Development Department has assumed additional responsibilities in economic development although this function was never officially recognized as a service function of the department. With no additional staff resources to do the job, economic development works suffered and the Department's commitment and effectiveness came into question. Understandably, the Department focus is on planning and growth management as necessitated by the onslaught on unprecedented urban growth. 2.2 From 1994.1998 The need for change was imminent. In 1994, Council approved the recommendation of the CAO to create an Economic Development Office directly reporting to the CAO. The Economic Development Office was staffed by an Economic Development Officer (EDO) and an administrative assistant. This arrangement continued until the departure of the EDO and this created an opportunity to review economic development service delivery. 2.3 From 1998 In the mid 90s, local businesses had expressed concerns that the economic development has not been effectively delivered by municipal staff. In response, the Mayor established an Economic Development Task Force which subsequently made a series of recommendations to the Municipality with respect 402 REPORT NO.: CAO-01-08 PAGE 3 to various ways to improve economic development service. One of the cornerstone recommendations was premised on the principle that there is no better way to promote business than by existing businesses. Shortly after delivering its recommendations to council, members of the Task Force established the Clarington Board of Trade and offered to undertake economic development service for the Municipality. Council accepted the offer and the result was a three year contract entered into between the Municipality and the Clarington Board of Trade. The contract has since been extended and the current contract ends on December 31,2007. The fees for service have increased over the years from $35,000 in 1998 to $100,000 in 2007. The fee is intended to cover the salary/benefits ofthe Business Development Manager plus associated operating expenses. 3. Synopsis of current agreement The agreement was first entered into in 1998, and has had a couple minor amendments since. The core agreement requires the Board of Trade to deliver economic development service under the broad umbrella of business retention and business attraction. Specific economic development activities are not defined in order to allow the Board to exercise f1exibilities so long the works fall within the meaning and intent of business attraction/retention. The Board staff operates out of the Liberty Street Tourism Office provided by the Municipality. For the purpose of keeping connected with the municipal administration; the Board has an open invitation for the CAD to attend its monthly Board meeting. In addition, the Board has made regular presentation and update on economic development activities to council. 4. Service delivery and performance evaluation Since assuming the responsibility of economic development in 1998, the Board of Trade has slowly evolved into an umbrella organization of all local business groups and associations. Working in concert with these business organizations within Clarington, the Board has taken on many economic development and promotional activities, spoken on behalf of all businesses in Clarington and worked closely with municipal staff to facilitate new businesses to establish in Clarington. Over the years, through the works of the Business Manager, the Board has established its presence within the GT A economic development community~ Working closely with past and present business development managers, the CAD has the opportunity to observe the performance of the individuals who hold this position, and is pleased to advise that these individuals have done a very 403 REPORT NO.: CAO.Q1.QS PAGE 4 competent job. Council members, past and present, also have the opportunity to observe and evaluate the effectiveness of the Board and can draw their respective conclusions. In the consideration of future direction in the delivery of economic development service, council should be guided by carefully considering the following questions. - Did the Board live up to Council's expectation? - Did the Board communicate well with council members? - Did the Municipality receive value for the money? - What are other available options and what are the pros and cons for these options? 5. Options for economic development service delivery The Municipal Act has granted economic development function to the Region of Durham with the proviso that the Region may allow local municipalities to perform such function simultaneously. In 2003, the Region passed a bylaw to formally authorize this. 5.1 Option 1: Upload service to Durham Region Despite local municipalities have been given the authority to carry out economic development services, this service function is not mandatory. Municipalities within Durham Region can choose not to undertake the provision of this service and let the local economy and market place take their course. If Clarington chooses not to undertake economic development service delivery, it can request the Region to provide the said service. Currently, the Region provides economic development service to Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge at no cost to these municipalities. . While this option may appear financially attractive, it would not be in the best interest of the Clarington to upload this function to the Region. The limited resources at the Region may render it difficult for regional staff to give proper attention to Clarington. Any local economic development works would still require Clarington to be involved. Under this scenario, Clarington will not officially engage itself in economic development service delivery. However, the reality is that there will be continuous local economic development initiatives that will require staff resources and business prospects will continue to contact Clarington for all kind of assistance, such as seeking specific information, requesting help to locate new business, and to fast track development application. 404 REPORT NO.: CAO-01-08 PAGE 5 5.2 Option 2: Hiring a Business Facilitator Given the scenario described in option 1, it would be advisable for Clarington to have one full time staff person solely dedicated to the task of assisting new businesses. The individual will not be performing the traditional role of an economic or business development manager but would concentrate on assisting new businesses to assemble information, cut red tape, and fast track approval from various external agencies and internal departments. Working under the direct supervision of the CAO, the Business Facilitator will be empowered to undertake whatever necessary to ensure the new business can experience top- notch customer service and a smooth and quick business development process. The cost of this individual can be offset by the saving from not fully engaging the Board of Trade to provide economic development service. It is estimated that about $80,000 is required to cover salary and benefits for the new business facilitator and the balance $20,000 can be used to relieve budget pressure or be diverted to the Board as an annual subsidies. This option focuses on a very specific aspect of economic development and the individual should not be considered as an economic development officer nor expected to be such a person. 5.3 Option 3: Establish an Economic Development Office/Department Most municipalities in Ontario undertake some forms of economic development through in-house staff. Except for Clarington, all shoreline municip.alities in Durham Region undertake this service by municipal staff. The obvious advantage of this option is accountability as the economic development staff has a direct reporting relationship to Council through an organization structure. In addition, economic development staff tends to be able to access municipal data and information more readily, and can be readily supported by other municipal staff should the need arises for those occasional projects that require additional resources. The cost of operating an economic development division/department can be challenging. When Clarington last did this in 1997, the Economic Development Office was staff by an Economic Development Officer (EDO) and an Administrative Assistance with an annual operating budget of $150,000. Similar staff compliment would probably require a minimum of $200,000 to be set aside in the 2008 budget. This option requires finding an additional $100,000 in addition to the $100,000 currently provided in the base budget. 405 REPORT NO.: CAO-01-08 PAGE 6 5.4 Option 4: Outsource service to the Clarington Board of Trade Since 1998, the Clarington Board of Trade has been undertaking economic development works on behalf of the Municipality. Council of the day embraced the "business attract business" principle and accepted the recommendations of the Mayor's Task Force on Economic Development that it is in the best interest of all concerned that economic development services be delivered by a willing party in the name of the Clarington Board of Trade. Looking back at this past ten years, municipal staff has enjoyed a very good working relationship with the Board's staff. Both parties understand that economic development effort is a partnership venture and both have collaborated on many economic development initiatives. From staff perspective, the current outsourcing option has worked well for Clarington and seems to provide good value. Notwithstanding, the question of accountability has been raised occasionally in the past by some council members. The Board is aware of this concern and has taken actions to alleviate this concern. For example, the Board has now made quarterly report to council updating various economic development activities and initiatives. The recent reporting also focuses more on performance issues and results ensuring council is better informed. Should council choose the option to continue the contract relationship with the Clarington Board of Trade, the following terms and conditions will be included in the agreement. a) A three year contract for 2008 to 2010 inclusive with the option for a on~ year automatic renewal subject to agreement by both parties and at a three percent fee increase. b) The fee for service shall be $103,000 for 2008; $106,500 for 2009, and $110,000 for year 2010. c) The responsibilities assigned to the Board would be under the general umbrella of economic development with special focus on business attraction and retention. d) The Board shall report and update council quarterly pertaining to all economic development activities undertaken. e) The Board and its employees shall refrain from engaging in any activity that would negatively impair the relationship between the Municipality and the Board, and 406 REPORT NO.: CAO-01-08 PAGE 7 f) The Municipality will continue to provide free office space to the Board at the Tourism Office at Liberty StreeUHWY 401. 6. Conclusion There is no perfect business model for the delivery economic development service. What works for one municipality does not necessary work for another due to a whole set of different circumstances. The CAO is of the opinion that the current outsourcing system has proven very cost effective and the partnership between business and government has worked well. That's said; Council should . carefully review each option and arrive at its own conclusion. 407 UNllJgton REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: Special General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: January 18, 2008 Resolution #: Report #: COD-001-08 File #: By-law #: Subject: CORPORATE NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING 2007 REVIEW Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-001-08 be received for information. Submitted by: Ie Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.a. irector of Corporate Services U'. '12; '\. r2 " ~ .., ."-..) L\ Reviewed by: I'-^- ,-_I Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer MMlJC/gj CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-5506 407 A REPORT NO.: COD-001-08 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND The intent of this report is to provide Members of Council with information relative to the effective use of the corporate advertising program as implemented by the Communications & Tourism Office. The corporate advertising program deals, specifically, with the municipal information published in the Canadian Statesman and the Orono Weekly Times. Should Council elect to change the current corporate advertising newspaper practice, related policies will be amended accordingly. 2.0 CANADIAN STATESMAN PAGE 2 At the conclusion of the 2007 budget deliberations the policy and budget for corporate advertising was changed to publish only required municipal notices and events in the Municipality's corporate newspaper advertising program. In addition, the Municipality did not reserve a specific page size for its use. Instead, space was reserved weekly based on the amount of information that was to be published at that time. The budgetary impact of the amended advertising policy is illustrated by the table below: ADVERTISEMENT EXPENDITURE as of December 31, 2007 $105511.14 24,488.50 71 847.00 $ 201,846.64 Canadian Statesman Orono Weekl Times OTHER Despite a ten cent increase in agate line rate (from $0.87 in 2006 to $0.97 in 2007), the Municipality achieved a significant cost savings within the newspaper advertising program. The reduction in cost for this program in the Orono Weekly Times (approximately $4,645) is directly attributable to the size of the advertisement published as the flat rate charged to the . Municipality did not change significantly during 2007. As of January 1, 2008, the Canadian Statesman is no longer being published in the current broadsheet format. The potential budgetary impact of this change in layout - from broadsheet (Statesman) to tabloid (This Week) - is not expected to have a significant budgetary impact on what has been requested for 2008 although there is an increase the Municipality's 2008 line rate (from $0.97 to $1.00 per agate line). 3.0 CORPORATE ADVERTISING - OTHER MUNICIPALITIES In reviewing current trends/activities in municipal advertising/marketing, some other municipalities were surveyed on whether or not they participate in a dedicated community/corporate advertising page. The Town of Ajax has a dedicated community page in the News Advertiser (Metroland) as well as placing spot (periodic) advertisements in the SNAP Ajax publication. The City of Oshawa also has a dedicated community page in the Oshawa This Week (Metroland) as well as placing spot advertising in the SNAP Oshawa and Oshawa Express publications. Port Hope maintains 2 half-page community pages in both the Northumberland News (Metroland) and the Port Hope Evening Guide. The Municipality of 1 OTHER ADVERTISING - encompasses tourism promotion, tenderslquoteslRFPs; career opportunities, Canadian TODS signage on Highway 401 & 115/35 407 B REPORT NO.: COD-001-08 PAGE 3 Clarington corporate advertising page was cited as the model these municipalities used in establishing their own community program. 4.0 COMMUNICATING WITH THE PUBLIC - CORPORATE NEWSLETTERS Communications is an integral part of the relationship between the Municipality of Clarington and the residents and businesses of Clarington. Keeping stakeholders informed as to municipal activities and events ensures that they are engaged and aware of issues and activities that may have an effect or impact on their day to day life. From 1996 to 1998 the Municipality of Clarington published its own tabloid-style (slightly larger than 11" x 17") newsletter - The Clarington Today. This publication, whose design and print preparation was completed externally, was a 12-page, full-colour production that was printed on offset grade paper which is a little higher quality than newsprint (so the colour would not bleed through the pages). The Clarington Today was printed 3 times per year and was published for 3 years prior to being discontinued. The publication relied heavily on the input of municipal departments for content (text and images). If Council wishes to consider a corporate newsletter it can be accomplished by learning from the previous production (Clarington Today). Instead of 12 pages, it is likely that a 4 page publication would be appropriate. To print a 4-page, tabloid publication on 50 pound offset paper (one paper grade above newsprint) the cost per edition (based on a single quote received by Communications in time for this repo.rt) would cost $ 1,850.00 (including trimming it to Canada Post specifications for mailing). The annual cost of such a publication would depend on the frequency and method of distribution. FREQUENCY OF PRINTING COST POSTAGE COST* TOTAL PUBLICATION (Undiscounted COST oversized rate) (ANNUAL) BI-WEEKLY $ 40,700.00 $ 67,100.00 $ 107,800.00 (22 issues) MONTHLY $ 22,200.00 $ 36,600.00 $ 58,800.00 (12 issues) BI-MONTHLY $ 11,100.00 $ 18,300.00 $ 29,400.00 (6 issues) QUARTERLY $ 7,400.00 $ 9,150.00 $ 16,550.00 (4 issues) *Based on the 12.2cents/item unaddressed admail rate as published at www.canadaoost.ca/rates/odf/aa oricesheet-e. odf Canada Post has provided information that, should the Municipality distribute 100,000+ copies per year, the unaddressed admail rate would decrease from $0.122 per item to $0.106 per item. A formal agreement may be required for this purpose. For delivery, Canada Post will require the newsletter 5 days in advance of the mailing date. This would have to be built into the production schedule. A transportation fee will be charged as some of Clarington receives mail from other facilities than Bowmanville. All costs indicated would have to be confirmed subsequent to Council's decision particularly as it relates to frequency of publication. Within Durham Region, the Town of Ajax (Ajax Today), the Town of Whitby (The Whitby 407 c REPORT NO.: COD-001-08 PAGE 4 Perspective), the City of Oshawa (Inside Oshawa) all produce corporate newsletters. Ajax and Whitby publish their newsletters twice per year while Oshawa issues theirs once per year. It appears that only the Town of Whitby distributes their corporate newsletter via Canada Post. They are also available online as pdf file downloads: Town of Ajax (Winter 2008) htto:/Iwww.townofaiax.com/AssetFactorv.aspx?did=4137; Town of Whitby (Fall 2007)http://www.whitbv.ca/assetlcm-communitv whitbvperspective-faIl2007.odf; and, City of Oshawa http://www.oshawa.ca/whatsnew/lnside Oshawa 2007 FINAL.pdf. 5.0 CORPORATE ADVERTISING/CORORA TE NEWSLETTERS POINTS OF DISCUSSION A combination of newspaper and newsletter advertising program could produce some efficiencies and may incorporate some of the following. CORPORATE ADVERTISING CORPORATE NEWSLETTER . Notices which are required by . Ability to manage the message being legislation to be placed in a newspaper communicated; (List is not exhaustive - indicates those that were published in 2007 only) . Promotion of community events and - Expropriation notices festivals in accordance with objectives - Planning Act notices of Corporate Strategic Business Plan; - Heritage Designation notices - Pound Keeper notices . Tenders, careers and program - Development Charge notices announcements could be included - Cemetery By-law notices provided the departments prepare this - Tax Sale notices information in advance (how far in - Audited Financial Statements advance would depend on frequency of newsletter); . Layout of advertisement done outside of Communications based on content . Opportunity to amalgamate all provided; departmental newsletters (e.g. Planning E-Update) into publication; . Public can be educated to look for information about tenders, career . If tendered at 4 pages, costs could vary opportunities, program announcements if less or more space is required; in the communique; . Information from other m,unicipal . No "penalty" for varying space partners (library, visual arts centre, requirements; museums, older adult centre, Clarington Board of Trade could be . Corporate advertising pages are included. posted on municipal website; . Potential to move newsletter to electronic version is possible; Non-essential (e.g. recreation programs) could be a significant part of this program - reducing requirement to create and distribute separate flyers (e.g. camp programs, etc.) 407 D REPORT NO.: COD-001-08 PAGE 5 6.0 CONCLUSION If Council wishes to consider incorporating the blended advertising program into the 2008 budget it is recommended that communique begin as a quarterly publication as there will be considerable input required of existing staff, particularly during the start up. There will be an impact on workflow of municipal departments in producing content for the corporate newsletter. The 2008 budget of $175,000 ideally would not be reduced to accommodate the communique as 2008 advertising budget is estimated to accommodate required notices based on 2007 actual expenditures, in addition to a higher line rate ($1.14 per line) with reduced frequency. It is recommended that a separate accounting of the communique could be tracked with a budget of $20,000 allocated during the 2008 deliberations. Should there be savings at the end of the budget year with the blended program this can be accommodated in future budget proposals. It is respectfully requested should Council endorse the production of the communique on a bi-weekly schedule, that consideration be given in the 2008 budget, to add an additional staff member on a 24 hour basis, (estimated impact of $30,000) to assist with production. Staff will amend the policy to reflect any approved changes by Council, and report in future budget years on the effectiveness of the change in communication strategy from feedback received on the program. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-6506 407 E Cl~n REPORT FINANCE DEPARTMENT Meeting: SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: FRIDAY JANUARY 18, 2008 Resolution #: Report #: FND-001-08 File #: By-law #: Subject: 2008 CURRENT AND CAPITAL BUDGET Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the Special General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report FND-001-08 be received; 2. THAT Council approve the base 2008 Operating and Capital Budgets as outlined in Schedule "An, at an estimated tax levy impact of 2.91 % (exclusive of tax policy impacts), as directed in FND-001-08; 3. THAT Council provide direction on the items listed as added funding levels related to growth or new services including staffing levels as itemized in Schedule "B"; 4. THAT the Schedules "C", "D" and "E" outlining Reserve and Reserve Fund Contributions be approved; 5. THAT approximately $1,000,000 be drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to offset the tax rate impact; 6. THAT the financing of capital projects, as outlined in the attached document be approved; 7 . THAT the capital forecast be received for information; 8. THAT the external agencies, referred to in this report be advised of Council's decision regarding their grant request; 9. THAT the 2008 departmental business plans included in the attached document be received for information; 408 FND-001-08 Page 2 1 O. THAT for 2008, the net proceeds from the Mayor's Golf Tournament be directed to the Memorial Hospital Foundation - Bowmanville, with the tournament to be continued to be administered by municipal staff; 11. THAT titles and name changes be approved as identified in this report; 12. THAT as referred from the 2007 budget process, $53,000 be approved for funding for physician recruitment to be drawn from the Economic Development Reserve- Fund subject to the approval for reserve fund contributions noted in recommendation number 4; and 13. THAT the appropriate By-laws to levy the 2008 tax requirements for Municipal, Regional and Education purposes be forwarded to Council for approval, once final tax policy information is available. Reviewed bY:c:)~ 1A4 Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer NMT/hjl 409 FND-001-08 Page 3 OVERVIEW: 1.0 The 2008 budget is outlined in detail in the draft budget documents circulated in conjunction with this report. The approximate 2008 base impact is detailed in Schedule "A" attached hereto. 1.1 The Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Finance have worked diligently with all departments to review all areas and identify savings. 1.2 This impact is after assessment growth, which is estimated at 2.8%. Every 1 % increase in the budget generally results in a tax increase of approximately $9 for the average residential taxpayer for the local portion of the tax bill (based on assessed value of $235,000). This does not include the impact of tax policy changes determined by the Region of Durham. 1.3 Based on the 2008 returned roll, Clarington assessment splits remain at 91 % for residential, farm and multi-residential and 9% for commercial and industrial properties. 1.4 Clarington continues to rely strongly on reserves and reserve funds to alleviate tax levy impacts. For 2008, the net annual draw on reserves and reserve funds remains at approximately $10 million not including $1,000,000 drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to offset the tax levy. This includes capital and current (operating). The summaries for the reserves and reserve funds are included in the attached Schedules "C", "D" and "E". 1.5 Consistent with prior years, interest revenue from the Port Granby Trust monies were factored in so as to mitigate the tax levy impact. Revenue increases for many departments have been factored in including planning fees, miscellaneous revenues and dividends from Veridian. Community Reinvestment Funding (CRF) will be received from the province and directly applied to offset the tax levy increase. 1.6 The Courtice Water Pollution Control Plant is operational in January, 2008 and therefore was not completed in time to be included on the returned roll for taxation in 2008. As a result, a supplementary tax roll will be issued during the 2008 year retroactive to the date of operations commencing. Due to the magnitude of the projected impact from the payment-in-Iieu revenue anticipated from the opening of the Courtice Water Pollution Control Plant, a one-time adjustment of additional revenue has been included of $400,000. As detailed assessment information is not yet available, this is a conservative estimate that will be adjusted to actual for the 2009 budget, as it will be reflected on the assessment roll for 2009. 1.7 For 2008, Clarington will experience minor increases in provincial offences act revenue. 410 FND-001-08 Page 4 TAX RATE STABILIZATION: 2.0 Historically, Clarington has drawn on our Accumulated SurpluslWorking Funds Reserve approximately $1,000,000 per year, on average. This is proposed to continue for 2008. However, ideally, the Municipality should start to reduce it's reliance on these funds. It should be a priority in future years' budgets to make some inroads into our reliance on this surplus or begin replenishing the balance in the Rate Stabilization Reserve. TAX POLICY CHANGES: 3.0 Along term strategic tax policy plan was approved in 2002 by the Region of Durham that will have an impact on the final tax rates. The 2008 update of the plan will be presented to Regional Council in early 2008. The tax ratio changes impact upon the relative share of the total taxes that each property class pays. A particular additional impact to Clarington relates to the education retained portion of payment-in-Iieu properties such as Ontario Power Generation. In the 2008 provincial budget, a provincially mandated reduction in the industrial education rate was announced. As a result, Clarington will continue to experience a loss of revenue in this area. For 2008, any loss in this area will be included as a tax policy adjustment in the calculation of the final tax rates. STAFFING REQUESTS: 4.0 Staffing cost represents a significant portion of any municipal government operating budget and the CAD is extremely mindful to ensure staffing cost is contained while at the same time not compromising on the quality of program and service delivery to our residents. 4.1 Over the past five years, we have made significant improvement to the staffing level in the Fire and Emergency Services, often at the expense of meeting the staffing needs of other municipal operations. The disproportionate cost increase in Fire and Emergency Services is best illustrated by comparing the past four year total of Fire Department staffing increase to that of other municipal operations. Table - Additional Staffino Cost Comparison 2004-2007 2004 2005 2006 2007 4 year Total Fire/Emergency $125,000 $330,000 $178,750 $172,600 $806,350 Services Other Municipal $310,000 $545,000 $234,000 $636,800 $1,725,800 Operations Total $435,000 $875,000 $412,750 $809,400 $2,532,150 Fire/Emergency Services as a 28.74% 37.71% 43.31% 21.32% 31.84% percentage of total 411 FND-001-08 Page 5 4.2 As the municipality continues to experience unprecedented growth without the corresponding increase in staff resources with the exception of Fire and Emergency Services, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain the standards and levels of service our residents are accustomed to, notwithstanding our continuous effort to optimize efficiency by streamlining business process and improving productivity. Without running the real risk of service deterioration in other areas of municipal responsibilities, we respectfully ask Council to give serious consideration to add the following new staffing in the 2008 budget. Operations Department 2 Labourers 1 Gardener 1 Mechanic Apprentice (Fleet) Salary + Benefits $ 92,248 $ 56,246 $ 13,303 Planning Department 1 Senior Planner $ 75,879 Clerk Department 1 part-time clerk 1 (animal services) 1 part-time parking officer $ 24,121 $ 26,924 TOTAL of above $288,721 4.3 In addition to the foregoing, it is recommended that a new position of Manager of Strategic Initiative be added in the organization chart of the CAD Office. The new position will handle a variety of tasks focusing on improving business process, customer service initiatives, complaints investigation, corporate projects, economic development facilitation and one stop shopping, and special assignments. In recognition of the budgetary constraint, the filling and funding of this position will be deferred to 2009. 4.4 With the departure of the Human Resources Manager.. the human resources functions were reviewed and the following changes were made to streamline the department function. Firstly, the position of "Manager of Human Resources" will be renamed "Human Resources Supervisor" with the corresponding downward salary adjustment. The second change involves changing the title of the "Director of Corporate Services" to "Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources". This change recognizes the significant areas of responsibility of human resources in a fast growing organization without creating a separate Department. These two (2) organization changes are included in the new organization chart for Corporate Services. 4.5 In order to more appropriately reflect the activities of the division, the Director of Corporate Services has requested that the Communications and Marketing division be renamed Communications and Tourism. 412 FND-001-08 Page 6 CAPITAL BUDGET COMMENTARY: 5.0 The recommended impact on the tax base of the proposed Capital Budget is an increase from last year of $314,597. This translates to a 1.05% tax levy increase and is included in Schedule liB" as an optional item for Council's consideration. 5.1 There has been significant dialogue in recent months pertaining to the state of municipal infrastructure in Ontario. In Clarington, there has been only minor changes to the tax levy support to Capital since 2003. Some municipalities are proposing significant lump sum increases in this area to address infrastructure deficit issues. Clarington has the PSAB capital asset project underway and will be reporting on this as the project progresses. We are not recommending a lump sum transfer at this time, but have instead identified specific projects that require attention. If Council wish to keep the tax levy support to capital consistent with prior years, Staff in the affected departments (primarily engineering- roads) will need to review their capital projects and reduce projects to accomplish this. Council can also identify specific projects that they do not wish to proceed at this time. 5.2 Details of capital projects, by department, are included in the Draft Capital Budget. 5.3 Federal fuel tax proceeds have been incorporated into the Draft Capital Budget at $1,134,563. 5.4 The Capital Budget is presented to Council for consideration and approval. The financing for most of the projects is a combination of Reserve, Reserve Funds, Development Charges and tax levy. CURRENT BUDGET IMPACTS: 6.0 Consistent with any other major employer, as well as all other municipalities, Clarington is experiencing costs increases in areas such as wage increases, extended health benefit costincreases, OMERS impact, fuel cost increases, utilities and facility maintenance costs. The balance of the Newcastle Aquatic Facility operating costs have also been incorporated. The current budget impacts are detailed in Schedule "A" to this report. DEBT STATUS: 7.0 Current projected annual debt repayment obligations for 2008 budget purposes total $3,782,120.48. This is comprised of debentures issued for the South Courtice Arena, the Bowmanville Indoor Soccer Facility, the MAC/Main Library, the Newcastle Aquatic facility, Total Hockey and estimated debenture for the. Newcastle branch library. 413 FND-001-08 Page 7 7.1 The total principal amount outstanding at January 1, 2008 is $35,261,459. New debentures will be required in 2008/2009 for the Newcastle Library and the Green Road Grade Separation/ Stevens Road extension. The Newcastle Aquatic Facility debenture is now in place. As this debenture is 90% growth related, annual growth is required to maintain the debenture repayment obligations from development charges without impacting the tax levy. Growth numbers in 2007 were somewhat lower than the prior year and this will be monitored in 2008. 7.2 Total debt is now projected to be $45,200,000 most of which is growth-related through development charges. The projected debt may be reduced further subject to the amount of collections occurring in the Roads and Related Development Charges Reserve Fund between now and when the debentures will be issued. MUNICIPAL GRANT PROGRAM: 8.0 The Municipal grant program is administered through the Community Services Department. The budget presented via this report includes a total of $80,000 for the grant program. Of that $80,000, traditionally $15,000 relates to three external agencies whereby their first $5,000 is budgeted through the municipal grant program with the balance through the normal budget process. The remaining $65,000 is allocated based on Council direction when the grant report is"brought forward. Should Council change the practice pertaining to the three external agencies (Clarington Older Adults Association, Clarington Community Care and the Newcastle Community Hall), there will be an impact on the budget presented in this report. INSURANCE: 9.0 Insurance premium costs for 2008 appear to be stabilizing at this point. . A budget increase of $100,000 has been incorporated into the draft current budget as an estimate due to deductible requirements for old claims now being resolved. RESERVE AND RESERVE FUND CONTRIBUTIONS: 10.0 Consistent with past practice, transfers between reserve funds are at times deemed appropriate to bolster balances in depleting reserve funds. For 2008 no significant changes are included on the Reserve and Reserve Fund summaries in the attached Schedules "C" and "D". EXTERNAL AGENCIES: 11.0 The requests from the external agencies, including the Museum, Library, Visual Arts Centre, Clarington Older Adults Board, etc. are detailed in the External Agencies section of the Draft Current Budget for Council to consider their requests on an individual basis. The external agencies tab in the Draft Current Budget provides background information pertaining to the requests by the external agencies. The increase in budget requests for the external agencies total $96,428 for 2008, which is a 0.32% total municipal levy increase. 414 FND-001-08 Page 8 PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT: 12.0 At a meeting held on May 14, 2007, Council passed, in part, the following resolution: "THAT Council approves the request from the Clarington Board of Trade for the financial support for physician recruitment up to the maximum total amount of $240,000 minus $43,000 paid to the Board in March 2007; THAT the funding for physician recruitment be drawn from the Economic Development Reserve Fund to a maximum of $144,000 in 2007 with the balance of $53,000 referred to 2008 budget deliberations"; . 12.1 Of the $144,000 approved in 2007, $90,000 has been paid out representing three new doctors. $54,000 is remaining from the 2007 funds for continued recruiting efforts. 12.2 Included in the recommended Reserve Fund transfers on Schedule "C" attached is a $100,000 transfer into the Economic Development Reserve Fund from tax levy. Approval of the balance of $53,000 for physician recruitment from the Economic Development Reserve Fund is contingent upon the approval of the reserve fund transfer as that is the source of funds. This would leave $47,000 in the reserve fund for economic development initiatives in the future. FUTURE YEARS' BUDGETS: 13.0 There are certain known impacts for the 2009 budget year such as staffing, wage settlements, fire master plan implications, insurance costs, and normal inflationary impacts. Also, depending upon the growth and resulting funds collected for development charges for indoor recreation and library, there may be tax levy impacts for debenture repayment requirements for new facilities. As mentioned above, consideration must be given in 2009 to the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund ($200,000). Also of impact for 2009, will be the balance of Newcastle Library operating costs. 13.1 Other items for future consideration include increased tax support to roads (estimated at 1% or $300,000). 415 FND-001-08 Page 9 Attachments: Schedule "An - 2008 Base Budget Impact Summary Schedule "B" - 2008 Additional Funding Options Schedule "C" - Reserve Funds Schedule "0" - Reserves Schedule "E" - 2008 Operating - Reserves and Reserve Fund Contributions List of interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: · Clarington Museum and Archives · Clarington Older Adult Board · Clarington Public Library · Durham Region Community Care Association · Newcastle Community Hall · Orono Cemetery Company · Visual Arts Centre of Clarington CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 416 2008 Budaet Tax Impact Analysis SCHEDULE A: New/Increased Revenue Sources: Growth at 2.8% 1839,315 Courtice WPCP Growth Estimate (400,000 Provincial Offences Act Revenue 25,000 Investment Income 50,000 Bowmanville Cemetery Sale of Plots 10,000 Soortfield Rentals 10,000 Ice Rentals Revenue 35,000 Veridian Dividends (144,000 Fees and Service Charaes (16,100 Doa and Cat Licenses (5,000 Interest and Penalties on Taxes (10,000 Increase in Plannina Fees (153,000 (1,6974151 T5.66 Cost Cuttino Measures: Fire Radio EQuioment savinas 20,000 Parks- Snow removal reduction 15,000 Mobile Skateboard Cancellation 23,250 Total Hockev Souvenirs Exoense Reduction 15,000 (73,2501 10.24 Reductions In Revenue: Reduction in Soav/Neuter Fee Revenue 5,000 Eng- Misc Revenue and Consent Permits Reduction 23,500 CCC Oavcare Rental Revenue loss 28,000 CCC Fitness Memberships (net) 16,500 Total Hockev Golf Soonsorshio 10,000 Total Hockev Revenue Reduction 87.400 170.400 0.57 Increased Costs due to Inflation Etc.: Salary Increases: Firefighter Neaotiations 133,000 Firefighter Movements thru arid 119,000 Cupe/Non-affiliated Neaotiations 514,000 Cuoe/Non-affiliated Grid Movements 62,000 l TO accomadation 115,000 Pav EQuity 60,000 Fire Retention/Service Pav (2 vears) 222,000 FIre- Part-time firefiahters 95,000 Benefit Cost IncreasesCOMERS, Extended Health) 236,897 Post EmoloymentBenefits 25,000 Utilities 20,000 Newcastle AQuatic Facilitv 488,913 Phone/Fax 15,000 GIS Software Maintenance 14,000 Volunteer Recoanltion Proaram 5,500 Clerks and Bvlaw leaal 20,000 Board of Trade 3,000 Bank Service Charaes 19,000 Insurance 100,000 Fire- Fuel 15,000 Traffic Sianals/Connectina Link 18,000 417 2008 Budget Tax Impact Analysis Streetlight hydro 26,000 Defibrillator program 6,000 Newcastle AQuatic Facility opening . 5,000 Other Miscellaneous 40,000 . 2,377 ,310 7.92 CUMULATIVE 2.59 External Agencies: Library (From $2,205,713 to $2,290,359 = 3.8%) 84,646 Visual Arts Centre (From $149,520 to $154,000 = 3%) 4,480 Museum (From 214,366 to $218,653 = 2%) 4,287 Newcastle Community Hall (Remains at $13,000) - Firehouse Youth (Remains at $45,000) - Clarington Community Care (From $25,500 to $26,265 = 3%) 765 Older Adults Board (From 112,500 to $114,750 = 2%) 2,250 96,428 0.32 CUMULATIVE 873.473 2.91 418 2008 Budget Tax Impact Analysis SCHEDULE B: Added Funding Levels for Growth related Items or New Services: 1 Tax levY Support to Capital $ 314,597 1.05% 2 Health and Safety Ergonomics/Documentation $ 20,000 0.07% 3 PSAB reporting $ 47,000 0.16% 4 Abandoned Cemetery Board $ 7,000 0.02% 5 Sidewalk maintenance (not salary) $ 19,000 0.06% 6 Catch Basin/Storm Sewer Professional Fees $ 35,000 0.12% 7 Pavement Marking $ 10,000 0.03% 8 Rural Roads Surface Treatment $ 100,000 0.33% 9 Dust Control $ 17,000 0.06% 10 Sandina/Saltina/Winter Maint. (not salary) $ 20,000 0.07% 11 Bowmanville 150th/Holiday Train $ 20,000 0.07% 12 Additional Staffina: ' 13 Operations- labourer $ 46,124 0.15% 14 Operations- labourer $ 46,124 0.15% 15 Operations- Gardener $ 56,246 0.19% 16 Operations- Mechanic Apprentice $ 13,303 0.04% 17 Planning- Senior Planner $ 75,879 0.25% 18 Clerks- PIT Parking Enforcement $ 26,924 0.09% 19 Clerks- PIT Clerk 1- Animal Services $ 24,121 0.08% CUMULATIVE 898,318 2.99 419 Schedule C I I ~I ~ I I f~~il ~I l ~ I .~il~ i ffi ~ I~ ~I I lUlui~ il I gl~ii~~i~ 91 I I~~~ L!'.. IU! I&l , ~~~i3i~ ~II luUul ~LJ II J '/ ; ~j L, i ~~j :."..i ~ :;l ~ 18 Ie 18 l!l ~ ~,~ ~~ ~ ~N"''''I/'I81'''8. ~f;lIJ ~~ ~~~~s! ~i ! .... CQ)CI)~ ... _i\i\~~~~",; "":,"l. ... gf"':.o~rDaiN~~ ~lll ai 1/'181/'10...,....,"'. "'..,,... ~a &~13~~a .n.n ... ~~ G;u;~ :;l ~ ~...N..."',..'" I:; II:; ... '" ...... .... 0 ...... ... ... .; "':NN N NN": . ... ... l ~ ... ... ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 8S! :q ,.. ~ 8 :RS! ~ g ;:t;~ lQ ~ ....., ... ... 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Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Department Heads CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 LIST OF DELEGATIONS JANUARY 18, 2008 a) Sally Barrie, Community Care Durham, Clarington - 2008 Budget Request b) Ron Bailey, Richard Toms and Jean-Michel Komarnicki, Visual Arts Centre 2008 Budget Request c) Clarington Public Library Board - 2008 Budget Request d) Keith Isnor and Martha Rutherford-Conrad, Clarington Museum and Archives - 2008 Budget Request e) Angie Darlison, Executive Director, Clarington Older Adults Association- 2008 Budget Request f) Michael Patrick, President, Clarington Board of Trade - Report CAO-001-08 g) Elaine Garnett, Channel 12, Regarding Financial Request h) Marie Marano, Director of Corporate Services - 2008 Corporate Services Departmental Budget i) Patti Barrie, Municipal Clerk - 2008 Municipal Clerk's Departmental Budget j) Gord Weir, Director of Emergency Services - 2008 Emergency Services Departmental Budget k) Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services - 2008 Engineering Services Departmental Budget I) Fred Horvath, Director of Operations - 2008 Operations Departmental Budget m) Joseph Caruana, Director of Community Services - 2008 Community Services Departmental Budget n) David Crome, Director of Planning Services - 2008 Planning Services Departmental Budget HANDOUTS 1 CIRCULATIONS FOR GP&A CD .... <( CD 3: o .t: 3: I C o o cC ~ OCD ~ __ __ s.... - ..... - -- -- roCDCD..c N 0:: ..c ro ._ +-' en c s..... .- roCD"O"O ~>c- ~".- ro ro o ~ en .~ Q)s.....~en _ro:J>' ..c()"O..c ~,-"roa. .C CD 0 0 ro~"-+-' ..c a. en "0 u en CD Q) ro 2 .~ 15 enu..>- . _ _ s..... 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O.net lIsSUE 1 2008 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Andiat lam vel ero con ullandio odo ero dolenia metum- molorem dolortis do dolortiscil dolore faciniam ing esenit non volenit praestrud tat lumsan heniamet voloborem dit lorem nos elit lut ut digna feumsandit vel del iriure dit lutem veliquat adip esto odolore conse cor sed dolore du- iscil euis alis esed doluptatue cons ad tat. Guer ipissi. Duipsum delisl eum dolummo lorper sit ip euguerilit ad dionsenim i1it am alis nullam, sent dolore mag nit amet aliquissit praeseniam nulputpat. Ommy nonsequipsum iliqui ea faci blaorer cipsustie eugue dions augue dolorercipis nos acipis nulla feugait niamet, vent nim zzriurem nit in henis ercipit, corerit praestrud tet utat iriure vel ex essi. Met, sectet prato Wis acllit alis delit laore faccummodo consed min exerosto conulla facidunt lor sequipis eri- lis nonsed tatie consequis at. Unt lore feugiam, consequ ipisi. Patie cons dit ut venit augiat. Ut vullut alit la feu feuis et ing enit am deliscilit nis nullaorerci et, commod duis do- lummy nullum endrem iustrud modolorper at lore mag- nibh eum dolor sum auguerostisl ero ex er autations et, si. It lore facil et utatin hendre deliquip ent augiamcon eli- quat exerci estis am venim inim veros erosto cons eum ing eugait wis nim vullam, quat. At. Vel iriustrud eros do dit, sequiss equissed magna feugiam delit la aliquam Init vel it num velese diamcons enit nisi. Venisi bla augait prato Duipism olorper aesent numsan- digna facinit ing enismod tin vulputem esecte ero odiam dolore endipit lute vullaor sis ero er iliquatinibh endre dolobor sequatuercil ut lut lore con heniamconum nonse- qua met, sustrud eliquat wisl. Tie do dolobore ver irilit pratie endre magna alit ip et 10- borem qua met ut accum estisisit lametumsan ulputate vel utatum vulla facilissi. continued on Page 2 BOWMANVILLE IS 1.50 YEARS YOUNG! 2008 marks the Sesquicentennial for Clarington's largest community. Plans for celebrating this milestone are underway. The logo for the 150th was unveiled at the recent Mayor's Levee January 6th at the Clarington Beech Centre. The main celebration will be held the weekend of June 28, 2008. A new website should be online before the end of February and event details will be posted there. The URL for the website is: www.bowmanville150.ca .JANUARY PLANNING UPDATE New Applications ONTARIO POWER GENERATION 2151 South Service Road, Bowmanville Proposal for the reconstruction and improvement of the security entrance on Holt Road for Ontario Power Generation. Recent Approvals CLARINGTON CENTRE-PHASE 3 RETAIL PROJECT APPROVED Halloway Holdings Limited recently received site plan ap- proval for their Phase 3 retail development located at the continued on page 3 2008 BUDGET(continued from page 1) Equam zzrillaore mineilisis el ea at, si tat velit nonum- modit lam il ullam, velit wis eugait ut nummoloborem vel ut luptat. Ut vel ulput ad mod euis ad tionulputpat nonse conullu ptatem zzrit wis et lamcommolor susto conse dipsuscin eum aut wisi. Ipsumsan vullums andrerillan henisi enim dolesed te feu feugiam quis niam, vel ut irilla autem eummy nonse- quate conse commy numsandio od dolorero' elese dions nos ea com my nonsent velit lor in vel iusciliquis ent wis at. Exeros aliquissit laore diam inci blaor ipit alit dion ectem init veniamet vulla commoluptat nim zzriusto diatums and ions nim exerostinci blamcon senisim ipisit dolobore verei tat. Ut nit niat. Dui blandrem illan utpat. Ut vullandit aeilit alit nullutat ipit, senim vel dunt venibh ercin ullamcon veliquam, quatio dolore vullaorem et vol- ortio con ex essi. Ud diametue vel dolor am et alit, consed delissit, quat Continued from 1 autem eum augue dolummy niat nulla aut adiam nim vel iriure molorer adiam eros nonsequissim quam ver- cillandre ero ercil irit veliquiscin et niatem quam dolor sum auguer am dolut laor i1it atie facipis at. IIIaore tis atie tis autpat, volorem quismodo exerilit, sequls nulla facin ulputpatio odolore el dolum zzrillametue dolorer sit veliquam venim iustrud ex ex etummodions nibh eugiam lure et, volobor sit lore molore conummy nissequisl do- lute vercipisim nit nit iure cor sim ese te conullum dolo- boreetum volore min ut la feuguerlt ad duisi et volutat umsandiam, com my nit am endre consed tetum alisit wissit, conse dionsequi elent ullamconulla facil dolore do consent augue dio consed deleniamet ulla am nos et, velisci duisim zzrit essit ip er aliquatis nibh ea fac- cumm odolore etumsan vel ing ea facil irit ad ecteValicia perture nem, sulie volum pecus sum in diena, qui urn, dis cupesil consigna praes abefac ta rem mure det? qua Iniris iam. Evid maccibusa quistris. Uterit, pultortin tas hos publices in vigna, Patam sentiac tussulu demus- sus fit vit; hilla rem, quamend acitasd actorti, noverivit ad nos hos publium culicav erraet? Nihilibus etiam te tebusquame consum adem te, intern actus, quonsulvius hebus, con dit. Imus opopublia nem que detro, vignam die fin is Ad clati prei perume pare firi tus hore publiem ad facta, cae tam, us et vivastr avehebaturem poterop ortantim int, confeer Ibeffre isquam int, nem into Ca ex simoris noximis, quam in aturnimora L. Ve, us ma, quem omnes feeonerem, earn dium pons es, Catqueme- na, sentin di pubis acto consum hos hos, et nihili ponte, cone meratus ses tari, C. Ad fachuid rei conves et; ho- cae iaelut ditandiem tia peres caed culut in te elernum furo eo, tern it, C. Cat, C. Nihilius sidient. Abem prors num omnori porevilicae es! Xim facitam vid dem in dicae nihilis re, videt L. Parit atis, nos, ce clabis eginvericae tatus ca; Cat facere adductus nirma, vidio mius etorbit ve, stemquost conit. Overes? que abem sent. Igitem publiem inatimo acehuctua nemus; nonsus. Ave- hem, adhuit; efes, consulis am, nostrac riondem urem orum vem prit, virma, sed it, verei pul termihl linatis, nos bonsis. Ostio hilisus publicit? Emque aucon ipioria inatior evir- mac tuusqua perecreis. Satinat viri pectum sentem, quem se nonfex menduc rem in Etra mortatiaed nonunt? Serniu vivigil inamdiu spimilica dium habemure et caute inem elin ta verfex nihi, fur hili perfecta diusum obsendum quempl. Gra vius. Et? Nihilic aperede fatuit publium cusquam atus iamdica nium quam proximo vicaecr ehebem di, que fin Etrarbi publis. In nonsuli, oraelus vis, Castrum ut fac ips, unto Opio cri iuro, consimium seniquam ma, pratrae imistrum te por quo eorudam num dium culemus; Cupio, etort- erum re pra, publium a senatua cavo, quas auctortus mora et furo et fur auci seruntem ideatil hue rem con a in turn noterfir quonum pliis, cur, nosti, oc, ego a con- dum ditabem lis iam con te aucorum temus, condius itra iampoptia non Etrimilicae aus, Pali pula imus corum atis, utus perisse aucturae essimul ictaben ternihi ntrat, Cas Clarington.net page 2 Clw:.mgtnn 2008 CLARINGTON VISITORS GUIDE .. Ide 008 \t. 1~,' Enatio, confecre partui pub- lis consulia inatum, faeiena, Palabesi ponimandam quam ma, obsendica re mordien temquon sulius ven Etratus hacit. Bitius vignox senie re estrudeessus autent. Pat. Quideliquem in publli fac tam acturniqui peris sim deliam ubliquam, moricaes hortelut vistidit vit perum senatantum patquodiena, que tiam praed sen dem pu- blici teroret; num iachuiur. Nostrum me tim prio aucem quam paris, quam ompotem estiosultod mei silii iac- cier ibuntem, quam ortiliam esicenia? Epere co vehe- nium nocrecum vissenius, Cas patus publius ve, con- dient, sic mendam publius Catiquam. Huctus consua virio C. Consua con vag it. Agit; et vius caedes atum ocupic turn delartus oc, noniment. C. Muliculest? Mae dest parei iam maionsulica; num mis hactandet? Ent. Aeri, no. An turn quam fauctas esto huidees? But C. Solum hactus hordiena, noximih ilisqui demovente ia cons ad conloc turo ut intemqu ideps, condiem clese- dela porum verisquo peravessenam simmort uresse que ade talabus At addueiendam consuleseris redem horiocc husque con diisseniam. I1iusa nemus. Gintravo, neque iacchi, etio hore coendem parivas- dam morum occit poporuntis eontium in tusquidem aurenteresse ades ~\ I,'. ; , ~. \~ lbw clorlngtontoutlsm rlet PLANNING (continued from page 1 north side of Durham Highway 2 between Green Road and Clarington Boulevard in Bowmanville. This permits the development of a two street-related retail buildings along Durham Highway 2. A single tenant building will house Boston Pizza while the second multi-tenant building will house Sleep Country, M & M Meats, and Telus. Earlier phases of the project include Ontario's first LEED certified Home Depot Store, a Cineplex Odeon Theatre and several restaurants and a bank. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a voluntary certification program for green buildings. The owner is actively marketing the remaining site for other retail uses. MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUBDIVISION On January 7, 2008 General Purpose and Administra- tion Committee approved a draft plan of subdivision and rezoning for 19 single detached dwelling lots for sur- plus lands owned by the Municipality of Clarington. The property is located on the northwest corner of Baseline Road and Spry Avenue. The infill development allows for the completion of John Scott Avenue to Spry Avenue as well as a short cul-de-sac. The report will be consid- ered by Council on January 14. Sign By-law Review The Planning Services Department has begun a com- prehensive review of the Municipality's Sign By-law 97-157. The purpose of the review is to evaluate the existing sign by-law and determine how all types of signs in Clarington should be regulated. This includes signs on public and private property and deals with sign standards such as the number, height, size, and location of signs. Public consultation is an essential component of the Sign By-law review process. Variations in public opinion throughout Clarington will be obtained through a series of four open houses to be held in February, March and April, one in Courtice, Bowmanville, Newcas- tle Village, and Orono. In order to foster discussion and obtain comments on the issues related to signage, a public consultation pa- per will be issued. It will be posted on the Municipality's website, distributed to stakeholders, ratepayers groups and the BIAs. In addition, the public consultation paper will be available at the open houses. Notice of the open houses will be advertised on the Mu- nicipality's website and in the local newspapers. Com- ments and questions on the Sign By-law review can be directed to Isabel Little at 905-623-3379, ext. 217, ilittle@clarington.net. New Staff Meaghan Kroon has joined the Municipality in the Development Review Branch as a Junior Planner, effec- tive January 7th. Meaghan is a recent graduate in Plan- ning from the University of Waterloo. CLARINGTON BOARD OF TRADE APPOINTS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Michael Patrick, President of the Clarington Board of Trade, announced that the Board of Directors appointed Mrs. Sheila Hall as the new Executive Director of the Clarington Board of Trade. Sheila has been with the Clarington Board of Trade (CBT) for more than 7 years and has been a tremendous leader in growing the CBT to its current level of success. Hundreds of businesses in Clarington have been directly influenced by Sheila through B2B connections, busi- ness resources, business planning, marketing and local events. The Clarington Board of Trade is geographically unique as we serve Bowmanville, Newcastle, Orono and Courtice - four distinct communities that are all equally important to Clarington's vibrancy. Clarlngton businesses benefit from Sheila's knowledge and expertise and her unwaver- ing commitment to building communities as witnessed by her leadership role in events like the Terry Fox Run and more recently, Bridges to Better Business. CX) o o C'J OPPO'RTUrtlT!j 2007 BUILDING STATISTICS 2007 2006 BUILDING NUMBER OF VALUE OF NUMBER OF VALUE OF 0/0 CHANGE OF CATEGORY PERMITS CONSTRUCTION PERMITS CONSTRUCTION VALUE 2007-2006 Residential gn $161.671.583 866 $150.360,880 7.5% Industrial 15 16.829.300 25 545.5 HI,666 .85.0% Gov"mmHrt 3 $152.000 6 516.815,000 .991% Commercial 60 521.481.529 58 516.726.495 28.4% Institutional 14 54.818.980 28 54.422,641 9.0% Agricultural 28 16.694,735 17 S 1.400,571 378.0'1(, Demolition 36 SO 45 SO NlA TOTAL 1,073 $201.648,127 1,04 5235.245.253 .14.3% Clarington.net page 3 CST 10th Anniversary 2008 marks a celebration of 10 years of service from the Clarington Board of Trade. Understanding our business members and the community is the cornerstone of suc- cess in creating business partnerships, growth and de- velopment for the Clarington Board of Trade and our business community. "We are very proud to have evolved into an organization focused on fostering opportunity for growth in the busi- ness community as well as in the Clarington Commu- nity at Large. Strong partnerships with all community groups, business leaders, and all levels of government allow us to fulfill our mandate", says Executive Director Sheila Hall. Mandate: "The Board of Trade advocates on behalf of and is the voice of the Clarington business com- munity. The Board of Trade provides a forum for the business com- munity to develop pro- grams and opportunities to promote trade and commerce within the Municipality of Clarington. The Board of Trade takes a leadership role in attracting and retaining business to our area and cultivates partnerships for a healthy social fabric in C1ar- ington." In addition to our traditional roles as a Board of Trade, we are very proud of our accomplishments in Economic Development and Physician Recruitment. It is a great honour to be entrusted with such key roles in sustain- ing a healthy and balanced growth in Clarington. With our clear understanding that we must be an active par- ticipant in the development of a healthy social fabric to attract new business in Clarington. Our first 10 years have seen exciting growth and maturi- ty for the Clarington Board of Trade and we are anxious to see where the next 10 will lead us. Our celebration for the 10th anniversary will last the whole year through. As we enter our second decade of service we are mixing things up. We will rotate be- tween evening "Simply Social" and lunch events called "Ask the Expert". Simply Social will provide our business community and leaders an opportunity to network in an informal social setting to foster partnerships for com- mon success. "Ask the Expert" will be informative and interactive lunch sessions where our attendees can learn more on various topics to help business. In addition to "Simply Social" and "Ask an Expert", our Annual events will also take on new energy. We are pleased to deliver opportunity to our business commu- nity to meet with and hear first hand from our Regional Chair, Mr. Roger Anderson and Mayor Jim Abernethy at their perspective events, as well the Board of Directors take great pride in hosting our Annual General Meet- ing where accomplishments and goals for the future of business in Clarington are highlighted and celebrated. We will also continue to bring development and growth focused events as current and relevant topics arise, such as our Bridges to Better Business event, celebrating "Small Business Month", Purchasing Fair; Employment Fair and information on budgets. We will continue to source and provide educational business opportunities for the membership that we are honoured to serve. Clarington.net page 4 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES The Municipality of Clarington is currently hiring for the following position(s). For complete job descriptions, please visit www.clarington.net/htdocs/careers.html Parking Enforcement Officer Municipal Clerk's Department Salary Rates: $33,792 - $42,123 Code 5 of Inside Collective Agreement 2007 rate File # 01-08 Closing Date: January 10, 2008 Human Resources Supervisor Corporate Services Department Salary Rates: Level 6 of the non-affiliated grid ($55,580 - 72, 508) subject to Pay Equity review. File # 87-07 Closing Date: January 11, 2008 March Break Counsellors Community Services Department Salary Rates: $10.24/ hr File # 85-07 Closing Date: January 15, 2008 To be considered all applications as must be submitted to the Human Resources Division of the Municipality of Clarington at corporateservices@c1arington.net. Failure to do so may result in an application not being received in time for consideration. TENDERS, QUOTES & RFPs REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP2007-08 CELLULAR SERVICES AND RELATED HARDWARE PROPOSALS, sealed in an envelope and clearly marked as to contents, will be received at the Municipality of Clarington, Purchasing Division, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6 until the specified closing time and date. Proposal Forms are available at the Municipal Offices, Purchasing Office, Main Floor, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LlC 3A6 or may be downloaded from the municipal website: www.clarington.net. CLOSING TIME AND DATE: 4:00:00 PM, LOCAL TIME, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7,2007 For further information, please contact: Sandra McKee, Senior Buyer 905-623-3379, Ext 401 or fax, 905-623- 3330. The lowest or any request for proposal not necessarily accepted. Sandra McKee Senior Buyer Telephone: 905-623-3379, Ext. 401 :a:~ " ~ ee.i,t eeeo;. eeeei3;J) ., ~ Q) Q) C) __ -C ~ ::s Q) m > coo o o N co o o N ... 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I - CO ......, .- 0. CO U o ......, t::: o 0. 0. ::J 00 >< CO ......, "0 0) (J) CO:!:: 0).5:2 L..\f- U(]) EO a.. o (/) a..~ $ Q) c: Q) Q) u..c .- t-o ::J c o co 0(/)00 s.... +-' 0) ~a5~ ..cE:i:j +-' 0) ::J ~ ;:; c e Ci5 0 0> CJ) c t5 0) .Q ::J 0> 10 .--. co - ~$5 . . . en (]) .- ........, - .- U ~ ~ 0) c: s.... ~ en +-' c: 0) E (]) L.. ::J 0- (]) L.. ......, c: 0) E ~ CO C. (]) L.. (]) L.. ::J ........ c: (]) ..c (]) o . Presentation Date: Presentation to: Presented By: Friday January 18th, 2008 Municipality of Clarington Council Angie Darlison, Executive Director Clarington Older Adult Association Municipal Grant Funding for 2008 Subject: RECOMMENDATION: It is requested that the Municipality of Clarington accept the current budget request from the Clarington Older Adult Centre Board. BACKGROUND: Dating back to September of 1998 the Clarington Older Adult Association has been providing quality social, and leisure opportunities to the 50+ population of our community. While being in operation the membership has grown steadily from 266 members in 1998 to the present total of 886 members with projected growth to reach close to 1000 by the end of 2008. The centre currently offers the following registration based programs: Active living programs: golf, slow pitch, baseball, cycling, fitness, yoga, tai chi, dancing (tap, jazz, line, ballroom, etc.) Creative expression courses: Paintings, drawing, scrap booking, music theory, beginner band, language lessons Educational: computer, digital photography, healthy eating In addition to our registered courses we offer various drop-in social activities such as health and wellness workshops, luncheons, cards, games, dances, special events and fundraisers. In the fall of 2007 the Clarington Older Adult Association offered over 90 programs/activities, special events and workshops for the older adults of Clarington. For the 2008 budget year our proposed operating budget is $329,831 .00 of which we are requesting Municipal Funding of $114, 750.00. This request is 2% increase over last year at which time we received $112,500.00. The remaining $215, 081 .00 will be collected through program registrations, fundraising, special events, facility rentals and donations/sponsorships. POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES IF OUR FUNDING IS NOT APPROVED . The Clarington Older Adult Association will not be able to expand its in house programs/courses due to a restricted budget and inability to pay instructors a competitive rate. . The Clarington Older Adult Association will not be able to expand older adult programming outside of its current centre (i.e. Newcastle, Courtice, etc.) due to lack of funding alternatives . Older Adults living within the Municipality of Clarington will not be treated equally in comparison to other seniors living in neighbouring municipalities. . Programs and services may have to be negatively affected, staff released or an additional fee increase for membership, program/activities, thus leading to a possible decline in the overall participation at The Clarington Older Adult Association. GOALS FOR 2008 . INCREASE PUBLIC AWARENESS OF THE CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT CENTRE BOARD AND THE PROGRAMS, EVENTS AND COURSES A V AIALBE . INCREASE COMMUNITY PROGRAMS TO INCLUDE ALL AREAS OF CLARINGTON (IE. HOSTING SATALlE PROGRAMS IN COURTICE, NEWCASTLE,ORONO, NEWTONVILLE, ETC.) . INCREASE OUR MEMBERSHIP RETENTION BY INCREASING THE AMOUNT OF PROGRAM FOLLOW-UP BY PROVIDING CARE CALLS, SURVEYS, ETC. . INCREASE OUR FACLlTY RENTALS BY INCREASING OUR CURRENT MARKETING AND PROMOTION FOR THE CENTRES A V AILALBILTY DURING NON PROGRAMMING HOURS If you have any questions, please contact me: 905-697-2856 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3A2 Exec-director@bellnet.ca , , -llle ~ . - ~ CJ - ~ Q) ~ :::! - Q. = (Q Q) ...... ~. = ::J = cc 1"+ -c:J 0 ::J = I =- r - -. 0- -- 0- ..., n Q) r-- -, ~ OJ -- =- -, OJ 0 ~ '< ::J Q) -, . -. (') -< OJ OJ Q) 0 :J OJ -0 -, a. c: s: C- CD '< 3 0- CD -, , , ~~~ ~ s:J ~ = ~ :::! . . := nee Q) ...... ::J. = :J := 'S.-C o = 7 =- == - 0'" _ . .., M Q) r-- ~ -. o 5r :J = &5-.< () o c ~ -. o CD OJ ~ m ::J o :::T o ~ o ::J o OJ ~ m ::J o :::T OJ o ~ 3 m ::J < -. -< o c -, r -- CT -, 0) -, '< en '< en r-+-- CD 3 , , ~lle~ . . ~ C""') ~ = :E :::! . <-> = Q)c.c::I -., .-+ -. = ~ = o -c ::J c: ...!... c:r- C"' - -., c:; . Q) ~ !::': o c:r- ::J ... . 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