HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-232CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2007-232 being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 59 to the Clarington Official Plan WHEREAS Section 17 (22) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, as amended, authorizes the Municipality of Clarington to pass by-laws for the adoption or repeal of Official Plans and Amendments thereto; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend the Clarington Official Plan to permit residential development in the Northglen Neighbourhood; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment No. 59 to the Clarington Official Plan being attached Explanatory Text is hereby adopted. 2. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the passing thereof. BY-LAW read a first time this 10~h day of December 2007 BY-LAW read a second time this 10~h day of December 2007 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 10'h day of December 2007 J' eyaet y, Mayw ~= - r=~ ~ -~ ; _ A (~ '''```~~~\ Patti arne ranir„jpaa-ClF;rk AMENDMENT NO. 59 TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: To increase the population and housing units, revise the collector road system, delete one Public Secondary School site and one Public Elementary School site and to provide for the orderly development of the Northglen Neighbourhood. LOCATION: The subject site is located north of Concession Road 3, east of Regional Road 57, west of Regional Road 14, being the south half of Lots 11, 12, 13 & 14, Concession Road 3 in the former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Municipality of Clarington. BASIS: This amendment is based an application for a Neighbourhood Design Plan, prepared by Tunney Planning Inc. 2007, Environmental Impact Study prepared by Niblett Environmental, 2005 and peer reviewed by The Planning Partnership and as further reviewed by Municipal Staff. In addition consideration is given to concerns identified in the Financial Impact Analysis undertaken by Hemson Consulting Ltd., recent changes to the Planning Act and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1. By adding a new Section 5.4 as follows: 5.4 Special Policies 5.4.1 Northglen Neighbourhood In addition to Section 5.3.6, 5.3.7,5.3.9 and 5.3.11 development within" the Northglen Neighbourhood may only proceed on the following basis; i) A , phasing implementation plan for the Northglen Neighbourhood is prepared and approved to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services, Director of Engineering Services and the Director of Finance, which demonstrates how. the orderly development of capital works and services in each phase will achieve the Municipality's level of urban service and will not have negative financial impacts on the Municipality having regard for the Municipality's capital budget program and the Municipality's Development Charges Study as updated from time to time; ii) Development for any phase may only proceed if the necessary capital works required for that phase of development is approved by the Council through the annual capital budget process or suitable arrangements have been made to provide such capital works at the expense of the owner satisfactory to Director of Planning Services, Director of Engineering Services and the Director of Finance; iii) Development phasing will have regard for the Province's intensification target. iv) Parkland is dedicated to the Municipality with the registration of the first phase of development. Park construction in accordance with a park concept plan, approved by the Municipality of Clarington, must be completed prior the issuance of 50% of the building permits for the phase of development in which the park is located v) An Environmental Sustainability Plan is prepared by the significant landowners and is approved by the Municipality of Clarington. The Plan shall identify specific measures on how development in the Northglen Neighbourhood will ensure the protection, conservation and enhancement of air, water and ecological features and functions, energy and other resources and heritage resources. As a minimum, it shall address: a. Energy conservation measures for new homes such as the Energy Star program; b. Water conservation measures for new homes such as the Water Sense program; c. Use of environmentally friendly materials or finishes in the dwellings; d. A reuse and recycling program for construction materials; and e. The preparation of community education materials on the environmentally sensitive areas in the neighbourhood. 2. In Section 9.4.5, Table 9-2 "Housing Targets by Neighbourhood" by amending the target for Northglen Neighbourhood N 10 and all corresponding totals as follows: f '~~- i~S Mira-ta, i~" r ` y ~~ ~ at'~~'u'E'~k~~ ~ ~ ry ~`y-, i £~a~~~:7 -~-~i '1 ~a r:~~ far u~ "~"A~ , ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , (ki t y~ E "" ~ v-~ ~ ;l~I ~a . E. ~ ~~ '~ Tar e 8~ ~`?#V~~~~ ~~5~ ~ 4 j= ~'1 ~~-.E~ Neighbourhood Housing units Low Medium High Intensificati Total on N 10 North len 1500 525 100 50 2175 TOTAL 13200 4825 3100 1800 23375 3. By Amending Map A3 -Land. Use Bowmanville Urban Area as shown on Exhibit "A" to this amendment. 4. By Amending Map 61 -Transportation Clarington Rural Areas as shown on Exhibit "B" to this amendment. 5. By Amending Map B3 -Transportation Bowmanville Urban Area as shown on Exhibit "C" to this amendment. 6. By Amending Map H2- Neighbourhood Planning Units -Bowmanville Urban Area as shown on Exhibit "D" to this amendment. IMPLEMENTATION : The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan, amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan, amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this amendment. Exhibit "A", Amendment No. To The Municipality of Clarington Official Ptan, Map A3, Land Use, Bo:wmanville Urban Area Add "Environmental Protection Area" r ~ ~ ®®s $s s ~ ~ ®r /I Delete Collector Road ' I ~ y l Relocate "Neighbourhood I Park" Symbol Add "Medium Density I Residential" Symbol I Relocate "Separate t Elementary SchooP' Symbol 1 I P Delete "Environmental I Protection Area" ~ NP ~I ~-~ 1 ~ ~ ~- , 1 Delete "Public Elementary Realign I 1 Collector Road ~ ,~ I School" Symbol ~ ~ Add "Medium Density ~ Residential" Symbol ~ O OM O O CONCES O Delete "Public Secondary School" Symbol O Relocate "Medium Density Residential" Symbol NP NP O NP V Cxhibit "B", Amendment N~. To The Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, Map B1, Transportation, Clarington Ru~at Area i~ ~~ ®. f c .: sl gs : ~ 6 a a~ ~~~ l- ~~~~~ ~~ _ I . : ~ W ~ € ~c I° 'j ;~ ~' ~' I = $O 1: 1. ~~___~_ el ~ ~_ o < ~ ~~ C ;z5u " t8 F ¢j y~ gg e~ m 6¢ rg ~ ~_ 0 ~g~~~F~ _¢ ~ ~~ rU ~ € i g ~ o !$ Exhibit "C", Amendment No. To The.Municipality of Clarinpton Official Flan, Map B3, Transporfation, Bowmanville Urban Area ~'~~: Delete "Co[lectar Road" Realign "Collector Road" N v ~ ~ ~> Delete, "Type GArterial Road" D :® " zoo " '~ 6 ~CONCESSIDN ROAD 3 ~ - ~ ~ ~ `~ ~ N ~ ~-; _t'' ~ I ®a I L kY'cNOE _~ B i ~ ;;..-~ --- .i- - - ~ --r-----------i /// I I , ,.• ~, l ~ ~ P , ~ ~ `1 ~ _ ; -,'~, A ~~ - - y.~ CONCESSION ' STREET , I N~ ~ 2; ~. ~~ ~~ °~ \`\ , mF " u ~ ~ \ ~ ' KING STREET ~ ~~ @ ~ ~ ~~ a ~~C ~I ~_ ~ €I 9ASEIJNE ROAD I y 6 eS D -- ~z' ONR = 40T ®- ~~w~ - i ~s ~ - '•' , ~ ~ ~ t p} \ ~ d Ya ® ,-; r, G4KE ONT.4R/O ~~ URRAN BOUNDARY MAP BH ~ _ __ ~ rRE~YaY T KwFi$FGnTATiGN . TYPE A ARTERW. ~ RT RIFL P - 6GifJilfiAtJVfLLEDRBAN AREA TY E a A E _ _ - TYPE C PRI~RL<L GYt!CIPL FLAN ExlsnNC PuruRE cx""~cTDR RDa~ MUNICIPAIJTY OF CLARINGTGN FR~WAY~.INTERCNANGE ---- REGIONAL 7RPNSIf SPINE JANUARY 2, 2007 s e e e e s e e eINTER-REGIONAL REPER TO SECTION 79 ~rt4NSR L9JE O ~ ~ GRADE SEPARATION Ew GD SfATiON 711N C6NSOU0.4TION. IS P~NDEO FDR CONVEWENCE OtH.1 AND RkPRE$Nis REauESfED "OWFGTpxs wo APPROVA Exhibit"D" , Amendment No. To The Municipality of Clarington Cirllcial PBan. Map H2, Neighbourhood Planning Units, Bowmanville Urban Area o-----= -- -~`° - 10 i NO G (6 00) ~ D z® m ]DD m e CONCESSION -ROAD 3 e----- ~ Change r~opuiafion ' i o S From "3750" To "6500" " ~~ ~ (565) ~ FENWI f ~ (5500 O Z Q. I 4 W ~ ~ m m 1 ~ 7 ~ ~~ BROCKFiI ~ ELGIN (4soG) ~ (aeoo) r,~pL~ eLO soya ~ (4750 ~ U ~ ~ O - ~ ~ 4. CONCESSION STREET ¢ KING Si. (2000) ~ m I ~~ I WEST OWN NN (360) ~ 5 I DP.RLIN TONI TOW~t~EMRE CENTRE I ~32~ I 1 Q' (3100) I 13 (4~) 1 w nLE I & (a7) mE cR~L I w ( oD) I w ~ ft45ELNE ROAD ~ HIGHWA 4pr I . I Y of 1 aR. ~ ~~ u' zI ~ ® ORT DAF2~ NGT mI (3200) I - G4KE ONTAR/o MAP H2 ~ .~>.. PvEIGHECURKCOD RLAl.P.1P.G UP:{TJ EO~NR!ANV{tLE UR°k:! AREA OFFICIAL FLitN MUNICIFAIJTY OF CLARINGTON - ~ JANUARY 2, 2007 --~-. ~URR1N BOUNDAR'f ~ gg~q TO SECTIOKS 5 FJJD 9 .iNwuoOtUay000 BOUNOA.;Y - (1000) PoPUlA71oN - iws axsOUOAnaa ¢ vRynom FOR T;Dxv£InEN¢ mar AND REPRESENTS RElTVF51ED 40fNFlC411pN5 M'0 MPRNAISI