HomeMy WebLinkAboutEGD-061-07 ClJJ!il}glon REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday December 3, 2007 Resolution #~ PA-Io {3-O7 Report#: EGD-061-07 File#: By-law#:~()07-0?~(p Subject: SERVICING AGREEMENT, REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM AND THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Recommendations: 1. THAT Report EGD-061-07 be received; 2. THAT the Region of Durham Resolution be received; 3. THAT the Mayor and Clerk execute a servicing agreement with the Region of Durham for the connection and installation of services to the Newcastle & District Recreation Complex; 4. THAT the Municipality makes payment to the Region of Durham in the amount of $99,693.01 and $107.80 as outlined in the said agreement and be drawn from account 110-42-421-84244-7401, Newcastle & District Recreation Complex Construction Account; and 5. THAT a by-law be passed to authorize the Mayor and the Clerk, on behalf of the Municipality, to execute the said agreement. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-9282 Report #EGO-061-o7 Respectfully by, ~y Submitted by: A.S. Cannella Director of Engineering Services o. Reviewed by: Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer J P. Caruana rector of Community Services ASC/BMB/jo June 13, 2007 Pa~e 2 Report #EGD-061-07 PaQe 3 1.0 BACKGROUND Through the purchase and severance of the Newcastle & District Recreation Complex lands, the Municipality was advised that future development of the parcel would be subject to Region of Durham frontages charges. The frontage charges that apply are for the installation of existing watermains and sanitary sewers that have been constructed in the past to service the property. In order to connect to the existing Regional infrastructure on Rudell Road and install the required services to property line, the Municipality must enter into a servicing agreement with the Region of Durham in keeping with the Region's standard practice. The Regional agreement is included as Attachment 2. Through the agreement the Region has indicated that the Municipality make payment for the frontage charges that apply. 2.0 CONCLUSION The connection to existing services and the construction of proposed services is an integral component to the operation of the Newcastle & District Recreation Complex. Therefore it is recommended that the Municipality enter into the responsibility agreement with the Region of Durham and make payment for the frontage fees in keeping with Regional requirements for the proposed site. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Regional Servicing Agreement Attachment 3 - By-law -------:;~~=------ r------=: ..~7 ~'0~J I ~;/1:~ Highway NO.2 I I~ .~ "'C co &.. iii "'C ::l D:: r0 -- I/f-- " . -. r-- ;;: ~, . ~ ''''-.''' .:11-- " ~ "-..--/. Foster Creek Drive ~ '0 o '0 ~ . '" .. '" I I ~~ )I~~ ~ f Iii' I i ! Edward Street ?r ~0 [rJ:t{h1Iir'T~ ..... [ II~,~ ~J~~~ri~ _F!'!'L"~'....':..PI]''RE' i., "'~kt:iEr:.';'I r :--~-l , l r"ii,-lJ- ",! :" ii "'i~~!~ftjiJ,U'~?! [Ill! il!P!!:,; ! \ lLUl.U.l]f"':y", IL."e" '.J',!" .Highw..~.~ . '. DRAWN BY: E.L. I ," 1",,, " .., ri.. P.,.-p'i..' 'i.',.:1",,,,, ,,;Firi I I, ii " --... '- "::",,,..:l'-:"1'1 I KEY ~~! NEWCASTLE i! [ Hart Boulevard :, " .. 1,.01",. HiJh.....ay 2,L ?nJ i . I -". . ";\ .....; Iv W~E s I DATE: November 23, 2007 REPORT EGD-061-07 ATTACHMENT NO.1 G:\Attachments\NewcastleRecServAgrmnt. mxd ..' The Regional Municipality of Durham Legal Department 605 ROSSLAND RD. E PO BOX 623 WI:iITBY ON L1 N 6A3 CANADA 905-668-7711 Fax: 905-668-4752 Brian J. Roy Regional Solicitor "Serv;ce Excellence '.y t)Uf Communities" ATTACHMENT NO.:2 REPORT NO.: EGD-061-07 August20,2007 Mr. George Acorn The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Sir: Re: Servicing agreement between The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Region of Durham - Newcastle Recreation Centre, Clarington; Works File 2007-C-002; Legal File AGT-88-07 Enclosed is the servicing agreement in duplicate for execution. Please return all executed copies of the document to the Region for execution and eventual registration on title. The following are the requirements of the Region pursuant to the Agreement: 1. Par. 9 - please insert the date for completion of all Regional underground services; 2. Par. 20 requires the payment of $99,693.01 by certified cheque for engineering fees, legal fees and administration fee; 3. Par21 requires the payment of $107.80 for the cost of registering the agreement and other related costs; 4. Par. 23 - outlines the Region's insurance requirements. Enclosed is A a certificate of insurance for completion by your insurers. /7,,<J,o.,) c..t.-"'</J/ ;;V c:z, --t ~c;",-r K- Schedule "A" is a solicitor's certificate for completion by your . solicitor. 5. If you require any clarification orassistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 905-668-4113, Ext 2063. Yours truly, ~'YY\c.~ Karen McCullough Law Clerk enc cc: Development Approvals, ~rks Department ~ 00% Post ConSumer ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION OF DOCUMENTS 1. Agreement to be returned to the Region in duplicate. Upon receipt by the Region, the Region will electronically insert the following information based on the information provided in the executed copy. a) Signatures and dates b) Schedule B - Certificate of title c) Schedule - 40R-Plan numbers, if required 2. Easements, if required will be prepared electronically by the Region and forwarded to your solicitor. 3. All documentation will be completed electronically and registered in the following order: a) Servicing agreement b) Easement, jf required .' 1:1 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE: SUBDIVISION/SERVICING AGREEMENTS PROOF OF LIABILITY INSURANCE WILL BE ACCEPTED ON THIS FORM ONLY. REGIONAL FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BY AGENT, BROKER OR INSURER. MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM Name ofInsured Address ofInsured Legal description of land and locatioD and Operations of Jnsured for wbic:b Certificate is issurd: GENERAL LIABILITY INSURING COMPANY POLICY NUMBERS AMOUNT OF COVERAGE EFFECTIVE EXPIRY DATE DATE Policy # Full replacement cost of the DIMlY DIMlY Works General liabiltiy Min. $5.000.000 DIMlY DIMlY Provisions of Amendments or Endorsements of Listed Policy(ies) NO EXCLUSION FOR BLASTING Commercial General Liability is extended to include Personal Injury Liability, Contractual Liability, Non-Owned Automobile Liability, Owner's and Contractor's Protective Coverage, Products-Completed Operations, Contingent Employer's Liability, Cross Liability Clause and Severability of Interest Clause. With respect to the Commercial General Liability, THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM has been added as an Additional Insured but only with respect to its interest in the operations of the named insured. The Commercial General Liability Policy(ies) identified above shall protect each insured in the same manner and to the same extent as though a separate policy has been issued to each, but nothing shall operate to increase the Limits of Liability as identified above beyond the amount or amounts for which the Company would be liable if there had been only one Insured. The policy(ies) identified above shall apply as primary insurance and not excess to any other insurance available to The Regional Municipality of Durham. If cancelled or changed so as to reduce the coverage as outlined on this certificate, during the period of coverage as stated herein, thirty (30) days. prior written notice by registered mail will be given by the Insurer(s) to: The Regional Municipality of Durham Attention: Risk Management Supervisor Finance Department, 605 Rossland Road East Whitby. Ontario UN 6A3 I certify that the insurance is in effect as stated in this certificate and that I have authorization to issue this certificate for and on behalf of the insurer(s). PLEASE COMPLETE Date Insurance Broker name and address: Signature of Authorized representative or official Telephone Number: Fax Number: REPRESENTATIVElYU' U~ f\OUV C AU.. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTERPRET A TION.......................................................................................................... 3 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................'..........................3 Schedules.....,.............................................................................................................................................................4 References..................................................................................................................................................................4 Extended Meanings ..................................................................................................................................................4 Owner's Expense ......................................................................................................................................................4 REGIONAL SERVICES ...................................................................................................4 Design and Installation......,.....................................................................................................................................4 Authorization to Commence Work .......................................................................................................................4 Additional Work............................................ .............................................................................................................5 Completion of the Works ......................................,................................................................................................. S Maintenance of the Works ......................................................................................................................................5 "As Recorded" Drawings ........................................................................................................................................5 Emergency Repairs ..................................................................................................................................................5 Restoration of Roads ...............................................................................................................................................5 FINANCIAL MATTERS .................................................................................................... 6 Cost of the Works .....................................................................................................................................................6 Commutation of Rates and Charges.................................................................................................................... 6 Fees......................,...,...................................................................................................................................................6 Security,.......................................................................................................................................................................7 Insurance......................................,..........,........,."...,.,.................,......,...........,...........................................................8 Indemnification........,...,...,..............,..............................................,...........................................................................8 DEFAULT ........................................................................................................................8 Events of Default...,.......,...,..........,............... ......,..........,..,.............................,...,...,...,...............,..................,...........8 Remedies of Default ,...,............................................................................................................................................9 OTHER MA TTERS .......................................................................................................... 9 Notice of Agreement................................................................................................................................................9 Postponement............................................................................................................................................................9 Conveyances..............................................................................................................................................................9 Connection Approvals ...........................................................................................................................................1 0 Further Assurances ............,................................................................................................................................... 10 Notices.......,...............................................................................................................................................................]0 Successors and Assigns...........................................................................................................,........................... ] 0 Schedule A Schedule B Schedule C Solicitor's Certificate Lands and Easements to be Conveyed to the Region Approved Engineering Drawings Legal File AGT-88-07 Works File 2007-C-002 ;J SERVICING AGREEMENT This Agreement dated August 20, 2007 is made BE TW E E N: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON (the "Owner") - and- THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM (the "Region") RECITALS WHEREAS: (a) The Owner is the registered owner of the Lands; (b) The Owner proposes to develop the Lands; and (c) The development of the Lands will necessitate the construction of the Works. NOW THEREFORE the Owner, the Region and the Encumbrancer agree as follows: INTERPRETATION Definitions 1. In this Agreement and in the recitals above, (a) "Agreement" means this servicing agreement; (b) "Completion Acceptance Leiter" means the letter described in Section 11; (c) "Final Acceptance Letter" means the letter described in Section 12; (d) "Lands" means the lands legally described as Part of Lot 31, Concession 1, designated as Part 1, Plan DR302420 save and except Part 1, Plan 40R-24713, in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional Municipality of Durham; (e) "Letter of Credit" means the letter of credit described in Section 20; (I) "Region" means The Regional Municipality of Durham acting as a body corporate and, where the context requires, includes all employees, officers, servants and agents of The Regional Municipality of Durham; and (g) "Works" means all of the sanitary sewers and appurtenances, sanitary sewer connections, watermains and appurtenances, water service connections, Regional storm sewers and appurtenances, Regional storm sewer connections, and Regional road work to be installed as shown on the engineering drawings listed in Schedule C and includes the removal of any existing services as noted on such drawings. Page 4 Schedules 2. The following Schedules are attached to and form part of this Agreement: Schedule A Solicitor's Certificate Schedule B Lands and Easements to be Conveyed to the Region Schedule C Approved Engineering Drawings References 3. References in this Agreement to Sections and Schedules are to Sections and Schedules in this Agreement. Extended Meanings 4. This Agreement shall be read with all changes in gender or number as the context may require. Owner's Expense 5. Every provision of this Agreement by which the Owner is obligated in any way shall be deemed to include the words "at the expense of the Owner" unless the context otherwise requires. REGIONAL SERVICES Design and Installation 6. (1) In this Section, "plans" means the plans, profiles, contours, surveys and other engineering reports, materials, drawings, data and investigations required to complete the design and installation of the Works. (2) The Owner shall be responsibie for the preparation of all plans and the installation of all Works. The plans shall be prepared and the installation of the Works shall be undertaken in accordance with all applicable federal, provincial and municipai laws, by-laws, rules, regulations, standards and other governmental requirements and Region design guidelines. Where no materials are specified in the Region's design guidelines, the materials shall be approved by the Region prior to the installation of the Works. (3) At the request of the Region, the Owner shall make all necessary changes or deletions to the plans and the scope of the Works shall be adjusted accordingly. Authorization to Commence Work 7. The Owner shall not commence the installation of the Works without written permission from the Region. Such permission shall not be given until, (a) all monies, securities and insurance policies required by this Agreement have been delivered to the Region; (b) this Agreement has been registered against title to the Lands; (c) the lands and easements set out in Schedule B have been conveyed to the Region; and (d) the Owner has obtained all necessary approvals for the installation of the Works. Page 5 Additional Work 8. If at any time prior to completing the installation of the Works the Region is of the opinion that additional Regional services are necessary to service the Lands or that existing Regional services need to be removed from the Lands, the Owner shall install or remove such services at the request of the Region. Completion of the Works 9. The completion dates for the installation of the Works shall be as follows: (a) All regional underground services on or before (b) Base course asphalt on Regional roads on or before nla (c) Surface course asphalt and sodding on Regional roads on or before nla 10. If the Owner fails to complete the installation of the Works by such dates, the Owner shall pay to the Region, as predetermined liquidated damages, the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per day beyond the completion date for every hundred thousand dollars worth of uncompleted work unless the Owner has been prevented from so doing by reason of strike, lock-out, material shortages, or natural calamities beyond the reasonable control of the Owner. 11. After the Works have been installed to the satisfaction of the Region, the Region shall issue a letter (the "Completion Acceptance Letter") confirming completion of the Works and the commencement date for the maintenance period referred to in Section 12. Maintenance of the Works 12. The Owner shall maintain the Works for a minimum period of two (2) years. At the conclusion of the maintenance period, the Region shall re-inspect the Works and, if acceptable, the Region shall issue a letter (the "Final Acceptance Lette~') confirming such acceptance and the termination of the maintenance period. Upon the issuance of the Final Acceptance Letter, the Region shall assume ownership of, and all operation and maintenance responsibilities for, the Works. "As Recorded" Drawings 13. Prior to the issuance of the Final Acceptance Letter, the Owner shall submit to the Region, complete in accordance with Regional standards, "as recorded" drawings for the Works. Emergency Repairs 14. The Region may enter upon the Lands at any time for the purpose of making emergency repairs to any of the Works. In such situation the Region shall not be deemed to have accepted any of the Works or assumed any liability in connection with the Works. Restoration of Roads 15. The Owner shall be responsible for the clean-up and repair of all Regional and local roads, including boulevards, which become dirty or damaged as a result of the installation of the Works. Within 48 hours of verbal notification to the Owner by the Region, the Owner shall undertake such works as are necessary to clean- up or repair the roads. Page 6 FINANCIAL MATTERS Cost of the Works 16. The Owner shall be responsible for the full cost of the Works. The estimated cost of the Works is as follows: (a) Sanitary Pumping Station upgrades (b) Sanitary sewers and appurtenances (c) Sanitary sewer connections (d) Watermains and appurtenances (e) Water service connections (f) Regional storm sewers and appurtenances (g) Regional storm sewer connections (h) Regional roads $ 89.000.00 nla 9.600.00 nla 9.300.00 nla nla nla TOTAL $107900.00 Commutation of Rates and Charges 17. Prior to the execution of this Agreement by the Region. the Owner shall commute and pay all local improvement charges. sewer rates and water works rates imposed against the Lands. Fees 18. (1) In this Section. (a) "Engineering Fee" means all costs and expenses incurred by the Region in reviewing, examining and inspecting the design and installation of the Works; (b) "Local Connections" means all water connections, sanitary sewer connections and Regional storm sewer connections related to the Lands previously installed or paid for by the Region: (c) "Local Services" means all watermains and appurtenances, sanitary sewers and appurtenances, Regional storm sewers appurtenances, and Regional road work related to the Lands previously installed or paid for by the Region: and (d) "MOE Credit" means any payments made by the Owner for processing a Ministry of the Environment certificate for sanitary sewers, watermains andlor Regional storm sewers. (2) The Engineering Fee is calculated by applying the applicable formula in the following chart to the total cost of the Works: Total Cost of the Works Less than $100,000 $100,001-$200,000 $200,001-$500,000 $500,001-$1,000,000 $1,000,001-$2,000,000 $2 000 001-$4 000 000 Enaineerino.Fee 3% (minimum $250.00) $3,000 on first $100,000 & 2.5% on next $100,000 $5,460 on first $200,000 & 2.25% on next $300,000 $12,120 on first $500,000 & 2.0% on next $500.000 $21,820 on first $1,000,000 & 1.50% on next $1,000,000 $36 520 on first $2 000 000 & 1.20% on next $2 000 000 (3) The Engineering Fee only includes periodic inspection. If the Region is required to provide full-time on-site inspection services for the installation of the Works, then the Owner shall reimburse the Region for all costs and expenses incurred by the Region for such services. All such costs and expenses shall be in addition to the Engineering Fee. Page 7 (4) Prior to execution of this Agreement by the Region, the Owner shall pay to the Region by certified cheque the sum of $99.693.01 calculated as follows: (a) Engineering Fee (b) MOE Credit (c) Local Services (i) Regional roads and storm sewers (ii) Watermains (iii) Sanitary sewers (d) Local Connections (i) Regional storm sewer connection (ii) Water service connection (iii) Sanitary sewer connection (e) legal fees for the preparation and processing of this Agreement (f) financial administration fee $ 3.046.51 ( nil ) nil 42.516.90 52.779.60 nil nil nil 1.000.00 350.00 TOTAL $ 99 693.01 19. The Owner shall reimburse the Region for the cost of registering this Agreement and all related documents against title to the Lands. Security 20. The Owner shall file with the Region a letter of credit (the "Letter of Credit") in the amount of $ nil (100 % of the estimated cost of the Works) In order to guarantee the due performance of all of the Owner's obligations under this Agreement with respect to the installation of the Works. The Letter of Credit shall be in a form satisfactory to the Region's Treasurer. 21. The Letter of Credit shall be reduced to 25% of its original amount provided the Completion Acceptance Letter has been issued and the Owner has filed with the Region a statutory declaration stating that, (a) all services and materials with respect to the installation of the Works have been supplied and no amounts are owing to any person in relation to such materials or services; (b) no person has given notice of a claim for lien under the Construction Uen Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.30 against the Lands or any part thereof, and no person is entitled to make such a claim; (c) there are no judgments or executions filed against the Owner; (d) nothing is owing by the Owner or claimed against it for unemployment insurance deductions, income tax deductions or premiums under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, S.O. 1997. c. 16, Sch. A; (e) the Owner has not made any assignment for the benefit of creditors, no receiving order has been made against it under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. B-3 and no petition for such an order been served upon the Owner; and (f) forty-five (45) days have passed since the completion of the installation of the Works. 22. The Region shall release the Letter of Credit following the issuance of the Final Acceptance Letter. Page 8 Insurance 23. (1) The Owner shall obtain and maintain policies of insurance with the following types of coverage and associated limits: (a) Property Policy to insure the Works in an amount equal to the full replacement cost of the Works, without deduction for depreciation; (b) General liability coverage to a limit of $5,000,000; (2) Any insurance obtained under this Section shall name the Region as additional insured so that it is protected from claims by third parties, is protected from claims by insurers, and, in the case of insurance insuring against major perils, is able to receive the proceeds for the purposes of correcting any deficiencies arising as a result of any perils insured against which are not being rectified by the Owner. (3) No policy of insurance shall contain a clause for exclusion for blasting. (4) All insurance policies shall specify that they shall not be cancelled or changed to reduce the coverage unless the insurance company has given thirty (30) days prior wrilten notice to the Region. (5) Certificates of insurance selting out the essential terms and conditions of the insurance shall be provided to the Region prior to the Region executing this Agreement and shall be continued until the Final Acceptance Leiter has been issued. The certificate of insurance shall be in a form satisfactory to the Region's Treasurer. (6) The issuance of any policy of insurance shall not be construed as relieving the Owner from responsibility from other or larger claims, if any, for which the Owner may be held responsible. Indemnification 24. Until the Final Acceptance Leiter has been issued, the Owner shall indemnify and save harmless the Region from all losses, damages, costs, expenses, claims, demands and actions of every nature and kind whatsoever including death or injury (collectively referred to as "losses") arising directly or indirectly from the design, installation, maintenance or operation of the Works or any other obligation of the Owner under this Agreement, whether or not such losses are incurred by reason of negligence on the part of the Owner and whether such losses are sustained by the Region, the Owner or their employees, workmen, servants, agents or councillors or any other person or corporation. DEFAULT Events of Default 25. The Owner shall be in defau~ under this Agreement if, (a) the Owner fails to install or maintain any part of the Works as required by this Agreement or falls to carry out any other obligation under this Agreement; or (b) the Region receives legal notice, or otherwise finds, that the Owner has ceased to carry on business, whether such cessation of business is voluntary or involuntary. Page 9 Remedies of Default 26. If the Owner is in default and such default has continued for a period of seven (7) days (or such ionger period as may be reasonably required in the circumstances to cure the default) after receipt of notice from the Region setting out the particulars of the default, the Region may enter upon the Lands and do all such matters and things as are required to remedy the default, including the repair or reconstruction of faulty work and the replacement of substandard materials. Nothing in this Section shall require the Region to give notice in any situation deemed by the Region to be an emergency. 27. Actual costs incurred by the Region in carrying out any remedial work plus twenty five (25%) percent of such costs as a charge for overhead (to be construed as a liquidated amount, not as a penalty) shall be paid by the Owner to the Region. 28. The Region may draw upon the Letter of Credit to satisfy any costs associated with remedying any default. 29. Failure by the Region to exercise any of its rights, powers or remedies under this Agreement or any delay in doing so shall not constitute a waiver of those rights, powers or remedies. The single or partiai exercise of a right, power or remedy shall not prevent its subsequent exercise or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. OTHER MATTERS Notice of Agreement 30. This Agreement shall be registered against title to the Lands and shall be enforceable against the Owner and all subsequent owners of the Lands. 31. The Owner shall give to every purchaser of any part of the Lands actual notice of the existence and the terms of this Agreement and include such notice in any offer to purchase or other similar document dealing with the Lands. 32. At the request of the Owner, the Region shall release this Agreement from title to the Lands provided the Final Acceptance Letter has been issued and the Owner has paid to the Region the Region's fee and registration expenses for such release. Postponement 33. All rights and interests which the Encumbrancer has in the Lands are hereby postponed to this Agreement and any easement given pursuant to this Agreement. Conveyances 34. (1) The Owner shall conveyor ensure that the necessary party conveys to the Region on the signing of this Agreement the lands and interests in land set out in Schedule B. Any such conveyances shall be in a form acceptable to the Regional Solicitor. (2) The Owner shall convey to the Region, when so required by the Region, a sanitary sewer easement from the south limit of the lands to the northeast limit of the Lands. The width and location of the easement shall be determined by the Region at such time as an environmental assessment for a future sanitary trunk sewer to be located on the Lands has been completed. Page 10 Connection Approvals 35. Prior to making connection to the sanitary sewers and watermains being installed under the terms of this Agreement, the Owner shall obtain connection approvals from the Region. The Region shall not issue a connection approval until the Completion Acceptance Letter has been issued. Further Assurances 36. The Owner shall execute such further assurances of the rights hereby granted as deemed necessary by the Region. Notices 37. (1) Any notice to the Owner under Section 26 shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the following address: The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L 1C 3AB Attention: Fax No. Mr. George Acorn, Facilities Manager 905-623-5506 (2) Notice shall be sufficiently given if, (a) delivered in person; (b) sent by registered mail; or (c) sent by facsimile transmission during normal business hours on a business day. (3) Each notice sent shall be deemed to have been received, (a) on the day it was delivered; (b) on the third business day after it was mailed (excluding each business day during which there existed any generai interruption of postal services due to strike, lockout or other cause); or (c) on the same day that rt was sent by facsimile transmission or on the first business day thereafter if the day on which it was sent by facsimile transmission was not a business day. (4) The Owner may change its address for notice by giving notice to the Region's Clerk in the manner provided in this Section. Successors and Assigns 38. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. Page 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2007/ / Name: Title: 2007/ / Name: Title: l!We have authority to bind the Corporation THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM 2007/ / Roger Anderson, Regional Chair 2007/ / P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk Page 12 SCHEDULE A SOLICITOR'S CERTIFICATE TO: THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM (the "Region") I, , a Solicitor duly qualified to practise law in the Province of Ontario, do hereby certify that the Owner is the owner in fee simple of the Lands and that there are no mortgages or other encumbrances upon the Lands or any part thereof save and except the following: NiL This Certificate is given by me to the Region for the purpose of having the Region act in reliance on it in executing the Servicing Agreement dated August 17, 2007 and for certifying title to the Lands. DATED at , Ontario, this _ day of ,2007. Soiicitor Page 14 SCHEDULE C APPROVED ENGINEERING DRAWINGS Drawing No. SS-1, Project No.1 0-06603, Newcastle Community Centre, Site Servicing Plan, by Marshall Macklin Monaghan. approved by the Region of Durham August 14, 2007. Copies of the approved engineering drawings are available for viewing at Works Department of The Regional Municipality of Durham ATTACHMENT NO,:3 REPORT NO,: EGO-061-07 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2007-XXX Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Serving Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and The Regional Municipality of Durham for the connection and installation of Regional services on Rudell Road. WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington has approved the recommendations of Report EGD-061-07, including the recommendation that the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enter into a Servicing Agreement with The Regional Municipality of Durham for the connection and installation of services on Rudell Road, NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Servicing Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and The Regional Municipality of Durham. BY-LAW read a first and second time this lOt" day of December, 2007. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this lOt" day of December, 2007. Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk