HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-139-07 Clw:mgron REPORT PLANNING SERVICES PUBLIC MEETING Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE4- P 'V \:\-; ~~ Ii -""b/-Of Monday, December 3, 2007 l'-'IeVo IX OY\ Meeting: Report #: PSDC139-07 File #: COPA 2007-0010, ZBA 2007-0031 By-law #: and S-C-2007 -0007 Subject: PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT, REZONING AND PLAN OF SUBDIVISION TO DELETE A SECONDARY SCHOOL SITE AND TO PERMIT THE DEVELOPMENT OF 90 SINGLE DETACHED DWELLINGS AND 67 BLOCK TOWNHOUSE DWELLINGS APPLICANT: PRESTONVALE HEIGHTS LIMITED RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-139-07 be received; 2. THAT the applications to amend the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law; and for proposed Plan of Subdivision, submitted by Prestonvale Heights Limited to permit the development of 157 residential units be referred back for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report; 3. THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board; and 4. THAT the applicant, Region of Durham, all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Davi J. ome, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning Services TW/CP/DJC/sh/df/av November 27, 2007 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-139-07 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: 1.2 Proposal: 1.3 Rezoning: 1.4 Site Area: 2.0 LOCATION Prestonvale Heights Limited Official Plan Amendment: To amend Schedule A-2 to delete the provIsion for a Public Secondary School and to add a Medium Density Residential symbol; amend Map H1 to increase population target of Neighbourhood 9 Penfound and amend Table 9-2 to increase the Low and Medium Density housing targets, as well as the total for the Penfound Neighbourhood and Courtice Urban Area and amend Map A-Land Use of the South-West Courtice Secondary Plan by deleting the Public Elementary School and replacing it with Low Density Residential and Medium Density Residential. Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision: The proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision includes 157 residential units consisting of 15 lots for 11 metre single detached dwellings, 64 lots for 12 metre single detached dwellings, 11 lots for 13.7 metre single detached dwellings and a block for 67 block townhouse dwellings. To change the current zoning to permit the development of the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision. 6.657 hectares (16.449 acres) 2.1 The subject lands are located on the west side of Prestonvale Road, north of Bloor Street and west of Meadowglade Road (Attachment 1). 3.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING LAND USES 3.1 The subject site is currently vacant. There is a large mound of topsoil and rubble which was transported to the site during the development of adjacent lands within registered plan of subdivision 40M-2148. 3.2 The surrounding area: North - South - East - West - Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Public School Residential and a vacant commercial mixed use block Agricultural and large lot single detached dwellings Residential REPORT NO.: PSD-139-07 PAGE 3 FIGURE 1: View of Subject Site from the West 4.0 BACKGROUND 4.1 On May 29, 2007 Staff received applications to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By- law along with an application requesting approval of a Draft Plan of Subdivision. A Noise Impact Study and a Functional Servicing Brief were submitted in support of the applications. In order to deem these applications complete, a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment was requested. This document was submitted on October 9, 2007 and the application was deemed complete on October 17, 2007. The subject property was draft approved and subsequently registered as a school block for a Public Secondary School in May 2003. The School Board's option on the property since expired. The applicant has advised that School Board staff had verbally advised that they were not going to pursue a school on this block. Formal comments have yet to be received from the School Board on this application REPORT NO.: PSD-139-07 PAGE 4 5.0 PROVINCIAL POLICY 5.1 Provincial Policv Statement The applications are consistent with the Housing policies of the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). Planning authorities are required to provide for a range of housing types and densities with a ten year supply of lands which are designated, and a three year supply of zoned and serviced lands within draft approved and registered plans. New housing is to be directed to locations where infrastructure and public services are available. 5.2 Provincial Growth Plan The Provincial Growth Plan directs growth to built-up areas where the capacity exists to best accommodate the expected population. The guiding principles include building compact, vibrant and complete communities while optimizing the use of existing and new infrastructure to support growth in a compact efficient form. Greenfield areas are required to achieve a minimum density target not less than 50 residents and jobs combined per hectare. This proposal has a population projection of 444 residents or 66.72 persons per hectare. The applicant's proposal is consistent with the Provincial Growth Plan. 6.0 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6.1 Durham Reaion Official Plan The lands are designated as Living Area within the Durham Regional Official Plan. Lands designated as Living Area permit the development of communities with defined boundaries, incorporating the widest possible variety of housing types, sizes and tenure. The proposed uses appear to conform to the Plan. 6.2 Clarinaton Official Plan The subject lands are within the South-West Courtice Secondary Plan and are designated as Urban Residential with a Public Secondary School symbol. The lands are within the Penfound Neighbourhood, which has a population target of 3500 people and a housing target of 1225 units. The applicant is requesting to amend the land use schedule to add a medium density symbol and to delete the public secondary school provision. An increase in the number of low density units from 1075 to 1165 and medium density units from 75 to 142 has also been requested. This will increase the total housing units in the Penfound Neighbourhood from 1225 to 1382; and the population projection for the Courtice Urban Area from 3500 to 3940. REPORT NO.: PSD-139-07 PAGE 5 The goals of the South West Courtice Secondary Plan are to provide a residential living environment that promotes a desirable quality of life and social interaction; and to provide a broad range of housing to meet evolving needs of current and future residents. The Clarington Official Plan designates Bloor Street as a Type 'A' arterial road, which is designed to move large volumes of traffic at moderate speeds over a relatively long distance. Meadowglade Road is a Type 'C' arterial which moves lower volumes of traffic at slower speeds over a shorter distance. Prestonvale Road is a collector road with a purpose of moving moderate volumes of traffic over a short distance primarily to collect traffic and distribute it among local roads, collector roads, arterial roads and major traffic generators. Streets "A" and "B" are to be constructed as local roads. Street 'A' will connect to Meadowglade and Prestonvale Roads. 7.0 ZONING BY-lAW 7.1 Within Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63 as amended the lands are zoned "Holding- Urban Residential Exception ((H)R1-42)" Said zoning is specific to a school use hence the need for the rezoning. 8.0 PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 8.1 Public Notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site. Public Meeting signs were installed on the property along the Meadowglade Road, Prestonvale Road and Bloor Street frontages. No inquiries have been received as of the writing of this report. 9.0 AGENCY COMMENTS 9.1 Comments have been received from a number of circulated departments and agencies. 9.2 Clarington Emergency and Fire Services, Clarington Building Division and Hydro One offered no concerns or objections to the proposal. Bell Canada and Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. offered no objections to the proposal and asked that standard conditions be included in the conditions of draft approval. 9.3 The Central lake Ontario Conservation Authority indicated that the property is located within the Robinson Creek watershed; therefore stormwater management for the site would need to conform to the approved Robinson Creek Master Drainage Plan (MDP) and addendums. The Robinson Creek MDP indicates that the subject property will take overland drainage from the school property to the north, through an identified easement. The Storm Drainage Area Plan (drawing G-302B) shows the subject property to be a public REPORT NO.: PSD-139-07 PAGE 6 school block. Given the proposed change in land use, the applicant is required to provide confirmation that the site can accommodate the flows form the property to the north. Authority staff has reviewed the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment completed by Golder & Associates and advise that they are satisfied with the findings of the report. The property is not within an area that is subject to Ontario Regulation 42/06, Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation. As such, a permit from CLOC is not required for any construction activity located on the property. 9.4 The Region of Durham Planning Department offered no objections subject to the following comments. The subject property is located within the "Living Area" designation in the Durham Regional Official Plan. The predominant use of land within the Living Area designation is for residential purposes. The draft plan of subdivision proposes 90 single detached dwellings and 67 townhouse units within a block of land considered for medium density residential. This plan, which also includes roadways, access lanes and parking, and common areas, would conform to the Regional Official Plan. The subject lands are adjacent to Regional Road 22 (Bloor Street), which is identified as a Type "A" Arterial in the Durham Regional Official Plan. The lands also abut Meadowglade Road, a Type "C" Arterial Road. A Noise Impact Study was submitted by Sernas Associates in relation to this proposed development. Appropriate noise barriers and warning clauses are recommended for this development. A Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment was prepared by Golder Associates for the subject property. The assessment indicated that there are no potential sources of environmental contamination in association with the site. No additional work is recommended for the subject property. Any possible issues concerning stormwater management are to be addressed to the satisfaction of the Conservation Authority. There are no other provincial interests or delegated review responsibilities applicable to this application. The subject property is located within the Zone 2 Water Pressure District of the water supply system for Courtice. Municipal water supply and sanitary sewers can be provided to the proposed development. Water supply is available from the existing 200 mm watermain on Prestonvale Road and the existing 300 mm watermain on Meadowglade Road. Only one domestic and one fire line will be permitted for proposed Block 91, with preference for servicing from Meadowglade Road. Sanitary sewer servicing is available from the existing 200 mm sanitary sewer on Bloor Street, extending 50 metres east of Meadowglade Road. Proposed Lots 22 to 31 on Prestonvale Road should be placed on hold until the existing sanitary sewer has an REPORT NO.: PSD-139-07 PAGE 7 outfall to service these lots. Only one sanitary sewer will be permitted to service proposed Block 91. This Block has been pre-serviced with a 200 mm sanitary service on Bloor Street. If this service is not utilized, it will be required to be abandoned at the mainline at the applicant's expense. Transit service is currently provided along Prestonvale Road and Bloor Street. A transit stop currently exists at the north-west corner of this intersection. A transit stop also exists on Meadowglade Road. Durham Region Transit requests bus stops with hard surfaces and transit shelters at these locations. 9.5 The Clarington Operations Division requested that the purpose of all easements between lots be indicated and noted that if the easements are to be maintained by the Municipality a minimum width of 9 metres is required. 9.6 The Clarington Engineering Services Division offered no objection to the proposal subject to the inclusion of standard conditions through the approval of the proposal. The requested conditions included the provisions for a 3.0 metre road widening and associated reserves on Prestonvale Road; a sight triangle at the intersection of Prestonvale Road and Street A; On-Street Parking plan showing all proposed driveway locations; a Preliminary Master Grading Plan; and cash contribution in lieu of the normal parkland dedication. 10.0 STAFF COMMENTS 10.1 The Clarington Official Plan was prepared to provide for two Public Secondary Schools to serve Courtice and surrounding rural areas anticipating a future population in Courtice of 35,000. Given that the existing Courtice Secondary School was in the north- east quadrant of Courtice, a site for a second school was selected in the south-west quadrant to provide for geographic separation. Since the School Board is not proceeding with acquiring the lands due to funding constraints, there is no other site identified for a future secondary school in Courtice. While there may be other opportunities a future change to the Official Plan will be required to provide for a Secondary School. 10.2 Even though Prestonvale Road is only designated as a Collector Road (north of Bloor), given its direct connection to Highway 2, it functions closer to a minor arterial. Access to individual lots near the intersection of Bloor Street is not desirable and needs to be investigated further. 10.3 There are a number of other design issues with the proposed plan that will require further review. Staff will review these issues further with the applicant and agent. 10.4 Although the layout of the medium density block (Block 91) would be finalized through the review of a Site Plan application staff has some concerns with the proposed Concept Plan. The common area is currently divided into three separate areas. Staff would like to see the common areas consolidated into one larger space. There is some merit in retaining a smaller common area at the north-east corner of Boor Street and REPORT NO.: PSD-139-07 PAGE 8 Meadowglade Road to provide a walkway connection/entrance feature at the intersection for access to Bloor Street. This common area should also include a landscape feature which would be reflective of the Neighbourhood Centre located on the south side of Bloor Street. It may be preferable to have access to the medium density block directly off Meadowglade Road rather than an internal lane off Street 'A', 11.0 CONCLUSIONS 11.1 The purpose of this report is to satisfy the Public Meeting requirements under the Planning Act and taking into consideration the outstanding comments, staff respectfully request that this report be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Location Map Attachment 2 - Air Photo with Key Features of the Area Attachment 3 - Clarington Official Plan Amendment Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Janice Robinson Nick Mensink Doug Wilson, Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board ~ -l Jll 9R~ _~_ ~~1=1 III II to: = r-.u ~ B~= ::I ~ ~ ~ ~ l=~r~~. ~ ~ itf'. ~/8. 8 ~ ~~ ~ ~ #! 8 1 ) LE \; _..~ ~1J~IJ.l.Jo~ ~ ~,' ~ : II,~ ~I -E' e ~~'t:~~ l -LL ~ ~~ D. ~'E~I t lfttrrmnm J J I ~ ~Cq,~~ O~O~ 96 >1:1018 a.v~sao!tUJr'~ - o~ .. , ~ i-'~ ~ ~ ~ ~"r ;! . :! , :! ~ " , 2 m , .. m - i'lt.. .~ ~~ ;., ''', ~'\.'Itl "t-.. ... " , " " N , ~"/;'-+ ~ ;j"oi ~)J ~"i'& o " Ob- O~ ~Ob- !!: ~ , ~ ~ t ; ~ -C:J Attachment 1 To Report PSD-139-07 - - - - - - e "CI - CD S c E E CD l- E "CI ::; Z c W "CI ~ II c :2 o ~ .r. C ....< l:II ....z ";< 0 c .iii l")w 0 0 X 0:2 0 c 0- CD . III . III C?< ....- ....> "ii ....:=: OD. 0.- > 0- o"CI C 8:5 N.!!! N.g 0 < u - N, om III c:(~ J:LE (I)'S I!! 00 D. IDC) o C C i.: Nz .s III ii: G> Z l:II ~ C It: 0 't: I! 0 N III (J C ---- " i !:6 >1:>(}18 J.....OHo.lwS3/:i Utf"O 31~IINOlS3~d is .lfO018 ""'NJa.. ""0. L r. N , " '" 'T, '''p:~ r;; lil ~ m ~ Il a N N Il ~ :a II , , . a , ; , ~ m III , " " !f ,. ;! ~ :; ~ ~ ~ '" 'T, 0'.':, 0" 0" '" .e. l33~lS I- III III !r I- (J) i'l~ _ i:l ~ ~ ~ . Il S"'l~ ~ ". , m ~'~l g'/:, ~ i"Ie ~ ~ il '" iil m :il ;; ~ " ." " " ~ ,~ R ;; - : . ill I: - " ." :; " I- III W !r I- (J) ; ~ - m Il . " - 0 ;; N :l ;I; ~ .. m m m m lI'/;. ': ~ '-r, .e. l 3 3 ~ l S Q .... Q Q I ..... Q Q N <C D.. o (.) .....~ Q Q Q I ..... Q Q N (.) U) .... M Q Q I ..... Q Q N <C In N PURPOSE: LOCATION: BASIS: ACTUAL AMENDMENT: Attachment 3 To Report PSD-139-07 AMENDMENT NO. TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN The purpose of this amendment to the Clarington Official Plan and the South- West Courtice Secondary Plan is to delete a public secondary school symbol and add a Medium Density Residential symbol in the Penfound neighbourhoOd, and adjust the neighbourhood housing targets accordingly. The subject site is located on the northwest corner of Prestonvale Road and Bloor Street, within Part of Lot 34, Concession 2, in the former Township of Darlington. This amendment is based on Council's consideration of an Official Plan Amendment Application (COPA 2007-0010) submitted by Sernas Associates, on behalf of Prestonvale Heights Limited. A) The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: i) By amending Map "A2", as indicated on Exhibit 'A' attached to this amendment. ii) By amending Map "H1", as indicated on Exhibit 'B' attached to this amendment. iii) By amending Table 9-2 by: a. Adjusting the housing targets for the Penfound neighbourhood (N9) as follows: Low Denisty units from "1075" to "1165" Medium Density units from "75" to "142" Total housing units from "1225" to "1382" b. Adjusting the housing total for the Courtice area as follows: Total Low Density units from "8775" to "8865" Total Medium Density units from "1735" to "1802" Total housing units from "12918" to "13075" Courtice N9 Penfound TOTAL 1,165 8,865 142 1,802 375 375 75 2,033 1,382 13,075 B) The South-West Courtice Secondary Plan is amended as follows: i) By amending Map 'A' Land Use, South-West Courtice Secondary Plan, as indicated on Exhibit 'C' attached to this amendment. ii) By deleting Section 4.3 of the South-West Courtice Secondary Plan. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan and South-West Courtice Secondary Plan, as amended regarding the implementation of the Plans, shall apply to this amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan and South-West Courtice Secondary Plan, as amended regarding the interpretation of the plans, shall apply to this amendment. [ EXHIBIT" A " TO OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT No. ! rn ( d . ( P: . JjSPEC~ '"~ ...." ....,.To\) -: ;1 'j l~' . . . . . . ., . .. . ..s<>!:ew,.- ::SfU)y. 11 AA~' ~~' - .. :: ,': .- :. (":iL",l~7-~, l--, -J / r I /\ ,"" "'_l~.,.-~," f.-',''-----rT: i 1-_ '\ ' '. I' '"' : / ." -. I' .~.-' " . - . -, I .../'.'l:il- ,ij)_~ '-~-'" " .'" r}r- ! - '-=r i"1 U: .. f/I II ( I J I :1----L. l- - ,-i li.~O -r-----~I I I k.:o: " " . ( r~. I I~. I \. , . I~j , / rr::- I I {;:;'i ~t - , Remove Public Secondary School Symbol j, t '" Ie._ ""<I -" '~"'" MAP A2 LAND USE COURTICE URBAN AREA OFFICIAL PlAN IolUNICIPAUTY OF CLARINGTQN llEcrWl,R".<OOO LAKE" ONOI'RIO ~OEFERRmBY ~TH[RE(iIONOf"O\JRHAM - - - URaAN 800NOARY CJ ~~~~E RESIDt:NTIAl [-=-~J URaAN RESlDEI-lTI"-L r - (8:1-1 ~f211~':'NT~ilNS'TY HICHDtNSITY RESIDENTIAL ]E,] - ., - MAlN CENTR,o,L AREA SUB-CENTRALARO. LOC.o.l CENTRAL ~PEA . - NtlGH130URHOOO COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COloolMERCIAL JaEBiI PRESTIGE _EMPLOYMENTAR[A _,o~ INOVSTR....lARO' _GENERAL lNOUSTRIALAREA ~JUTllITY CJ ~~~~~~~T:kEA -,GREENSPACE IiIII WATERFROf\lT GREENwAY "COMMUNITYPARK . . .. ~ , '" DISTRK:TPARK NEI(:H800RH(XlD PARK PUBLIC SECONQARy SCHOOL SEPARATE SECONDARY SCHOOL "'"-0 ElEI.IENTARYSCHOOL ElEi~ENT4.RY SOfOOc SECONOAR'( PLANNING AREA SPECIAL POLICY AREA .....-.SPECfALSTUOYAREi> C= GOSTArKlN , - ~. S(\(l 8000' , ~I "" --, , I , EXHIBIT 'B' ---=jl , I~ I I~ ,:< '" 9 ~ p~~ ~ (3940) ~ ~ I:) 8.' 7 AVONDALE (J600) 'e ~ '" - - - UR_ BOUNDARY NElGHBOURHOOD BOUNOARY C 1 OOO} POPULATION CO} SEE SECTION 17.6 =< o " MAP H1 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING UNITS COURTICE URBAN AREA OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON JANUARY 2, 2007 REFER TO SECTIONS 5 AND 9 THIS CONSOl..I)I,TlON IS PRWOEtl fOR CCl~NlENCE ONly AND REPRESENTS REll\.IESTED MODIF'ICATlCINS Atl() APPROVALS V> ~ ~ => '" ~ I Ig '5 BLOOR STREET 0 '" z ::J 2' ~I , I 'I o 200 400 Iloo 800 m 200 m ------ BASELINE ROAD 'e ~ Ii _~_~o:: '0'-' LAKE ONT,4R/O EXHIBIT 'e' FROM: PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL TO: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL BLOOR ST., , @ ~ ~ . DELETE PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL SYMBOL () 0:: GRANDVlF:W ORIVE: TO: . .... ~D o >- . . sou THGA TE: ORIIIC .,J ... ,. BASELINe ROAD PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY ~ fUME URBAN RESIDENTIAL L:=J LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL I, ::::::,jlolEOIUW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL mmm HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL F::~:::I NEIGHBOURHOOO PARK F::;0=::1 PARKEm f..~..;"'.!'" i ENVlRON~E:NTAL .~....~.!.,-:,... PROTECTION ARE" ~ $lOAM WATER FACILITY ~ PUBUC ~ SECOODAAY SCHOOL ~ PUBUC ~ ELEMENTARY SCHOOl ~ SEPARATE ~ ELEMENTARY SCHOOl _ NOGHBOORHOOC CENlRE ~:~~~:::::::::~ UTILITIES o HERITAGE HOUSE ARTERIAL ROADS TV'PE A. ARTERiAl ROADS 'T"tP[ 8 - - - ARTERIAL ROADS TYPE C __.nn__ CClLLEClOfi ROADS .. ~--, I . , , '-' lOCAl ROAD ACCESS INTERSECTION I~PRO\lEljEN T . .. PEDESTRIAN AND BICYClE ROUlES MAPA LAND USE SOUTH-WEST COURTICE SECONDARY PLAN JANUARY 2. :2007