HomeMy WebLinkAbout96-177 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 96-177 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between The Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington and The Regional Municipality of Durham for the transfer of the daylight triangles shown as Blocks 31 and 32 , Plan 1OM-775 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of The Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington and seal with The Corporation' s seal, an Agreement between The Regional Municipality of Durham and the Municipality for the transfer of the daylight triangles shown as Blocks 31 and 32, Plan 1OM-775, at the intersection of Regional Road 3 and Potters Lane, Enniskillen. 2 . THAT the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" forms part of this By-law. BY-LAW read a first and second time this 15th day of October, 1996 . BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 15th day of October, 1996 . MAYOR f CLERK —_ ..-- C.t♦ NOV.11162 NO 970 Ptpnnce of Transfer/Deed of Land --v_� onrafa Form 1-.Land Registration Reform Act 1 (1) Registry ❑ Land Mae, LX (2) Page 1 of 2 pages a (3)Property q Block Properly Adddghet ✓ I c,r• 1 C�° (J J —C:<'�I( l I f sscchedute ❑ t !1] (4)Con ildval" — co .. >' r l c:w _ I3. 1 Two--------- w�__.._...-fah$2.00 > i J r W •• M .'t i (5)Description This is a Om�ony - COnsOrhtlahon ❑ (. ��, C, n __j u ; O New Property Idenhhers Pan Parcel Block 23-1,Section l OM-775,being Blocks C AddIhonal atand 32,Registered Plan IOM-775 Municipality of scnaduw ❑ Clarington.Regional Municipality of Durham. AS 'U L(hL'{K Additional i i ,f �jhl'Je5l LC Schodure ❑ (fS)This (a)Redescnptlon ;lot Schedule for (7)InterosvEstate Transferred Document New Easement ; Additional Fee Semple Contains Plan/Skalch C, ? Description r] Parties [] Other(] (8)Transferors)The transferor hereb t anstr the lantl to the Ira sleree and certifies that th Iranst ror is at least eighteen ears gld and that By virtue of Section r2� of The Regionanl Municipality ol? Duriam Amendment Ayct `Newcastle- Clarington); '1993',' Sa):'1993: c.•3- the, Corp'ora•riorr 'of'the 'Town 'of'Newcastla,is writittoed. ' ' • • as a town municipality under the name of The Corporation of the Munidipal.i•ty of CaAXiSf*&l'?,fe . . .THECORPURATIONOFTHE. . . . . . . • • • ' ' . v M 0 Namely) Slgnalur MUNICIPALITY OF LARINGTON I 6 G^�'�1�21��`". . . . . . . . :• ` 1. o•.r•• i Diane Hamra,Mayor Patti L, attic,C �rk• ,. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. .. . . . . . •. . . . . .. .�a;;�.; •r .. . (9)Spouse(_)of Transferors)i hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Name(si Signature(s) y M D . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .not4pplicablc . . . .. . • . . . ..• . • . . . . . .• ... .. .. . • , . . .. . . . . (10)f ransoCeo Address 40 Temperance Strcet,Bowmanville.ON L I C 3A6 (11)Transferees) yDete 048ttth'D r . . . , . T.HE.RE.GIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM. . , . . . . .. • ... .. .. . .. . . i i (12)for Service es)Address 605 Rossland Road East,Whitby,ON L IN 6A3 (13)Tranaferor(s)The translator verifies that to the best of ine transferor's knowledge and belief this transfer aoea not contravene section So a1 the Planning Act. Date of Signature Date of Signature V M D V M D Signature. . Signature. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . .. . . . ... • . .•. . . SolkNor for Transferors)I have deplaned the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to me transferor and I have made mgtaries of the Ifansteror to determine that ihrs transfer does not contravene that section and based on the Information supplied by the translator,to the best of my knowledge and z belief.this transfer does not contravene that section I am an Ontarq Tenor in good standing. Date of Signature OV Name end t M D Address of Signature• . .. . . , . • . . • • ... • . ... ... . . . .. . . •. . . . . . O Solicitor I yy aa (14)Solicitor for Transferee(,)I have invesitoated the title to this land and to abumng land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records o b a reveal no contravention as Sal out In subclause 50(,12)(c)(11)of the Planning Act and that to Ine bits!of my knowledge and beret this transfer 2 -= does not contravene section 500t Ilia Planning Act I act maapenderilly of the sOI Cgor lot the hansierorw antl i am an Onlara Wicitor in good standing. CnL' a Nbbb Name and Date of Signature .$= AOdrem of Solicitor 2 Signature• . .. . . • . . . • . .. .... . •. .. . •.. .. . .. .. . .. . . N In (15) Assm~t Roll NumWr i Cry i Mull i Mal) i Sue Pet not available j Fee tl Tax of Property _ O Registration Fee erty (16)Municipal Address of Prop (17)Document Prepared W. N land Transfer Ta» PJIL- Legal Department. W, not available Region of Durham , 605 Rossland Road E. -1 3 0' Whitby.LIN 6A3 RE-$.96 M: Tor,( ;,,,•oaNr, a iill m No sou Affidavit of Residence and of Value of the Consideration ' " Form 1 — Land Transfer Tax Act Rarer to all instructions on reverse side. j��OCks 31 and 32 R t I': r ?!,,.TT-:k fit Tyf CItD'V�'/:.+`,CE of(m ell rvaorl ,,X _ .,__4!-;crcd Plan IOM-775,Municipality Clarington,Rc�onal M"unlclpaliry,667 rteam. _ ---•----- THE"COUORATION-OF7REMUN7rCTPA=OF-C)rAWGT' We tprmt l,srne.a a(rane/aroh,0 rux) ..y..—� _...� -— - ---- ----`I HE—REGION-At-=NtCM-trMOF=RHA ' T,(s.a m1irlydion I and print nam.a of elI trinrl.req n Fail)_ --- __ AndrearC–.-Allison • /.«,nurucr,ar.+.,�apMfrwm.f.)m,wq --_._p[x51!italtrRcb'ioltal-Sohcii """-- +!MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: " (ileac•.c/ru r14A.Urm rho spaare appo.le fnI OM M iM fdowup greprapna Inal 6W b.11 IM lilo-dy o/Iris dspaneru(ell'Ile mNruefon?) a :•f••'r:„n It trust Iur y1•,rin .ey,!J rn the aW]ve deschbed ron.u)yance Is being Convr:yed. - :Ill'A t,u:h•,:namuu rn tr,t!anuvu cletcr,bcd cunvuyancu to wnum trill Idr!(I is rm,nU conveyed, . t/•,ns!•enu ndm..d m ih1!abr vrt drscno,10 conrr!yahcu, �d,T6r Thc n"#)04 princyWq) ty f5w4ijonal Mm 1pCt op unam .—.-- - —. d,:scrrbed in pafdg/dph(s) tosesi- (c) doove,(ximis oaf r.nv.rrcA roahappscaate plraWap+lel C3 eel The Prnsldant.Vlcu pn•sedunt,Maweer,S!rrntarry,Lhrectur,or TrNdsurur authortma to act for filliesnsale(gofenrpyaroragJ descntarld In paragruph(s) (d), (bl, Ic) above,(ebars our nlnrncIpx to iA0A%xsare PUegerMr) 111 AUansbenn!drscnbua in pa/agrdphl Io-wonyaw ofgraown(a).to)or(c)aoow,e,epplcsilk) aril am making Iris offldbvet on my own behalf and on 00'.111 of (intsw mile of spoaw) who IS my spouse descr loud rn paragraph I I pnwre only eve at pareglepn(a).101 a,(Ol abase,as appllcaalel and as such,I nave persundl knbwledgr.of the tdCis herein deposed to 2 (ro pe,completed where Ills value of the consideration for the conveyenoe exceeds$400,000). 1 ndveread and consldor.!d the-out!nrtlon of"siglh family lesldence”WI out In clause 1(1)Ila)of the Act.Thu lino convuyell In the o0ovu•descrlbed Conveyante contains at least unit and not more than two.mrllu family rus,denCes Alone.Clause 20 lid)imposes an additional tax at the rate of one•half of one per © does nut cunt,tm a s,ngbr family rr;vderme cant upon the value of consideration In exeeo of $400,000 when the convey. r7 contains Imam then Iwo stnglrl family residences W.outrVeto-ill once contains at lust one and not more than two single family residences, 3 1 Flow rued and considered the definitions of"nun hmldant corporation"antl"non•tusldunt person"wt out ruspectively w cluusns 111 III)and Ig)of Thu Act and.!iwh of the followm!1 perwns to wnum or In trust for whom the land is being C I�IVI V l the dbovo•descr,butl conveyance is a"nondusidonf corporation" or a"nun•rinident perwri"as sit out Ili the Act (ees vee krone 4 avid 31 .----- IV 1V THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: 100 (a)Monies lime or to be paid in cash . . . . . . . $ a—...--- (U)Mortgages W Assu rned rang a+-pre snd rile nr 7o fsx a.orcaa pwur pvren.0 ac.) s--nir --- (iI)ri!vun back a vendor . . . . . . . . . {C)property transferred In e•chunge lael.,t Ielorr/ . . . . $' Ill-' Atl eeanks (d)Securities transferred to the value of fal"ibello $--- °t— —• Mara at Ivy Liens,iuglc,es,annuities and maintenance Chdryies to which transfer is subject .. . . . . ,ti nil Fand lit. III Othur aaluablu conslderdtlun su Cluct to fund Transfer:d.(der,below) $ tile.,'Nd' (g)VALUE OF LAND,BUILDING, FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO 2.00 2.00 LAND TRANSFE R TAX (Total of(.v)to(01 $ S — RtI (n)VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS • rtemsuf tangible personal property nil IR#tew.swm Tae a payaas on the milli oral cnitiele uveae s ritepf urKw $ this provision a tle•Retaa Seel Tax ACI',R.S.O.IM,r.434,u amended) .. .. . . . . . . . . III Omer Consideration for transaction not included in 101 or(h)aoov. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . S 2-00 111 TOTAL CONSIDERATION . . .. . . . , . . . .. . S 5. If considwahon Is nominal,describe relationship between trunstetor and transferee and state pufpow of conveyance (0aN wWructian s1 B. It tnu Consiouratlon Is nominal,is the land sob)ecl to any uncumorance i 7. Oiner romurks,lnd u.'Tf.b'Mi+B;isT&YmunidpaiiTTfot'rr mi�cipai-pmpame - 1i/11Atk;ll�iLL�IV it — Sworn before r!Regibnal Municipality of Durbam In ter � Ih,s • day of DeccMP:• 9gAASAD!aCanm-t n r,etc., I DUNIM,forl he Regional Z—� < ✓/ c, / GL (..�•' i.'.r,l� lJClilattl.M(f A Cumnuss unue'far t ki tg Alfrddw",etc �e•EIa�.^Q r4r�O,w. x � Property Information Record Transfer/casement For Land Registry Offish Use Only A Doserlbu nature of Instrument — IRlgtsiration No. 8. (4 Addrrss of property bamU convoyed pidwwbvl not—available 1,I)Assessment Roil No plit"waarq --- not avatia5le C Malhnu addresses)for future Notices of Assessment under the.Assessment Act for property being conveyed it"Instruction 7) `pc-6105 Road -,4.9— Walatwan oaa f.xna(Mgwuy Oft.No. D (d Registration number for lost cVonnvse`yunce of property Mrmg conveyed p avadaa^^,W '1J )^UL dlitijilable (u)Legal description of property conveyed Sumo as In 0.1,)abuvd Yes IJ NOD Not known J E Ndme(31 and addrasslus)of each iransferev's solicitor t 6A3 School Tax Support(Voluntary Election) See reverse for explanatlon idl .all all 11111.004d1 hansferuns Rom,fn Camolle° yes C] No U Iu1 It yes do at,ndw,dual Il a!slolees wish to be Roman CainolK Separate School Supponors 9 Y.[3 No ICI 00 till•ndit-Oadl transferees nave rramh Lauguagv EOYCanrNt R,gnls O Peso No (d) If Yes,do all axavidlsal transferees wish to support ins FrerlCi Language SOW Board(whets ts le"Wed)T Y"0 No o NOTE:An to(e)and(d)the lard being traneteersd will be aaelilt"10 The French Pubic SOW Board or Sockx unless otrherwae dhecled M(a)and(b). who$049)