HomeMy WebLinkAbout95-114 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 95-114 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of an amending Subdivision Agreement between 621182 Ontario Limited (Liza Developments) and the Municipality of Clarington and to repeal By-law * . 94-35. n,'i THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS : 1 . THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, and seal with the Corporate Seal, an amending Subdivision Agreement between the Municipality of Clarington and 621182 Ontario Limited (Liza Developments) to require the owner to construct the north section of the Bradshaw Street Urban Upgrading Work in accordance with a schedule to be determined by the Director and incorporate the costs thereof into the Works Cost Estimates . 2 . THAT By-law #jxCffi hereby repealed. 94-35 3 . THAT the Agreement tached hereto as Schedule "A" will form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this 17th day of July, 1995 . By-law read a third time and finally passed this 17th day of July, 1995 . //' / ,, //��� epu y erk tfiELY�RA �ISOLIt`ll"§ � 17tis Agroement made as of the day of 1g95 B13'r'WPFN: Tile t;nrporation of the Mutlidpality of ClarinBton DRAFT (hereimfter called "'I'hct Munct•l pall ty") ' at the Firut fart and Royal Bank Of(.':tM& (htlrt7l��t�itGr .-nllr..l "R�,y,,l';� of the 5ecvi►d.<±'art WHEU sAS: A. Tho Munidpality and Ashdale Capital Corporation Ltd.("Ashdale":1 hAVe entered Into a sUbdivisim t<greeinent (tlta ''Subdivision A&V*omone) ropecting tho dr�velopment, conKtruoloxt and inatallAffi+n of Wcsel:i (o ouch t rm Is defined in the SuhdivIolon Agreement) (the "Works") in respect of landVftw "Lands")is now laid put as Ilan 40M-1V6 in the Municipality of Clarir,gtoo,In the Regional Municipality of Durham; U. Ashdale was and continues to be in derulh of its 4bligadart iv COn&la uct and install the Works; C After daliverittg notice of sxhch d0fault ttr Atshdile thtr Col-ireil of thc! mtttttc:ilaalit AutlWiUld 1110 A4ilvlpallty;y Treahurar nn two tupirat>a owaviont:po draw upon letter of credit 1wmWr Pz601()T06206 (the"Letter of Crf!dit")da ogite!i With the t',aetn101pality 4a 1' ttvrtutei,ez Owmincee(as ouch term is detlrxed in the Subdivision Aemnnem-) Fir a total amount drawn of$1,694,1811.$3 (the"Drawn nunds"), D. Royal is(1) thq registered owner of a charge/mortpp of land rgisteredl agairxttt litlt+ to tl1(s Lanci3,(2)lv%,oxvmc ttcti the wUbditti3iaYi,�,greesatettf's `- rnnrtaAj p+-nnri f,9) wm4 the iisuin8 bt.rtlA for tht:"ltti'*f Cctmllt; B. Royal has requested that a pardon of the Drams Funds be retuned tai it subject to the covommte, ucxticr }el s a et t t 111is " -- A,greentent; and :F. This Anrerment Is authorizttd by by-law 94-35 of the Mux-dtipahty p,A$W on the 14ttx clay of March, 1994. NOW THEREFORE 'ihll'TN8388TH 7(7.1AT in conairderatiort of the$tam of Ten Dullars 310,00 pa(d t:tiy oach party tQ tho other,t1t,v pact agreements corttaifLed Herein and other good and valuahlp conddaration,the rM,.:pt and sufflcienc)r of which is hurebp ACknowledged,thQ partitm agraa eta followa�--. �- 11 The parties heroto agree that the redtak contahted herein are true itt ,mbstakicv And in fact. 21 1(uyal her0by acknowledges aild agrees thAt s;U actions taken tq hate by tho Municipality and its offid.ais pursuant to the rights and obligatio:na of the MtnicIpAbly tinnier thb Subdl teloA Agreemen?s; mBiw$ draws ulmn the c,f C'rwclit wt'r4roper and in accordance with td,�e rights of OW Municipality under the Subdivision Agm=ent. SEN'T.,BY:IIELYaR& .ASSOCIATES 7- 6-95 : 1 :40E'Ni ; 4167032200-+ 19056234169c# 51 3. Royal shall pay to the municipality within fr urte-an(14)days of presentation of,appropriate; I1tvGkes, All reasfirtAble legal and Consulting cost&or cr,iscellaneotts 005 incurred or to be InCivred Ivry+ the Municipality as a r(.mul;of the default of Aandale in completing,the Works as required t')y the Wbdivision Agreement. 4. Ray011 shall mitt i ti?=;C411� on c� for the contY�I�tidn os, 4Vorkss tinder n A regiment and 9hu11 pay all prolrepii aia t''Aywvlttu AtJqutreU by SuCn eonyl�>aC'trOn cUC1}pa thin fourteen (14) days after prmontat[on to Royal of the appl•opriaw C,_rtifICation of ,"e,mplotod vaork made by the rons"Iti,ig mt�iueers to Euch constrtlMon"t ccmtracts. Thct L1y�niEl a it�,,,�„y„jig t�,p�r, t� r1.� rG�tytt •yy�rt r&otR if 1k "ti la ls.,, R a] hereby consents to the Treasurer of 11te Municipality rnaking the following paymexttu from the f)rawrt Fundy! i, West Branch of the tScnur Creek contribution-OKte RundrQd and 7ltirly-Two Thousand,lour Htlnelred ($132,4110.00)MMra; ii. Snow clearing costi-Two Thausand,Eight 1jundred and T'.+rfmt�r.Fir,rrr(.'�?,47d!)V}C-7�alaow aesd>:ti#,l•.ty {',Ia<,in, Iii. Ct)llSlltllt:r8 Gas ]rtvaice - Three Thoumid,Two Hundred and Sixteen W,').16.12) Vcrllars and?Welve Cents; i lv. Sltibloy Righton -Four Thousand,Oiw Multdred and Eighty_ right(54,188.74) Dollars and Seventy-Four Contq; alld i V. MuniOpallt ' cif Qirington Management Fee (as defined in file `;utidrvisivn Agreernent)itt h , & q nt of$42,000,00. ,M_ trunicir7ality of Clarlriz QnLr_etX waives IN rt hg t to &y furtl� f� ., ur Ar tit %i,l"ign_A nw lttyt ovi _R4M_Wjer1_ Into 1 a rep 1t ltd con't*6] t�h _W_(�rks in a[cctrdan r.. wit 1� S attlBnt, 6. . RayM agrees to tndentnify A. save harml09 the Munidpality front -)i7 r and All xptiplNt, .,1..:... l,u Illit4� JUa Va 3 , L + ,LIAitturea ll e}S�len9t13 Including reasonat)le legal fees which nrlse pursuant to thb [ unatructlun l.irn ,1b1 lrt rt.yl,W�t vI llte aufrYly ul luiattux,Ve ry ILee attid� materlal9 to date upo}1 the Lando pursuant to the regilTom�nts of e,ii Subdivision Agmentent, provided that Royal at'Hg c;orst ntay obtain 1,.t order of a 014k of COM t4nt juxisdiakion dlGw4sing any aurh e aimit agalnst the Municipality. The 1vMunidpallty shill eooperaha at the cat- Of 11001 in +01-flinintr fair h airier nY -- Ehot it uvtlu: of arty clEdtr.5 Or actiar►a 9aft for die i, iii. The llunicl aitt4y agruv to tell upon R yxi'6 ind�rnrti whit xve +ect to the Ab ve claims or actions and ogees that ifwiill not thhold re u0ibh WW OT rel.6"e Of the (as hereinafter dMinedy b6 rcrisan otliy that guah claima or actl n& Ile rift[ . 1'i is g�aeiTvt tlltll�9 i�,_„ E Ti,@Y iELYAk3� ASSOCfATES X 7 -95 4�i'dl !. _0W 8 �� ,_, 7. R�ayil shtail p,1y to Claringtt�n Hydro all QutstRndtng inV01W its flA0 amounI of Otw T lundred and NinetylTwca Taoildrs and Sixty-Five Cext(s ($192156). ThU partie9 ackrtowledg4 that during ih¢inotulladort of a portion taf the Wnrka by A chdalr! or itc ai;ettto ecrtallj t.jLLjp;uectt owned by bell Cana& had been damaged. Royal agrees to indemnify and save hatmiess; thr,Municipality frk)m any dKim by Aril Canada or its aipanta for tho cost of the repair Or the replacement of such equipment provided that Royal at Its OYM CCSt may dAfPJA ngwlrast such claim. Tl+a Munitj�;ll�tY it r��s to x�_upcizt RQyal's indernni wi h rps t tC�ttt� abt vcm Rcl.l Canada cl sIt21 astd airs that!t tvlil taut wit old re ui lion fl V r � �.�tsf il•' -o tz-��= �a asst iaerfa�nr«� uara,�`�nuiii��i_._ anly chat both claim has itcal}x�sa released or df$missec3, UP' )n the execudorl of this Agreement, Royal shall deliver to tho l� tanicipmtity an w'jcwa+8ittvrm,j dt,cl irrevmable letter es a credit js9u(.d by 12oya1 std catltalnine termli,"tisfartnrp tn fho "Ux1j 1pnllty'a Trcaauro,; In N?AmQuntof A- ..,. Doltare($ 1_1_._ , e,..) (Ihrs "RPp1�lr.,atnant 1'arformanOe CuarLtilStvct-") am mcurlty for the performance by Royal of iW obligatipng pA}egtlant Eo thin A jrapntW.t 111e I<epluttmient Performance Guarantee shall also be davmad to?spa the Porforrnance Cunrantev for the purposes of the Subdi4sion Agrooment and may be roduted or released only in accordance with the provisions of thu Subdivision Aireenlertt. If Royal shall default in the perft'trmAnce Of Anv of its aligatiom pumuattt to this Agreetrierlt, khan after twee (5) daYk vrri ttgn 111)(1ce to Royal of ally default ttt4raunder imade by arty uffld A] of the Municipality, thQ Marlicipality's Trosurer may present the Replacement Performance Gaarant" to lzo"l for tntya)ont in an Amount doWnnlnQd by the MIUAIcipalEty'a Treasurvr arcing ro1S4k1aNy SST bt 411ffitiAnt for tttirrinnnn ni Mnemn*AJ1' ,Burls oy royal. 90, Thr h6kinIdpa11ty's T-noaeuror eked as acvu Wu Msvnalatp practical deliver to Ituyal payment in all Amount equal to the amount of the Drawn Funds less Ruth amounts ae havo best spKif'ically authorized to be paid from tho Drawn Purtds by this AgreesY wtt plus Intcreat earru�d an such Draw•at Funds at th prevailing ratgs thrttu a� rtrx Xs—or the date hereof the i tigest eM-29 @ Ad to be efug a 'rho provisiuns of this Agrefinent shall not derogate from the provi owe of aw. Swbdivision Agrorsmont, Whevever "d to the extant that tiny Ptuvistoll of this Agreement conrlicig with any provision of trim? ,ubdiviAtL)1) A}irrertyenl, the respective provision of the SUbdivisloit Agreement shall prevall, 12 Any notice, request, eonlrrt aicadQn or demand unJer this.A,gr,taxrn(mr eh:all IaQ in wr0ing and oltall Otf w1widuced Ojarrly UvilveM when given or sQrvtrd perronAily or by resistered mail W the Mu11Licip411ty stt 40 T&1Y1pexancu Street, Aowmariville,Ontaaio, AtWntiom h1s.Patti L. Morrie, TQwll Clerk, aiad to Royai at Rn $i flank of Canada 20 King•_ l7Htti Wg.Si ?Ih E-IS1 rt z artanip,C?nesutt, h4G[I 1 i,,. kp 'urt;, 1N r, tr. t1 Gt ufrSay, niar,gr�7,uitt Managzr, Such nut3c'e, request or dernand shA11 br deentec to lttiw e erg delivered can the date it is delivered if given or ssrired pgr•2onally or on trig third day following ajollin,g,if it•is mrittnci. D'At any time notice if delivered by mail and thaxa is Arty cassaflon (whether anildpated or pYiatingl of ma a usr-vim Amrtrqftg the delivery of such notim, the notice shttll not be deemed to have been dctivc!red WWI five;(5)burliness day$ after the elate that noruml mail service is restored, FwT1B tiELYAR& 4SSOCIATES 7- 6-95 1' 1:41Pili f `4167032200y ;190562341691#'7� ,ry 13, Them niclpaiit,v a gr�c> cacagerate with RoZfjl JA entering into f (17,18 9-NeMents with respect to t[le storm water Wrignc[ =tr N Una Gn s4everA rr�tr nCt5 of�4Yx on Brads ati t—Y g jh ut1 , 'All e un t $ spare 0 t costs tlLthe Dr, r; aw treat Cott 1; ti9n ll 011 rnm Ulfir,n of!h4 00 irmal V. tea .—on iK�tre��E�+ar >y � 'et' wt 14. This Agmommt ghAll be govemod by and imerprptod In w oordano- with the him of the PTOVIPCO of Otlt&rid and the pkHes etlbmit to i:he jt�riediptlart C$f tl,a cdv%t to of Onwxto in ot4er to anf'ioce (h1' AgreerY1H11t. 15. MOWS the colitext olherwiie requires When used in this Agreement, the aingular includes the plural and the rnascdl4le includes the fom(n1ne, 16- Rc► al xtkP,trwle�lyes anti girees thm the munfGlpality has authority,to (VIC" tnia this Agreement, 111rt every provision hereof is authorized by "iuliy e.nfurcaablc DY the Ngpties and that this Agreement is mide by thL� M1.tnidpality ih telianco ott tha ackrtowlgdgement ntld agreorllzrrt hf Royal " aforesaid, N' WITNESS*W1113REOF the Parties hereto have hereunto uet Oeir hazed; and seals dia day and year first above%-rltten and the Parties hereto have herewitd affjNL:d their rorprimin walo by itio h,m,4s,st tilt!.'Flea vlrkt',VI•m duly Q'Uthorized In that behalf, T1 18 CORP01"TION OF THE UMCZALM OF C:LAIZINOTON DI:ANR HAMRE, MAYOR - .. VA ITT L DAAI<tt+, C+..Nytiy\�6--'rvr-rya ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Nome; v ._ Ti t tee; By Name! TItIu: k