HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-126-07 Cl!l!ilJgron REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING Monday, November 5, 2007 ~I'-Lhclyl i/6rr7-ht>,?-G'7 Date: Report #: PSD-126-07 File No's: A2007-0053 to A2007-0056 (inclusive) By-law #: Subject: MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 18, 2007 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-126-07 be received; and 2. THAT Council concurs with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on October 18, 2007, for applications A2007-0053 to A2007-0056 inclusive and that Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. Submitted by: D vi . Crome, MCIP, R.P.P. Director of Planning Services Reviewed bt:'~ ~ ---<-~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer GF/CP/DJC/df October 24, 2007 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-126-07 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 All applications received by the Municipality for minor variance are scheduled for a hearing within 30 days of being received by the Secretary-Treasurer. The purpose of the minor variance applications and the Committee's decisions are detailed in Attachment 1. The decisions of the Committee are summarized below: DECISIONS OF COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR OCTOBER 18, 2007 A2007 -0053 A2007-0054 A2007 -0055 A2007 -0056 1.2 Application A2007 -0055 was filed to permit the construction of an accessory building (detached garage) by increasing the maximum permitted lot coverage from 40% to 100% of the main building floor area to a maximum of 223 square metres. Committee commented that they agreed with Staff's recommendation that the application did not meet the intent of the Zoning By-Law, nor was the request minor or desirable in nature. The Applicant subsequently made a request to allow them some time to re-visit the size issue with the landowner whereby they could consider a reduction in the requested variance. Committee decided to table the application to the next available meeting, which will be the November 8, 2007 meeting, citing that such tabling would provide the Applicant with sufficient time to consult further with the landowner and with the Planning Services Department before amending the application to request a smaller variance. 2.0 CONCLUSIONS 2.1 Staff has reviewed the Committee's decisions and are satisfied that applications A2007- 0053, A2007-0054 and A2007-0056 are in conformity with the Official Plan policies, consistent with the intent of the Zoning By-law and are minor in nature and desirable. 2.2 Staff has reviewed the Committee's decision to table application A2007-0055 and are satisfied that the Applicant will have sufficient time between now and the Committee meeting scheduled for November 8, 2007, to explore with the landowner and the Planning Services Department a possible reduction in the requested variance before bringing the application to Committee again for a decision. REPORT NO.: PSD-126-07 PAGE 3 2.3 Council's concurrence with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment for applications A2007-0053 to A2007-0056 inclusive is required in order to afford Staff official status before the Ontario Municipal Board in the event of an appeal of any decision of the Committee of Adjustment. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Periodic Report for the Committee of Adjustment Attachment 1 ~o _R~port PSD-126-07_ CllJl-!llglOn PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT: OWNER: PETER KEUNING PETER KEUNING PROPERTY LOCATION: 6600 HOLT ROAD, DARLINGTON PART LOT 21, CONCESSION 6 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF DARLINGTON A2007 -0053 FILE NO.: PURPOSE: TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY BUILDING (DETACHED GARAGE) BY INCREASING THE MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE FROM 40% TO 55% OF THE MAIN BUILDING FLOOR AREA TO A MAXIMUM OF 112 SQUARE METRES. DECISION OF COMMITTEE: APPROVED TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY BUILDING (DETACHED GARAGE) BY INCREASING THE MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE FROM 40% TO 55% OF THE MAIN BUILDING FLOOR AREA TO A MAXIMUM OF 112 METRES 2 AS IT IS MINOR, DESIRABLE, AND MEETS THE INTENT OF THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW. DATE OF DECISION: October 18, 2007 LAST DAY OF APPEAL: November 7,2007 Cl~ilJglon PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT: OWNER: RODNEY REID RODNEY REID PROPERTY LOCATION: 2506 CONCESSION RD 6, DARLINGTON PART LOT 13, CONCESSION 6 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF DARLINGTON A2007 -0054 FILE NO.: PURPOSE: TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A LIVESTOCK AND IMPLEMENT BUILDING BY REDUCING THE AGRICULTURAL SETBACK FROM THE MINIMUM REQUIRED 300 METRES TO 105 METRES AND BY REDUCING THE WESTERLY INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 15 METRES TO 9 METRES. THESE REDUCTIONS WERE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT ON OCTOBER 12, 2006, (A2006-0043), HOWEVER THE ORIGINAL APPROVALS HAVE SINCE LAPSED. DECISION OF COMMITTEE: APPROVED TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A LIVESTOCK AND IMPLEMENT BUILDING BY REDUCING THE AGRICULTURAL SETBACK FROM THE MINIMUM REQUIRED 300 METRES TO 105 METRES AND BY REDUCING THE WESTERLY INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 15 METRES TO 9 METRES AS IT IS MINOR, DESIRABLE AND MEETS THE INTENT OF THE ZONING BY-LAW AND OFFICIAL PLAN SUBJECT TO A CONCRETE SLAB FOR THE MANURE STORAGE AREA BEING INSTALLED IN THE PROPOSED IMPLEMENT BUILDING BY MAY 30,2008. DATE OF DECISION: LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 18, 2007 November 7, 2007 Cl~glOn PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT: OWNER: EATLY DRAFTING MARIE NARINI PROPERTY LOCATION: 6186 ENFIELD ROAD, DARLINGTON PART LOT 31 & 32, CONCESSION 6 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF DARLINGTON FILE NO.: A2007-0055 PURPOSE: TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY BUILDING (DETACHED GARAGE) BY INCREASING THE MAXIMUM PERMITTED LOT COVERAGE FROM 40% TO 100% OF THE MAIN BUILDING FLOOR AREA TO A MAXIMUM OF 223 M2. DECISION OF COMMITTEE: TABLED TO THE NEXT AVAILABLE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING TO ALLOW TIME FOR THE APPLICANT TO CONSULT WITH THE LANDOWNER AND STAFF ON A REDUCED BUILDING SIZE. DATE OF DECISION: October 18, 2007 LAST DAY OF APPEAL: November 7,2007 Cl~il1glOn PERIODIC REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT: OWNER: ROSS MCMASTER ROSS MCMASTER PROPERTY LOCATION: 1727 TAUNTON ROAD, DARLINGTON PART LOT 29, CONCESSION 4 FORMER TOWN(SHIP) OF DARLINGTON A2007-0056 FILE NO.: PURPOSE: TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITIONAL SINGLE DETACHED DWELLING, FOR PERSONS EMPLOYED ON A FARM PROPERTY, BY REDUCING THE MINIMUM REQUIRED LOT AREA FROM 20 HA TO 19.8 HA. DECISION OF COMMITTEE: APPROVED TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITIONAL SINGLE DETACHED DWELLING, FOR PERSONS EMPLOYED ON A FARM PROPERTY BY REDUCING THE MINIMUM REQUIRED LOT AREA FROM 20 HECTARES TO 19.8 HECTARES AS IT IS MINOR, DESIRABLE, AND MEETS THE INTENT OF THE OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW SUBJECT TO THE APPLICANT OBTAINING A BUILDING PERMIT FOR THE ADDITIONAL SINGLE DETACHED DWELLING. DATE OF DECISION: LAST DAY OF APPEAL: October 18, 2007 November 7, 2007