HomeMy WebLinkAbout78-91 e re . + t.' .. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No. 78-91 Being a by-law to adopt Supplementary Agreement No. 4 to the Agreement with Ontario Hydro in respect of the impact of the proposed Darlington Nuclear Generating Station A as adopted by By-Law No. 77-14. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1) The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby adopts and enters into Supplementary Agreement No. 4 with Ontario Hydro, a copy of which is annexed hereto as Schedule "A". 2) The Mayor and the Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle are hereby authorized and directed to sign the Supplementary Agreement No.4 and to place thereon the seal of the Corporation. By-Law read a first time this 25th Day of September 1978 By-Law read a second time this 25th Day of September 1978 By-Law read a third and final time this 25th Day of September 1978 G. B. Rickard r Mayor ..~~L-/ J. Cle -.... "~f': . f c~ If,~ h-Y~ ft.. 78-91 [... M DRAFT NO. 4 DARLINGTON GENERATING STATION SUPPLEMENTARY AGREEMENT NO. 4 COMMUNITY IMPACT MONITORING PROGRAM THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this I~ day of N ~ I I ~ 7 ~. BET \.; E E N: ONTARIO HYDRO Hereinafter referred to as the "CORPORATION" OF THE FIRST PART - and - THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM - Hereinafter referred to as the "REGION" OF THE SECOND PART - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TO\.;N OF NE\.;CASTLE Hereinafter referred to as the "TO\.;N" OF THE THIRD PART WHEREAS the Corporation and the Town have entered into an agreement (hereinafter . referred to as the Newcastle Agreement) with respect to the social, economic and financial impacts arising out of the construction and operation of the Darlington Generating Station (hereinafter referred to as the Station) on the Town, dated March 22, 1977; it Em," \::..... t. - . ....-.- --- - .. , I 2. AND ~HEREAS the Corporation, the Region and the Town have entered into an agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Regional Agreement) with respect to the social, economic and financial impacts arising out of the construction and operation of the Station on the Region and the Town, dated August 5, 1977 ; AND ~HEREAS the Newcastle Agreement and the Regional Agreement provide for the entering into of Supplementary Agreements between the Corporation, the Region and the Town; AND ~HEREAS The Corporation, the Region and the Town have agreed to participate in a process of monitoring the impacts of the construction and operation of the Station; AND WHEREAS the Corporation, the Region and the Town have entered into a Supplementary Agreement entitled the Transportation Impact Monitoring Program wi th respect to man i tor i n9 i mpac ts on transportat i on f ac i1 it i es, date~ /3) /971{ AND ~HEREAS The Corporation, the Region and the Town are desirous of entering into a Supplementary Agreement dealing with the monitoring of other impacts relating to the construction and operations of the Station. NO~, THEREFORE, ~ITNESSETH that in consideration of the covenants hereinafter contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the Corporation, the Region and the Town hereby agree as follows: .. 4;' (v~:. .. .~ II 3. 1. The Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that this monitoring program shall be entitled The Community Impact Monitoring Program, and will involve collecting and updating the data on certain impact items which may be affected by the construction and operation of the Station. 2. The Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that the Community Impact Monitoring Program will involve: a) an initial round of data collection which will reflect, to the greatest extent possible, the conditions existing in the Town and Region as of December 31, 1977. The establishment of these existing conditions, hereinafter referred to as the Baseline Inventory, is to be completed and agreed on by all parties by December 31, 1978. b) the updating of the Baseline Inventory by means of the collection of additional data relating to specific impact items. The updating of the Baseline Inventory, hereinafter referred to as the Update Reports, will be carried out at twelve (12) month intervals unless more appropriate intervals are decided upon for specific data items by ~greement of the parties as defined in Paragraph 8. 3. The Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that the data items and descriptions, initial sources of information, and the party responsible for collection and reporting is as outlined in Appendix "A". It is.further agreed that this appendix may be amended at any time and from time to time by agreement of the parties as defined in Paragraph 8. ' :' Ii i . . . . 4. 4. The Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that the Baseline Inventory Update Reports will be agreed upon by all parties in accordance with the following: a) The Baseline Inventory or Update Reports will be distributed to all parties immediately upon completion. Memoranda indicating agreement or disagreement with the substance of the information will be prepared and forwarded to all parties within 60 days of receipt of information. b) Failure to issue memoranda within the time limit outlined in Paragraph 4(a) shall be taken as agreement with the baseline inventory or update report by the party that fails to issue memoranda . c) Any disagreements concerning the Baseline Inventory or the Update Report which have not been resolved within five (5) months of the distribution of the document shall be submitted to a Board of Arbitration and the decisions of the Board of Arbitration shall be final and binding on the Town, Region and Corporation and not subject to any appeal. The provisions of the Newcastle Agreement shall apply with regard to arbitration procedures. 5. The Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that all information collected by each of the parties shall be maintained by that party and made available to all other parties on request. The information collected by the Corporation shall be maintained by the Project Manager, Darlington Generating Station.. The information collected by the Region shall be maintained by the Chief Administrative Officer of the Region. The information collected by the Town shall be maintained by the Town Manager of the Town. <>" N .. . "_..l , , 5. 6. The Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that the Baseline Inventory and/or Update Reports will be reviewed after being approved pursuant to the process outlined in paragraph 4. Any services or facilities requiring remedial action due to actual or anticipated corporation activities relating to the construction or operation of the station will be identified. Separate Supplementary Agreements and/or memorandum of understanding will be entered into between the Corporation, the Region and/or the Town respecting the nature of any remedial action to be carried out and the cost of such action. 7. The Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that the information gathered as a result of the Community Impact Monitoring Program shall serve as the basis for dealing with any claims for compensation for costs of improving and maintaining any of the services and facilities outlined in Appendix "A". 8. The Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that the words by agree- ment of the parties as they appear in this Supplementary Agreement shall mean "with the written consent of the Project Manager, Darlington Generating Station; the Chief Administrative Officer of the Region; and the Town Manager of the Town". 9. The Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that any capital expenditures related to the purchase of equipment required to implement the Community Impact Monitoring Program shall be made by agreement of the parties as defined in Paragraph 8. Cu" I. - . . ' . . , . 6. 10. The Region and the Town agree that a budget allocation for operating expenditures related to the Community Impact Monitoring Program will be prepared annually for each calendar year. It is further agreed that this budget shall represent an upset limit which will not be exceeded without prior approval of both parties. ~ I. - . .' .~ . , For the Town -c/~ ~~----/ G. B. Rickard, Mayor For the Region ff~J J. W. Beath Chairman e- -V -0/:1 C. W. Lundy Clerk For ~ Ontario Hydro ~ l Secretary -:? ONTARIO HYDRO ..10'-1"1 -16 l~;.;~ ~~,1{..(..~..19'( .,. DATA ITEM (SOURCE) 1. Population (Prov" Assessment &/or Statistics Canada) 2. Employment (Statistics Canada &/or Region Development Division Annual Survey) , 3. Hydro Employees (Employee survey or alternative and project records) I, . APPENDIX A DESCRIPTION OF DATA ITEMS - total population by location - age and sex distribution - school support distribution - historical growth trp.nrl~ - most recent planned growth estimates - number of households - size and type of households - household income - total employment by sector - wage rates by sector - location of employees - location of employers - commuting patterns - unemployment rates - wage rates by sector - vacant serviced and unserviced industrial land - type of employment - location of permanent residence - location of work-week residence - number of in-movers - type of housing - tenure of housing - type of travel to work - length of stay on project GEOGRAPHIC AREA Town: by urban center, hamlet and rural area. Region: ~y urban center and rural area Town and Region by urban center and rural area Darlington Generating Station site . *~.\ w::::: RESPONSIBLE-: PARTY Town Region Region Hydro DATA ITEM 'tReE ) 4. Housing (Ministry of Housing &/or Region & Town Planning Departments supplemented by surveys) 5. Education (Ministry of Education and School boards) 6. Hosoitals , 7. Municipal Services A) Fir~ Protection DESCRIPTION OF DATA ITEMS I. - existing stock by type - existing stock by a~e, size and condition - existing stock by tenure - vacant units by type - vacant serviced & unserviced lots by type - lots in subdivision applications by type and status - house prices.by type and size - rentals by type and size - senior citizens & public housing consents and severances applications - location and size of schools - type of school - catchment area served - school capacity - school enrolment - physical capacity to expand - staffing - current costs per household current costs per pupil - number, sizes and 1 oca ti on of vacant sites number, size & location - area & population served - number of beds by type current bed and out-patient use - emerqency services & caseload - physicians by specialty - hospital staffing - number of physicians by specialty - ambulance services - planned improvements and/or expansions - number, size and location - staffing (permanent and voluntary) - equipment - area and population served - current costs per household - current fire statistics - planned improvements and/or expansions 'GEOGRAPHIC AREA Town by urban centre, hamlet and rural area based on assessment mapping Town by urban centre, hamlet and rural area Town Town . ~nnlSIBLE f')1IHY. Town , -> Hydro Region Town ". ..~ DATA ITEM (SOURCE) 7. B) Libraries C) Recreation D) Municipal Administration E) Municipal Finance F) Muni~ipal Works I DESCRIPTION OF DATA ITEMS' GEOGRAPH I C AREA' - number, size and location - number of volumes - size of membership - area and population served - staffing - current costs - current levei of service - planned improvements and/or expansions Town - number, size and location of facilities by type - area and population served - staffinq - current level of service - current operating cost planned improvements and/or expansions - number, size and location of offices - staffing by department - operating costs - employees per capita by department - office space per employee - wage structure - planned improvements and/or expansions - historical and current capital and operating budgets - current per capita costs by function - debt capacity indicators - historical and current mill rate and assessment information - policies for provision of capital facilities - number, size and location of facilities and depots - staffing - equipment - areas served current capital and operating costs - current per capita level of service - planned improvements and/or expansions . _:f",~.,:~: .:..... . RESPQNSIBLE PARTY -. Town - ,., .:. DATA ITEM (SOURCE) G) Street Lighting H) Storm Drainage 1) So 1 i d Wa s te Collection J) Parking (Bowman vi 11 e) 8. Regional Services A) Administration I DESCRIPTION OF DATA ITEMS GEOGRAPHIC AREA . _,~T"'. . ...... . ',' , .. . RESPQNSIfkE PARTY . ~ - area served Town - current operating costs - current per capita level of service and standards - capacity of system - planned improvements and/or expansions - area served operating costs capacity of system - planned improvements and/or expansions - location and area served - number of people served - operating costs - sta ffi ng ~i equi pment - planned improvements and/or expansions - location and number of off-street and on-street parking spaces - staffing & equipment - current operating costs and revenues - planned improvements and/or expansions - number and location of offices and subsidiary facil ities - size of offices and space per employee - staffing by department and division (organ- izatiolt charts) - 1978 wage structure - employees per capita by department - employees per capita by professional designation (where applicable), Town Town Region {:':':':':: t':. .. - " , , Data Collection as per Appendix "A" COMMUNITY IMPACT MONITORING PROGRAM BUDGET - 1978 Town of Newcastle Region of Durham $19,000 $11 ,000 Total $30,000 "" " DATA ITEM (SOURCE) B) Finance C) Police Protection n) Genera I He,l fare Services E) Day Care Services F) Family Counselling Services " . DESCRIPTION OF DATA ITEMS' - hi stori cal 'financi alstatements by funci ton - current budgets by function per capita costs by function - capital budgets and four-year forecasts by function - debt capacity indicators - number, location and size of precincts - area served by precinct - staffing by precinct - constables per capita - inventory of vehicles and special equipment - number of calls answered by type - present plans for phasing in of Police expansion into Newcastle - number, location and size of offices - area served by office - staffing and case workers per capita - case load ottals for General Welfare case load totals for Supplementary Aid and Special Assistance Programs - case load totals for Emergency Housing Bureau - number, location and size of centres - staffing - capacities of centres - present case load - number, location and size of centres - staffing and counsellors per capita - case load totals by referrals and hours spent GEOGRAPH I C AREA' . .~ . RESPQNSIBLE PARTY . - _ t ,. Town Region I:. :::: \. DATA ITEM (SOURCE) G) Health Unit H) Waterworks and Sanitary Sewerage I) Solid Waste Disposal -"'"""'-.- ---- .~ .1 DESCRIPTION OF DATA ITEMS - number, location and size of centres staffing and nurses per capita - totals processed in X-ray clinic - case load totals under Family Planning Program - case load totals for Health Inspections - number and location of depots - staffing - inventory of equipment and vehicles - maps showin~ existing system - location of existing and projected plants and pumping stations - improvements made by Region, historically by type, location, size and cost - planned improvements to existing system and expanded system by timing, type, location, size and cost - regarding plants - existing capacity - existing daily flows - committed capacity (signed subdivision approvals) - net available capacity - planned plant expansions - projected available capacity - projected demand for capacity - lot levy structure - number of households and population served - population projection - location and capacities of landfill sites - staffing of landfill sites - number and location of transfer stations and hours of operation , - historical tonnaqe records & projected tonnage planned expansion - Darlington . ATfD .~~~> ... GEOGRAPHIC AREA RESPONSI B~E : PARTY'., ., ~ Town Region ~ . . . , . TO: All Members of Council and Department Heads FROM: A. C. Gui1er, Town Manager DATE: July 31st, 1978 SUBJECT: Supplementary Agreement No. 4 Community Impact Monitoring Program On July 18th, 1978 I forwarded to you a copy of the Supplementary Agreement No. 4 Community Impact Monitoring Program and asked you to review the document and advise me of your comments by July 28th, 1978. As I must notify Hydro that we do not have any serious concerns with regard to this document, I would appreciate having your comments by August 4th, 1978. If I do not hear from you I will assume that you have no comments to make on this document. (.r, t AI c~Je~. \___ I TO: FROM: . DATE: SUBJECT: 9 IJvJ ~ All Members of Council and Department Heads A. C. Guiler, July l8th, 1978 Supplementary Agreement No. 4 Community Impact Monitoring Program Attached for your information is the final draft of the above mentioned agreement. We would ask that you review this document and give us your comments by July 28th, 1978. ~ A. C. Guiler. e . . . . DRAFT NO. 4 DARLINGTON GENERATING STATION SUPPLEMENTARY AGREEMENT NO. 4 COMMUNITY IMPACT MONITORING PROGRAM THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this day of BET WEE N: ONTARIO HYDRO Hereinafter referred to as the "CORPORATION" OF THE FIRST PART - and - THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM Hereinafter referred to as the "REGIONII OF THE SECOND PART - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TO~N OF NEWCASTLE Hereinafter referred to as the "TOWN" OF THE THIRD PART WHEREAS the Corporation and the Town have entered into an agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Newcastle Agreement) with respect to the social, economic and financial impacts arising out of the construction and operation of the Darlington Generating Station (hereinafter referred to as the Station) on the Town, dated March 22, 1977; . e . 2. AND WHEREAS the Corporation, the Region and the Town have entered into an agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Regional Agreement) with respect to the social, economic and financial impacts arising out of the construction and operation of the Station on the Region and the Town, dated August 5, 1977; AND WHEREAS the Newcastle Agreement and the Regional Agreement provide for the entering into of Supplementary Agreements between the Corporation, the Region and the Town; AND WHEREAS The Corporation, the Region and the Town have agreed to participate in a process of monitoring the impacts of the construction and operation of the Station; AND WHEREAS the Corporation, the Region and the Town have entered into a Supplementary Agreement entitled the Transportation Impact Monitoring Program with respect to monitoring impacts on transportation facilities, dated AND WHEREAS The Corporation, the Region and the Town are desirous of entering into a Supplementary Agreement dealing with the monitoring of other impacts relating to the construction and operations of the Station. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH that in consideration of the covenants hereinafter contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the Corporation, the Region and the Town hereby agree as follows: 3. 1. The Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that this monitoring ~ program shall be entitled The Community Impact Monitoring Program, and will involve collecting and updating the data on certain impact items which may be affected by the construction and operation of the Station. 2. The Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that the Community Impact Monitoring Program will involve: a) an initial round of data collection which will reflect, to the greatest extent possible, the conditions existing in the Town and Region as of December 31, 1977. The establishment of these existing conditions, hereinafter referred to as the Baseline Inventory, is to be completed and agreed on by all parties by December 31, 1978. . b) the updating of the Baseline Inventory by means of the collection of additional data relating to specific impact items. The updating of the Baseline Inventory, hereinafter referred to as the Update Reports, will be carried out at twelve (12) month intervals unless more appropriate intervals are decided upon for specific data items by agreement of the parties as defined in Paragraph 8. 3. The Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that the data items and descriptions, initial sources of information, and the party responsible for collection and reporting is as outlined in Appendix "A". It is further agreed that this appendix may be amended at any time and from time to time by agreement of the parties as defined in Paragraph 8. e . e . 4. 4. The Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that the Baseline Inventory Update Reports will be agreed upon by all parties in accordance with the following: a) The Baseline Inventory or Update Reports will be distributed to all parties immediately upon completion. Memoranda indicating agreement or disagreement with the substance of the information will be prepared and forwarded to all parties within 60 days of receipt of information. 0) Failure to issue memoranda within the time limit outlined in Paragraph 4(a) shall be taken as agreement with the baseline inventory or update report by the party that fails to issue memoranda . c) Any disagreements concerning the Baseline Inventory or the Update Report which have not been resolved within five (5) months of the distribution of the document shall be submitted to a Board of Arbitration and the decisions of the Board of Arbitration shall be final and binding on the Town, Region and Corporation and not subject to any appeal. The provisions of the Newcastle Agreement shall apply with regard to arbitration procedures. 5. The Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that all information collected by each of the parties shall be maintained by that party and made available to all other parties on request. The information collected by the Corporation shall be maintained by the Project Manager, Darlington Generating Station. The information collected by the Region shall be maintained by the Chief Administrative Officer of the Region. The information collected by the Town shall be maintained by the Town Manager of the Town. 5. . 6. The Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that the Baseline Inventory and/or Update Reports will be reviewed after being approved pursuant to the process outlined in paragraph 4. Any services or facilities requiring remedial action due to actual or anticipated corporation activities relating to the construction or operation of the station will be identified. Separate Supplementary Agreements and/or memorandum of understanding will be entered into between the Corporation, the Region and/or the Town respecting the nature of any remedial action to be carried out and the cost of such action. 7. The Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that the information gathered as a result of the Community Impact Monitoring Program shall serve as the basis for dealing with any claims for compensation for costs of . improving and maintaining any of the services and facilities outlined in Appendix "A". 8. The Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that the words by agree- ment of the parties as they appear in this Supplementary Agreement shall mean "with the written consent of the Project Manager, Darlington Generating Station; the Chief Administrative Officer of the Region; and the Town Manager of the Town". . 9. The Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that any capital expenditures related to the purchase of equipment required to implement the Community Impact Monitoring Program shall be made by agreement of the parties as defined in Paragraph 8. . . . 6. 10. The Region and the Town agree that a budget allocation for operating expenditures related to the Community Impact Monitoring Program will be prepared annually for each calendar year. It is further agreed that this budget shall represent an upset limit which will not be exceeded without prior approval of both parties. .., , 4 . . . e - , . c For the Town For the Ontario Hydro G. B. Rickard Mayor J. McIlroy Clerk For the Region " J. W. Bea th Chairman C. W. Lundy Clerk . . . . . . , Data Coll ection as per Appendix IIAII COMMUNITY IMPACT MONITORING PROGRAM BUDGET - 1978 Town of Newcastle Region of Durham $19,000 $11,000 Total $30,000 . < DATA ITEM (SOURCE) B) Finance C) Police Protection D) General Welfare Services E) Day Care Services F) Family Counselling Services . . . . DESCRIPTION OF DATA ITEMS; GEOGRAPH I C AREA' Town - historical financial statements by funciton - current budgets by function - per capita costs by function - capital budgets and four-year forecasts by function - debt capacity indicators - number, location and size of precincts - area served by precinct - staffing by precinct - constables per capita - inventory of vehicles and special equipment - number of calls answered by type - present plans for phasing in of Police expansion into Newcastle - number, location and size of offices - area served by office - staffing and case workers per capita - case load ottals for General Welfare - case load totals for Supplementary Aid and Special Assistance Programs - case load totals for Emergency Housing Bureau - number, location and size of centres - staffing - capacities of centres - present case load - number, location and size of centres - staffing and counsellors per capita - case load totals by referrals and hours spent ,,~ ---- . . .----- ,------ RESPONSIBLE PARTY Region --~ . ~ 'I ,;../; ~ . . QAiA ITEM (SOURCE) G) Health Unit H) Waterworks and Sanitary Sewerage I) Solid Waste Di sposal ~ . DESCRIPTION OF DATA ITEMS . -----,_.. . ----- ---.....:.~:.~. . . ": ':,.,. GEOGRAPHlCABEA . .. . RESPC~lS I BlE .~ PARTY ~ . l' -Rtf! iOn - number, location and size of centres Town - staffing and nurses per capita - totals processed in X-ray clinic - case load totals under Family Planning Program - case load totals for Health Inspections - number and location of depots - staffing - inventory of equipment and vehicles - maps showin~ existing system - location of existing and projected plants and pumping stations - improvements made by Region, historically by type, location, size and cost - planned improvements to existing system and expanded system by timing, type, location, size and cost - regarding plants - existing capacity - existing daily flows committed capacity (signed subdivision approvals) net available capacity planned plant expansions projected available capacity projected demand for capacity - lot levy structure - number of households and population served - population projection - location and capacities of landfill sites - staffing of landfill sites - number and location of transfer stations and hours of operation . - historical tonnaqe records & projected tonnage - planned expansion - Oarlington - DATA ITEM (SOURCE) , 7. B) Li braries C) Recreation D) Municipal Administration E) Mun i ci pa 1 Finance F) Municipal Works .- . .. . DESCRIPTION OF DATA ITEMS j - number, size and location - number of volumes - size of membership - area and population served - staffing - current costs - current level of service - planned improvements and/or expansions - number, size and location of facilities by type - area and population served - staffinq - current, level of service - current operating cost planned improvements and/or expansions - number, size and location of offices - staffing by department - operating costs employees per capita by department - office space per employee - wage structure - planned improvements and/or expansions GEOGRAPHIC AREA' RESPONSIBLE PARTY Town Town - historical and current capital and operating budgets - current per capita costs by function - debt capacity indicators - historical and current mill rate and assessment information - policies for provision of capital facilities number, size and lpcation of facilities and depots - staffing - equipment - areas served - current capital and operating costs -current per capita level of service - planned improvements and/or expansions .. . . ~TA ITEM (SOURCE) G) Street lighting H) Storm Drainage I) Solid Waste Collection J) Parking (Bowmanville) 8. Regional Services A) Administration ,Il DESCRIPTION OF DATA ITEMS - area served Town - current operating costs - current per capita level of service and standards - capacity of system - planned improvements and/or expansions - area served - operating costs - capacity of system - planned improvements and/or expansions - location and area served - number of people served - operating costs - sta ffi ng ~~ equi pment - planned improvements and/or expansions - location and number of off-street and on-street parking spaces - staffing & equipment - current operating costs and revenues - planned improvements and/or expansions - number and location of offices and subsidiary facil ities - size of offices and space per employee - staffing by department and division (organ- ization charts) - 1978 wage structure - employees per capita by department - employees per capita by professional designation (where applicable). Town Region ,j DATA ITEM (SOURCE) 1. Population (Prov'l Assessment &/or Statistics Canada) 2. Employment (Statistics Canada &/or Region Development Division Annual Survey) 3. Hydro Employees (Employee survey or alternative and project records) .~ - .., # e : APPENDIX A DESCRIPTION OF DATA ITEMS - total population by location - age and sex distribution - school support distribution - historical growth trp.nrl~ - most recent planned growth estimates - number of households - size and type of households - household income - total employment by sector - wage rates by sector - location of employees - location of employers - commuting patterns - unemployment rates - wage rates by sector - vacant serviced and unserviced industrial land - type of employment - location of permanent residence - location of work-week residence - number of in-movers - type of housing - tenure of housing - type of travel to work - length of stay on project . .l._ GEOGRAPHIC AREA Town: by urban center, hamlet and rural area. Region: by urban center and rural area Town and Region by urban center and rural area Darlington Generating Station site RESPONSIBLE PARTY Town Region Region Hydro .,~-- , -AI --'-.. ~\ ~ "'- PATA1~EM~RCE) .' .' 4.'Jlousing " (Mini stry of Housi ng .&/or Region & Town Planning Departments supplemented by surveys) 5. Education (Ministry of Education and School boards) 6. Hospitals 7. Municipal Services A) Fire Protection .. DESCRIPTION OF DATA ITEMS . - existing stock by type ; - existing stock by a~e~ size and condition - existing stock by tenure - vacant units by type - vacant serviced & unserviced lots by type - lots in subdivision applications by type and status - house prices by type and size - rentals by type and size - senior citizens & public housing - consents and severances applications - location and size of schools - type of school catchment area served - school capacity - school enrolment - physical capacity to expand - staffing - current costs per household - current costs per pupil - number, sizes and location of vacant sites - number, size & location - area & population served number of beds by tipe current bed and out1patient use - emergency services & caseload - physicians by specialty - hospital staffing - number of physicians by specialty - ambulance services - planned improvements and/or expansions - number, size and location - staffing (permanent and voluntary) - equipment - area and population served - current costs per household - current fire statistics - planned improvements and/or expansions ~ ONSIBLE RTY GC~HIC AREA ,/ Town by urban ce~~. Town hamlet and rural area ~ based on assessment mapping -- Town by urban centre, hamlet and rural area Hydro Town Region Town Town