HomeMy WebLinkAbout78-60 "..... .... . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 78-60 a by-law to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 1653, as amended, of the former Township of Clarke WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend Restricted Area By-Law Number 1653, as amended, of the former Township of Clarke, NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Section 8 of By-law 1653, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding to Section 8.3 the following subsection (b) e "(b) "Ml-2" Part of Lot 23, Concession 1 Notwithstanding any provisions of this By-law to the contrary, that part of lot 23, Concession 1, which is designated Ml-2 on the attached Schedule "A" hereto may be used for no other purpose than a salvage yard, which for the purpose of this section shall mean an establishment or premises where scrap metal, wrecked vehicles or parts therefrom are stored wholly or partly in the open, bought, sold, exchanged, baled, packed, disassembled or handled, provided that the following require- ments are complied with: (a) Salvage Storage Location No outside storage of any salvage, scrap or similar material may be permitted within 325 feet of the front lot line, . . e . ,~~ ,"," '.. - 2 - (b) Parking Spaces (minima) 1 for each 2- acres, or portion thereof, of land used as a salvage yard. (c) Parking Space Location No parking space shall be located closer than 10 feet to any street line. 2, Map 2 of Schedule "A" to By-law 1653, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing to Ml-2 the zone designation of the land shown as "ZONE CHANGE TO Ml-2" on the attached Schedule "X" hereto, 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date hereof, subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, BY-LAW READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 17th day of July, 1978 BY-LAW READ A THIRD TIME and finally passed this 17th day of July, 1978. <7 G. B. Rickar~~ Mayor - te,' ~ ' ,'"",,- J. M, McIlroy l Clerk / _,.'.. ,-' ! ,...'.... / /" / ~-;" ~. ...'" I. ..... "",. ... t THIS IS NO 78-60 OF JULY SCHEDULE' X I T)?7t~YLA\V PASSED 'HIS DAY -- --_ \ A. D \C)?B . . . /~L~ ~ B ~ \C KAR.D~ 11'\f\"(OR,-- --~ J 11\ 1f\C. 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't .t t~ -- THIS AGREJ1XI!2ft', made in quintuplioate this ..~&W.. .day ot~ .<1qIl~... ,A.D., 19'7 & BETWE!H: THE oqtfCRATI(Jf OF THE TOO OF N>>lCASTLE, hereinatter oalled the n}bdo1palJ. ty" -and- OF THE FmST PART oIDBEffi' G.STEPHENSON AND A.ARLENE STEPHENSON here1natter oalled the "Owner" OF THE SECOOD PART WrrNESSES THAT: 'f WHmEAS the laDds affected by this AgreeDBlt, which are described in SChedule "A" hereto, pre hereinatter called the "said lauds" and are reported to be approxl.- mateq 60.5 acres in total; AND WHmEAS part ot the lands aftected by this Agreement, which are described in Schedule "B" hereto, are hereinafter called the "Existing Sitell and are reported to be approx1mate~.....S,~..............acresj . AND WHEREAS the Omer warrants that it is the registered owner ot the said lands and the D18t1ng Site; AND WHmEAS in this AIl"MIBlt, "Owner" includes an Individual, an A88OCiation, a Partnerah1p or a Corporation and, wherever the sJngular is used herein, it shall be oonstt-ued as inol,vl1ng the plural; AND WHmEAS the Owner has applied to the Munioipal1 ty tor a Zoning By-law AmeDd- IIeI1t, here1natter oalled the lI.Am~Mlltn, to per.m1 t the use ot part of the said lauds for a salvage yard; ~, NCll '1'JDREF'(EE, in cons1c1eration of other good and valuable consideration and the BUIll 9t Cbe Dollar ($1.00) ot lavf'ul money ot Canada, now paid by each of the P~es hereto to each or the other Parties hereto, (the receipt whereof is hereby aCknowledged), the Oorner hereb7 covenants, promiseBand agreeswith the ~cipal1ty as follows: SCHRDm.ES 1. The following Schedules, which are identified by the signatures ot the Parties to this ,Agreement and which are attached hereto together with all provisions con- tained therein, are hereby made a part ot this Agreement as fully and to all intents and purposes as though recited in :f'ull herein: Schedule II A" - II Legal Description ot Said Lands" , .. Schedule "B" - "Legal Description of Existing Site" Scbedule "C" - "51 te Plan of Salvage Yard" Schedule"D" - "Land Dedications" COMPLIANCE WITH BY-LAWS.. STATUTES AND RmULATICliS 2. The o.mer agree. that the developaent or the said lands, the erection and use of ~ bnndil'\gS or structure. and the operations on the said lands shall OOIIpq with all applicable Municipal, Regional, Prav:1ncial and Federal by-laws, .tatutes and regulat1OJ18. (1 ) -.:--- . .. t " . . .... ;. . . . . lit' .. . 'USE 07 SAID LANDS 3. ~ 0WDer agrees that the s&1d lands described as :Pa:rt 2 in Schadule itA t' hereto Bh&1l be used tar no par'pOses other than those shown in Schedule "e" hereto without the p:r:1or vr1 tten consent ot the Mlmic1pa11 't7 . The Owner agrees that the sud lands deearibed as PRt 1 in Schedule ~A'hereto shall be used tar no parpoees other than Agr10al ture and such othR uses .. mq 'be perm! tted t.rom time to time in the appro- pr1ate -on4nC 'b7-law. PADmfr 01 TA YF-e:; 4. The Owner 8hall pay, at the time of execution of this Agreement, all Municipal taxes outstanding against the said lands as set out in Schedule "An hereto. The Omer also agrees to pay any Municipal taxes, which may become due and payable by it, prior to the sale by the ()"mer ot any ot the said lands. LIABILITY OF amm 5. Until the Agr'8ement has been approved by the cntario Mlmicipal Board, the OWner shall indemnity the Mlmicipality against all actions, causes of action, suits, claims and 'demands whatsoever loIhich may arise directly or indirect~ by reason of the Owner undertaking the developnent of the said lands. LAND DEDlCATlOOS 6. The Oroer shall deposit with the l-funicipali ty a deed of conveyance in respect or the lands described in Schedule "1)1' hereto for one foot reurves. RmtJJ:RE'MmTS FOR C<:I1lmiCEMENT OF DEVELCPMENT 7. Before a:ny develolJl1eIlt of the said lands 1s commenced, in addition to any other requirements contained herein, the Owner shall have obtained from the l-hm- icipali ty an entrance permits to allow vehicular access to the said lands from a road abutting the said lands. SERVICE DAMAGE OR RELOCATlOO COSTS 8. The Owner agrees to pay the cost of repairing any damages to any existing services and/or utilities, and the cost of reloca.ting any existing services and/or ut1l1ties caused by the development and/or operation of the BB..i:d lands. CLOSmG OF EXISTING Opm\TIOO 9. 'lbe ~er agrees that, within six (6) months of the date of approval by the Cbtario Municipal Board of the AmEmnment, it shall have ceased to operate a salvage yard on the Existing Site and that it shall have removed fran the Exis11ng Site all goods, wares, merchandise, articles or things associated with the salvage yard operation. PREVmrICI{ OF WA TEa POLLUTICN 10. The Owner shall ensure that no grease, oU, rust or other similar waste mat- er1aJ.s from the said lands are discharged or carried by runoff into My natural or artU'lcial watercourse. RmtJIRE2.lENTS FOR ~CEMmT OF OPERATIONS 11. The (),mer shall not permit the OOlIlD8l1cement or operations on the said lands until the tollowing conditions have been met: (1) the required driveways and parking areas have been inspected and approved by the Director of Works as cooforming to Schedule "C" hereto; (2) the required planting strips have l-.n inspected and approved by the Director of Works as conforming to Schedule "C" hereto; (3) the required deeds of conveyance to the lands described in Schedule liD" hereto have been registered. ,~ (2) ~ ." .. ., . \ ' JSmoo:SSI~ TO mrrm 12. The Owner or tmy subsequent ower shall permit a l-bmicipal Inspector, author- ized by the !bd.c1pa1 Councu, anii/or the representatives of any other public ageDC7 to enter the said lands to ensure compliance with the provisions ot this Agreaent and the Municipality's Sal'Yage Yard By-law. . . COSTS TO aJ PAID BY THE oom 13. Ever)" provision of this Agreement by which the o.mer is obligated in 8:I.r7 wq abal1 be neem~ to include the words II at the expense of the Owner" unless the con- text otherwise requLres. The o.mer shall reimburse the ltmicipa11 ty for all. ad1ll'ln1 strative, planning, legal, engineering and inspection cost8 incurred by the Ibdcipality in connection with the deve1o}Dellt of the said 1ands. INTmEST ON UNPAID CHARGES 14. Interest at the usualltmic1pal rate shall be payable by the o.mer to the Mmicipality on all sums ot money payable herein, which are not paid on the due da.tes, calculated trom such due da.tes. '!he due dates of any such sum of money payable herein shall be thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice. NOTIFICATION OF amm 15. U any notice is required to be given by the Municipality to the o.mer in respect or thi8 Agreement, 8uch notice shall be maUed or delivered to: Mr. R. G. Stepbenscm, R.R.2, mNC..AS'fiiE, Onta;rio ................................................................................. or such addres8 as the o.mer has notified the Municipality in vri ting, and any such notice mailed or delivered 8hall be deemed. good and surfialent DOtice under the terms of this Agreement. RmISTRATIW OF Ar.R~T 16. 'lbe Owner hereby consents to the registration of this Agreement by the 1>im1ci- pallty, and at the sole discretion ot the !tm1cipality, upon the title to the said 1ands and upon the title to the Edsting Site. RENmOTIATION OF Ar.REF>tmT 17. In the event that the ftJllendmlmt has not been approved by the <Dtarlo Municipal Board within two ::rears from the date of registration of thi8 Agreement, the Mam- icipa11ty'1llS:1', at its option, on one month's written notice to the Owner, declare this Agreement to be subject to renegotiation, whereupon the amer agrees that he vUl not undertake any development of the said lands lDltU this Agreement has been renegotiated. IRtial OF A('~F.F.MliNT 18. Prior to the approval by the Ontario Municipal Board ot the All\endP\e11t, the o.mer agrees that the Municipality may treat any breach of this Agreement as a breach of the lG11cipality's Bu:Uding By-law and the CMner further agrees to cease forthwith, any develo}DeIlt of the said lands, until the breach is rectified. . INTmEST m THE SAID LA.NDS 19. The o.mer hereby charges all his interest in the said lands with the obliga- tions set out in this Agreement. SUCCESSORS 20. 'his Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon all. of the Parties hereto and its, his or her respective heirs, executors, Ailnrln.1strators, successors and assigns. CONsmT OF ASSIGNlmIT 21. The ().mer may assign this Agreement only vi th the written consent ot the ltmicipali ty. (3) .... ,". ..,: ..... . < . .. . . . IN WITNESS WHmJOOF the Parties hereto have here\D1der set their hands am seals the day and year tirst above written, and the Parties hereto have hereunto att1xed their Corporate Seals by the hands of their proper officers duly auth- orized in tba t behalf: )THE CORPORATION OF THE 'lOWN OF NElrlCASTLE ) l~~~ ) ~ ) . 1 t1' r ----- (SFl\Lj ~ CMNER: I j/~J ~~~~ e ) l U;' ~'L.J -Rd~~~(e 7t.q$ THIS AGREEM.e}IT has been authorized and approved by By-law ~~~_:..................f) enacted and passed the .........../J%~.... day of .......~......,A.D., 197 ~ SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of: THIS AGRmD1NT has been registered on the t1 tle to the lands described in SChedules "An and ''E" hereto on the ................day of............,A.D., 197 . (4) . .... ........ ... ........ . . . - ~XF'I DAYl]' QIsU lIsen IBI0G~\~ITt:'JE~~ A'-I"D(D ...."CH \ " I, t4 t.1f (t '^- '( ('/I tflh "" t€.- f W I1I.,,(d.4e- f!: tJ fA I t- IC /2- of the ~t.v"N ~ P /\J ~_we ;i-5 T<-C-. in the ___jJ..L~ t () I'll 0 fZ- 0 UAbfl4 ~ make oath and say: I am a subsCribing witness to the attached instrument ami I was present and saw it executed fj-J/i-- ~/,f./# dp.-lt/tVv'i#'1"'(y /A,d6tl,,-7 q. 516{lW-r;N~a-'1 /J,JlJ If' /lAt,I!.-NI!-- ) '7elu-e>>ro^, f Ii V t$.IJ,j'l- '-'V i at I verily believe that each person whose signature I witnessed is the party of the same name referred to in the instrument, SWORN before me at the )J ~w'c ~.-.r~e- ''7Pw N ~V in the Al!~/()U or f} ..I I^-PI A- v{ , 19( g this i.v'l ~ of ~ N I!-- . WMn .. ,.",. " _",. to ....d lhe Inn...menl or wher.. .. ""o1V .i.... I>v .....lrin. hi. .....rk or In fore4p c:horoetn. II4d "t1f,n 1M ................ Iw4 ..... reIJd to him ..nd h.. ..""....,..d fullV 10 undn....nd "". W her.. necut..d under .. potHI' 01 attonWV /nHf1 "(na.... 01 attc>>rUV) /II aftOrMl/ for (......... 01 ""rtv)"; ..nd for MS'I ,,/au... ...lNtitul.. "I oerilv bel...,. tho' tM ~ .".,.. ~J-........... _ _ltorIzed 10 ""..cut.. ,he Inn...m....' /II ..ttOrMl/ for (........)". ~--- ", Ill. .....~ II. ....... , . \of ". ./ . , . . . .;f '-- se~ "An LmAL DESGRIPTIOO OF SAID lANDS SCHEDULE lIB" LmAL DESCRIPTICfi OF EXISTING SITE SITE PLAN OF St\LVAGE IARD SCW!iuULE n en SCHEDULE n IJI lAND DEDIc..~ TIOOS 1. <liE FOOT RESm~ SCHEDULE "A" to the Development Agreement made the 28th June day of ............ ~ A.D. 1978 between ROBERT G. STEPHENSON and THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SAID LANDS PART 1 ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Geographic Township of Clarke, in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, ~ containing 21.7 acres, more or less, and being more particularly described as follows; -k 1S u.... ~ ~I "J1A PREMISING THAT the southerly limit of the said Lot 23, has a bearing of N72048'20"E, and relating all other bearings used herein thereto; . COMMENCING AT A POINT in the easterly limit of the said Lot 23, where it is intersected by the northerly limit of the proposed Hydro Corridor, said point being distant, 1839.52 feet, measured northerly therealong from the south east corner of the said Lot 23; THENCE N17052'10''W, along the easterly limit of the said Lot 23, 724.75 feet, more or less, to the southerly limit of the said Highway 401; THENCE S73057'00''W, along said southerly limit of Highway 401, 1318.95 feet, more or less, to the westerly limit of the said Lot 23; THENCE SI7039'00"E, along the said westerly limit of Lot 23, 708.17 feet, more or less, to the northerly limit of said proposed Hydro corridor; THENCE N74010'30"E, along said northerly limit of the proposed Hydro corridor, 1322.35 feet, more or less, to the Point of Commencement. PART 2 ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate lying and being in the Geographic Township of Clarke, in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, containing 38.5 acres, more or less, and being more particularly described as follows; . PREMISING THAT the southerly limit of the said Lot 23, has a bearing of N72048'20''E, and relating all other bearings used herein thereto; COMMENCING AT the south west corner of the said Lot 23; THENCE N72048'20"E, along the southerly limit of the said Lot 23, 1336.35 feet, more or less, to the south east corner of the said Lot 23; THENCE N17052'10''W, along the easterly limit of the said Lot 23, 1238.94 feet, to the southerly limit of a proposed Hydro corridor; THENCE S74010'30"W, along the south limit of said corridor, 1324.35 feet, more or less, to the westerly limit of the said Lot 23; THENCE S17041'00''E, along said westerly limit, 175.51 feet, to a point therein; THENCE S16.52'40"E, continuing along said westerly limit, 572.40 feet, to a point therein; THENCE S17034'20"E, continuing along said westerly limit, 533.92 feet, to the Point of Commencement. . , , . SCHEDULE "B" to the Development Agreement made the .. A8.tlalay of . .J)J.n.~ . . . . . . . . . ~ A.D. 1978 between ROBERT G. STEPHENSON and THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING SITE ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the geographic Township of Clarke, now in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, and being composed of part of Lot 23, Concession 1, of the said Township, containing 5.4 acres, more or less, and being more particularly described as follows; COMMENCING at a point in the easterly limit of the said Lot 23, distant 1,226.00 feet, measured southerly therealong from the north east corner of the said Lot 23; THENCE S72025'30"W, 207.00 feet, to the Point of Commencement of the herein described parcel of land; THENCE NI7041'30"W, 270.14 feet; THENCE S72025'30"W, 500.00 feet; . THENCE SI7041'30"E, 470.14 feet; THENCE N72 025' 30"E, 500.00 feet; THENCE N17 041' 30"W, 200.00 feet to the Point of Commencement. . ~ - -.' .,~;Y ... ~ . _.. - - ". 0_.... . . ..... _ _ ~ ,,-. ..... "'- .~. :./L. -.. ~ '.- :-.. I ..:~.{., .~-', :-._~t"-':-";:~--~---:-"~'~"7- -:>;.-..,,).. .. :~..,-~.~- {i' ,~: };i ....IV. -~ ,/ " ~'~~..........,.,.--..-. :- -~~~- ~'~--'~~~~-;7:~~;-- ~"Y.-.;r. ~~~,,~'.r-~# LE6ENO PLAN SHOWING PART CF LOT 23, CONCESSION I, TOWNOF NEWCASTLE? REGIONAL MUNICIPALITYOF DURHAM IN THE GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE FORMER COUNTY OF DURHAM. " OENOTES ,S TANOARO IRON 8AR I" x II' Jt 48" LONG. DENOTES IRCIV BAR 5/8 "x ,5/8" Jt 24 II LONG. --0-- 'I j I l I 1 ~ -II- (J OEwrESfWMJIRCtJ8AR /' Px 48" LONG, . SCALE / II r:r /00 I sePTEMBER /6 OENO rES FOUNO O€NorES PlAN rEO . FO, <Je r. ONT /lYORO TRANSMISSION CORRIDOR " n-r L..... , 22 Ifi'T 2~ a.- '" ,_\.'. 50UTH LIMIT OF PROFOSEO ONfARIO H'rORO fRANSMISSICW CORR/OOR /976 IIj""" &....... I 1"') A L &,-- . ~ .... ( 600 WIDE.) ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ \o~, ',,' / ~"'- ~~_ __ ""'" .... 1/ -/.. f.' ~ ".......",,-.....,,,~ .. ,.,-- ,.',' , ~ / /,... ./.c ~ ,/Y' ,,( ,:/~, r V '! ,~/ -, \,'11I' / ,,~.,., / ,l~f"'" ;-- / ' ... , ,. / J / nnvT~/lG/ srfjlp. .f "" .~, _<~c,~,~,":.".~,'/,/ ../ n2:~~l}~.~<?,I",'~, :'E,yLy",p.LAN.~rR.?, ./ C, !J~,~J' " "G.,. ~ 6jJ'.r,'p6, ',',/, '/,., ,/ .' .' /," " '>',,'.,'. '/,',/ .~~~, /./'.?', /) /' ,,/ /' ... (/~ v 7~O'I:J~3i;r-.~," -.I' RES;;;:; TlLEr-ifNt:E / 618~W. ;r--/---::7---:' ,,' ' / f /'~," ~L~~J~J~:':ZX~~~ ....:. '.: .) . ~ '~J1 ~}@ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \.tJ~ \.J"" ~~~ ~ ~Ie) .J ~l~ ~ c..} -lJ ~~ ,J it ~~ I'CRlCUJVRAL LANO TO R6VIUI UM:€VELOP€O .\ " , II '~ , ,1 ! ,! i :i :1 , :1 ! I I ;1 ~ ;j ~ ;, ;. . i~ , , 'j 'I r ~ 'I ! ~ I I I ! 'i 'J ;1 ii i ~ I ,I :1 ',f :! ;1 ,j J " " :1 ~ '1 ~ '! 'j :1 'I '! :1 ! " ,; ,i j' ,I j j ,I I 1 1 I ~ 1 1 1 c t. , . i 66' , '--r~ " ': ,>:,-_~~:I\~,-' .: :1 :\ II . ' -J ~~~~ .. ,~ )~ " h) \\J 'q ~ ~ ~ <\J ..., ~ () <\J ....J ~ () ~ ~ ..... () ~ ~ ....j .... -.j ..... ~ (/) 'ij '"( ~ ~ " ~ PA R T 2 - ,/ [ .)~ )\tl .:.::~ ~ ~ .,>:"3 i ~ .', .;" ) <) ~ '.,,\ ~ ~ j:....r ~ ~:: 'J ~ : " () , '" -"',.1:,,:,T,,r:,:'~".' '.' - .~'~->: ~~, ':, ~:: ~ '",',' 'i ~ , J,~ .. Q) / I. ' RESE RVE :: O. 066 AmES C'l Cl ARE:A AGRIOJLrURAl. LANO ~ ~~~~ 1 0 \ 'Z <3 ....". ,'.0;, .: ~ , .' J" " TO ReMA/N . . ~. .',' , . ; :..~ :.', ,J,:, , 'J~,.' ,,-.Jr , . . <'.~ fiCjt'. 510~ ,8 UNOEYEt. OP€O ,~ C) C) (\,J (\,J ....... ~ \ ..... C\, i~~O . 'r > C) 5~ ~ (\J .... ~ rorAL'A~{1 (/~aWING t'RE.5ERvES) : 17. 00 ACRES ~ ~ :) ~ .. ,~ ~ It ~ 4.1 .~ ... : .! . 6€.~ tll):J , ~ l.lJ ~ __~ - _. - I): '-'J ~ ~ c:s .( ~ IJ.J ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. III Q) ~ tJ.J rtS III C) ~ laJ ~ IJ.J ~ ~ ~ ~ l I~ \.) ,.j .... h:: , (\J l() :s 4) ~ ~ () .... -.. ~ ~ \'\J Ie) () r--.. .... ~ OIL Relr/OVAl.. BAY <-) I"J ~ -,-,~ ~ <: ~ C) ....j ",J ~ ~ tl :1 PA R r I, AREJJ :z 16. ') 34 ACRE S j APPROX, LOCATION " WAREHOUSING ANO SHOP !())' . ItJ ~ (\J t.a: Q\ ~ k) I~ Ie) ~ ~ '}",.,t",. I .. <.. l.,', I .J~ :-;.. ~ " '.r ~ (. , ~' , ...\f.J~ 'j" ~ ~" O~' ~:<. ~~;.~" ,() ~'\ ?,~,:~,.~" ',_ .:I"",~'.,' ,', ~,'J ~}," ~i<'.SQ~' ' O~ ",~. l~-'~~' ,~ ~..." '~ ~ J~ ,~.-' '; ~~", "'~"@:',' ...\~; " ,:,"','. '...,.., ' , .....: ~ '\..,v \. -'. ',' , , h") ~ ..." .,~ ,~':-;.~ " ..'<, r, ,f,,'.'\ _' <) tp' () '-i~'.;-:i}: '(~ ~- ~f/ f7m.W@j" '}'.,~~:,> ~LL l." ~'i- 50U rIMS r (J)faVER ~ ll: ~ LOT231 CON. I , ~ ~ f.tt1 ~vtJ \ t-l c; rJ'NK ,~ COlJ POUNO ~ :~ t ',. ~~-'.:. ,-J_.: <,~;t '.. ' ~< J. ;~ 8 ....... ~ 0, ..... rILE FENCE _ tN PLACe 8'.d!!!' /I/C,'N ___ --II '\ , -' I it ~. I 'PARKIt-V", ,. ~ p.1IE.i>' ";,',l.' :, I A.REA. .~\:~-~.~.;<>. :.-,'~ ( ~. ~\ttG . l' ~ .. "'1 Crl'. i..~.-:. ~~ I~' .# . ~-' .' . 1" " '." !:: _, .. ~ '.' .... ~ jIa I \. J .. t -;,~ ," . "'~-". '-'~:~'t ' :".. .' ">'. ""~~.'~I':~I ' r'. . TR;~' s c nee N ING ::'.,>1:.:;; PLAt;" ';- i, ..?'t::::~ , "\ I C<i - --'\ 1.'Ct) , IJIX~O O~CIO~~~'9' A~~':~;biN/;~~~',~~'- ',;, ~- ~'{.{f > tV 1:4:::!( , \\ V/;:!'48'20"c . " "":-', ( F(,ANn\~ . TO B€ RCrA/NEO. f. s,1'/(IY 201,'34 600.' 00 , " '....r ~-- ---4 47' ~, 00 '" , I' " J. -~.J~~~"'Ili:-~2.. :"..~~~.~.~~/'ff!...~~. Of. IT? L !~ .<i.<~~-Mi~~. --::~it: I J~':: J!-. =="" ~ E/fJfet;lYi~ ~"" , -::'{t:Y:l1aOIfPfl<~'.'; ~lf.RflJ/lj~~;~(;tl(;j , ~j(1)>;''lr.~~:~'~-/.:riJ.Ji; - ,~'/~:-;~;~r~~~/!f!:.:-CONC E$SrON'\':-:' 2-Y~~')':;E'; j;t ;~"-jfFi~vfl~;tiio)tiJ:' ,;f~',,~, <'l.~~:--'.'_.., ,,,;,,{:,~'''''', ._, .:.' ;~:.;:.C:"~_""-""""'~'"~f'~'~~/;'....,\(,,.~~).~;,,':~'::_,~,\~ "'" ~...>, '!!!I.-~,!,~ 1\ ,-"-;,~: ~.::_..:._::::...::- ~~:;''::::::'"'' _' '.,.",,' ... . ", ..,.' .., ',' , ,'/' ,"; "-, . , _ ::t ?. .-___ ~ Q < <) -~ # ~~.--.;. ., ~ ~ 50unleAS T CORNER LOf 23, CON. I, J I i j "" "'- e' '" O iY Q' f ~. ~ 66' \.~. ) ~o.tq1~ I.......... --- , ~ ALLOWANCE (0 ROAD ~~ I ! I '~ . ! J r '5c....\4E..DU\.....E.. 'c' TO ~rH-e:. ce..,,~~OP/"e..NT A6tRe.e../^s\'l, I/\APE.. -r.~\-c.. 2' J<>, bA\( "I o 1"''1://,v,- , A.. D, 10,7 a . Be. -f\'J E al--l l<.o~ER.-r <9. ST E.P~\E.N sON A~lD ,\+E- GOR~~~T\ON OF '4\iE.. -rO~N OF ,,\e..\"CA~T\-E. · ~I I.. r/ ~J. -Jtltl11PL-'llLLf~~' API1IL 13, /9T6 c. F, RILEY P. ENG., 0.),$ - RQ BOX 37~ I NEWCASTJ... ON r. PHONE 987 - 403 . ; ~ , ! I, f r ~ ~ !' I; J " 'I ?, NE>>CAS TI.E SALVAGE COMPANY ROBERT G. STEPHENSON R,/l ,yo2, NEWCASTLE, ONr. PHONE 987... 474/. FOR: · .I:..i f REVISEO, SEPr. 16, /976. ~~.~:.,.:.-~,I;;;~ , ~._. . ,;f" j.~ . .~ _.! ,~.~ -...'~ . . ~ . . . 28th SCHEDULE "D" to the Development Agreement made the ...... day of June ............... A.D. 1978 between ROBERT G. STEPHENSON and THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE. ONE FOOT RESERVES PART 2 on Plan 10R-647, save and except the following parcel; ALL AND SINGULAR THAT certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Geographic Township of Clarke, now in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, and being composed of part of Lot 23, Concession 1, of the said Township, and being more particularly described as follows; COMMENCING at a point in the southerly limit of the said Lot 23, distanct 201.34 feet, measured easterly therealong from the south west corner of the said Lot 23, said point being the south west corner of Part 2, Plan 10R-647; THENCE continuing along the southerly limit of the said Lot 23, on a bearing of N72048'20''E, 1.00 feet, to the south east corner of the said Part 2; THENCE N17oS2'10"W, along the easterly limit of the said Part 2, 1.00 feet to a point therein; THENCE S72'48'20"W, 1.00 feet, to the westerly limit of the said Part 2; THENCE S17-S2'10"E, along the westerly limit of the said Part 2, 1.00 feet, to the Point of Commencement. -\ <- . e . [ij ~1mD" Ontario R 782734 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c. 349) - and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 78-60 BEFORE: J .E. HENDY Member ) Thursday, the 3rd day of ) ) May, 1979 THIS APPLICATION having come on for public hearing on the 12th day of April, 1979 at the Town of Newcastle and after the hearing of the application the Board having reserved its decision until this day; THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 78-60 is hereby approved. ~ SECRETARY ENTERED o. 8. fto....8.z.~:l........ folio ..... 3.S................ "u........ ~..~ JUN 4 '979 .d~ SICIlT"'. 011'''18 _!110m IIOAIlll ",..:~ ~. '- < '" 89689 No. Land Registry Di~isi?n of Newcastle (No. 10) J CERTIFY that this Instrument is registered as of J. o.! fM. . JUL 7 1978 in the land Registry Office ~~ Town of Newcastle Ontario. - REGISTRAR -:tlf#"'..,. lA8JJ J'I!i\)J) llJJCISTRr OPFIl ".. . . CIJ Nfl. 10 10 ot:!' - DATED: JUNE 28.8 . THE CDRPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE and ROBERI' G. STEPHENSON and A. ARLENE STEPHENSON AGREEMENT THE CORPORATION OF THE '!OWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREEIT OOYMANVIlLE OOTARIO \ J . _ ... _ _ ___~ ....-..L.....-_