HomeMy WebLinkAbout78-50 . . ...... . .,j ''IIIr.r . '\ - .~- ...".... . ... AMENDED BY AMENDED BY <ItA -/OQ 90 - 114 , BY-LAW tI!.y.....i'..,.y.LAW tI...........ltr AMENDED BY AMENDED BY 8Y.1.AW #;;U.;~ZJ3Y.LAW /1?:.9.?.! A.~'iEI'lI.JED BY \. AMENDED BY 5Y'!J;W,ruC(.Z::.(ufli' BY.LAW '~~:.9.~i ., .'. '. .'..".,';' .,'.,",' ,"'- \~:':'.:' i\ ":,':'-'::' ',":-. ~~ ,-,' ~,.'.' "...:../ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ;-,,_.:-, ~ BY-LAW NO. 78- 50 Being a by-law to regulate the holding of certain public entertainments, festivals and parades within the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle deems it expedient to license and regulate the holding of certain public entertainments, parades and festivals within the TOlYn of Newcastle: AND WHEREAS the authority for so doing is contained in The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, Section 383 (6), 383 (7) and Section 242: NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. In this By-law: A public entertainment, parade or festival held for a "charitable purpose" means a public entertainment, parade or fest:f.val held for, or if its proceeds are used for anyone or more of the following purposes: .. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The relief of poverty The advancement of education The advancement of religion Any purposes beneficial to the community not falling under the foregoing heads, providing such purposes are in the interests of social welfare and are for the public benefit. 2. Before any person, corporation, organization or association may hold or conduct a public entertainment, parade or festival within the limits of the Town of Newcastle, which public entertai~~ent, parade or festival is not for a charitable purpose, the said person, corporation, organization or association shall: (a) obtain a license under this by-law from the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle authorizing the holding of such public entertainment, parade or festival. (b) deposit with the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle an amount of money estimated by the Chief of Police of the Region of Durham as sufficient to provide for the cost of adequate additional police protection during the period of the said entertainment, parade or festival, or any or all of them, during which such police protection shall, in the opinion of the said officer, be necessary. (c) deposit with the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle a security in an amount and of the kind fixed by the Council of the Town of Newcastle the amount of which shall not exceed the amount of public liability and property damage insurance carried by the said Town and the security shall provide for the indemnification of the said Town against damage to public and private property as well as indemnification to the said Town for public liability. ~".. ',:, .!, c.. ."...................... -:':>"'-..'. ~. ':-., . ' 'II" '. ........ r' ...... . . .~. ~'::~-" f .i-' F"L '~By-Law 78- -. ) (d) ~ . .' .. .... .. - 2 - (e) depos~t with the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle an amount of money to be fixed by the relevant authority where the said public entertainment, parade or festival is held, sufficient to repair anticipated minor damage and the cleaning of buildings and grounds after the conclusion of such public entertainment, parade or festival, so that such buildings and grounds may be restored to their previous state without cost to the Town of Newcastle or the Board or body responsible for the administration of such buildings or grounds. deposit with the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle a certificate in writing from the Director of the Region of Durham Health Unit, that all health and sanitation requirements for the said public entertainment, parade or festival have been provided. pay to the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle the license fee hereinafter provided. (f) 3. No license shall be issued by the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle for such public entertainment, parade or festival which is not being held for a charitable purpose, until the provisions of Section 2 above have been complied wi th in full. 4. The fee for a license under this By-Law shall be $100.00 (ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS) per day or part thereof. 5. Every person, corporation, organization or association who contravene any of the provisions of this by-law shall incur a penalty of not more that ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS($l,OOO.OO), excluding costs, recoverable under the provisions of the Summary Convictions Act, all the provisions of which are to apply. . 6. The provisions of Part XXI of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, as amended, shall apply to the provisions of this by-law. 7. This By-law shall come into force and have effect immediately upon the final passing thereof. THIS BY-LAv1 READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this fourth... day of ... :I}l.ly. .. ..... . 1978. I, Clerk of the THE Corporation of the Town of Newcastle do hereby certify the above to be a true copy of a By-law passed by the Council of ~he Town of Newcastle on the day of .,.,. 1978. Clerk :.. -~ \ . t.' . . r .., . , . . . ,AP?L1GATluN !U HULU A SIJLClAL EVUil ~ .11' PURSUANT TO TOW~ OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 78-50 . ... .; .,.~ t... . , - .. , ~. 1. ~ NAME AND ADDRESS(ES) OF APPLlCANT(S): I Note: If i ncorpora ted, provi de a 1 is t oTlnames and addresses of all officers '. and direttors, . Provide certified copy of articles of incorporption. Application must be completed by both the applicant and the owner of the lands where the event is to be held if not the same Company. , . ,. "'.., 2. TYPE OF EVENT: Please describe fully - type of entertainment, type of acts, hours of operation, to what type of audience entertainment is to be directed. 3. DATE OF EVENT: 4. (A) MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TICKETS TO BE OFFERED FOR SALE: (6) ANTICIPATED ATTENDANCE: 5. ARRANGEMENTS, FINANCIAL OR OTHERWISE FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES: ''"- : Town of Newcastle Pending Completed ," - Planning - Public Works - Fire Department - Clerk's Department Region of Durham / " - Regi ona 1 Police Dept, - Regional Health Unit - Reg i onal Works Dept, Area Hospita 1 s - Bowmanville Hospita 1 - Oshawa General Hospital Province of Ontario - Provincial Ambulance Servi ce - Ontario Provincial Police Others - - Conservation Authority - Newcastle Hydro - Ontario Hydro (Rural) - Be 11 Canada \' L Note: Attach copies of correspondence for all completed arrangements. Continued ,..'t.;.: .. .. '., . .. ;J 'or " A -;-- f , .A.,Pf-'L.J,CA.T..l.ON TO HOLD A SPEC lAL EVENT 1 . PURSUANT TO TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-lAW 78-50 PAGE 2 j ..... "'#t_""..,., . f..'.' , ~ 6.~ (A) LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LANDS WHERE EVENT IS BEING HELD: I . " (B) ZONING APPLICABLE TO SUBJECT LANDS: 7. ARE YOU PREPARED TO DEPOSIT ALL NECESSARY FEES, SECURITY DEPOSITS, PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE, INCLUDING A POLICY OF INSURANCE TO' COVER CLAIMS FROM AREA PROPERTY OWNERS THAT ~IGHT ARISE, BOTH DURING AND FOllOWING THE HOLDING OF THE EVENT: B. IF YES, PLEASE PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY AND BROKER, OR AGENT: Note: All policies of insurance must be accompanied by a letter from the issuing company, or agent, indicating that the policy is in force and the premiums have been paid. 9. DATE OF APPLICATION: 10~wE, THE UNDERSIGNED APPLICANT(S) DECLARE THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT. . . Applicant ''-.... .- Applicant