HomeMy WebLinkAbout78-42 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE e BY-LAW NO. 78-42 a by-law to amend zoning by-law Number l653, as amended of the former Township of Clarke WHEREAS, The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend Zoning By-law Number 1653, as amended, of the former Township of Clarke; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Section 7 of By-law 1653, as amended, is hereby amended by adding thereto the following subsection 7.3: "7.3 Special Provisions (a) "HC-l" Part of lot 29, Concession 2 e Notwithstanding any provisions of this By-law to the contrary, that part of lot 29, concession 2 which is designated "HC-I" on the attached schedule "X" hereto may be used for no other purpose than an enclosed market. For the purpose of this section, an enclosed market shall be defined as a building used for no other purpose than a snack bar and the retail sale of the following new and used goods: ~ furniture, modern and antique clothing, new and used plaster, cement and wooden decorator items bakery goods groceries toys, rugs variety store items plants arts and crafts supplies . ~ - . ~ - 2 - provided than any retail floor area may not be divided by any permanent walls or partitions." 2. Map 2 of Schedule "A" to By-law 1653, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing to "HC-l" the zone designation of the land shown as "ZONE CHANGE TO HC-l" on the attached Schedule "X" hereto. 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date hereof subject to receiving the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board. BY-LAW READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ...29th.day of .~~......A.D. 1978 29th May BY-LAW READ A THIRD TIME and finally passed this .....day of ..... A.D. 1978. G. B. RiCkard~~<Ly Mayor , J. M. Clerk .. ~ ~ ZONt=. c..HANqE. TO He. -, IV TH\S \S SCHEDULE ..X',. TO BY-LA\V 78- 4- z.,. PASSED THI~funn.~ hAt, AD Iq78. . ~ .. A....; ~i /! ~ / ~~"' ":-;::r/..;' u/ ' ~ ,~ >, '- '~-'-- _____ t;//, r" ,;PC: <.< .'_ I!..' v e ~. B. R\CKARD t MAYOR JM.~ l~E.AL) o 50 100 2.00 ,III I SCALE IN FEE."T N. E.. ANqL.E. LOT 2. q .."I" I N 7~ I.::> 30 E... 3l;-.30 . ~ JR "" lIJ - - o ~ ~ . >- ~ If ;.... - .;to :r: . ..,-,... ~ 71 -0 ~ :::! ..- 1) 1tl ~ - ~ , \ , I. t 1 , 1 I I I I I 19:. t~ I I:, ,~ ~ ,Z I I I I I I I I I I I I I r ~ us cO N en b .J -' u1 lJ -:z cC ., ~ < o .: ~ ~~ ~ij "IIIIar;g,. Ontano COMMUNICATION NO. 8 INFORMATION R 7S20~ Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Sec'tion :3 5 at the i)nJ'liM Ac't (R.S.O. 1970, c.~ , - and - IN THE MATTER OF an appl1ca'tion by The Oorporation ot 'the Town at Newoas'tle tor approval ot itrs Restricted Area By-law 78-42 BEFORE. e D.B. McRCBB MeDtber Mondal' t the 30th day ot Octo bel", 1978 - and - P.G. WILKES Member EN!!J. OSED hilI( }(ET (r J...~f(J<G) ~ No objec'G1ons 'to approval ot By-law 76-4.2 having been received and 'the council of 'the applicant corporation ha'V"1ns on the 25th day ot September, 1978 passed By-law 78-69 such by-law re-enac'ting 'the provisions ot By-law 76-42 and incorporating certain recommendations ot the Board and having caused a certified copy thereot 'to be filed and the Board havinc dispensed with notice and hearing in respect of By-law 78-89 J THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 76-89 18 hereby approved. IL SECREtARY ENTERED o. B. NO...8.t.B:-::s:........ folio No....~.6.~............ NOV 2 1978 ~. ' ~,1i'/S/() / tt-~.'.e t f~1 ~f4. f ~l · 4~ 8lCREtAR'. OIilAlll9 ~o