HomeMy WebLinkAbout78-36 . .' " . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAt.J' 78-36 A By-law to amend zor;:'.ng by-law number 1653 as amended, of the former Township of Clarke WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend Zoning By-Law Number 1653 of the former Township of Clarke; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Section 10.3 of By-law 1653 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following subsection (f): "(f) "A-7" - Lot 27, Concession 6 In addition to the uses referred to in Section 10.1 hereof, that part )7 (, of lot ~ Concession ~ which is designated "A-7" on the attached Schedule "X" hereto may be used for the purpose of a retail meat outlet, provided no buildings or permanent structures may be erected within the fill and cons- ~ truction limits of the Orono Creek, as designated by the Ganaraska Conservation Authority, without written consent of the Ganaraska Conservation Authority". 2. Map 1 of Schedule "A" to By-law 1653 as amended, is hereby further amended by changing to "A-7" the zone designation of the land sho"t\TIl as ZONE CHANGE TO A-7" on the attached Schedule "X" hereto. 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date hereof, subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario ~unicipal Board. BY-LAW READ A FIRST TIME this 8th day of May, 1978 BY-LAW READ A SECOND TIME this 8th day of Hay, 1978 BY-LAW READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this ~ day i.'i~ ~.. of May, 1978. G. B. Rickard SEAL Mayor J. M. McIlroy Clerk /~~~~ A'- ~--.- -------- ........ ~ // ~- e "'_ ::;;..~_.........;~,,~...~~.:~.-:~_.t~ .__"Co. '^.."'>,...<1...:"i.-.....~.,;~~:.~-.',.-._~,:.-;-l i-.j-'>~~~~~ I /',;,r' r') ,.' .... --_.. '. L-....,,! ,_ I ., (~. '\" 'I"" r-f-~ (~'I F\I' i I , \ I --. - -. \ _,,,,) I ..,.,~ L."....' ,_I, \,..11 \1 6 . . e . ---," .-~--., l'-- C\J dj to C\J (f) ~ o ....J z W l..1J 3- ~ lu m ~...~ ~ ZONE CHANGE TO A-7 w u Z <J: 3 o ._1 ....J <1 C) <r o n:: THIS IS SCHEDULE "X" TO BY-LAW 7Efi PASSED THI S ~-cl-v. DAY OF MAY, A'D. 1978. TAUNTON ROAD - --.-- - ! It onqle lot 27, concession 6 ~ ( SEAL) 40 { o 40 eo lls1l&. ..... SCALE IN FEET 80 ---, /..:.? / I-~ ~, /-7 /. 7 .. //- ,.?4 ~4~~~f. G B. RICKARD t MAYOR ~(...~. - ----.. ~. J M~cILRO~~K .~ - ----~-~ .,-.... Form R-6 . Ontario Municipal Board 416/965-1908 180 Dundas St. W. Toronto Ontario M5G 1 E5 r The Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance St., BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LIC 3A6 Quote File Number R 782047 L August 4, 1978 Dear Sir: Enclosed is documentation as follows: o o Copy of Decision Dated Copy of Decision dated (Signed Duplicate Original to follow) e o 00 [] Board's Order made August 1st, 1978 Duplicate Original of Decision dated Appointment for Hearing Yours truly, RG:cm Enclosure ~-7~"~ C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administration . - -c" < ... Conmunicatons#25 . ~~ ~~J-l~ "t:;JD" Ontario R 782047 .- . Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970~ c. 349), - and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town ot Newoastle for approval of its Restrioted Area By-law 78-36 BEFORE: W. T. SHRIVES ] Vice-Chairman J ] Tuesday, the 1st day of - and - ] ] August, 1978 . W.L. BLAIR ] Member ] No objections to approval having been received as required; '!'HE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 78-36 is hereby approved. SECRETARY ENTERED o. 8. "o...~.:?.~;.~......... folio No..............~.J.......... . ~. AUG 4 1978 -4~ SlClUlla,. OIIt.1I lIlIIlllClPllt. BGIlU ~~ t .,e, Hit _(Awl /~) WI tiN '"1 /~ I<, I j -r 0 F CJ(\b~-Y ~.~\~. v ---- -~