HomeMy WebLinkAbout78-26 .. . .. . , .1 . . . C E R T I FIE D COP Y I, Joseph M. McIlroy, of the Town of Newcastle, in the Region of Durham, Municipal Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that 78-26 attached hereto is a true copy of By-Law Number passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of 10lH Newcastle at its meeting held on the APRIL 197 8 day of WITNESS my hand and seal of The Corporation. DATED this l8'll! .............. -.- day of APRIL ... .................., 8 A.D. 197... J .M. McIlroy Clerk -- <../ --------:==> ~:-::-- -~. --- ~ , , I ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NE\.JCAS TLE BY-LAW NO. 78-26 being a by-law to dedicate and name a certain road as Roenigk Drive The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the lands described on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law and shown on Sketch on Schedule "BII attached hereto and forming (art of this by- law are hereby dedicated as a Plblic Road Allowance and are hereby named ROENIGK DRIVE. BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 10th day of April, 1978. SEAL G. B. Rickar Mayor J.M. Mcliro Clerk SCHEDULE A to BY-LAW 78 ~ Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipali y of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of all of Block A according to Registered Plan Number 684 together with parts of Town Lots 232, 237 and 238 in Block C, and part of Block E, according to John Grant's Plan of the former Town of Bowmanville, all forming part of Lot Thirteen (13) in the First Concession of the Geographic Township of Darlington, formerly in the County of Durham, and now within the limits of the said Town of Newcastle, the boundaries of the said parcel being more particularly described as follows; COMMENCING at the North-Westerly angle of said Block A, Registered Plan Number 684; THENCE North 56 degrees 32 minutes 50 seconds East 151.81 feet; THENCE South 22 degrees 07 minutes 10 seconds East 31.08 feet; THENCE North 56 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds East 89.73 feet; THENCE North 26 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds West 30.52 feet; THENCE North 56 degrees 32 minutes 50 seconds East 309.32 feet; THENCE North-Easterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 236.48 feet and a chord equivalent of 26.00 feet measured North 29 degrees 44 minutes 04 seconds East, an arc distance of 26.01 feet; THENCE North 34 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds West 12.28 feet; THENCE North 55 degrees 55 minutes East219~63 feet; THENCE North-Easterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 236.48 feet and a chord equivalent of 56.46 feet measured North 14 degrees 07 minutes 48 seconds East, an arc distance of 56.60 feet; THENCE North 36 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds West 47.72 feet; THENCE South 47 degrees 57 minutes West 4.00 feet; THENCE North 35 degrees 57 minutes West 61.90 feet; THENCE South 53 degrees 26 minutes West 8.42 feet; THENCE North 03 degrees 43 minutes East 145.00 feet; THENCE North 67 degrees 57 minutes West 23.50 feet; THENCE North 19 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds East 60.81 feet; to the South-Easterly angle of Lot Sixty (60), Block C, according to the John Grant Plan of the former Town of Bowmanville; THENCE North 34 degrees 56 minutes West along the EAsterly limit of said Lot 60 54.27 feet to a point in the Southerly limit of King Street as widened; THENCE North 75 degrees 03 minutes East along the last-mentioned limit 166.89 feet; THENCE South 25 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds East 65.45 feet; THENCE South 21 degrees 43 minutes 50 seconds East 382.09 feet; THENCE South 71 degrees 13 minutes West 99.93 feet; THENCE South 44 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds West 141.71 feet to a point in the Easterly limit of Block A, Registered Plan Number 684; THENCE South 34 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds East along the last- mentioned limit a distance of 20.10 feet to the South-Easterly angle of said Block A; THENCE South 56 degrees 32 minutes 50 seconds West along the Southerly limit of said Block A 557.26 feet to an angle therein; THENCE South 33 degrees 32 minutes 30 seconds West 61.01 feet to the South-Westerly angle of said Block A; THENCE North 17 degrees 52 minutes 55 seconds West along the Westerly limit of said Block A 14S.29 feet more or less to the POINT OF COMMENCEMENT. Schedule 'B' to By- Law 78 - 2' Corporation of The 70wn of Newcastle / ; / / I I I I J 1 /"-;1- ;"~~I \ .... _~ 0 I /'\ ~ ,,-.1;/ ~ king kING S H'GHWAY \ N 7503'E'/6689 ' \1 r- ~ ...l \ '~~/--\'" .....~ 't ~ 2;:) ~ t', \ I;~:r.-')~~----<: \ m .JO,'-,I/y-;::'---\ ,"\~' I '\~... " Q) ____ J 'Y,../l ^, 7\ & . <;~oZ6 €- I ~ \ \ '6 \ ~~4 "i' V'" .'~"'1,~ fk----~ ~ I ~ \ If 1)___"'..7 V \ d....i. j \ L-'" L \ .~ \"~.,,ff ~~----~\ .~\ "// \ ?jS l ~ . ........... \ NTlo/3'E 9993' \ .~ N<;6o 3Z <;0" e: ~ '. ~~\~;.t .' '''Jo'r, ____ ___ -- - \ U 'InK ~..,. ~ ,," \ o<;,<:J \" ....-.,---\ . II ROefl'::l ~" ~# \8 t'<",A \ 2:)::" \ \ ",' ~ · '...--/ s~~p: ~ '/ \ --1 '.\ -- ~ B ~ \ 1 ' ------ \ I ~ . /~C~ -------- ~/' ~ \\-~ C), ~l ~ r NWAn~/e r....'\" - ~ ~ I ~ -..... \ ---"'/'/~J 1"11'. BLOCK A' r'"J\ ' },/' ' .------- ~t ~ j '0 [lj ~i-+\..- : I R"'" l.)L~;=--~ ~,~\~ . I '7:) \\. ~ I ~. :"')'i~ N<;603~ ~ 8\.0 \ ."1/) I.j ~ ~ ' ;-:-,~":J"S ~ \ : l- i~ .\.r=- I _?(\ \ -n \ I / 74 I, ~W,Anl1" li'-.,,,-: \.I \ (;:'9/t . BLOCK A' "- " " : ...../ ~ ~ (')~ /;...i '" r"(""' \ \....... ,'1'-(_"',-' J " ~..., 1- I \l.....\....- (".../.....\'-- , l.--' r'".),-111") \ ,..-- ________-------- Street /~// ~ Co\efilOfl ---------~ ...r-:"<-:'\O\"~ _------. .~ _ 1\ 1( ,- .....)..../ ------ ~ -Q 1....( \.,' 1'-- ________ 'Q -.... \ j../ I ,,- o III N 2 , , I "'0 o o a:: >-, Q) "I:: ~ ~ I L ~__ ___ <Xl o r- 1"\ I:) ::'J ~ '0 .... No Street 2 :- NOTE: This sketch prepared from information shown on a plan aNached to Inst. N2 68561 only. fI..-'-..-..-----..---..--~-- I MERRILL D, BROWN LIMITED I LAND SURVEYING a ENGINEERiNG f 12' QUEEN STREET: . . I 8OWMANVlU..E.ONTARIO. ~l<iii-'. --. -----.. -,~:~scn.r.,. FT SN::E ..VISEO ~~ 30, ~9~~_.. A~. ,~:~~_.. lScole I t L._ . I ~~.:()() ~_ 416-~~- 7251 p:o_ by Fde ! D.Ge. 7lJ061 . -.- j 88350 ~O~d Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) I CERTIFY that this instrument is registered as of /1../1 f.M. APR 1 9 1978 in the land Registry Office CJI1~ Town of Newcastle P'''<I' Ontario. _ . REGISTRAR PAID LAND REGISTltY OFFICE NO. 10 \ ~ ,0-0 . . THE CORPORATION OF 'llIE 'IOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 78-26 Being a by-law to dedicate and name a certain road as BOENIGK DRIVE. 'lHE OEPORATIOO OF 'llIE 'lUVN OF NEWCASTLE , 40 TEMPERANCE STR.EErr', OOYMANVILLE, ONTARIO Lle 3A6 .-\~..,. ~.. "';'. a -" . ..~ --- .' ~. ./" " /'~ .-"" ~ I l .. I / r THE CORPORATION OF THE Tm-1N OF NEHCASTLE ". . / I lW.-LA\.J NO. 78-26 being a by-law to dedicate and name a certain road as Roenigk Drive The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the lands described on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law and shown on Sketch on Schedule "nIl attached hereto and for!"1i!1g r art of this by- law are hereby dedicated as a Pthlic Road Allowance and are hereby named ROENIGK DRIVE. BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 10th day of April, 1978. e G. B. Rickard tfayor SEAL J .M. McH.roy Clerk . -. ! I I;' I: Ii I: ;1 " I II I Ii Ii , II , . . 1 . ,.i," ..J ... , ._.._...._____.a.~.___.. - ~.~_~:l'~- ~LL '--~ ......... .. ~~ ':?:'.~'""- -0 II ': I :3Cl-IJ:';UL:"': ,,1.0 W(-l;I,J .','-t() 1 I i Ii COrpOl':ltiun of the To;m or HC.'lC~l~ tIe ]'1 ! ALL AND SINGULAH that certain parcel or tract of l.'md and premises ! situate, lying and beinr, in the TO'dIl of N ewcast 1(:, R.egional Municipali y 11 of Durham, Province of Ont:lrio, and beinrr, compo;:,cd of all of Block A II I a ccording to Hcr:i~'t(!rcd Plan Number (lSL, together with parts 0 f TO'.'ln 'i ; Lots 232, 237 awl 238 in Block C, and part of Block E, according to ii ,John Grant. s Plan of the former To',m of BOrnnanville, all forming !I ';part of Lot Thirteen (13) in the First Concession of the Geographic :i :; Township of Darlington, formerly i!1 the County of' Durtlam, and now ~! I,within the limits of the said To'.'m of N (~'Nca2tle, the boundaries of Ii j:the said parcel being more particulClrly described as follows; :1 II COMMENCING at the North-':!e,~;torly unrr:le of :~(lid Block A, Registered II Plan Number un; I 1"1 THEN CE North 56 de greec 32 min utes 50 se C onds East 151.81 feet; II THENCE South 22 degree::; 07 minute::; lO seconds E:)~t 31.0e feet; i THENCE North 56 degrcE~::; 23 minute:; 30 ;;econd:.:; Eac-t 89.73 feet; ;1 THENCE North 26 de;;rees 17 minutec 10 ,-econdc Wcst 30.52 feet; :1 THENCE North 56 degrees 32 minute~, 50 ~~econds East 309.32 feet; II THENCE North-Easterly on .J. curve to the left having a radius of !1236.48 feet and a chord equivCllent of 26.00 feet measured North 29 I degrees 44 minutes 04 seconds East, an arc distance of 26.01 feet; r -, JI II THENCE North 34 degree:; 2() minute~ 40 seconds ~'le3t 12.2e feet; II THENCE North 55 degree~~ 55 minutes Sa:;t 19.63 feet; ii " il THENCE North-E.1~.terly on ;) cur':c: to th0 left having a radius of ',:236.4e feet and a chord equivalent of 56.46 feet measured North 14 I: degrees 07 minutes 48 seconds East, an arc distance of 56.60 feet; I ! THEN CE North 36 degrees 00 minute,; 30 :~econds We:Jt 47.72 feet; " THENCE South Ij 7 d ci':re: c:; 57 minute:~ riIJr-;;"j t /j .00 feet.; THEN CE NorU, }5 dCf,,:rcc3 .: 'J mill ',: t West 61.90 feet; /1 THEN CE South :;3 Jeg~ree:~ r') /' minut,c:: ','lost 8.42 feet; I _I.) THENCE North 03 dpt~rees 4?- minute::; East 145.00 feet; ! (i THENCE North 67 degrees 57 minute:; 'de;;t 23.50 feet; ii THENCE North 19 degrees 19 mir:ute:::; 30 seconds East 60.g1 feet, to II South-Easterly angle of Lot Slxty (60), Block C, according to the :i John Grant Plan of the former To-,'m of Bm'lIl13n ville; I'. TH~NCE North 34" degrees 56 min~tes. ':lest a~ong the EA~t?rly liI?it of ,sald Lot 60 54.L7 feet to a pOlnt In the ~outher1y 11mlt of Klng iStreet as widened; I: Ii Ii THENCE Nort,h 75 dCi,;rC(~:: U3 minute; Ea;j1~ along the last-mentioned ; 166.89 feet; the II THENCE South 25 dCi';rce:; >) rninute:; 30 ::econds East 65.45 feet; limit I ! THENCE South I'l de ',rel',; I,.~ winutr); j'J . econrL: E l;it 382.09 feet; THENCE South 71 (lcr;ree~: 13 r:rin;Jte:; ':Jc:" t 99.93 fset; '" Ii I' ,I THENCE South ljll deGree.::; ~,5 minute:.:; JO ::jecon(l::~ ';Jest Ihl.71 feet to a point in the Easterly limit of Block A, Regi:::tered Plan Number 6e4; . ,,~ ~~. .: ::'.' .~;~ ~'" .,,," t;... ~,; . . . THENCE South 34 degrees 26 minute:, liO seconds East along the last- mentioned limit a distance of 20.10 feet to the South-Easterly angle of said Block A; THENCE South 56 degrees 32 minutes 50 ~econds West along the Southerly ilimit of said Block A 557.26 feet to an anGle therein; ITHENCE South 33 degrees 32 minutes 30 seconds West 61.01 feet to the South-Westerly angle of said Dlock A; I Ii THENCE North 17 de~rees 52 minutes 55 seconds West along the Westerly limit of said Block A 148.29 feet more or less to the POINT OF COMI'IDlCEMENT. , I I . 1 I; II , , II , II i' il !l II I I I I I I II I! d I, Ii il II !I il . I I I' ,I I; i: I, I: II I ,[ II I I Schedule 'B' to By- Law 78 - ~t Corporation of The Town of Newcastle ~ 1:: ~ ~ ktng klNG's No 2 Street \ th G) % 6 J Street NOTE: This sketch prepared from information shown on a plan attached to Inst. Nfl 68561 only. co\el11O!l c. o +- .~ U ~.. 1 /, ",/1', "0 o o 0:: 1......1... , ,. ,l . \ 1 1 \..~~ r ' ,-' ,-, '-.II -..... ()~ L.j r" ~" '-J ~'-+\...... ,...,"'","', , -' 1 -'1'; : t- ....., /1 'i-- I . -'1' , . I · ~..,(\ : '-/ " 1\ ~ , J .'" ('.). I ~,I '\l \ \.- {- 9 /1- C~J ' [-.-----.--. ---.--.---. ----...---..- rMERRILLD.8ROWN L..IMITED i LAND $LRVEYfNG 8 Er<<'JWEERfNG i 121 QUEEN STREET . I BOWMANVILLE,ONTARIO. Pie .-----.--l;~:;sNA~ It<<VISE~ f March 30, 1978. I ",Pit. 8. '.78 Seait' --- .....--.. '--..'..--_ .- Il1lCh = 100 feet 416-823.725/ ~---~_.,--~ own by Fill! I 'I ('~(" ,-f'"-('_"'\I~ \......1 """" , ,_ t \\....... ....-,"'l'- 1 \...-' r"'.J 1~ 111....1 " \\.-...- D,GC 78061