HomeMy WebLinkAbout78-23 . . - " .. . TEE CORPORATION OF TmJ TOlm OF ~mvTCASTLE BY-LAW Ho. 78-23 A By-law to amend Restricted Area :By-law Humber 1587 of the former Town of Bowmanville. 'W.BlmEAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it expedient to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 1587 as amended, of the f01'mer Town of :Bowma.nville. NOW THEH.EFOIlE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as follows: 1. Map 3 of Schedule "A" to By-la.w 1587, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing to "C" the zone designation of the lands desig- nated "Zone Change to C" on the attached Schedule "X" hereto 2. This By-law shall oome into effeot on the date hereof, subject to reoeiving the approval of the Onta;rio Municipal Bo~. OJ'ILC 11 ~c i;/- 8 ~-18W read a first time this ~..........~ of ..................., 197 l1 j,A;;..' :By-law read a second time this ............ day of It A-/h.c i l- ..................., 1978 By-law read a third time and finally passed this H v4:-1L elL- 8 ................., 197 . j1'~ ........... ~ of ~~~ G. :B. RICKARD, Ha.yor (SEAL) J. 11. ek~- \ - e II ZONE CHANGE TO C THIS IS SCHEDULE "X" TO BV-LAW 78-23, PASSED THIS 2 J~ DAY OF flit It<c ;;/-- , A.D. 1978. ~7 _ / L~ .",/' ~ /' // /~4~ ~~--C/ G. B' RICKARD. MAYOR ( SEAL) /;l . ~~~~ J. M. ~tl -- ROY. CUi . 20 ~~Ia IN FEET 40 . ...... Form R-6 .. Ontario Municipal Board 416/965-190S 180 Dundas St. W. Toronto Ontario M5G 1 E5 r The Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance St. BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. LIe 3A6 Quote File Number _R 78126-4. L June 9, 1978 Dear Sir: Enclosed is documentation as follows: 0 . 0 0 [Xl 0 Copy of Decision Dated Copy of Decision dated (Signed Duplicate Original to follow) Duplicate Original of Decision dated Board's Order made June 7, 1918 Appointment for Hearing Yours truly, ak Enclosure ~ - ~~~'" <<- C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administration f RECEI.VED . JUN 14 1978 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE - J __ .. ,,,.. . -- . .. . /2 i~,lf r\1b~ imIlla. ~ "m:rg" Ontario R 781264 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The P1anninq Act (R.S.O. 1970, c. 349), - and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 78-23 B E FOR E : C.G. CHARRON, Q.C. Member ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Wednesday, the 7th day of June, 1978 - and - W.L. BLAIR Member The objectors to approval of the said by-law having withdrawn ~eir objections, THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 78-23 is hereby approved. j-1~ ~ ) -1~ SECRETARY ENTERED o. 8. No.....1i..28::::.:J...... 3 c.=;2. :3 Folio MG.. .............................. '2+1 t: ~- '!' I~( I?~~,,~f,~f~ Of JUN 9 1~78 -44 SICIIJ.... ..,_ IIUlIlCIPlll .... I I ~~~". ----- C7g, Jf5 Y'