HomeMy WebLinkAbout77-94 (' 1/:' . . . .I . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LA\-l NO. 77-94 being a by-law to author~ the acquisition of lands from Home Smith Properties Limited WHEREAS the Town and Home Smith Properties Limited executed an Agreement on June 6th, 1977, with respect to exchanging certain lands; and WHEREAS, in order to exchange the lands mentioned in the Agreement, it was necessary for Block F on Plan 693, in the Town of Newcastle, to be re- zoned for commercial purposes; and WHEREAS, due to various objections, Block F on Plan 693 in the Town of Newcastle, was not rezoned for commercial purposes NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Town shall purchase from Home Smith Properties Limited the whole of Block A, the whole of Block E and Lot 21, on Plan 693, for the Town of Newcastle, at a total purchase price of Fifteen thousand ($15,000.) Dollars. 2. That the Town of Newcastle enter into an Agreement with Home Smith Properties Limited, a copy of which is annexed as Schedule "A" hereto. 3. That the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle are hereby authorised and directed to sign the Agreement and to place thereon the Seal of the Corporation. ENACTED AND PASSED this 5th day of December, 1977. SEAL G. B. Rickard Mayor J. M. McIlro Clerk . " '. e "'--.~--::",&,'-.~--"--.- , ----~-.---..., -'~ /(~ t~~ ,.(.J( I H t <' I) ~V (!li4/\J'; 77 9Lf TillS \1;I~LHIU\T J:I:ldt' III ';llldJIII'licate) this 21st day 0 r ~ () \' l' 111 h l' r. I ~ I 7"7 . R E T\\' E E i\ : 1'/": ('llj,:I'l)I{,\TIO:--; (lJ' '1llL Ilq',\ (I/-' \J:\\'C^ST),E h l' r l' i 11 art (' r L' a 1 1(' d t Ill' " 'II , \\1 I " OF TilE FIRST PART ;111 d Illl~lJ: ~;~lllll I'J\UI'I:Jn I LS I 1\1111.1) hl. rl' i l1a I"t l'r cll1l'd "lIollll' ~';1II it h" I OF TilE SECOND PART \,'III:RL:\S the 'I'll\\11 :llld Ill1lill' ')111 it h executed an Agreement on .!lIlll' (11h, 1~I'i7. \-,:i tll rl':-;pt'l't to \'\I'!I;lllging certain lands; and AJ~ .1.4...' ~ .,,4-~ ~ :.l~,,,:~ -~:-.~i.-:!".'.:'':' in the ':\~r\.Ti,:ll:, it 1"1:,, "',,, ~'.lr) :',)} ;'11'. t, I (Ill Plan 693r in the To~n of \"",'",1 Ie, I u h,' r,' :olled fUI' '<'111''''1'<' i" 1 PllrJlOset; and 1'"11" . IS """ 1 0 I"'"'' I, ,<I, I" I i 0 11'. Il10ck i]' on 1'1. n 693. q.. III the TOI<Il n r \1'1'" '" lIe, "", lIul I.. o,,,'d for commircial purposes. I t\ll\\' '11/1.1,1. Hl/~E Jill S .\(;I\LUil i\1 \~ I TNESSETH that in con- sidl'/';It 1011 Ilf illt' ';lllll Ill' nile - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - . . (SI .(Ill) - - - .. - - - - -.. - .. .. - .. - - Dollar paid hy L';IL'h 11f 111l' I':!rt il..'~ ht'/'vtll, :" IJI(,' other of them, the /('I('II'! dflcl 'III i If If 'I,,)' \":"'!I(Jf ,II" i,l 1I11Y dcknowledg.c.d by each of t!lVIII, the P;lItl\> h'.'ll'tu \,()\('II:lllt .I:ld ,I,"I';'l' \~ith each other as rollo\\'s; 1. The TUhn ':11:111 (1I! rt'h:I~t' (.11111 11l1Jl1c Smi th thc whole of Block A, th(,. \\11(11(' \11' j';luck I: :lllll lot /1, 1)11 1"lan 693, for thc Town of :\l'\\'La~tlc, :It a tutal purchase prire of Fifteen thousand ________..._ .-..---------- ($15,OOO.llO) ------------------- Dol1lr. i , I ., '- . lIpllll Il'1:i:-;tcring the 11l'L'd l'ullvcying Block A, Block E and Lot 2 1, all l>!1 P 1 an h ~I 3 1 n t h(' Tl)\,'n of Newcast Ie ~ in the Re8is- I ili\'isil1!1 of :\c\,'castlc (No~ 10), then, , , I t r)' (1 f f i L' e for t h l' I~ l' g i s try ~e i ..,,:.---... ~~ ..., ..;,:r ..... ",'., .--- 1,.1 ~::;l ') .. l.... all of the terms, l'Olllli t i Oll~ :11Il1 ~:O\'l"lIallt ~ contained in the Land Exchange Agn.'eIlll'nt ('Xl'cutcd IH'1\,'l'l'n thl' lll\\n and lIome 6th, 1~)77, shall ll'llllill;ltl' alld :-;udl tl'rlll~, conditions Sm~th I and I on June: t covenantsi I any c:JSl'lIIcnt, rest ril:t ion, rc-quirelTll'l1t, regulation or any other agfl'l'IlH.'nt \,'ith ;111)' ClIJllpCtl'lIt :Il1thurit), h'hether such restriction has heen or hereinafter \\'ill he imposeo against the real property and the Town further covenants \oJith IIome Smith that it will assulfte all re~ponsihilit)' \dth respect to SlIch lIIatters as well as assume' all fl'spunsibility \oJith respect to paying all required levie~, charges Iwrtaining to the real propert)' and/or its development, servh~ing, constrllct ion and use and the To\\'n further covenants witb 1I0llle Smith to illlll-:Ilnify ;Ino savc 1I0llle Smith harmless from any and I all claims, ~kmands, l1:lmagcs, actions or causes of actlon with i res pc c t t 0 s a me . 4. Tlw part it'S hert'to agree that the terms and cOlltailll'o lal"relll ...hall nut w.:r~e at the timc of regis;teriIlJt~e Dced of Block A, Block E and Lot 21, all on Plan 693,11.~'f:a.\f~i'i,; oft he Tu~ n hilt t he terms a nd con d it i un s con ta i nc'd he~eln':":51\~i::::.' survin.' the closing of the transaction. The parties erotolof ;. " .''.;,'" i I!'~il .i'I''(' ngree that thcy shall rort}l\~ith, upon request, exccut anytQ~f.. ,'I' , reasonahle dlH"lI11IL'lItat ion to givc full to tho intent a I III fair !IIl'alling of the terms of this 5. Thi s Agrcc'llIl'nt shall enure to the benefit f and be . hinding upon each of the part i cs hereto and their rcs~cctive heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assi~ns. I e IN h'll\/:SS \\'/ILREOF the pa rt i es hereto have: hereunto affixed their corporate seals July attested to by the; silnat~tl..j '!":",: of their proper officers, duly authorized in that behalf. TilE CORPORAT.l.ON OF THE TOWN OF NBW~';,' ,~ ~. i,"'I. ("". , .... Per: _,~'c:-' _~--:' 0 . , .4 Ma,yO~v /(. \ / -C1 e rk 1I0"lE SMITII PROPERTIES LIMITED PL'r: cIs